Source code for G2compare

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#GSAS-II Data/Model Comparison
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-11 18:08:12 -0500 (Thu, 11 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5577 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5577 2023-05-11 23:08:12Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################

# Prince-test next
# Make Phase unique? (need a phaselist)
# more graphics
# display more in datawindow

import sys
import os
import platform
import glob
if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]:
    import cPickle
        import _pickle as cPickle
        print('Warning: failed to import the optimized Py3 pickle (_pickle)')
        import pickle as cPickle

import wx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
    import OpenGL as ogl
except ImportError:
import scipy as sp

import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5577 $")
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil
import GSASIIplot as G2plt
import GSASIIdataGUI as G2gd
import GSASIIctrlGUI as G2G
import GSASIIobj as G2obj

__version__ = '0.0.1'

# math to do F-test 
[docs] def RC2Ftest(npts,RChiSq0,nvar0,RChiSq1,nvar1): '''Compute the F-test probability that a model expanded with added parameters (relaxed model) is statistically more likely than the constrained (base) model :param int npts: number of observed diffraction data points :param float RChiSq0: Reduced Chi**2 for the base model :param int nvar0: number of refined variables in the base model :param float RChiSq0: Reduced Chi**2 for the relaxed model :param int nvar1: number of refined variables in the relaxed model ''' if nvar1 == nvar0: raise Exception("parameter # agree, test is not valid") elif nvar1 < nvar0: print("Warning: RwFtest used with base/relaxed models reversed") RChiSq0,nvar0,RChiSq1,nvar1 = RChiSq1,nvar1,RChiSq0,nvar0 ratio = RChiSq0 / RChiSq1 nu1 = float(nvar1 - nvar0) nu2 = float(npts - nvar1) F = (ratio - 1.) * nu2 / nu1 import scipy.stats return scipy.stats.f.cdf(F,nu1,nu2)
[docs] def RwFtest(npts,Rwp0,nvar0,Rwp1,nvar1): '''Compute the F-test probability that a model expanded with added parameters (relaxed model) is statistically more likely than the constrained (base) model :param int npts: number of observed diffraction data points :param float Rwp0: Weighted profile R-factor or GOF for the base model :param int nvar0: number of refined variables in the base model :param float Rwp1: Weighted profile R-factor or GOF for the relaxed model :param int nvar1: number of refined variables in the relaxed model ''' if nvar1 == nvar0: raise Exception("parameter # agree, test is not valid") elif nvar1 < nvar0: print("Warning: RwFtest used with base/relaxed models reversed") Rwp0,nvar0,Rwp1,nvar1 = Rwp1,nvar1,Rwp0,nvar0 ratio = (Rwp0 / Rwp1)**2 nu1 = float(nvar1 - nvar0) nu2 = float(npts - nvar1) F = (ratio - 1.) * nu2 / nu1 import scipy.stats return scipy.stats.f.cdf(F,nu1,nu2)
def cPickleLoad(fp): if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: return cPickle.load(fp) else: return cPickle.load(fp,encoding='latin-1')
[docs] def main(application): '''Start up the GSAS-II GUI''' knownVersions = ['3.6','3.7','3.8','3.9'] if platform.python_version()[:3] not in knownVersions: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'GSAS-II requires Python 3.6+\n Yours is '+sys.version.split()[0], 'Python version error', wx.OK) try: dlg.ShowModal() finally: dlg.Destroy() sys.exit() application.main = MakeTopWindow(None) # application.main is the main wx.Frame application.SetTopWindow(application.main) # save the current package versions application.main.PackageVersions = G2fil.get_python_versions([wx, mpl, np, sp, ogl]) try: application.SetAppDisplayName('GSAS-II Compare') except: pass #application.GetTopWindow().SendSizeEvent() application.GetTopWindow().Show(True) return application.GetTopWindow()
[docs] class MakeTopWindow(wx.Frame): '''Define the main frame and its associated menu items ''' def __init__(self, parent): size = wx.Size(700,450) wx.Frame.__init__(self, name='dComp', parent=parent, size=size,style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='GSAS-II data/model comparison') # misc vars self.VcovColor = 'RdYlGn' # plot window try: size = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Plot_Size') if type(size) is tuple: pass elif type(size) is str: size = eval(size) else: raise Exception except: size = wx.Size(700,600) self.plotFrame = wx.Frame(None,-1,'dComp Plots',size=size, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.CLOSE_BOX) self.G2plotNB = G2plt.G2PlotNoteBook(self.plotFrame,G2frame=self) #self.plotFrame.Show() self.plotFrame.Show(False) # until we have some graphics, hide the plot window # menus Frame = self.GetTopLevelParent() # same as self self.MenuBar = wx.MenuBar() File = wx.Menu(title='') self.MenuBar.Append(menu=File, title='&File') item = File.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Import single project...\tCtrl+O','Open a GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onLoadGPX, id=item.GetId()) item = File.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Import multiple projects...\tCtrl+U','Open a GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onLoadMultGPX, id=item.GetId()) item = File.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Wildcard import of projects...\tCtrl+W','Open a GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onLoadWildGPX, id=item.GetId()) # item = File.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Import selected...','Open a GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)') # self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onLoadSel, id=item.GetId()) self.Mode = wx.Menu(title='') self.MenuBar.Append(menu=self.Mode, title='&Mode') self.wxID_Mode = {} for i,m in enumerate(("Histogram","Phase","Project")): self.wxID_Mode[m] = i+1 item = self.Mode.AppendRadioItem(i+1,m+'\tCtrl+{}'.format(i+1), 'Display {}s'.format(m)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onRefresh, id=item.GetId()) self.hFilter = self.Mode.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Filter by histogram\tCtrl+F','Only show selected histograms') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onHistFilter, id=self.hFilter.GetId()) modeMenu = wx.Menu(title='') self.MenuBar.Append(menu=modeMenu, title='TBD') self.modeMenuPos = self.MenuBar.FindMenu('TBD') Frame.SetMenuBar(self.MenuBar) # status bar self.Status = self.CreateStatusBar() self.Status.SetFieldsCount(2) # split the frame and add the tree self.mainPanel = wx.SplitterWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE|wx.SP_3D) self.mainPanel.SetMinimumPaneSize(100) self.treePanel = wx.Panel(self.mainPanel, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) # self.dataWindow = G2DataWindow(self.mainPanel) self.dataWindow = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.mainPanel) dataSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.dataWindow.SetSizer(dataSizer) self.mainPanel.SplitVertically(self.treePanel, self.dataWindow, 200) self.Status.SetStatusWidths([200,-1]) # make these match? treeSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.treePanel.SetSizer(treeSizer) self.GPXtree = G2G.G2TreeCtrl(id=wx.ID_ANY, parent=self.treePanel, size=self.treePanel.GetClientSize(),style=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE ) #TreeId = self.GPXtree.Id treeSizer.Add(self.GPXtree,1,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,0) #self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED,self.OnDataTreeSelChanged) self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED,self.OnDataTreeSelChanged) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK,self.OnDataTreeSelChanged) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED, # self.OnGPXtreeItemCollapsed, id=TreeId) #self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED, # self.OnGPXtreeItemExpanded, id=TreeId) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_DELETE_ITEM, # self.OnGPXtreeItemDelete, id=TreeId) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN, # self.OnGPXtreeKeyDown, id=TreeId) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG, # self.OnGPXtreeBeginRDrag, id=TreeId) # self.GPXtree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_END_DRAG, # self.OnGPXtreeEndDrag, id=TreeId) self.root = self.GPXtree.root self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, lambda event: sys.exit()) self.fileList = [] # list of files read for use in Reload self.histListOrg = [] # list of histograms, before mods for unique naming self.histList = [] # list of histograms, after mods for unique naming self.projList = [] self.PWDRfilter = None for win,var in ((self.plotFrame,'Plot_Pos'),): #for win,var in ((self,'Main_Pos'),(self.plotFrame,'Plot_Pos')): try: pos = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue(var) if type(pos) is str: pos = eval(pos) win.SetPosition(pos) if G2gd.GetDisplay(pos) is None: win.Center() except: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue(var): print('Value for config {} {} is invalid'.format(var,GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue(var))) win.Center() self.SetModeMenu()
[docs] def SelectGPX(self): '''Select a .GPX file to be read ''' dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose GSAS-II project file', wildcard='GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)|*.gpx',style=wx.FD_OPEN) try: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return fil = os.path.splitext(dlg.GetPath())[0]+'.gpx' finally: dlg.Destroy() if os.path.exists(fil): #self.fileList.append([fil,'GPX']) return fil else: print('File {} not found, skipping'.format(fil)) return
[docs] def SelectMultGPX(self): '''Select multiple .GPX files to be read ''' dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose GSAS-II project file', wildcard='GSAS-II project file (*.gpx)|*.gpx', style=wx.FD_OPEN|wx.FD_MULTIPLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: return files = dlg.GetPaths() finally: dlg.Destroy() fileList = [] for f in files: fil = os.path.splitext(f)[0]+'.gpx' if os.path.exists(fil): if fil not in fileList: fileList.append(fil) else: print('File {} not found, skipping'.format(fil)) return fileList
[docs] def getMode(self): '''returns the display mode (one of "Histogram","Phase","Project"). Could return '?' in case of an error. ''' for m in self.wxID_Mode: if self.Mode.FindItemById(self.wxID_Mode[m]).IsChecked(): break else: m = '?' return m
[docs] def onRefresh(self,event): '''reread all files, in response to a change in mode, etc. ''' self.GPXtree.DeleteChildren(self.root) # delete tree contents self.histList = [] # clear list of loaded histograms self.histListOrg = [] self.projList = [] self.hFilter.Enable(not self.getMode() == "Phase") # Filter disabled for Phase display for fil,mode in self.fileList: self.loadFile(fil) self.doneLoad() self.SetModeMenu()
[docs] def SetModeMenu(self): '''Create the mode-specific menu and its contents ''' modeMenu = wx.Menu(title='') oldmenu = self.MenuBar.Replace(self.modeMenuPos,modeMenu,self.getMode()) wx.CallAfter(oldmenu.Destroy) if self.getMode() == "Histogram": item = modeMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'Prince test') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onHistPrinceTest, id=item.GetId()) elif self.getMode() == "Phase": pass elif self.getMode() == "Project": item = modeMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'F-test') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onProjFtest, id=item.GetId())
[docs] def loadFile(self,fil): '''read or reread a file ''' if self.getMode() == "Histogram": self.LoadPwdr(fil) elif self.getMode() == "Phase": self.LoadPhase(fil) elif self.getMode() == "Project": self.LoadProject(fil) else: print("mode not implemented")
#raise Exception("mode not implemented") def doneLoad(self): self.GPXtree.Expand(self.root) if self.getMode() == "Project": overId = self.GPXtree.InsertItem(pos=0,parent=self.root,text='Project Overview') self.GPXtree.SelectItem(overId)
[docs] def onLoadGPX(self,event): '''Initial load of GPX file in response to a menu command ''' fil = self.SelectGPX() if not fil: return if not os.path.exists(fil): return self.fileList.append([fil,'GPX']) self.loadFile(fil) self.doneLoad()
[docs] def onLoadMultGPX(self,event): '''Initial load of multiple GPX files in response to a menu command ''' for fil in self.SelectMultGPX(): if not os.path.exists(fil): continue self.fileList.append([fil,'GPX']) self.loadFile(fil) self.doneLoad()
[docs] def onLoadWildGPX(self,event,wildcard=None): '''Initial load of GPX file in response to a menu command ''' home = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) hlp = '''Enter a wildcard version of a file name. The directory is assumed to be "{}" unless specified otherwise. Extensions will be set to .gpx and .bak files will be ignored unless the wildcard string includes "bak". For example, "*abc*" will match any .gpx file in that directory containing "abc". String "/tmp/A*" will match files in "/tmp" beginning with "A". Supplying two strings, "A*" and "B*bak*" will match files names beginning with "A" or "B", but ".bak" files will be included for the files beginning with "B" only. '''.format(home) if wildcard is None: dlg = G2G.MultiStringDialog(self, 'Enter wildcard file names', ['wild-card 1'] , values=['*'], lbl='Provide string(s) with "*" to find matching files', addRows=True, hlp=hlp) res = dlg.Show() wl = dlg.GetValues() dlg.Destroy() if not res: return else: wl = [wildcard] for w in wl: if not os.path.split(w)[0]: w = os.path.join(home,w) w = os.path.splitext(w)[0] + '.gpx' for fil in glob.glob(w): if not os.path.exists(fil): continue if '.bak' in fil and 'bak' not in w: continue if fil in [i for i,j in self.fileList]: continue self.fileList.append([fil,'GPX']) self.loadFile(fil) self.doneLoad()
[docs] def LoadPwdr(self,fil): '''Load PWDR entries from a .GPX file to the tree. see :func:`GSASIIIO.ProjFileOpen` ''' G2frame = self filep = open(fil,'rb') shortname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fil)[1])[0] wx.BeginBusyCursor() histLoadList = [] try: while True: try: data = cPickleLoad(filep) except EOFError: break if not data[0][0].startswith('PWDR'): continue self.histListOrg.append(data[0][0]) if self.PWDRfilter is not None: # implement filter if self.PWDRfilter not in data[0][0]: continue data[0][0] += ' (' data[0][0] += shortname data[0][0] += ')' histLoadList.append(data) except Exception as errmsg: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('\nError reading GPX file:',errmsg) import traceback print (traceback.format_exc()) msg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame,message="Error reading file "+ str(fil)+". This is not a current GSAS-II .gpx file", caption="Load Error",style=wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) msg.ShowModal() finally: filep.close() wx.EndBusyCursor() datum = None for i,data in enumerate(histLoadList): datum = data[0] datum[0] = G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(datum[0],self.histList) Id = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(parent=G2frame.root,text=datum[0]) self.histList.append(datum[0]) # if 'ranId' not in datum[1][0]: # patch: add random Id if not present # datum[1][0]['ranId'] = ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(Id,datum[1][:3]) #temp. trim off junk (patch?) for datus in data[1:]: sub = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,datus[0]) #patch if datus[0] == 'Instrument Parameters' and len(datus[1]) == 1: if datum[0].startswith('PWDR'): datus[1] = [dict(zip(datus[1][3],zip(datus[1][0],datus[1][1],datus[1][2]))),{}] else: datus[1] = [dict(zip(datus[1][2],zip(datus[1][0],datus[1][1]))),{}] for item in datus[1][0]: #zip makes tuples - now make lists! datus[1][0][item] = list(datus[1][0][item]) #end patch G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(sub,datus[1]) if datum: # was anything loaded? print('data load successful for {}'.format(datum[0])) # G2frame.Status.SetStatusText('Mouse RB drag/drop to reorder',0) # G2frame.SetTitleByGPX() self.GPXtree.Expand(self.root)
[docs] def onHistFilter(self,event): 'Load a filter string via a dialog in response to a menu event' defval = '' if self.PWDRfilter is not None: defval = self.PWDRfilter uniqueHist = sorted(set(self.histListOrg)) dlg = G2G.SingleStringDialog(self,'Set string', 'Set a string that must be in histogram name', defval, choices=uniqueHist, size=(400,-1)) if dlg.Show(): if dlg.GetValue().strip() == '': self.PWDRfilter = None else: self.PWDRfilter = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() self.onRefresh(event) else: dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def LoadPhase(self,fil): '''Load Phase entries from a .GPX file to the tree. see :func:`GSASIIIO.ProjFileOpen` ''' G2frame = self filep = open(fil,'rb') shortname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fil)[1])[0] wx.BeginBusyCursor() Phases = None try: while True: try: data = cPickleLoad(filep) except EOFError: break if not data[0][0].startswith('Phase'): continue Phases = data #if self.PWDRfilter is not None: # implement filter # if self.PWDRfilter not in data[0][0]: continue data[0][0] += ' (' if Phases: data[0][0] += shortname data[0][0] += ')' else: data[0][0] += shortname data[0][0] += 'has no phases)' Phases = data break except Exception as errmsg: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('\nError reading GPX file:',errmsg) import traceback print (traceback.format_exc()) msg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame,message="Error reading file "+ str(fil)+". This is not a current GSAS-II .gpx file", caption="Load Error",style=wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) msg.ShowModal() finally: filep.close() wx.EndBusyCursor() datum = None if Phases: datum = data[0] #datum[0] = G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(datum[0],self.histList) Id = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(parent=G2frame.root,text=datum[0]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(Id,datum[1]) for datus in data[1:]: #datus[0] += ' (' #datus[0] += shortname #datus[0] += ')' sub = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(Id,datus[0]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(sub,datus[1]) if datum: # was anything loaded? self.GPXtree.Expand(Id) print('Phase load successful for {}'.format(datum[0])) # G2frame.Status.SetStatusText('Mouse RB drag/drop to reorder',0) # G2frame.SetTitleByGPX() self.GPXtree.Expand(self.root)
[docs] def LoadProject(self,fil): '''Load the Covariance entry from a .GPX file to the tree. see :func:`GSASIIIO.ProjFileOpen` ''' import datetime G2frame = self filep = open(fil,'rb') saved = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fil)).strftime("%Y-%h-%d %H:%M") shortname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fil)[1])[0] projInfo = [shortname,saved] wx.BeginBusyCursor() #Phases = None #G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(Id,Covar[1]) if self.PWDRfilter is None: # implement filter match = True else: match = False Covar = None try: while True: try: data = cPickleLoad(filep) except EOFError: break if data[0][0].startswith('PWDR'): self.histListOrg.append(data[0][0]) if self.PWDRfilter is not None: # implement filter if self.PWDRfilter in data[0][0]: match = True if not data[0][0].startswith('Covariance'): continue Covar = data[0] f = '{:d}' if 'varyList' in data[0][1]: projInfo += [f.format(len(data[0][1]['varyList']))] else: projInfo += ['?'] for v in 'Nobs','GOF': if 'Rvals' in data[0][1] and v in data[0][1]['Rvals']: projInfo += [f.format(data[0][1]['Rvals'][v])] else: projInfo += ['?'] f = '{:6.2f}' Covar[0] = shortname # + ' Covariance' if match and Covar: Id = G2frame.GPXtree.AppendItem(parent=G2frame.root,text=Covar[0]) G2frame.GPXtree.SetItemPyData(Id,Covar[1]) self.projList.append(projInfo) except Exception as errmsg: if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('\nError reading GPX file:',errmsg) import traceback print (traceback.format_exc()) msg = wx.MessageDialog(G2frame,message="Error reading file "+ str(fil)+". This is not a current GSAS-II .gpx file", caption="Load Error",style=wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.OK | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) msg.ShowModal() finally: filep.close() wx.EndBusyCursor()
def OnDataTreeSelChanged(self,event): def ClearData(self): '''Initializes the contents of the dataWindow panel ''' self.Unbind(wx.EVT_SIZE) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(240,240,240)) Sizer = self.GetSizer() if Sizer: try: Sizer.Clear(True) except: pass G2frame = self item = event.GetItem() #print('selected',item) lbl = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemText(item) if self.getMode() == "Project" and lbl == 'Project Overview': ClearData(G2frame.dataWindow) #import imp #imp.reload(G2G) pnl = G2G.SortableLstCtrl(G2frame.dataWindow) h = ["File", "last saved", "vars", "Nobs", "GOF"] j = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] pnl.PopulateHeader(h,j) for i,line in enumerate(self.projList): pnl.PopulateLine(i,line) G2frame.dataWindow.GetSizer().Add(pnl,1,wx.EXPAND) pnl.SetColWidth(0,maxwidth=170) for i in range(1,len(h)): pnl.SetColWidth(i,minwidth=50) G2frame.dataWindow.SendSizeEvent() elif self.getMode() == "Project": ClearData(G2frame.dataWindow) data = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(item) if data is None: self.plotFrame.Show(False) return text = '' if 'Rvals' in data: Nvars = len(data['varyList']) Rvals = data['Rvals'] text = ('Residuals after last refinement:\n'+ '\twR = {:.3f}\n\tchi**2 = {:.1f}\n\tGOF = {:.2f}').format( Rvals['Rwp'],Rvals['chisq'],Rvals['GOF']) text += '\n\tNobs = {}\n\tNvals = {}\n\tSVD zeros = {}'.format( Rvals['Nobs'],Nvars,Rvals.get('SVD0',0.)) text += '\n\tmax shift/esd = {:.3f}'.format(Rvals.get('Max shft/sig',0.0)) if 'lamMax' in Rvals: text += '\n\tlog10 MaxLambda = {:.1f}'.format(np.log10(Rvals['lamMax'])) text += '\n\tReduced χ**2 = {:.2f}'.format(Rvals['GOF']**2) G2frame.dataWindow.GetSizer().Add( wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,wx.ID_ANY,text) ) self.plotFrame.Show(True) G2plt.PlotCovariance(G2frame,data) else: self.plotFrame.Show(False) ClearData(G2frame.dataWindow) #print(self.GPXtree._getTreeItemsList(item)) # pltNum = self.G2plotNB.nb.GetSelection() # print(pltNum) # if pltNum >= 0: #to avoid the startup with no plot! # self.G2plotNB.nb.GetPage(pltNum) # NewPlot = False # else: # NewPlot = True #if self.getMode() == "Histogram": #self.PatternId = self.PickId = item #G2plt.PlotPatterns(self,plotType='PWDR',newPlot=NewPlot) # def OnGPXtreeItemExpanded(self,event): # item = event.GetItem() # print('expanded',item) # print(self.GPXtree._getTreeItemsList(item)) # if item == self.root: # event.StopPropagation() # else: # event.Skip(False)
[docs] def onProjFtest(self,event): '''Compare two projects (selected here if more than two are present) using the statistical F-test (aka Hamilton R-factor test), see: * Hamilton, R. W. (1965), Acta Crystallogr. 18, 502-510. * Prince, E., Mathematical Techniques in Crystallography and Materials Science, Second ed. (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994). ''' items = [] item, cookie = self.GPXtree.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: items.append(item) item, cookie = self.GPXtree.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) if len(items) < 2: G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'F-test requires two projects','Need more projects') return elif len(items) == 2: s0 = items[0] baseDict = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(s0) s1 = items[1] relxDict = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(s1) # sort out the dicts in order of number of refined variables if len(baseDict['varyList']) > len(relxDict['varyList']): s0,s1,baseDict,relxDict = s1,s0,relxDict,baseDict else: # need to make selection here sel = [] for i in items: sel.append(self.GPXtree.GetItemText(i)) dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog(self,'Select constrained refinement', 'Choose refinement',sel) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: s0 = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return inds = list(range(len(items))) del sel[s0] del inds[s0] dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog(self,'Select relaxed refinement', 'Choose refinement',sel) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: s1 = dlg.GetSelection() s1 = inds[s1] dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return baseDict = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(items[s0]) relxDict = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(items[s1]) if len(baseDict['varyList']) > len(relxDict['varyList']): G2G.G2MessageBox(self, 'F-test warning: constrained refinement has more '+ 'variables ({}) than relaxed refinement ({}). Swapping' .format(len(baseDict['varyList']), len(relxDict['varyList'])), 'Fits reversed?') s0,s1,baseDict,relxDict = s1,s0,relxDict,baseDict baseDict,relxDict = relxDict,baseDict if len(baseDict['varyList']) == len(relxDict['varyList']): G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'F-test requires differing numbers of variables','F-test not valid') return elif baseDict['Rvals']['Nobs'] != relxDict['Rvals']['Nobs']: G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'F-test requires same number of observations in each refinement','F-test not valid') return missingVars = [] for var in baseDict['varyList']: if var not in relxDict['varyList']: missingVars.append(var) txt = '' postmsg = '' if missingVars: txt = ('*** Possible invalid use of F-test: '+ 'The F-test requires that the constrained model be a subset '+ 'of the relaxed model. Review the parameters shown below to '+ 'confirm missing var(s) have new names in the relaxed model. '+ '***\n\n') postmsg = ('\n\nThese parameters are in the constrained '+ 'fit and are not in the relaxed fit:\n* ') for i,var in enumerate(missingVars): if i > 0: postmsg += ', ' postmsg += var postmsg += ('\nThese parameters are in the relaxed fit and not'+ ' in the constrained fit:\n* ') i = 0 for var in relxDict['varyList']: if var not in baseDict['varyList']: if i > 0: postmsg += ', ' i += 1 postmsg += var #GSASIIpath.IPyBreak_base() prob = RwFtest(baseDict['Rvals']['Nobs'], baseDict['Rvals']['GOF'],len(baseDict['varyList']), relxDict['Rvals']['GOF'],len(relxDict['varyList'])) fmt = "{} model is \n* {}\n* {} variables and Reduced Chi**2 = {:.3f}" msg = txt msg += fmt.format('Constrained',self.GPXtree.GetItemText(s0)[:-11], len(baseDict['varyList']), baseDict['Rvals']['GOF']**2) msg += '\n\n' msg += fmt.format('Relaxed',self.GPXtree.GetItemText(s1)[:-11], len(relxDict['varyList']), relxDict['Rvals']['GOF']**2) msg += '\n\nCumulative F-test probability {:.2f}%\n'.format(prob*100) if prob > 0.95: msg += "The relaxed model is statistically preferred to the constrained model." elif prob > 0.75: msg += "There is little ability to differentiate between the two models on a statistical basis." else: msg += "The constrained model is statistically preferred to the relaxed model." msg += postmsg G2G.G2MessageBox(self,msg,'F-test result')
[docs] def onHistPrinceTest(self,event): '''Compare two histograms (selected here if more than two are present) using the statistical test proposed by Ted Prince in Acta Cryst. B35 1099-1100. (1982). Also see Int. Tables Vol. C (1st Ed.) chapter 8.4, 618-621 (1995). ''' items = [] item, cookie = self.GPXtree.GetFirstChild(self.root) while item: items.append(item) item, cookie = self.GPXtree.GetNextChild(self.root, cookie) if len(items) < 2: G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'Prince test requires two histograms','Need more') return elif len(items) == 2: s0,s1 = items else: # need to make selection here sel = [] for i in items: sel.append(self.GPXtree.GetItemText(i)) dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog(self,'Select one refinement', 'Choose refinement',sel) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: s0 = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return inds = list(range(len(items))) del sel[s0] del inds[s0] dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog(self,'Select comparison refinement', 'Choose refinement',sel) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: s1 = dlg.GetSelection() s1 = inds[s1] dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return model0 = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(s0) data0 = model0[1] model1 = self.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(s1) data1 = model1[1] if len(data0[0]) != len(data1[0]): G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'Unable to test: differing numbers of data points','Comparison not valid') return if max(abs((data0[0]-data1[0])/data0[0])) > 0.01: G2G.G2MessageBox(self,'Unable to use test: "X" values differ','Comparison not valid') return # X = data0[3] - data1[3] # #Z = np.sqrt(data0[3]) * (data0[1] - (data0[3] + data1[3])/2) # X = (data0[3] - data1[3]) / np.sqrt(data0[1]) # Z = (data0[1] - (data0[3] + data1[3])/2) / np.sqrt(data0[1]) # lam = np.sum(X*Z) / np.sum(X) # sig = np.sqrt( # (np.sum(Z*Z) - lam*lam*np.sum(X*X)) / # ((len(data0[0]) - 1) * np.sum(X*X)) # ) # 0 the x-postions (two-theta in degrees), # 1 the intensity values (Yobs), # 2 the weights for each Yobs value # 3 the computed intensity values (Ycalc) # 4 the background values # 5 Yobs-Ycalc GSASIIpath.IPyBreak_base()
#====================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': #if sys.platform == "darwin": # application = G2App(0) # create the GUI framework #else: application = wx.App(0) # create the GUI framework try: GSASIIpath.SetBinaryPath(True) except: print('Unable to run with current setup, do you want to update to the') try: # if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: # ans = raw_input("latest GSAS-II version? Update ([Yes]/no): ") # else: ans = input("latest GSAS-II version? Update ([Yes]/no): ") except: ans = 'no' if ans.strip().lower() == "no": print('Exiting') sys.exit() print('Updating...') GSASIIpath.svnUpdateProcess() GSASIIpath.InvokeDebugOpts() Frame = main(application) # start the GUI loadall = False loadbak = False argLoadlist = sys.argv[1:] for arg in argLoadlist: if '-d' in arg: loadall = True break elif '-b' in arg: loadbak = True continue elif '.bak' in os.path.splitext(arg)[0] and not loadbak: continue fil = os.path.splitext(arg)[0] + '.gpx' if os.path.exists(fil): if [fil,'GPX'] in Frame.fileList: print('Skipping over {}: previously read'.format(fil)) continue Frame.fileList.append([fil,'GPX']) Frame.loadFile(fil) continue else: print('File {} not found. Skipping'.format(fil)) Frame.doneLoad() # debug code to select Project in initial mode if loadall: Frame.onLoadWildGPX(None,wildcard='*') Frame.Mode.FindItemById(Frame.wxID_Mode['Project']).Check(True) Frame.onRefresh(None) application.MainLoop()