Source code for G2export_CIF

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2024-04-03 21:44:28 -0500 (Wed, 03 Apr 2024) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5775 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5775 2024-04-04 02:44:28Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Classes in :mod:`G2export_CIF` follow:
# note documentation in docs/source/exports.rst
from __future__ import division, print_function
import platform
import datetime as dt
import os.path
import sys
import numpy as np
if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]:
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
import copy
import re
interactive = False
    import wx
    import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as wxscroll
    import wx.lib.resizewidget as rw
    interactive = True
except ImportError:
    # Avoid wx dependency for Scriptable
    class Placeholder(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.BoxSizer = object
            self.Button = object
            self.Dialog = object
            self.ScrolledPanel = object
    wx = Placeholder()
    wxscroll = Placeholder()
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5775 $")
import GSASIIIO as G2IO
    import GSASIIctrlGUI as G2G
except ImportError:
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIImath as G2mth
import GSASIIspc as G2spc
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIIstrMain as G2stMn
import GSASIIstrIO as G2stIO        
#import GSASIImapvars as G2mv
import GSASIIElem as G2el
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil

DEBUG = False    #True to skip printing of reflection/powder profile lists

CIFdic = None

cellNames = ['length_a','length_b','length_c',
             'angle_alpha','angle_beta ','angle_gamma',
[docs] def striphist(var,insChar=''): 'strip a histogram number from a var name' sv = var.split(':') if len(sv) <= 1: return var if sv[1]: sv[1] = insChar return ':'.join(sv)
[docs] def getCellwStrain(phasedict,seqData,pId,histname): 'Get cell parameters and their errors for a sequential fit' #newCellDict = {} #if name in seqData and 'newCellDict' in seqData[histname]: # newCellDict.update(seqData[histname]['newCellDict']) pfx = str(pId)+'::' # prefix for A values from phase Albls = [pfx+'A'+str(i) for i in range(6)] Avals = G2lat.cell2A(phasedict['General']['Cell'][1:7]) #AiLookup = {} DijLookup = {} zeroDict = dict(zip(Avals,6*[0.,])) for i,v in enumerate(('D11','D22','D33','D12','D13','D23')): if pfx+v in seqData[histname]['newCellDict']: Avals[i] = seqData[histname]['newCellDict'][pfx+v][1] #AiLookup[seqData[histname]['newCellDict'][pfx+v][0]] = pfx+v DijLookup[pfx+v] = seqData[histname]['newCellDict'][pfx+v][0] covData = { # relabeled with p:h:Dij as p::Ai 'varyList': [DijLookup.get(striphist(v),v) for v in seqData[histname]['varyList']], 'covMatrix': seqData[histname]['covMatrix']} # apply symmetry cellDict = dict(zip(Albls,Avals)) try: # convert to direct cell A,zeros = G2stIO.cellFill(pfx,phasedict['General']['SGData'],cellDict,zeroDict) cell = list(G2lat.A2cell(A)) + [G2lat.calc_V(A)] cE = G2stIO.getCellEsd(pfx,phasedict['General']['SGData'],A,covData,unique=True) except: cell = 7*[None] cE = 7*[None] return cell,cE
[docs] def mkSeqResTable(mode,seqHistList,seqData,Phases,Histograms,Controls): '''Setup sequential results table (based on code from GSASIIseqGUI.UpdateSeqResults) TODO: This should be merged with the table build code in GSASIIseqGUI.UpdateSeqResults and moved to somewhere non-GUI like GSASIIstrIO to create a single routine that can be used in both places, but this means returning some of the code that has been removed from there ''' newAtomDict = seqData[seqHistList[0]].get('newAtomDict',{}) # dict with atom positions; relative & absolute atomLookup = {newAtomDict[item][0]:item for item in newAtomDict if item in seqData['varyList']} phaseLookup = {Phases[phase]['pId']:phase for phase in Phases} # make dict of varied cell parameters equivalents ESDlookup = {} # provides the Dij term for each Ak term (where terms are refined) Dlookup = {} # provides the Ak term for each Dij term (where terms are refined) newCellDict = {} for name in seqHistList: if name in seqData and 'newCellDict' in seqData[name]: newCellDict.update(seqData[name]['newCellDict']) cellAlist = [] for item in newCellDict: cellAlist.append(newCellDict[item][0]) if item in seqData.get('varyList',[]): ESDlookup[newCellDict[item][0]] = item Dlookup[item] = newCellDict[item][0] # add coordinate equivalents to lookup table for parm in atomLookup: Dlookup[atomLookup[parm]] = parm ESDlookup[parm] = atomLookup[parm] # get unit cell & symmetry for all phases & initial stuff for later use RecpCellTerms = {} SGdata = {} uniqCellIndx = {} #initialCell = {} RcellLbls = {} zeroDict = {} for phase in Phases: pId = Phases[phase]['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+'::' # prefix for A values from phase RcellLbls[pId] = [pfx+'A'+str(i) for i in range(6)] RecpCellTerms[pId] = G2lat.cell2A(Phases[phase]['General']['Cell'][1:7]) zeroDict[pId] = dict(zip(RcellLbls[pId],6*[0.,])) SGdata[pId] = Phases[phase]['General']['SGData'] laue = SGdata[pId]['SGLaue'] if laue == '2/m': laue += SGdata[pId]['SGUniq'] for symlist,celllist in G2lat.UniqueCellByLaue: if laue in symlist: uniqCellIndx[pId] = celllist break else: # should not happen uniqCellIndx[pId] = list(range(6)) # scan for locations where the variables change VaryListChanges = [] # histograms where there is a change combinedVaryList = [] firstValueDict = {} vallookup = {} posdict = {} prevVaryList = [] foundNames = [] missing = 0 for i,name in enumerate(seqHistList): if name not in seqData: if missing < 5: print(" Warning: "+name+" not found") elif missing == 5: print (' Warning: more are missing') missing += 1 continue foundNames.append(name) maxPWL = 5 for var,val,sig in zip(seqData[name]['varyList'],seqData[name]['variables'],seqData[name]['sig']): svar = striphist(var,'*') # wild-carded if 'PWL' in svar: if int(svar.split(':')[-1]) > maxPWL: continue if svar not in combinedVaryList: # add variables to list as they appear combinedVaryList.append(svar) firstValueDict[svar] = (val,sig) if prevVaryList != seqData[name]['varyList']: # this refinement has a different refinement list from previous prevVaryList = seqData[name]['varyList'] vallookup[name] = dict(zip(seqData[name]['varyList'],seqData[name]['variables'])) posdict[name] = {} for var in seqData[name]['varyList']: svar = striphist(var,'*') if 'PWL' in svar: if int(svar.split(':')[-1]) > maxPWL: continue posdict[name][combinedVaryList.index(svar)] = svar VaryListChanges.append(name) if missing: print (' Warning: Total of %d data sets missing from sequential results'%(missing)) #### --- start building table histNames = foundNames # sampleParms = GetSampleParms() nRows = len(histNames) tblValues = [list(range(nRows))] # table of values arranged by columns tblSigs = [None] # a list of sigma values, or None if not defined tblLabels = ['Number'] # a label for the column tblTypes = ['int'] # start with Rwp values tblValues += [[seqData[name]['Rvals']['Rwp'] for name in histNames]] tblSigs += [None] tblLabels += ['Rwp'] tblTypes += ['10,3'] # add changing sample parameters to table sampleParmDict = {'Temperature':[],'Pressure':[],'Time':[], 'FreePrm1':[],'FreePrm2':[],'FreePrm3':[],'Omega':[], 'Chi':[],'Phi':[],'Azimuth':[],} for key in sampleParmDict: for h in histNames: var = ":" + str(Histograms[h]['hId']) + ":" + key sampleParmDict[key].append(seqData[h]['parmDict'].get(var)) if not np.all(np.array(sampleParmDict[key]) == sampleParmDict[key][0]): tblValues += [sampleParmDict[key]] tblSigs.append(None) if 'FreePrm' in key and key in Controls: tblLabels.append(Controls[item]) else: tblLabels.append(key) tblTypes += ['float'] # add unique cell parameters if len(newCellDict): for pId in sorted(RecpCellTerms): pfx = str(pId)+'::' # prefix for A values from phase cells = [] cellESDs = [] Albls = [pfx+'A'+str(i) for i in range(6)] for name in histNames: #if name not in Histograms: continue hId = Histograms[name]['hId'] phfx = '%d:%d:'%(pId,hId) esdLookUp = {} dLookup = {} for item in seqData[name]['newCellDict']: if phfx+item.split('::')[1] in seqData[name]['varyList']: esdLookUp[newCellDict[item][0]] = item dLookup[item] = newCellDict[item][0] covData = {'varyList': [dLookup.get(striphist(v),v) for v in seqData[name]['varyList']], 'covMatrix': seqData[name]['covMatrix']} A = RecpCellTerms[pId][:] # make copy of starting A values # update with refined values for i,j in enumerate(('D11','D22','D33','D12','D13','D23')): var = str(pId)+'::A'+str(i) Dvar = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':'+j # apply Dij value if non-zero if Dvar in seqData[name]['parmDict']: parmDict = seqData[name]['parmDict'] if parmDict[Dvar] != 0.0: A[i] += parmDict[Dvar] # override with fit result if is Dij varied if var in cellAlist: try: A[i] = seqData[name]['newCellDict'][esdLookUp[var]][1] # get refined value except KeyError: pass # apply symmetry cellDict = dict(zip(Albls,A)) try: # convert to direct cell A,zeros = G2stIO.cellFill(pfx,SGdata[pId],cellDict,zeroDict[pId]) c = G2lat.A2cell(A) vol = G2lat.calc_V(A) cE = G2stIO.getCellEsd(pfx,SGdata[pId],A,covData,unique=True) except: c = 6*[None] cE = 6*[None] vol = None # add only unique values to table if name in Phases[phaseLookup[pId]]['Histograms']: cells += [[c[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[vol]] cellESDs += [[cE[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[cE[-1]]] else: cells += [[None for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[None]] cellESDs += [[None for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[None]] p = phaseLookup[pId] tblLabels += ['{}, {}'.format(G2lat.cellAlbl[i],p) for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]] tblTypes += ['10,5' if i <3 else '10,3' for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]] tblLabels.append('{}, {}'.format('Volume',p)) tblTypes += ['10,3'] tblValues += zip(*cells) tblSigs += zip(*cellESDs) # sort out the variables in their selected order varcols = 0 varlbls = [] for d in posdict.values(): varcols = max(varcols,max(d.keys())+1) # get labels for each column for i in range(varcols): lbl = '' for h in VaryListChanges: if posdict[h].get(i): if posdict[h].get(i) in lbl: continue if lbl != "": lbl += '/' lbl += posdict[h].get(i) varlbls.append(lbl) vals = [] esds = [] varsellist = None # will be a list of variable names in the order they are selected to appear # tabulate values for each hist, leaving None for blank columns for name in histNames: if name in posdict: varsellist = [posdict[name].get(i) for i in range(varcols)] # translate variable names to how they will be used in the headings vs = [striphist(v,'*') for v in seqData[name]['varyList']] # determine the index for each column (or None) in the seqData[]['variables'] and ['sig'] lists sellist = [vs.index(v) if v is not None else None for v in varsellist] #sellist = [i if striphist(v,'*') in varsellist else None for i,v in enumerate(seqData[name]['varyList'])] if not varsellist: raise Exception() vals.append([seqData[name]['variables'][s] if s is not None else None for s in sellist]) esds.append([seqData[name]['sig'][s] if s is not None else None for s in sellist]) tblValues += zip(*vals) tblSigs += zip(*esds) tblLabels += varlbls tblTypes += ['float' for i in varlbls] # tabulate constrained variables, removing histogram numbers if needed # from parameter label depValDict = {} depSigDict = {} for name in histNames: for var in seqData[name].get('depParmDict',{}): val,sig = seqData[name]['depParmDict'][var] svar = striphist(var,'*') if svar not in depValDict: depValDict[svar] = [val] depSigDict[svar] = [sig] else: depValDict[svar].append(val) depSigDict[svar].append(sig) # add the dependent constrained variables to the table for var in sorted(depValDict): if len(depValDict[var]) != len(histNames): continue tblLabels.append(var) tblTypes.append('10,5') tblSigs += [depSigDict[var]] tblValues += [depValDict[var]] # add refined atom parameters to table for parm in sorted(atomLookup): tblLabels.append(parm) tblTypes.append('10,5') tblValues += [[seqData[name]['newAtomDict'][atomLookup[parm]][1] for name in histNames]] if atomLookup[parm] in seqData[histNames[0]]['varyList']: col = seqData[histNames[0]]['varyList'].index(atomLookup[parm]) tblSigs += [[seqData[name]['sig'][col] for name in histNames]] else: tblSigs += [None] # compute and add weight fractions to table if varied for phase in Phases: pId = Phases[phase]['pId'] var = str(pId)+':*:Scale' if var not in combinedVaryList+list(depValDict.keys()): continue wtFrList = [] sigwtFrList = [] for i,name in enumerate(histNames): skip = False if name not in Phases[phase]['Histograms']: skip = True elif not Phases[phase]['Histograms'][name]['Use']: skip = True hId = Histograms[name]['hId'] var = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':WgtFrac' if var not in seqData[name]['depParmDict']: skip = True if skip: wtFrList.append(None) sigwtFrList.append(0.0) continue wtFr,sig = seqData[name]['depParmDict'][var] wtFrList.append(wtFr) sigwtFrList.append(sig) p = phaseLookup[Phases[phase]['pId']] tblLabels.append(p + ' Wgt Frac') tblTypes.append('10,4') tblValues += [wtFrList] tblSigs += [sigwtFrList] return tblLabels,tblValues,tblSigs,tblTypes
[docs] def WriteCIFitem(fp, name, value=''): '''Helper function for writing CIF output. This gets used in different ways. The simplest use will be: >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, '_some_cif_name', valstr) For loops it will be used like this: >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ _cif_name1 _cif_name2') >>> for v1,v2 in values: >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, value=v1) >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, value=v2) or if items will be aligned in a table (no spaces or new lines in the items) >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ _cif_name1 _cif_name2') >>> for v1,v2 in values: >>> s = PutInCol("{:.4f}".format(v1),10) >>> s += PutInCol(str(v2),8) >>> WriteCIFitem(fp, value=s) It is occasionally used where a CIF value is passed as the name parameter. This works if no quoting is needed, but is not a good practice. :param fp: file access object :param str name: a CIF data name :param str value: the value associated with the CIF data name. Written in different ways depending on what the contents contain, with respect to quoting. ''' # Ignores unicode issues if value: if "\n" in value or (len(value) > 70 and ' ' in value.strip()): if name.strip(): fp.write(name+'\n') fp.write(';\n'+value+'\n') fp.write(';'+'\n') elif " " in value: if len(name)+len(value) > 65: fp.write(name + '\n ' + '"' + str(value) + '"'+'\n') else: fp.write(name + ' ' + '"' + str(value) + '"'+'\n') else: if len(name)+len(value) > 65: fp.write(name+'\n ' + value+'\n') else: fp.write(name+' ' + value+'\n') else: fp.write(name+'\n')
def RBheader(fp): WriteCIFitem(fp,'\n# RIGID BODY DETAILS') WriteCIFitem(fp,'loop_\n _restr_rigid_body_class.class_id\n _restr_rigid_body_class.details') # Refactored over here to allow access by
[docs] def WriteAtomsNuclear(fp, phasedict, phasenam, parmDict, sigDict, labellist, RBparms={}): 'Write atom positions to CIF' # phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info General = phasedict['General'] cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] GS = G2lat.cell2GS(General['Cell'][1:7]) Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(General['Cell'][1:7])[0] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] cfrac = cx+3 fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval != 0.0: break else: WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# PHASE HAS NO ATOMS!') return WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# ATOMIC COORDINATES AND DISPLACEMENT PARAMETERS') WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ '+ '\n _atom_site_label'+ '\n _atom_site_type_symbol'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_x'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_y'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_z'+ '\n _atom_site_occupancy'+ '\n _atom_site_adp_type'+ '\n _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv'+ '\n _atom_site_site_symmetry_multiplicity') varnames = {cx:'Ax',cx+1:'Ay',cx+2:'Az',cx+3:'Afrac', cia+1:'AUiso',cia+2:'AU11',cia+3:'AU22',cia+4:'AU33', cia+5:'AU12',cia+6:'AU13',cia+7:'AU23'} # Empty the labellist while labellist: labellist.pop() pfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::' # loop over all atoms naniso = 0 for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': label = '%s_%s_%s_%s'%(at[ct-1],at[ct-3],at[ct-4],at[ct-2]) s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(label,labellist),15) # label else: s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(at[ct-1],labellist),6) # label fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) s += PutInCol(FmtAtomType(at[ct]),4) # type if at[cia] == 'I': adp = 'Uiso ' else: adp = 'Uani ' naniso += 1 t = G2lat.Uij2Ueqv(at[cia+2:cia+8],GS,Amat)[0] for j in (2,3,4): var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) for j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2,cx+3,cia,cia+1): if j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2): dig = 11 sigdig = -0.00009 else: dig = 10 sigdig = -0.0009 if j == cia: s += adp else: var = pfx+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) dvar = pfx+"d"+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) if dvar not in sigDict: dvar = var if j == cia+1 and adp == 'Uani ': sig = sigdig val = t else: #print var,(var in parmDict),(var in sigDict) val = parmDict.get(var,at[j]) sig = sigDict.get(dvar,sigdig) #if dvar in G2mv.GetDependentVars(): # do not include an esd for dependent vars # sig = -abs(sig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),dig) s += PutInCol(at[cs+1],3) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) if naniso != 0: # now loop over aniso atoms WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_label' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_11' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_22' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_33' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_12' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_13' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_23') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) if at[cia] == 'I': continue s = PutInCol(labellist[i],6) # label for j in (2,3,4,5,6,7): sigdig = -0.0009 var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) val = parmDict.get(var,at[cia+j]) sig = sigDict.get(var,sigdig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),11) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) # save information about rigid bodies header = False num = 0 rbAtoms = [] for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Residue',[])): if not header: header = True RBheader(fp) jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Residue'].index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) num += 1 WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) RBModel = RBparms['Residue'][RBObj['RBId']] SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] s = '''GSAS-II residue rigid body "{}" with {} atoms Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) for i in G2stIO.WriteResRBModel(RBModel): s += i s += '\n Location:\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): s += i+'\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx, RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): s += i nTors = len(RBObj['Torsions']) if nTors: for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict, nTors): s += i WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) pId = phasedict['pId'] for i in RBObj['Ids']: lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) #GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Vector',[])): if not header: header = True RBheader(fp) jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Vector'].index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) num += 1 WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) RBModel = RBparms['Vector'][RBObj['RBId']] SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] s = '''GSAS-II vector rigid body "{}" with {} atoms Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) for i in G2stIO.WriteVecRBModel(RBModel,sigDict,irb): s += i s += '\n Location:\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): s += i+'\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx, RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): s += i WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) pId = phasedict['pId'] for i in RBObj['Ids']: lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) if rbAtoms: WriteCIFitem(fp,'loop_\n'+ '\n _restr_rigid_body.atom_site_label\n _restr_rigid_body.site_symmetry'+ '\n _restr_rigid_body.class_id\n _restr_rigid_body.details') for i,l in enumerate(rbAtoms): WriteCIFitem(fp,' {:5d} {}'.format(i+1,l))
[docs] def WriteAtomsMagnetic(fp, phasedict, phasenam, parmDict, sigDict, labellist): 'Write atom positions to CIF' # phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info General = phasedict['General'] cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] cfrac = cx+3 fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval != 0.0: break else: WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# PHASE HAS NO ATOMS!') return WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# ATOMIC COORDINATES AND DISPLACEMENT PARAMETERS') WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ '+ '\n _atom_site_label'+ '\n _atom_site_type_symbol'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_x'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_y'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_z'+ '\n _atom_site_occupancy'+ '\n _atom_site_adp_type'+ '\n _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv'+ '\n _atom_site_site_symmetry_multiplicity') varnames = {cx:'Ax',cx+1:'Ay',cx+2:'Az',cx+3:'Afrac', cx+4:'AMx',cx+5:'AMy',cx+6:'AMz', cia+1:'AUiso',cia+2:'AU11',cia+3:'AU22',cia+4:'AU33', cia+5:'AU12',cia+6:'AU13',cia+7:'AU23'} # Empty the labellist while labellist: labellist.pop() pfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::' # loop over all atoms naniso = 0 for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': label = '%s_%s_%s_%s'%(at[ct-1],at[ct-3],at[ct-4],at[ct-2]) s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(label,labellist),15) # label else: s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(at[ct-1],labellist),6) # label fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) s += PutInCol(FmtAtomType(at[ct]),4) # type if at[cia] == 'I': adp = 'Uiso ' else: adp = 'Uani ' naniso += 1 # compute Uequiv crudely # correct: Defined as "1/3 trace of diagonalized U matrix". # SEE cell2GS & Uij2Ueqv to GSASIIlattice. Former is needed to make the GS matrix used by the latter. t = 0.0 for j in (2,3,4): var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) t += parmDict.get(var,at[cia+j]) for j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2,cx+3,cia,cia+1): if j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2): dig = 11 sigdig = -0.00009 else: dig = 10 sigdig = -0.009 if j == cia: s += adp else: var = pfx+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) dvar = pfx+"d"+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) if dvar not in sigDict: dvar = var if j == cia+1 and adp == 'Uani ': val = t/3. sig = sigdig else: #print var,(var in parmDict),(var in sigDict) val = parmDict.get(var,at[j]) sig = sigDict.get(dvar,sigdig) #if dvar in G2mv.GetDependentVars(): # do not include an esd for dependent vars # sig = -abs(sig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),dig) s += PutInCol(at[cs+1],3) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) if naniso: # now loop over aniso atoms WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_label' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_11' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_22' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_33' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_12' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_13' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_23') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) if at[cia] == 'I': continue s = PutInCol(labellist[i],6) # label for j in (2,3,4,5,6,7): sigdig = -0.0009 var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) val = parmDict.get(var,at[cia+j]) sig = sigDict.get(var,sigdig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),11) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) # now loop over mag atoms (e.g. all of them) WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _atom_site_moment.label' + '\n _atom_site_moment.crystalaxis_x' + '\n _atom_site_moment.crystalaxis_y' + '\n _atom_site_moment.crystalaxis_z') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) s = PutInCol(labellist[i],6) # label for j in (cx+4,cx+5,cx+6): sigdig = -0.0009 var = pfx+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) val = parmDict.get(var,at[j]) sig = sigDict.get(var,sigdig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),11) WriteCIFitem(fp, s)
[docs] def WriteAtomsMM(fp, phasedict, phasenam, parmDict, sigDict, RBparms={}): 'Write atom positions to CIF using mmCIF items' AA3letter = ['ALA','ARG','ASN','ASP','CYS','GLN','GLU','GLY','HIS','ILE', 'LEU','LYS','MET','PHE','PRO','SER','THR','TRP','TYR','VAL','MSE'] # phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info General = phasedict['General'] cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] #GS = G2lat.cell2GS(General['Cell'][1:7]) Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(General['Cell'][1:7])[0] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] #cfrac = cx+3 #fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' if len(Atoms) == 0: WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# PHASE HAS NO ATOMS!') return WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# ATOMIC COORDINATES AND DISPLACEMENT PARAMETERS') WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ '+ '\n _atom_site.group_PDB'+ '\n'+ '\n _atom_site.type_symbol'+ '\n _atom_site.label_atom_id'+ '\n _atom_site.auth_atom_id'+ '\n _atom_site.label_alt_id'+ '\n _atom_site.label_comp_id'+ '\n _atom_site.auth_comp_id'+ '\n _atom_site.label_asym_id'+ '\n _atom_site.auth_asym_id'+ '\n _atom_site.label_entity_id'+ '\n _atom_site.label_seq_id'+ '\n _atom_site.auth_seq_id'+ '\n _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code'+ '\n _atom_site.pdbx_formal_charge'+ '\n _atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num' '\n _atom_site.fract_x'+ '\n _atom_site.fract_y'+ '\n _atom_site.fract_z'+ '\n _atom_site.occupancy'+ '\n _atom_site.B_iso_or_equiv'+ '\n _atom_site.Cartn_x'+ '\n _atom_site.Cartn_y'+ '\n _atom_site.Cartn_z' ) # _atom_site.Cartn_x_esd # _atom_site.Cartn_y_esd # _atom_site.Cartn_z_esd # _atom_site.occupancy_esd # varnames = {cx:'Ax',cx+1:'Ay',cx+2:'Az',cx+3:'Afrac', cia+1:'AUiso',cia+2:'AU11',cia+3:'AU22',cia+4:'AU33', cia+5:'AU12',cia+6:'AU13',cia+7:'AU23'} pfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::' num = 0 # uniquely index the side chains entity_id = {} for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if at[ct-2] not in entity_id: num += 1 entity_id[at[ct-2]] = num # loop over all atoms # naniso = 0 for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if at[ct-3] in AA3letter: s = 'ATOM ' else: s = 'HETATM ' s += PutInCol(str(i+1),5) # atom number s += PutInCol(FmtAtomType(at[ct]),4) # type s += PutInCol(at[ct-1],4) # _atom_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-1],4) # _atom_id s += PutInCol('.',2) # alt_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-3],4) # comp_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-3],4) # comp_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-2],3) # _asym_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-2],3) # _asym_id s += PutInCol(str(entity_id[at[ct-2]]),3) # entity_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-4],2) # _seq_id s += PutInCol(at[ct-4],2) # _seq_id s += PutInCol('?',2) # pdbx_PDB_ins_code s += PutInCol('?',2) # pdbx_formal_charge s += PutInCol('1',2) # pdbx_PDB_model_num # fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) # if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) # if at[cia] == 'I': # adp = 'Uiso ' # else: # adp = 'Uani ' # naniso += 1 # t = G2lat.Uij2Ueqv(at[cia+2:cia+8],GS,Amat)[0] # for j in (2,3,4): # var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) for j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2,cx+3,cia+1): if j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2): dig = 11 sigdig = -0.00009 else: dig = 5 sigdig = -0.009 var = pfx+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) dvar = pfx+"d"+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) if dvar not in sigDict: dvar = var #print var,(var in parmDict),(var in sigDict) val = parmDict.get(var,at[j]) sig = sigDict.get(dvar,sigdig) if j == cia+1: # convert U to B val *= 8*np.pi**2 sig *= 8*np.pi**2 #if dvar in G2mv.GetDependentVars(): # do not include an esd for dependent vars # sig = -abs(sig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),dig) # Cartesian coordinates for xyz in np.inner(Amat,at[cx:cx+3]): s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(xyz,-0.009),8) WriteCIFitem(fp, s)
# save information about rigid bodies # header = False # num = 0 # rbAtoms = [] # for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Residue',[])): # if not header: # header = True # RBheader(fp) # jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Residue'].index(RBObj['RBId']) # rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) # num += 1 # WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) # RBModel = RBparms['Residue'][RBObj['RBId']] # SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] # Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] # s = '''GSAS-II residue rigid body "{}" with {} atoms # Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} # '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) # for i in G2stIO.WriteResRBModel(RBModel): # s += i # s += '\n Location:\n' # for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): # s += i+'\n' # for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx, # RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): # s += i # nTors = len(RBObj['Torsions']) # if nTors: # for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict, # nTors): # s += i # WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) # pId = phasedict['pId'] # for i in RBObj['Ids']: # lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] # rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) # #GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() # for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Vector',[])): # if not header: # header = True # RBheader(fp) # jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Vector'].index(RBObj['RBId']) # rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) # num += 1 # WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) # RBModel = RBparms['Vector'][RBObj['RBId']] # SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] # Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] # s = '''GSAS-II vector rigid body "{}" with {} atoms # Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} # '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) # for i in G2stIO.WriteVecRBModel(RBModel,sigDict,irb): # s += i # s += '\n Location:\n' # for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): # s += i+'\n' # for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx, # RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): # s += i # WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) # pId = phasedict['pId'] # for i in RBObj['Ids']: # lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] # rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) # if rbAtoms: # WriteCIFitem(fp,'loop_\n'+ # '\n _restr_rigid_body.atom_site_label\n _restr_rigid_body.site_symmetry'+ # '\n _restr_rigid_body.class_id\n _restr_rigid_body.details') # for i,l in enumerate(rbAtoms): # WriteCIFitem(fp,' {:5d} {}'.format(i+1,l)) # Refactored over here to allow access by
[docs] def WriteSeqAtomsNuclear(fp, cell, phasedict, phasenam, hist, seqData, RBparms): 'Write atom positions to CIF' General = phasedict['General'] cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] GS = G2lat.cell2GS(cell[:6]) Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(cell[:6])[0] # phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info parmDict = seqData[hist]['parmDict'] sigDict = dict(zip(seqData[hist]['varyList'],seqData[hist]['sig'])) Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] cfrac = cx+3 fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval != 0.0: break else: WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# PHASE HAS NO ATOMS!') return WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# ATOMIC COORDINATES AND DISPLACEMENT PARAMETERS') WriteCIFitem(fp, 'loop_ '+ '\n _atom_site_label'+ '\n _atom_site_type_symbol'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_x'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_y'+ '\n _atom_site_fract_z'+ '\n _atom_site_occupancy'+ '\n _atom_site_adp_type'+ '\n _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv'+ '\n _atom_site_site_symmetry_multiplicity') varnames = {cx:'Ax',cx+1:'Ay',cx+2:'Az',cx+3:'Afrac', cia+1:'AUiso',cia+2:'AU11',cia+3:'AU22',cia+4:'AU33', cia+5:'AU12',cia+6:'AU13',cia+7:'AU23'} labellist = [] # used to make atom labels unique as required in CIF pfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::' # loop over all atoms naniso = 0 for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': label = '%s_%s_%s_%s'%(at[ct-1],at[ct-3],at[ct-4],at[ct-2]) s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(label,labellist),15) # label else: s = PutInCol(MakeUniqueLabel(at[ct-1],labellist),6) # label fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) s += PutInCol(FmtAtomType(at[ct]),4) # type if at[cia] == 'I': adp = 'Uiso ' else: adp = 'Uani ' naniso += 1 t = G2lat.Uij2Ueqv(at[cia+2:cia+8],GS,Amat)[0] for j in (2,3,4): var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) for j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2,cx+3,cia,cia+1): if j in (cx,cx+1,cx+2): dig = 11 sigdig = -0.00009 else: dig = 10 sigdig = -0.0009 if j == cia: s += adp else: var = pfx+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) dvar = pfx+"d"+varnames[j]+":"+str(i) if dvar not in sigDict: dvar = var if j == cia+1 and adp == 'Uani ': sig = sigdig val = t else: #print var,(var in parmDict),(var in sigDict) val = parmDict.get(var,at[j]) sig = sigDict.get(dvar,sigdig) #if dvar in G2mv.GetDependentVars(): # do not include an esd for dependent vars # sig = -abs(sig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),dig) s += PutInCol(at[cs+1],3) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) if naniso != 0: # now loop over aniso atoms WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_label' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_11' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_22' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_33' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_12' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_13' + '\n _atom_site_aniso_U_23') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): fval = parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),at[cfrac]) if fval == 0.0: continue # ignore any atoms that have a occupancy set to 0 (exact) if at[cia] == 'I': continue s = PutInCol(labellist[i],6) # label for j in (2,3,4,5,6,7): sigdig = -0.0009 var = pfx+varnames[cia+j]+":"+str(i) val = parmDict.get(var,at[cia+j]) sig = sigDict.get(var,sigdig) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig),11) WriteCIFitem(fp, s) # save information about rigid bodies header = False num = 0 rbAtoms = [] for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Residue',[])): if not header: header = True RBheader(fp) jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Residue'].index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) num += 1 WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) RBModel = RBparms['Residue'][RBObj['RBId']] SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] s = '''GSAS-II residue rigid body "{}" with {} atoms Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) for i in G2stIO.WriteResRBModel(RBModel): s += i s += '\n Location:\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): s += i+'\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBR',rbsx, RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): s += i nTors = len(RBObj['Torsions']) if nTors: for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict, nTors): s += i WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) pId = phasedict['pId'] for i in RBObj['Ids']: lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) #GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() for irb,RBObj in enumerate(phasedict['RBModels'].get('Vector',[])): if not header: header = True RBheader(fp) jrb = RBparms['RBIds']['Vector'].index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) num += 1 WriteCIFitem(fp,'',str(num)) RBModel = RBparms['Vector'][RBObj['RBId']] SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] Sytsym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(RBObj['Orig'][0],SGData)[:2] s = '''GSAS-II vector rigid body "{}" with {} atoms Site symmetry @ origin: {}, multiplicity: {} '''.format(RBObj['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),Sytsym,Mult) for i in G2stIO.WriteVecRBModel(RBModel,sigDict,irb): s += i s += '\n Location:\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): s += i+'\n' for i in G2stIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,'RBV',rbsx, RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0],parmDict,sigDict): s += i WriteCIFitem(fp,'',s.rstrip()) pId = phasedict['pId'] for i in RBObj['Ids']: lbl = G2obj.LookupAtomLabel(pId,G2obj.LookupAtomId(pId,i))[0] rbAtoms.append('{:7s} 1_555 {:3d} ?'.format(lbl,num)) if rbAtoms: WriteCIFitem(fp,'loop_\n'+ '\n _restr_rigid_body.atom_site_label\n _restr_rigid_body.site_symmetry'+ '\n _restr_rigid_body.class_id\n _restr_rigid_body.details') for i,l in enumerate(rbAtoms): WriteCIFitem(fp,' {:5d} {}'.format(i+1,l))
# Refactored over here to allow access by def MakeUniqueLabel(lbl, labellist): lbl = lbl.strip() if not lbl: # deal with a blank label lbl = 'A_1' if lbl not in labellist: labellist.append(lbl) return lbl i = 1 prefix = lbl if '_' in lbl: prefix = lbl[:lbl.rfind('_')] suffix = lbl[lbl.rfind('_')+1:] try: i = int(suffix)+1 except: pass while prefix+'_'+str(i) in labellist: i += 1 else: lbl = prefix+'_'+str(i) labellist.append(lbl) # Refactored over here to allow access by
[docs] def HillSortElements(elmlist): '''Sort elements in "Hill" order: C, H, others, (where others are alphabetical). :params list elmlist: a list of element strings :returns: a sorted list of element strings ''' newlist = [] oldlist = elmlist[:] for elm in ('C','H'): if elm in elmlist: newlist.append(elm) oldlist.pop(oldlist.index(elm)) return newlist+sorted(oldlist)
[docs] def FmtAtomType(sym): 'Reformat a GSAS-II atom type symbol to match CIF rules' sym = sym.replace('_','') # underscores are not allowed: no isotope designation? # in CIF, oxidation state sign symbols come after, not before if '+' in sym: sym = sym.replace('+','') + '+' elif '-' in sym: sym = sym.replace('-','') + '-' return sym
def PutInCol(val, wid): val = str(val).replace(' ', '') if not val: val = '?' fmt = '{:' + str(wid) + '} ' try: return fmt.format(val) except TypeError: return fmt.format('.') # Refactored over here to allow access by
[docs] def WriteComposition(fp, phasedict, phasenam, parmDict, quickmode=True, keV=None): '''determine the composition for the unit cell, crudely determine Z and then compute the composition in formula units. If quickmode is False, then scattering factors are added to the element loop. If keV is specified, then resonant scattering factors are also computed and included. ''' General = phasedict['General'] Z = General.get('cellZ',0.0) cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' cfrac = cx+3 cmult = cs+1 compDict = {} # combines H,D & T sitemultlist = [] massDict = dict(zip(General['AtomTypes'],General['AtomMass'])) cellmass = 0 elmLookup = {} for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): atype = at[ct].strip() if atype.find('-') != -1: atype = atype.split('-')[0] if atype.find('+') != -1: atype = atype.split('+')[0] atype = atype[0].upper()+atype[1:2].lower() # force case conversion if atype == "D" or atype == "D": atype = "H" fvar = fpfx+str(i) fval = parmDict.get(fvar,at[cfrac]) mult = at[cmult] if not massDict.get(at[ct]): print('Error: No mass found for atom type '+at[ct]) print('Will not compute cell contents for phase '+phasenam) return cellmass += massDict[at[ct]]*mult*fval compDict[atype] = compDict.get(atype,0.0) + mult*fval elmLookup[atype] = at[ct].strip() if fval == 1: sitemultlist.append(mult) if len(compDict.keys()) == 0: return # no elements! if Z < 1: # Z has not been computed or set by user Z = 1 if not sitemultlist: General['cellZ'] = 1 return for i in range(2,min(sitemultlist)+1): for m in sitemultlist: if m % i != 0: break else: Z = i General['cellZ'] = Z # save it if not quickmode: FFtable = G2el.GetFFtable(General['AtomTypes']) BLtable = G2el.GetBLtable(General) WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_number_in_cell') s = ' ' if not quickmode: for j in ('a1','a2','a3','a4','b1','b2','b3','b4','c',2,1): if len(s) > 80: WriteCIFitem(fp, s) s = ' ' if j==1: s += ' _atom_type_scat_source' elif j==2: s += ' _atom_type_scat_length_neutron' else: s += ' _atom_type_scat_Cromer_Mann_' s += j if keV: WriteCIFitem(fp, s) s = ' _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_dispersion_source' WriteCIFitem(fp, s) formula = '' for elem in HillSortElements(list(compDict.keys())): s = ' ' elmsym = elmLookup[elem] # CIF does not allow underscore in element symbol ( if elmsym.endswith("_"): s += PutInCol(elmsym.replace('_','')) elif '_' in elmsym: s += PutInCol(elmsym.replace('_','~')) else: s += PutInCol(elmsym,7) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(compDict[elem],-0.009,True),5) if not quickmode: for i in 'fa','fb','fc': if i != 'fc': for j in range(4): if elmsym in FFtable: val = G2mth.ValEsd(FFtable[elmsym][i][j],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) else: if elmsym in FFtable: val = G2mth.ValEsd(FFtable[elmsym][i],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) if elmsym in BLtable: bldata = BLtable[elmsym] #isotope = bldata[0] #mass = bldata[1]['Mass'] if 'BW-LS' in bldata[1]: val = 0 else: val = G2mth.ValEsd(bldata[1]['SL'][0],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) WriteCIFitem(fp,s.rstrip()) WriteCIFitem(fp,'') if keV: Orbs = G2el.GetXsectionCoeff(elem.split('+')[0].split('-')[0]) FP,FPP,Mu = G2el.FPcalc(Orbs, keV) WriteCIFitem(fp,' {:8.3f}{:8.3f}'.format(FP,FPP)) else: WriteCIFitem(fp,s.rstrip()) if formula: formula += " " formula += elem if compDict[elem] == Z: continue formula += G2mth.ValEsd(compDict[elem]/Z,-0.009,True) WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# Note that Z affects _cell_formula_sum and _weight') WriteCIFitem(fp, '_cell_formula_units_Z',str(Z)) WriteCIFitem(fp, '_chemical_formula_sum',formula) WriteCIFitem(fp, '_chemical_formula_weight', G2mth.ValEsd(cellmass/Z,-0.09,True))
[docs] def WriteCompositionMM(fp, phasedict, phasenam, parmDict, quickmode=True, keV=None): '''determine the composition for the unit cell, crudely determine Z and then compute the composition in formula units. If quickmode is False, then scattering factors are added to the element loop. If keV is specified, then resonant scattering factors are also computed and included. ''' General = phasedict['General'] Z = General.get('cellZ',0.0) cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' cfrac = cx+3 cmult = cs+1 compDict = {} # combines H,D & T sitemultlist = [] massDict = dict(zip(General['AtomTypes'],General['AtomMass'])) cellmass = 0 elmLookup = {} for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): atype = at[ct].strip() if atype.find('-') != -1: atype = atype.split('-')[0] if atype.find('+') != -1: atype = atype.split('+')[0] atype = atype[0].upper()+atype[1:2].lower() # force case conversion if atype == "D" or atype == "D": atype = "H" fvar = fpfx+str(i) fval = parmDict.get(fvar,at[cfrac]) mult = at[cmult] if not massDict.get(at[ct]): print('Error: No mass found for atom type '+at[ct]) print('Will not compute cell contents for phase '+phasenam) return cellmass += massDict[at[ct]]*mult*fval compDict[atype] = compDict.get(atype,0.0) + mult*fval elmLookup[atype] = at[ct].strip() if fval == 1: sitemultlist.append(mult) if len(compDict.keys()) == 0: return # no elements! if Z < 1: # Z has not been computed or set by user Z = 1 if not sitemultlist: General['cellZ'] = 1 return for i in range(2,min(sitemultlist)+1): for m in sitemultlist: if m % i != 0: break else: Z = i General['cellZ'] = Z # save it if not quickmode: FFtable = G2el.GetFFtable(General['AtomTypes']) BLtable = G2el.GetBLtable(General) WriteCIFitem(fp, '\nloop_ _atom_type.symbol _atom_type.number_in_cell') s = ' ' if not quickmode: for j in ('a1','a2','a3','a4','b1','b2','b3','b4','c',2,1): if len(s) > 80: WriteCIFitem(fp, s) s = ' ' if j==1: s += ' _atom_type.scat_source' elif j==2: s += ' _atom_type.scat_length_neutron' else: s += ' _atom_type.scat_Cromer_Mann_' s += j if keV: WriteCIFitem(fp, s) s = ' _atom_type.scat_dispersion_real _atom_type.scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_dispersion_source' WriteCIFitem(fp, s) formula = '' for elem in HillSortElements(list(compDict.keys())): s = ' ' elmsym = elmLookup[elem] # CIF does not allow underscore in element symbol ( if elmsym.endswith("_"): s += PutInCol(elmsym.replace('_','')) elif '_' in elmsym: s += PutInCol(elmsym.replace('_','~')) else: s += PutInCol(elmsym,7) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(compDict[elem],-0.009,True),5) if not quickmode: for i in 'fa','fb','fc': if i != 'fc': for j in range(4): if elmsym in FFtable: val = G2mth.ValEsd(FFtable[elmsym][i][j],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) else: if elmsym in FFtable: val = G2mth.ValEsd(FFtable[elmsym][i],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) if elmsym in BLtable: bldata = BLtable[elmsym] #isotope = bldata[0] #mass = bldata[1]['Mass'] if 'BW-LS' in bldata[1]: val = 0 else: val = G2mth.ValEsd(bldata[1]['SL'][0],-0.0009,True) else: val = '?' s += ' ' s += PutInCol(val,9) WriteCIFitem(fp,s.rstrip()) WriteCIFitem(fp,'') if keV: Orbs = G2el.GetXsectionCoeff(elem.split('+')[0].split('-')[0]) FP,FPP,Mu = G2el.FPcalc(Orbs, keV) WriteCIFitem(fp,' {:8.3f}{:8.3f}'.format(FP,FPP)) else: WriteCIFitem(fp,s.rstrip()) if formula: formula += " " formula += elem if compDict[elem] == Z: continue formula += G2mth.ValEsd(compDict[elem]/Z,-0.009,True) WriteCIFitem(fp, '\n# Note that Z affects _cell_formula.sum and .weight') WriteCIFitem(fp, '_cell.formula_units_Z',str(Z)) WriteCIFitem(fp, '_chemical_formula.sum',formula) WriteCIFitem(fp, '_chemical_formula.weight', G2mth.ValEsd(cellmass/Z,-0.09,True))
[docs] class ExportCIF(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Base class for CIF exports. Not used directly. Exporters are defined in subclasses that call :meth:`MasterExporter`. ''' def __init__(self,G2frame,formatName,extension,longFormatName=None,): G2IO.ExportBaseclass.__init__(self,G2frame,formatName,extension,longFormatName=None) self.exporttype = [] = '' self.CIFname = ''
[docs] def ValidateAscii(self,checklist): '''Validate items as ASCII''' msg = '' for lbl,val in checklist: if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in val): if msg: msg += '\n' msg += lbl + " contains unicode characters: " + val if msg: G2G.G2MessageBox(self.G2frame, 'Error: CIFs can contain only ASCII characters. Please change item(s) below:\n\n'+msg, 'Unicode not valid for CIF') return True
def _CellSelectNeeded(self,phasenam): '''Determines if selection is needed for a T value in a multiblock CIF :returns: True if the choice of T is ambiguous and a human should be asked. ''' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info Tlist = {} # histname & T values used for cell w/o Hstrain DijTlist = {} # hId & T values used for cell w/Hstrain # scan over histograms used in this phase to determine the best # data collection T value for h in phasedict['Histograms']: if not phasedict['Histograms'][h]['Use']: continue if 'Flack' in phasedict['Histograms'][h].keys(): #single crystal data return False T = self.Histograms[h]['Sample Parameters']['Temperature'] if np.any(abs(np.array(phasedict['Histograms'][h]['HStrain'][0])) > 1e-8): DijTlist[h] = T else: Tlist[h] = T if len(Tlist) > 0: T = sum(Tlist.values())/len(Tlist) if max(Tlist.values()) - T > 1: return True # temperatures span more than 1 degree, user needs to pick one return False elif len(DijTlist) == 1: return False elif len(DijTlist) > 1: # each histogram has different cell lengths, user needs to pick one return True def _CellSelectHist(self,phasenam): '''Select T value for a phase in a multiblock CIF :returns: T,h_ranId where T is a temperature (float) or '?' and h_ranId is the random Id (ranId) for a histogram in the current phase. This is stored in OverallParms['Controls']['CellHistSelection'] ''' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info Tlist = {} # histname & T values used for cell w/o Hstrain DijTlist = {} # hId & T values used for cell w/Hstrain # scan over histograms used in this phase to determine the best # data collection T value for h in phasedict['Histograms']: if not phasedict['Histograms'][h]['Use']: continue if 'Flack' in phasedict['Histograms'][h].keys(): #single crystal data return (300,None) T = self.Histograms[h]['Sample Parameters']['Temperature'] if np.any(abs(np.array(phasedict['Histograms'][h]['HStrain'][0])) > 1e-8): DijTlist[h] = T else: Tlist[h] = T if len(Tlist) > 0: T = sum(Tlist.values())/len(Tlist) if max(Tlist.values()) - T > 1: # temperatures span more than 1 degree, user needs to pick one choices = ["{} (unweighted average)".format(T)] Ti = [T] for h in Tlist: choices += ["{} (hist {})".format(Tlist[h],h)] Ti += [Tlist[h]] msg = 'The cell parameters for phase {} are from\nhistograms with different temperatures.\n\nSelect a T value below'.format(phasenam) dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self.G2frame,msg,'Select T',choices) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: T = Ti[dlg.GetSelection()] else: T = '?' dlg.Destroy() return (T,None) elif len(DijTlist) == 1: h = list(DijTlist.keys())[0] h_ranId = self.Histograms[h]['ranId'] return (DijTlist[h],h_ranId) elif len(DijTlist) > 1: # each histogram has different cell lengths, user needs to pick one choices = [] hi = [] for h in DijTlist: choices += ["{} (hist {})".format(DijTlist[h],h)] hi += [h] msg = 'There are {} sets of cell parameters for phase {}\n due to refined Hstrain values.\n\nSelect the histogram to use with the phase form list below'.format(len(DijTlist),phasenam) dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self.G2frame,msg,'Select cell',choices) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: h = hi[dlg.GetSelection()] h_ranId = self.Histograms[h]['ranId'] T = DijTlist[h] else: T = '?' h_ranId = None dlg.Destroy() return (T,h_ranId) else: print('Unexpected option in _CellSelectHist for',phasenam) return ('?',None)
[docs] def ShowHstrainCells(self,phasenam,datablockidDict): '''Displays the unit cell parameters for phases where Dij values create mutiple sets of lattice parameters. At present there is no way defined for this in CIF, so local data names are used. ''' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info Tlist = {} # histname & T values used for cell w/o Hstrain DijTlist = {} # hId & T values used for cell w/Hstrain # scan over histograms used in this phase for h in phasedict['Histograms']: if not phasedict['Histograms'][h]['Use']: continue if np.any(abs(np.array(phasedict['Histograms'][h]['HStrain'][0])) > 1e-8): DijTlist[h] = self.Histograms[h]['Sample Parameters']['Temperature'] else: Tlist[h] = self.Histograms[h]['Sample Parameters']['Temperature'] if len(DijTlist) == 0: return if len(Tlist) + len(DijTlist) < 2: return SGData = phasedict['General']['SGData'] for i in range(len(G2fil.cellGUIlist)): if SGData['SGLaue'] in G2fil.cellGUIlist[i][0]: terms = G2fil.cellGUIlist[i][5] + [6] break else: print('ShowHstrainCells error: Laue class not found',SGData['SGLaue']) terms = list(range(7)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# cell parameters generated by hydrostatic strain') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\t _gsas_measurement_temperature') for i in terms: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\t _gsas_cell_'+cellNames[i]) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\t _gsas_cell_histogram_blockid') for h,T in Tlist.items(): pId = phasedict['pId'] hId = self.Histograms[h]['hId'] cellList,cellSig = G2stIO.getCellSU(pId,hId, phasedict['General']['SGData'], self.parmDict, self.OverallParms['Covariance']) line = ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(T,-1.),6) for i in terms: line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(cellList[i],cellSig[i]),12) line += ' ' + datablockidDict[h] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line) for h,T in DijTlist.items(): pId = phasedict['pId'] hId = self.Histograms[h]['hId'] cellList,cellSig = G2stIO.getCellSU(pId,hId, phasedict['General']['SGData'], self.parmDict, self.OverallParms['Covariance']) line = ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(T,-1.),6) for i in terms: line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(cellList[i],cellSig[i]),12) line += ' ' + datablockidDict[h] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line)
[docs] def MasterExporter(self,event=None,phaseOnly=None,histOnly=None): '''Basic code to export a CIF. Export can be full or simple, as set by phaseOnly and histOnly which skips distances & angles, etc. :param bool phaseOnly: used to export only one phase :param bool histOnly: used to export only one histogram ''' #***** define functions for export method ======================================= def WriteAudit(): 'Write the CIF audit values. Perhaps should be in a single element loop.' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_audit_creation_method', 'created in GSAS-II') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_audit_creation_date',self.CIFdate) if WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_audit_author_name', WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_audit_update_record', self.CIFdate+' Initial software-generated CIF') def WriteOverall(mode=None): '''Write out overall refinement information. More could be done here, but this is a good start. ''' if self.ifPWDR: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_info_datetime', self.CIFdate) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_calc_method', 'Rietveld Refinement') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_shift/su_mean',DAT2) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_computing_structure_refinement','GSAS-II (Toby & Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549, 2013)') if self.ifHKLF: controls = self.OverallParms['Controls'] try: if controls['F**2']: thresh = 'F**2>%.1fu(F**2)'%(controls['UsrReject']['minF/sig']) else: thresh = 'F>%.1fu(F)'%(controls['UsrReject']['minF/sig']) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_threshold_expression', thresh) except KeyError: pass WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_matrix_type','full') if mode == 'seq': return try: vars = str(len(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['varyList'])) except: vars = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_number_parameters',vars) try: GOF = G2mth.ValEsd(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals']['GOF'],-0.009) except: GOF = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_all',GOF) try: DAT1 = self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals'].get('Max shft/sig',0.0) except: DAT1 = 0 if DAT1: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_shift/su_max','%.4f'%DAT1) # get restraint info # restraintDict = self.OverallParms.get('Restraints',{}) # for i in self.OverallParms['Constraints']: # print i # for j in self.OverallParms['Constraints'][i]: # print j #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_number_restraints',TEXT) # other things to consider reporting # _refine_ls_number_reflns # _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_obs # _refine_ls_wR_factor_obs # _refine_ls_restrained_S_all # _refine_ls_restrained_S_obs # include an overall profile r-factor, if there is more than one powder histogram try: R = '%.5f'%(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals']['Rwp']/100.) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# OVERALL WEIGHTED R-FACTOR') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_wR_factor_obs',R) # _refine_ls_R_factor_all # _refine_ls_R_factor_obs #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_matrix_type','userblocks') except: pass def WriteOverallMM(mode=None): '''Write out overall refinement information. More could be done here, but this is a good start. ''' if self.ifPWDR: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_info_datetime', self.CIFdate) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_calc_method', 'Rietveld Refinement') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_shift_over_su_mean',DAT2) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_computing_structure_refinement','GSAS-II (Toby & Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549, 2013)') if self.ifHKLF: controls = self.OverallParms['Controls'] try: if controls['F**2']: thresh = 'F**2>%.1fu(F**2)'%(controls['UsrReject']['minF/sig']) else: thresh = 'F>%.1fu(F)'%(controls['UsrReject']['minF/sig']) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns.threshold_expression', thresh) except KeyError: pass WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_matrix_type','full') if mode == 'seq': return try: vars = str(len(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['varyList'])) except: vars = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_number_parameters',vars) try: GOF = G2mth.ValEsd(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals']['GOF'],-0.009) except: GOF = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_goodness_of_fit_all',GOF) try: DAT1 = self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals'].get('Max shft/sig',0.0) except: DAT1 = 0 if DAT1: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_shift_over_su_max','%.4f'%DAT1) # get restraint info # restraintDict = self.OverallParms.get('Restraints',{}) # for i in self.OverallParms['Constraints']: # print i # for j in self.OverallParms['Constraints'][i]: # print j #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_number_restraints',TEXT) # other things to consider reporting # _refine_ls_number_reflns # _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_obs # _refine_ls_wR_factor_obs # _refine_ls_restrained_S_all # _refine_ls_restrained_S_obs # include an overall profile r-factor, if there is more than one powder histogram try: R = '%.5f'%(self.OverallParms['Covariance']['Rvals']['Rwp']/100.) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# OVERALL WEIGHTED R-FACTOR') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_wR_factor_obs',R) except: pass def writeCIFtemplate(G2dict,tmplate,defaultname='', cifKey="CIF_template"): '''Write out the selected or edited CIF template An unedited CIF template file is copied, comments intact; an edited CIF template is written out from PyCifRW which of course strips comments. In all cases the initial data_ header is stripped (there should only be one!) ''' CIFobj = G2dict.get(cifKey) if defaultname: defaultname = G2obj.StripUnicode(defaultname) defaultname = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]','',defaultname) defaultname = tmplate + "_" + defaultname + ".cif" else: defaultname = '' templateDefName = 'template_'+tmplate+'.cif' if not CIFobj: # copying a template lbl = 'Standard version' for pth in [os.getcwd()]+sys.path: fil = os.path.join(pth,defaultname) if os.path.exists(fil) and defaultname: break else: for pth in sys.path: fil = os.path.join(pth,templateDefName) if os.path.exists(fil): break else: print(CIFobj+' not found in path!') return fp = open(fil,'r') txt = fp.close() elif type(CIFobj) is not list and type(CIFobj) is not tuple: lbl = 'Saved version' if not os.path.exists(CIFobj): print("Error: requested template file has disappeared: "+CIFobj) return fp = open(CIFobj,'r') txt = fp.close() else: lbl = 'Project-specific version' txt = dict2CIF(CIFobj[0],CIFobj[1]).WriteOut() # remove the PyCifRW header, if present #if txt.find('PyCifRW') > -1 and txt.find('data_') > -1: pre = txt.index("data_") restofline = txt.index("\n",pre) name = txt[pre+5:restofline] txt = "\n# {} of {} template follows{}".format( lbl, name, txt[restofline:]) #txt = txt.replace('data_','#') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, txt) def FormatSH(phasenam): 'Format a full spherical harmonics texture description as a string' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info pfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::' s = "" textureData = phasedict['General']['SH Texture'] if textureData.get('Order'): s += "Spherical Harmonics correction. Order = "+str(textureData['Order']) s += " Model: " + str(textureData['Model']) + "\n Orientation angles: " for name in ['omega','chi','phi']: aname = pfx+'SH '+name s += name + " = " sig = self.sigDict.get(aname,-0.09) s += G2mth.ValEsd(self.parmDict[aname],sig) s += "; " s += "\n" s1 = " Coefficients: " for name in textureData['SH Coeff'][1]: aname = pfx+name if len(s1) > 60: s += s1 + "\n" s1 = " " s1 += aname + ' = ' sig = self.sigDict.get(aname,-0.0009) s1 += G2mth.ValEsd(self.parmDict[aname],sig) s1 += "; " s += s1 return s def FormatHAPpo(phasenam): '''return the March-Dollase/SH correction for every histogram in the current phase formatted into a character string ''' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info s = '' for histogram in sorted(phasedict['Histograms']): if histogram.startswith("HKLF"): continue # powder only if not self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histogram]['Use']: continue Histogram = self.Histograms.get(histogram) if not Histogram: continue hapData = phasedict['Histograms'][histogram] if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] == 'MD': aname = str(phasedict['pId'])+':'+str(Histogram['hId'])+':MD' if self.parmDict.get(aname,1.0) != 1.0: continue sig = self.sigDict.get(aname,-0.009) if s != "": s += '\n' s += 'March-Dollase correction' if len(self.powderDict) > 1: s += ', histogram '+str(Histogram['hId']+1) s += ' coef. = ' + G2mth.ValEsd(self.parmDict[aname],sig) s += ' axis = ' + str(hapData['Pref.Ori.'][3]) else: # must be SH if s != "": s += '\n' s += 'Simple spherical harmonic correction' if len(self.powderDict) > 1: s += ', histogram '+str(Histogram['hId']+1) s += ' Order = '+str(hapData['Pref.Ori.'][4])+'\n' s1 = " Coefficients: " for item in hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5]: aname = str(phasedict['pId'])+':'+str(Histogram['hId'])+':'+item if len(s1) > 60: s += s1 + "\n" s1 = " " s1 += aname + ' = ' sig = self.sigDict.get(aname,-0.0009) s1 += G2mth.ValEsd(self.parmDict[aname],sig) s1 += "; " s += s1 return s def FormatBackground(bkg,hId): '''Display the Background information as a descriptive text string. TODO: this needs to be expanded to show the diffuse peak and Debye term information as well. (Bob) :returns: the text description (str) ''' hfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' fxn, bkgdict = bkg terms = fxn[2] txt = 'Background function: "'+fxn[0]+'" function with '+str(terms)+' terms:\n' l = " " for i,v in enumerate(fxn[3:]): name = '%sBack;%d'%(hfx,i) sig = self.sigDict.get(name,-0.009) if len(l) > 60: txt += l + '\n' l = ' ' l += G2mth.ValEsd(v,sig)+', ' txt += l if bkgdict['nDebye']: txt += '\n Background Debye function parameters: A, R, U:' names = ['A;','R;','U;'] for i in range(bkgdict['nDebye']): txt += '\n ' for j in range(3): name = hfx+'Debye'+names[j]+str(i) sig = self.sigDict.get(name,-0.009) txt += G2mth.ValEsd(bkgdict['debyeTerms'][i][2*j],sig)+', ' if bkgdict['nPeaks']: txt += '\n Background peak parameters: pos, int, sig, gam:' names = ['pos;','int;','sig;','gam;'] for i in range(bkgdict['nPeaks']): txt += '\n ' for j in range(4): name = hfx+'BkPk'+names[j]+str(i) sig = self.sigDict.get(name,-0.009) txt += G2mth.ValEsd(bkgdict['peaksList'][i][2*j],sig)+', ' return txt def FormatInstProfile(instparmdict,hId): '''Format the instrumental profile parameters with a string description. Will only be called on PWDR histograms ''' s = '' inst = instparmdict[0] hfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' if 'C' in inst['Type'][0]: s = 'Finger-Cox-Jephcoat function parameters U, V, W, X, Y, SH/L:\n' s += ' peak variance(Gauss) = Utan(Th)^2^+Vtan(Th)+W:\n' s += ' peak HW(Lorentz) = X/cos(Th)+Ytan(Th); SH/L = S/L+H/L\n' s += ' U, V, W in (centideg)^2^, X & Y in centideg\n ' for item in ['U','V','W','X','Y','SH/L']: name = hfx+item sig = self.sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(inst[item][1],sig)+', ' elif 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: #to be tested after TOF Rietveld done s = 'Von Dreele-Jorgenson-Windsor function parameters\n'+ \ ' alpha, beta-0, beta-1, beta-q, sig-0, sig-1, sig-2, sig-q, X, Y:\n ' for item in ['alpha','beta-0','beta-1','beta-q','sig-0','sig-1','sig-2','sig-q','X','Y']: name = hfx+item sig = self.sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(inst[item][1],sig)+', ' return s def FormatPhaseProfile(phasenam,hist=''): '''Format the phase-related profile parameters (size/strain) with a string description. return an empty string or None if there are no powder histograms for this phase. ''' s = '' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info if hist: parmDict = self.seqData[hist]['parmDict'] sigDict = dict(zip(self.seqData[hist]['varyList'],self.seqData[hist]['sig'])) else: parmDict = self.parmDict sigDict = self.sigDict SGData = phasedict['General'] ['SGData'] for histogram in sorted(phasedict['Histograms']): if hist is not None and hist != histogram: continue if histogram.startswith("HKLF"): continue # powder only Histogram = self.Histograms.get(histogram) if not Histogram: continue hapData = phasedict['Histograms'][histogram] pId = phasedict['pId'] hId = Histogram['hId'] phfx = '%d:%d:'%(pId,hId) size = hapData['Size'] mustrain = hapData['Mustrain'] hstrain = hapData['HStrain'] if s: s += '\n' if len(self.powderDict) > 1: # if one histogram, no ambiguity s += ' Parameters for histogram #{:} {:} & phase {:}\n'.format( str(hId),str(histogram),phasenam) s += ' Crystallite size in microns with "%s" model:\n '%(size[0]) names = ['Size;i','Size;mx'] if 'uniax' in size[0]: names = ['Size;i','Size;a','Size;mx'] s += 'anisotropic axis is %s\n '%(str(size[3])) s += 'parameters: equatorial size, axial size, G/L mix\n ' for i,item in enumerate(names): name = phfx+item val = parmDict.get(name,size[1][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' elif 'ellip' in size[0]: s += 'parameters: S11, S22, S33, S12, S13, S23, G/L mix\n ' for i in range(6): name = phfx+'Size:'+str(i) val = parmDict.get(name,size[4][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' sig = sigDict.get(phfx+'Size;mx',-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(size[1][2],sig)+', ' else: #isotropic s += 'parameters: Size, G/L mix\n ' i = 0 for item in names: name = phfx+item val = parmDict.get(name,size[1][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' i = 2 #skip the aniso value s += '\n Microstrain, "%s" model (10^6^ * delta Q/Q)\n '%(mustrain[0]) names = ['Mustrain;i','Mustrain;mx'] if 'uniax' in mustrain[0]: names = ['Mustrain;i','Mustrain;a','Mustrain;mx'] s += 'anisotropic axis is %s\n '%(str(size[3])) s += 'parameters: equatorial mustrain, axial mustrain, G/L mix\n ' for i,item in enumerate(names): name = phfx+item val = parmDict.get(name,mustrain[1][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' elif 'general' in mustrain[0]: names = 'parameters: ' for i,name in enumerate(G2spc.MustrainNames(SGData)): names += name+', ' if i == 9: names += '\n ' names += 'G/L mix\n ' s += names txt = '' for i in range(len(mustrain[4])): name = phfx+'Mustrain:'+str(i) val = parmDict.get(name,mustrain[4][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) if len(txt) > 60: s += txt+'\n ' txt = '' txt += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' s += txt name = phfx+'Mustrain;mx' val = parmDict.get(name,mustrain[1][2]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' else: #isotropic s += ' parameters: Mustrain, G/L mix\n ' i = 0 for item in names: name = phfx+item val = parmDict.get(name,mustrain[1][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.009) s += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' i = 2 #skip the aniso value s1 = ' \n Macrostrain parameters: ' names = G2spc.HStrainNames(SGData) for name in names: s1 += name+', ' s1 += '\n ' macrostrain = False for i in range(len(names)): name = phfx+names[i] val = parmDict.get(name,hstrain[0][i]) sig = sigDict.get(name,-0.000009) s1 += G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig)+', ' if hstrain[0][i]: macrostrain = True if macrostrain: s += s1 + '\n' # show revised lattice parameters here someday else: s += '\n' return s def MakeUniqueLabel(lbl,labellist): 'Make sure that every atom label is unique' lbl = lbl.strip() if not lbl: # deal with a blank label lbl = 'A_1' if lbl not in labellist: labellist.append(lbl) return lbl i = 1 prefix = lbl if '_' in lbl: prefix = lbl[:lbl.rfind('_')] suffix = lbl[lbl.rfind('_')+1:] try: i = int(suffix)+1 except: pass while prefix+'_'+str(i) in labellist: i += 1 else: lbl = prefix+'_'+str(i) labellist.append(lbl) def WriteDistances(phasenam): '''Report bond distances and angles for the CIF Note that _geom_*_symmetry_* fields are values of form n_klm where n is the symmetry operation in SymOpList (counted starting with 1) and (k-5, l-5, m-5) are translations to add to (x,y,z). See TODO: need a method to select publication flags for distances/angles ''' phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] generalData = phasedict['General'] # create a dict for storing Pub flag for bonds/angles, if needed if phasedict['General'].get("DisAglHideFlag") is None: phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] = {} DisAngSel = phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] cx,ct,cs,cia = phasedict['General']['AtomPtrs'] cn = ct-1 fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' cfrac = cx+3 DisAglData = {} # create a list of atoms, but skip atoms with zero occupancy xyz = [] fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,atom in enumerate(Atoms): if self.parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),atom[cfrac]) == 0.0: continue xyz.append([i,]+atom[cn:cn+2]+atom[cx:cx+3]) if 'DisAglCtls' not in generalData: # should not happen, since DisAglDialog should be called # for all phases before getting here dlg = G2G.DisAglDialog( self.G2frame, {}, generalData) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: generalData['DisAglCtls'] = dlg.GetData() else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() DisAglData['OrigAtoms'] = xyz DisAglData['TargAtoms'] = xyz SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( generalData['SGData']) # xpandSGdata = generalData['SGData'].copy() # xpandSGdata.update({'SGOps':symOpList, # 'SGInv':False, # 'SGLatt':'P', # 'SGCen':np.array([[0, 0, 0]]),}) # DisAglData['SGData'] = xpandSGdata DisAglData['SGData'] = generalData['SGData'].copy() DisAglData['Cell'] = generalData['Cell'][1:] #+ volume if 'pId' in phasedict: DisAglData['pId'] = phasedict['pId'] DisAglData['covData'] = self.OverallParms['Covariance'] try: AtomLabels,DistArray,AngArray = G2stMn.RetDistAngle( generalData['DisAglCtls'], DisAglData) except KeyError: # inside DistAngle for missing atom types in DisAglCtls print(u'**** ERROR computing distances & angles for phase {} ****\nresetting to default values'.format(phasenam)) data = generalData['DisAglCtls'] = {} data['Name'] = generalData['Name'] data['Factors'] = [0.85,0.85] data['AtomTypes'] = generalData['AtomTypes'] data['BondRadii'] = generalData['BondRadii'][:] data['AngleRadii'] = generalData['AngleRadii'][:] try: AtomLabels,DistArray,AngArray = G2stMn.RetDistAngle( generalData['DisAglCtls'], DisAglData) except: print('Reset failed. To fix this, use the Reset button in the "edit distance/angle menu" for this phase') return # loop over interatomic distances for this phase WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# MOLECULAR GEOMETRY') First = True for i in sorted(AtomLabels.keys()): Dist = DistArray[i] for D in Dist: line = ' '+PutInCol(AtomLabels[i],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[D[0]],6) sig = D[4] if sig == 0: sig = -0.00009 line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(D[3],sig,True),10) line += " 1_555 " symopNum = G2opcodes.index(D[2]) line += " {:3d}_".format(symopNum+1) for d,o in zip(D[1],offsetList[symopNum]): line += "{:1d}".format(d-o+5) if DisAngSel.get((i,tuple(D[0:3]))): line += " no" else: line += " yes" if First: First = False WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1' + '\n _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2' + '\n _geom_bond_distance' + '\n _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1' + '\n _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2' + '\n _geom_bond_publ_flag') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line) # loop over interatomic angles for this phase First = True for i in sorted(AtomLabels.keys()): Dist = DistArray[i] for k,j,tup in AngArray[i]: Dj = Dist[j] Dk = Dist[k] line = ' '+PutInCol(AtomLabels[Dj[0]],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[i],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[Dk[0]],6) sig = tup[1] if sig == 0: sig = -0.009 line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(tup[0],sig,True),10) line += " {:3d}_".format(G2opcodes.index(Dj[2])+1) for d in Dj[1]: line += "{:1d}".format(d+5) line += " 1_555 " line += " {:3d}_".format(G2opcodes.index(Dk[2])+1) for d in Dk[1]: line += "{:1d}".format(d+5) key = (tuple(Dk[0:3]),i,tuple(Dj[0:3])) if DisAngSel.get(key): line += " no" else: line += " yes" if First: First = False WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3' + '\n _geom_angle' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3' + '\n _geom_angle_publ_flag') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line) def WriteSeqDistances(phasenam,histname,phasedict,cellList,seqData): '''Report bond distances and angles for the CIF from a Sequential fit Note that _geom_*_symmetry_* fields are values of form n_klm where n is the symmetry operation in SymOpList (counted starting with 1) and (k-5, l-5, m-5) are translations to add to (x,y,z). See TODO: this is based on WriteDistances and could likely be merged with that without too much work. Note also that G2stMn.RetDistAngle is pretty slow for sequential fits, since it is called so many times. ''' Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] generalData = phasedict['General'] parmDict = seqData[histname]['parmDict'] # sigDict = dict(zip(seqData[hist]['varyList'],seqData[hist]['sig'])) # create a dict for storing Pub flag for bonds/angles, if needed if phasedict['General'].get("DisAglHideFlag") is None: phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] = {} DisAngSel = phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] cx,ct,cs,cia = phasedict['General']['AtomPtrs'] cn = ct-1 # fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' cfrac = cx+3 DisAglData = {} # create a list of atoms, but skip atoms with zero occupancy xyz = [] fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,atom in enumerate(Atoms): if parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),atom[cfrac]) == 0.0: continue thisatom = [i] + atom[cn:cn+2] for j,lab in enumerate(['x','y','z']): xyzkey = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::A'+ lab + ':' +str(i) thisatom.append(parmDict.get(xyzkey,atom[cx+j])) xyz.append(thisatom) DisAglData['OrigAtoms'] = xyz DisAglData['TargAtoms'] = xyz SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( generalData['SGData']) # xpandSGdata = generalData['SGData'].copy() # xpandSGdata.update({'SGOps':symOpList, # 'SGInv':False, # 'SGLatt':'P', # 'SGCen':np.array([[0, 0, 0]]),}) # DisAglData['SGData'] = xpandSGdata DisAglData['SGData'] = generalData['SGData'].copy() DisAglData['Cell'] = cellList #+ volume if 'pId' in phasedict: DisAglData['pId'] = phasedict['pId'] DisAglData['covData'] = seqData[histname] # self.OverallParms['Covariance'] try: AtomLabels,DistArray,AngArray = G2stMn.RetDistAngle( generalData['DisAglCtls'], DisAglData) except KeyError: # inside DistAngle for missing atom types in DisAglCtls print(u'**** ERROR computing distances & angles for phase {} ****\nresetting to default values'.format(phasenam)) data = generalData['DisAglCtls'] = {} data['Name'] = generalData['Name'] data['Factors'] = [0.85,0.85] data['AtomTypes'] = generalData['AtomTypes'] data['BondRadii'] = generalData['BondRadii'][:] data['AngleRadii'] = generalData['AngleRadii'][:] try: AtomLabels,DistArray,AngArray = G2stMn.RetDistAngle( generalData['DisAglCtls'], DisAglData) except: print('Reset failed. To fix this, use the Reset button in the "edit distance/angle menu" for this phase') return # loop over interatomic distances for this phase WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# MOLECULAR GEOMETRY') First = True for i in sorted(AtomLabels.keys()): Dist = DistArray[i] for D in Dist: line = ' '+PutInCol(AtomLabels[i],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[D[0]],6) sig = D[4] if sig == 0: sig = -0.00009 line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(D[3],sig,True),10) line += " 1_555 " symopNum = G2opcodes.index(D[2]) line += " {:3d}_".format(symopNum+1) for d,o in zip(D[1],offsetList[symopNum]): line += "{:1d}".format(d-o+5) if DisAngSel.get((i,tuple(D[0:3]))): line += " no" else: line += " yes" if First: First = False WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1' + '\n _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2' + '\n _geom_bond_distance' + '\n _geom_bond_site_symmetry_1' + '\n _geom_bond_site_symmetry_2' + '\n _geom_bond_publ_flag') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line) # loop over interatomic angles for this phase First = True for i in sorted(AtomLabels.keys()): Dist = DistArray[i] for k,j,tup in AngArray[i]: Dj = Dist[j] Dk = Dist[k] line = ' '+PutInCol(AtomLabels[Dj[0]],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[i],6)+PutInCol(AtomLabels[Dk[0]],6) sig = tup[1] if sig == 0: sig = -0.009 line += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(tup[0],sig,True),10) line += " {:3d}_".format(G2opcodes.index(Dj[2])+1) for d in Dj[1]: line += "{:1d}".format(d+5) line += " 1_555 " line += " {:3d}_".format(G2opcodes.index(Dk[2])+1) for d in Dk[1]: line += "{:1d}".format(d+5) key = (tuple(Dk[0:3]),i,tuple(Dj[0:3])) if DisAngSel.get(key): line += " no" else: line += " yes" if First: First = False WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\nloop_' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2' + '\n _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3' + '\n _geom_angle' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_1' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_2' + '\n _geom_angle_site_symmetry_3' + '\n _geom_angle_publ_flag') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, line) def WriteSeqOverallPhaseInfo(phasenam,histblk): 'Write out the phase information for the selected phase for the overall block in a sequential fit' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# overall phase info for '+str(phasenam) + ' follows') phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_phase_name', phasenam) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_cell_setting', phasedict['General']['SGData']['SGSys']) # moved to WriteSeqPhaseVals() # if phasedict['General']['Type'] in ['nuclear','macromolecular']: # spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() # # regularize capitalization and remove trailing H/R # spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M',spacegroup) # # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry # SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( # phasedict['General']['SGData']) # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n _space_group_symop_id\n _space_group_symop_operation_xyz') # for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,op.lower())) # elif phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic': # parentSpGrp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() # parentSpGrp = parentSpGrp[0].upper() + parentSpGrp[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_parent_space_group.name_H-M_alt',parentSpGrp) # # [Trans,Uvec,Vvec] = phasedict['General']['SGData']['fromParent'] #save these # spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagSpGrp'].strip() # spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group_magn.name_BNS',spacegroup) # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group.magn_point_group',phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagPtGp']) # # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry # SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( # phasedict['General']['SGData']) # SpnFlp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpnFlp'] # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n\n') # for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): # if SpnFlp[i-1] >0: # opr = op.lower()+',+1' # else: # opr = op.lower()+',-1' # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,opr)) lam = None if 'X' in histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][0]: for k in ('Lam','Lam1'): if k in histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]: lam = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0][k][0] break keV = None if lam: keV = 12.397639/lam # report cell contents WriteComposition(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, False, keV) def WriteSeqPhaseVals(phasenam,phasedict,pId,histname): 'Write out the phase information for the selected phase' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_phase_name', phasenam) cellList,cellSig = getCellwStrain(phasedict,self.seqData,pId,histname) T = self.Histograms[histname]['Sample Parameters']['Temperature'] try: T = G2mth.ValEsd(T,-1.0) except: pass WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_cell_setting', phasedict['General']['SGData']['SGSys']) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry # note that this would be better in WriteSeqOverallPhaseInfo() so there could # be only one copy per phase if phasedict['General']['Type'] in ['nuclear','macromolecular']: spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() # regularize capitalization and remove trailing H/R spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M',spacegroup) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( phasedict['General']['SGData']) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n _space_group_symop_id\n _space_group_symop_operation_xyz') for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,op.lower())) elif phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic': parentSpGrp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() parentSpGrp = parentSpGrp[0].upper() + parentSpGrp[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_parent_space_group.name_H-M_alt',parentSpGrp) # [Trans,Uvec,Vvec] = phasedict['General']['SGData']['fromParent'] #save these spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagSpGrp'].strip() spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group_magn.name_BNS',spacegroup) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group.magn_point_group',phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagPtGp']) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( phasedict['General']['SGData']) SpnFlp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpnFlp'] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n\n') for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): if SpnFlp[i-1] >0: opr = op.lower()+',+1' else: opr = op.lower()+',-1' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,opr)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp,"_cell_measurement_temperature",T) defsigL = 3*[-0.00001] + 3*[-0.001] + [-0.01] # significance to use when no sigma prevsig = 0 for lbl,defsig,val,sig in zip(cellNames,defsigL,cellList,cellSig): if sig: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig) prevsig = -sig # use this as the significance for next value else: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,min(defsig,prevsig),True) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_cell_'+lbl,txt) mass = G2mth.getMass(phasedict['General']) Volume = cellList[6] density = mass/(0.6022137*Volume) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn', G2mth.ValEsd(density,-0.001)) # report atom params if phasedict['General']['Type'] in ['nuclear','macromolecular']: #this needs macromolecular variant, etc! WriteSeqAtomsNuclear(self.fp, cellList, phasedict, phasenam, histname, self.seqData, self.OverallParms['Rigid bodies']) else: print("Warning: no export for sequential "+str(phasedict['General']['Type'])+" coordinates implemented") # raise Exception("no export for "+str(phasedict['General']['Type'])+" coordinates implemented") if phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'nuclear': WriteSeqDistances(phasenam,histname,phasedict,cellList,self.seqData) # N.B. map info probably not possible w/sequential # if 'Map' in phasedict['General'] and 'minmax' in phasedict['General']['Map']: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# Difference density results') # MinMax = phasedict['General']['Map']['minmax'] # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_diff_density_max',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[0],-0.009)) # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_diff_density_min',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[1],-0.009)) def WritePhaseInfo(phasenam,quick=True,oneblock=True): 'Write out the phase information for the selected phase' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# phase info for '+str(phasenam) + ' follows') phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_phase_name', phasenam) cellList,cellSig = self.GetCell(phasenam,unique=True) if quick: # leave temperature as unknown WriteCIFitem(self.fp,"_cell_measurement_temperature","?") elif oneblock: pass # temperature should be written when the histogram saved later else: # get T set in _SelectPhaseT_CellSelectHist and possibly get new cell params T,hRanId = self.CellHistSelection.get(phasedict['ranId'], ('?',None)) try: T = G2mth.ValEsd(T,-1.0) except: pass WriteCIFitem(self.fp,"_cell_measurement_temperature",T) for h in self.Histograms: if self.Histograms[h]['ranId'] == hRanId: pId = phasedict['pId'] hId = self.Histograms[h]['hId'] cellList,cellSig = G2stIO.getCellSU(pId,hId, phasedict['General']['SGData'], self.parmDict, self.OverallParms['Covariance']) break else: T = '?' defsigL = 3*[-0.00001] + 3*[-0.001] + [-0.01] # significance to use when no sigma prevsig = 0 for lbl,defsig,val,sig in zip(cellNames,defsigL,cellList,cellSig): if sig: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig) prevsig = -sig # use this as the significance for next value else: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,min(defsig,prevsig),True) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_cell_'+lbl,txt) density = G2mth.getDensity(phasedict['General'])[0] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn', G2mth.ValEsd(density,-0.001)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_cell_setting', phasedict['General']['SGData']['SGSys']) if phasedict['General']['Type'] in ['nuclear','macromolecular']: spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() # regularize capitalization and remove trailing H/R spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M',spacegroup) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( phasedict['General']['SGData']) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n _space_group_symop_id\n _space_group_symop_operation_xyz') for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,op.lower())) elif phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic': parentSpGrp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() parentSpGrp = parentSpGrp[0].upper() + parentSpGrp[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_parent_space_group.name_H-M_alt',parentSpGrp) # [Trans,Uvec,Vvec] = phasedict['General']['SGData']['fromParent'] #save these spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagSpGrp'].strip() spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group_magn.name_BNS',spacegroup) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_space_group.magn_point_group',phasedict['General']['SGData']['MagPtGp']) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( phasedict['General']['SGData']) SpnFlp = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpnFlp'] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n\n') for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): if SpnFlp[i-1] >0: opr = op.lower()+',+1' else: opr = op.lower()+',-1' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,opr)) # loop over histogram(s) used in this phase if not oneblock and not self.quickmode: # report pointers to the histograms used in this phase histlist = [] for hist in self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms']: # if self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: # if phasebyhistDict.get(hist): # phasebyhistDict[hist].append(phasenam) # else: # phasebyhistDict[hist] = [phasenam,] blockid = datablockidDict.get(hist) if not blockid: print("Internal error: no block for data. Phase "+str( phasenam)+" histogram "+str(hist)) histlist = [] break histlist.append(blockid) if len(histlist) == 0: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Note: phase has no associated data') # report atom params if phasedict['General']['Type'] in ['nuclear','macromolecular']: #this needs macromolecular variant, etc! try: self.labellist except AttributeError: self.labellist = [] WriteAtomsNuclear(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, self.sigDict, self.labellist, self.OverallParms['Rigid bodies']) else: try: self.labellist except AttributeError: self.labellist = [] WriteAtomsMagnetic(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, self.sigDict, self.labellist) # raise Exception("no export for "+str(phasedict['General']['Type'])+" coordinates implemented") keV = None if oneblock: # get xray wavelength lamlist = [] for hist in self.Histograms: if 'X' not in self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][0]: continue for k in ('Lam','Lam1'): if k in self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0]: lamlist.append(self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0][k][0]) break if len(lamlist) == 1: keV = 12.397639/lamlist[0] # report cell contents WriteComposition(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, self.quickmode, keV) if not self.quickmode and phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'nuclear': # report distances and angles WriteDistances(phasenam) if 'Map' in phasedict['General'] and 'minmax' in phasedict['General']['Map']: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# Difference density results') MinMax = phasedict['General']['Map']['minmax'] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_diff_density_max',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[0],-0.009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_diff_density_min',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[1],-0.009)) def WritePhaseInfoMM(phasenam,quick=True,oneblock=True): 'Write out the phase information for the selected phase for a macromolecular phase' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# phase info for '+str(phasenam) + ' follows') phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_cell.entry_id', phasenam) cellList,cellSig = self.GetCell(phasenam,unique=True) if oneblock: pass # temperature should be written when the histogram saved later else: # get T set in _SelectPhaseT_CellSelectHist and possibly get new cell params T,hRanId = self.CellHistSelection.get(phasedict['ranId'], ('?',None)) try: T = G2mth.ValEsd(T,-1.0) except: pass WriteCIFitem(self.fp,"_cell_measurement.temp",T) for h in self.Histograms: if self.Histograms[h]['ranId'] == hRanId: pId = phasedict['pId'] hId = self.Histograms[h]['hId'] cellList,cellSig = G2stIO.getCellSU(pId,hId, phasedict['General']['SGData'], self.parmDict, self.OverallParms['Covariance']) break else: T = '?' defsigL = 3*[-0.00001] + 3*[-0.001] + [-0.01] # significance to use when no sigma prevsig = 0 for lbl,defsig,val,sig in zip(cellNames,defsigL,cellList,cellSig): if sig: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,sig) prevsig = -sig # use this as the significance for next value else: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(val,min(defsig,prevsig),True) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_cell.'+lbl,txt) density = G2mth.getDensity(phasedict['General'])[0] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_crystal.density_diffrn', G2mth.ValEsd(density,-0.001)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry.cell_setting', phasedict['General']['SGData']['SGSys']) spacegroup = phasedict['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip() # regularize capitalization and remove trailing H/R spacegroup = spacegroup[0].upper() + spacegroup[1:].lower().rstrip('rh ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M',spacegroup) # generate symmetry operations including centering and center of symmetry SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( phasedict['General']['SGData']) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_\n _space_group.symop_id\n _space_group.symop_operation_xyz') for i,op in enumerate(SymOpList,start=1): WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' {:3d} {:}'.format(i,op.lower())) # loop over histogram(s) used in this phase if not oneblock and not self.quickmode: # report pointers to the histograms used in this phase histlist = [] for hist in self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms']: # if self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: # if phasebyhistDict.get(hist): # phasebyhistDict[hist].append(phasenam) # else: # phasebyhistDict[hist] = [phasenam,] blockid = datablockidDict.get(hist) if not blockid: print("Internal error: no block for data. Phase "+str( phasenam)+" histogram "+str(hist)) histlist = [] break histlist.append(blockid) if len(histlist) == 0: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Note: phase has no associated data') # report atom params try: self.labellist except AttributeError: self.labellist = [] WriteAtomsMM(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, self.sigDict, self.OverallParms['Rigid bodies']) keV = None if oneblock: # get xray wavelength lamlist = [] for hist in self.Histograms: if 'X' not in self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][0]: continue for k in ('Lam','Lam1'): if k in self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0]: lamlist.append(self.Histograms[hist]['Instrument Parameters'][0][k][0]) break if len(lamlist) == 1: keV = 12.397639/lamlist[0] # report cell contents WriteCompositionMM(self.fp, self.Phases[phasenam], phasenam, self.parmDict, self.quickmode, keV) #if not self.quickmode and phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'nuclear': # report distances and angles # WriteDistances(phasenam) if 'Map' in phasedict['General'] and 'minmax' in phasedict['General']['Map']: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# Difference density results') MinMax = phasedict['General']['Map']['minmax'] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.diff_density_max',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[0],-0.009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.diff_density_min',G2mth.ValEsd(MinMax[1],-0.009)) def Yfmt(ndec,val): 'Format intensity values' try: out = ("{:."+str(ndec)+"f}").format(val) out = out.rstrip('0') # strip zeros to right of decimal return out.rstrip('.') # and decimal place when not needed except TypeError: print(val) return '.' def WriteReflStat(refcount,hklmin,hklmax,dmin,dmax,nRefSets=1): 'Write reflection statistics' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_number_total', str(refcount)) if hklmin is not None and nRefSets == 1: # hkl range has no meaning with multiple phases WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_h_min', str(int(hklmin[0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_h_max', str(int(hklmax[0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_k_min', str(int(hklmin[1]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_k_max', str(int(hklmax[1]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_l_min', str(int(hklmin[2]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_limit_l_max', str(int(hklmax[2]))) if hklmin is not None: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_d_resolution_low ', G2mth.ValEsd(dmax,-0.009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns_d_resolution_high ', G2mth.ValEsd(dmin,-0.009)) def WritePowderData(histlbl,seq=False): 'Write out the selected powder diffraction histogram info' histblk = self.Histograms[histlbl] inst = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0] if seq: resdblk = histblk['Residuals'] else: resdblk = histblk hId = histblk['hId'] pfx = ':' + str(hId) + ':' if 'Lam1' in inst: ratio = self.parmDict.get('I(L2)/I(L1)',inst['I(L2)/I(L1)'][1]) sratio = self.sigDict.get('I(L2)/I(L1)',-0.0009) lam1 = self.parmDict.get('Lam1',inst['Lam1'][1]) slam1 = self.sigDict.get('Lam1',-0.00009) lam2 = self.parmDict.get('Lam2',inst['Lam2'][1]) slam2 = self.sigDict.get('Lam2',-0.00009) # always assume Ka1 & Ka2 if two wavelengths are present WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_type','K\\a~1,2~') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _diffrn_radiation_wavelength' + '\n _diffrn_radiation_wavelength_wt' + '\n _diffrn_radiation_wavelength_id') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(lam1,slam1),15)+ PutInCol('1.0',15) + PutInCol('1',5)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(lam2,slam2),15)+ PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ratio,sratio),15)+ PutInCol('2',5)) elif 'Lam' in inst: lam1 = self.parmDict.get('Lam',inst['Lam'][1]) slam1 = self.sigDict.get('Lam',-0.00009) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_wavelength',G2mth.ValEsd(lam1,slam1)) if not oneblock: if not phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl) and not seq: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# No phases associated with this data set') elif len(self.Phases) == 1: pId = self.Phases[list(self.Phases.keys())[0]]['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_F_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk[pfx+'Rf']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_Fsqd_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk[pfx+'Rf^2']/100.)) else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# PHASE TABLE') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _pd_phase_id' + '\n _pd_phase_block_id' + '\n _pd_phase_mass_%') hId = self.Histograms[histlbl]['hId'] for phasenam in phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl): pId = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] var = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':WgtFrac' if self.seqData is None and 'depSigDict' in self.OverallParms['Covariance']: depDict = self.OverallParms['Covariance']['depSigDict'] elif self.seqData is not None and 'depParmDict' in self.seqData[histlbl]: depDict = self.seqData[histlbl]['depParmDict'] else: depDict = {} if var in depDict: wtFr,sig = depDict[var] wgtstr = G2mth.ValEsd(wtFr,sig) else: wgtstr = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' '+ str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId']) + ' '+datablockidDict[phasenam]+ ' '+wgtstr ) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_R_F_factor' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_R_Fsqd_factor' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_id' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_block_id') for phasenam in phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl): pfx = str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'])+':'+str(hId)+':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' '+ ' '+G2mth.ValEsd(resdblk[pfx+'Rf']/100.,-.00009) + ' '+G2mth.ValEsd(resdblk[pfx+'Rf^2']/100.,-.00009)+ ' '+str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'])+ ' '+datablockidDict[phasenam] ) elif len(self.Phases) == 1: # single phase in this histogram # get the phase number here pId = self.Phases[list(self.Phases.keys())[0]]['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_F_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk[pfx+'Rf']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_Fsqd_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk[pfx+'Rf^2']/100.)) try: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_R_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk['R']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk['wR']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_proc_ls_prof_R_B_factor ','%.5f'%(resdblk['Rb']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_proc_ls_prof_wR_B_factor','%.5f'%(resdblk['wRb']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_expected','%.5f'%(resdblk['wRmin']/100.)) if not oneblock: # written in WriteOverall, don't repeat in a one-block CIF WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_all','%.2f'%(resdblk['wR']/resdblk['wRmin'])) except KeyError: pass if histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][1][1] == 'X': WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_probe','x-ray') pola = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0].get('Polariz.') if pola: pfx = ':' + str(hId) + ':' sig = self.sigDict.get(pfx+'Polariz.',-0.0009) txt = G2mth.ValEsd(pola[1],sig) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_polarisn_ratio',txt) elif histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][1][1] == 'N': WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_probe','neutron') if 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(inst['2-theta'][0],-0.009) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_2theta_fixed',txt) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_background_function',FormatBackground(histblk['Background'],histblk['hId'])) # TODO: this will need help from Bob #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_process_details','?') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min','?') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max','?') #C extinction #WRITE(IUCIF,'(A)') '# Extinction correction' #CALL WRVAL(IUCIF,'_gsas_exptl_extinct_corr_T_min',TEXT(1:10)) #CALL WRVAL(IUCIF,'_gsas_exptl_extinct_corr_T_max',TEXT(11:20)) # code removed because it is causing duplication in histogram block 1/26/19 BHT #if not oneblock: # instrumental profile terms go here # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function', # FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId'])) #refprx = '_refln.' # mm refprx = '_refln_' # normal # data collection parameters for the powder dataset temperature = histblk['Sample Parameters'].get('Temperature') # G2 uses K if not temperature: T = '?' else: T = G2mth.ValEsd(temperature,-0.009,True) # CIF uses K WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_ambient_temperature',T) pressure = histblk['Sample Parameters'].get('Pressure') #G2 uses mega-Pascal if not pressure: P = '?' else: P = G2mth.ValEsd(pressure*1000,-0.09,True) # CIF uses kilopascal (G2 Mpa) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_ambient_pressure',P) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# STRUCTURE FACTOR TABLE') # compute maximum intensity reflection Imax = 0 phaselist = [] for phasenam in histblk['Reflection Lists']: try: scale = self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histlbl]['Scale'][0] except KeyError: # reflection table from removed phase? continue phaselist.append(phasenam) refList = np.asarray(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) I100 = scale*refList.T[8]*refList.T[11] #Icorr = np.array([refl[13] for refl in histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]])[0] #FO2 = np.array([refl[8] for refl in histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]]) #I100 = scale*FO2*Icorr Imax = max(Imax,max(I100)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_') if len(phaselist) > 1: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_refln_phase_id') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' ' + refprx + 'index_h' + '\n ' + refprx + 'index_k' + '\n ' + refprx + 'index_l' + '\n ' + refprx + 'F_squared_meas' + '\n ' + refprx + 'F_squared_calc' + '\n ' + refprx + 'phase_calc' + '\n _refln_d_spacing') if Imax > 0: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _gsas_i100_meas') refcount = 0 hklmin = None hklmax = None dmax = None dmin = None for phasenam in phaselist: scale = self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histlbl]['Scale'][0] phaseid = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] refcount += len(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) refList = np.asarray(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) I100 = scale*refList.T[8]*refList.T[11] for j,ref in enumerate(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']): if DEBUG: print('DEBUG: skipping reflection list') break if hklmin is None: hklmin = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) hklmax = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) if dmin is None: dmax = dmin = ref[4] if len(phaselist) > 1: s = PutInCol(phaseid,2) else: s = "" for i,hkl in enumerate(ref[0:3]): hklmax[i] = max(hkl,hklmax[i]) hklmin[i] = min(hkl,hklmin[i]) s += PutInCol(int(hkl),4) for I in ref[8:10]: s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(I,-0.0009),10) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[10],-0.9),7) dmax = max(dmax,ref[4]) dmin = min(dmin,ref[4]) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[4],-0.00009),8) if Imax > 0: s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(100.*I100[j]/Imax,-0.09),6) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, " "+s) WriteReflStat(refcount,hklmin,hklmax,dmin,dmax,len(phaselist)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# POWDER DATA TABLE') # is data fixed step? If the step varies by <0.01% treat as fixed step steps = abs(histblk['Data'][0][1:] - histblk['Data'][0][:-1]) if (max(steps)-min(steps)) > np.mean(steps)/10000.: fixedstep = False else: fixedstep = True zero = None if fixedstep and 'T' not in inst['Type'][0]: # and not TOF WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_2theta_range_min', G2mth.ValEsd(histblk['Data'][0][0],-0.00009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_2theta_range_max', G2mth.ValEsd(histblk['Data'][0][-1],-0.00009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_2theta_range_inc', G2mth.ValEsd(np.mean(steps),-0.00009)) # zero correct, if defined zerolst = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0].get('Zero') if zerolst: zero = zerolst[1] zero = self.parmDict.get('Zero',zero) if zero: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_2theta_range_min', G2mth.ValEsd(histblk['Data'][0][0]-zero,-0.00009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_2theta_range_max', G2mth.ValEsd(histblk['Data'][0][-1]-zero,-0.00009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_2theta_range_inc', G2mth.ValEsd(steps.sum()/len(steps),-0.00009)) if zero: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_number_of_points', str(len(histblk['Data'][0]))) else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_number_of_points', str(len(histblk['Data'][0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\nloop_') # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_proc_d_spacing') # need easy way to get this if not fixedstep: if zero: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_proc_2theta_corrected') elif 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: # and not TOF WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_time_of_flight') else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_2theta_scan') # at least for now, always report weights. #if countsdata: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_counts_total') #else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_intensity_total') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_calc_intensity_total') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_proc_intensity_bkg_calc') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_proc_ls_weight') maxY = max(histblk['Data'][1].max(),histblk['Data'][3].max()) if maxY < 0: maxY *= -10 # this should never happen, but... ndec = max(0,10-int(np.log10(maxY))-1) # 10 sig figs should be enough maxSU = histblk['Data'][2].max() if maxSU < 0: maxSU *= -1 # this should never happen, but... ndecSU = max(0,8-int(np.log10(maxSU))-1) # 8 sig figs should be enough lowlim,highlim = histblk['Limits'][1] if DEBUG: print('DEBUG: skipping profile list') else: for x,yobs,yw,ycalc,ybkg in zip(histblk['Data'][0].data, #get the data from these masked arrays histblk['Data'][1].data, histblk['Data'][2].data, histblk['Data'][3].data, histblk['Data'][4].data): if lowlim <= x <= highlim: pass else: yw = 0.0 # show the point is not in use if fixedstep: s = "" elif zero: s = PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(x-zero,-0.00009),10) else: s = PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(x,-0.00009),10) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,yobs),12) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,ycalc),12) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,ybkg),11) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndecSU,yw),9) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, " "+s) def WritePowderDataMM(histlbl,seq=False): 'Write out the selected powder diffraction histogram info' histblk = self.Histograms[histlbl] inst = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0] hId = histblk['hId'] pfx = ':' + str(hId) + ':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '',str(hId)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn.crystal_id',str(hId)) if 'Lam1' in inst: ratio = self.parmDict.get('I(L2)/I(L1)',inst['I(L2)/I(L1)'][1]) sratio = self.sigDict.get('I(L2)/I(L1)',-0.0009) lam1 = self.parmDict.get('Lam1',inst['Lam1'][1]) slam1 = self.sigDict.get('Lam1',-0.00009) lam2 = self.parmDict.get('Lam2',inst['Lam2'][1]) slam2 = self.sigDict.get('Lam2',-0.00009) # always assume Ka1 & Ka2 if two wavelengths are present WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.type','K\\a~1,2~') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength' + '\n _diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wt' + '\n') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(lam1,slam1),15)+ PutInCol('1.0',15) + PutInCol('1',5)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' ' + PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(lam2,slam2),15)+ PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ratio,sratio),15)+ PutInCol('2',5)) elif 'Lam' in inst: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id',str(hId)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id','1') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '','1') lam1 = self.parmDict.get('Lam',inst['Lam'][1]) slam1 = self.sigDict.get('Lam',-0.00009) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation_wavelength.wavelength',G2mth.ValEsd(lam1,slam1)) if not oneblock: if seq: pass elif not phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl): WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# No phases associated with this data set') else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# PHASE TABLE') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _pd_phase_id' + '\n _pd_phase_block_id' + '\n _pd_phase_mass_%') hId = self.Histograms[histlbl]['hId'] for phasenam in phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl): pId = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] var = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':WgtFrac' if self.seqData is None and 'depSigDict' in self.OverallParms['Covariance']: depDict = self.OverallParms['Covariance']['depSigDict'] elif self.seqData is not None and 'depSigDict' in self.seqData[histlbl]: depDict = self.seqData[histlbl]['depParmDict'] else: depDict = {} if var in depDict: wtFr,sig = depDict[var] wgtstr = G2mth.ValEsd(wtFr,sig) else: wgtstr = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' '+ str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId']) + ' '+datablockidDict[phasenam]+ ' '+wgtstr ) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_R_F_factor' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_R_Fsqd_factor' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_id' + '\n _gsas_proc_phase_block_id') for phasenam in phasebyhistDict.get(histlbl): pfx = str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'])+':'+str(hId)+':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' '+ ' '+G2mth.ValEsd(histblk[pfx+'Rf']/100.,-.00009) + ' '+G2mth.ValEsd(histblk[pfx+'Rf^2']/100.,-.00009)+ ' '+str(self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'])+ ' '+datablockidDict[phasenam] ) elif len(self.Phases) == 1: # single phase in this histogram # get the phase number here pId = self.Phases[list(self.Phases.keys())[0]]['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.ls_R_factor_all ','%.5f'%(histblk[pfx+'Rf']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls.R_Fsqd_factor ','%.5f'%(histblk[pfx+'Rf^2']/100.)) try: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_R_factor ','%.5f'%(histblk['R']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_factor ','%.5f'%(histblk['wR']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_proc_ls_prof_R_B_factor ','%.5f'%(histblk['Rb']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_proc_ls_prof_wR_B_factor','%.5f'%(histblk['wRb']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_expected','%.5f'%(histblk['wRmin']/100.)) except KeyError: pass if histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][1][1] == 'X': WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.probe','x-ray') pola = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0].get('Polariz.') if pola: pfx = ':' + str(hId) + ':' sig = self.sigDict.get(pfx+'Polariz.',-0.0009) txt = G2mth.ValEsd(pola[1],sig) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.polarisn_ratio',txt) elif histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][1][1] == 'N': WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_radiation.probe','neutron') if 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: txt = G2mth.ValEsd(inst['2-theta'][0],-0.009) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_meas_2theta_fixed',txt) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_background_function',FormatBackground(histblk['Background'],histblk['hId'])) # TODO: this will need help from Bob #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_process_details','?') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min','?') #WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max','?') #C extinction #WRITE(IUCIF,'(A)') '# Extinction correction' #CALL WRVAL(IUCIF,'_gsas_exptl_extinct_corr_T_min',TEXT(1:10)) #CALL WRVAL(IUCIF,'_gsas_exptl_extinct_corr_T_max',TEXT(11:20)) # code removed because it is causing duplication in histogram block 1/26/19 BHT #if not oneblock: # instrumental profile terms go here # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function', # FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId'])) # data collection parameters for the powder dataset temperature = histblk['Sample Parameters'].get('Temperature') # G2 uses K if not temperature: T = '?' else: T = G2mth.ValEsd(temperature,-0.009,True) # CIF uses K WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_ambient.temp',T) pressure = histblk['Sample Parameters'].get('Pressure') #G2 uses mega-Pascal if not pressure: P = '?' else: P = G2mth.ValEsd(pressure*1000,-0.09,True) # CIF uses kilopascal (G2 Mpa) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_ambient.pressure',P) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# STRUCTURE FACTOR TABLE') # compute maximum intensity reflection #Imax = 0 phaselist = [] for phasenam in histblk['Reflection Lists']: #try: # scale = self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histlbl]['Scale'][0] #except KeyError: # reflection table from removed phase? # continue phaselist.append(phasenam) #refList = np.asarray(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) #I100 = scale*refList.T[8]*refList.T[11] #Icorr = np.array([refl[13] for refl in histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]])[0] #FO2 = np.array([refl[8] for refl in histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]]) #I100 = scale*FO2*Icorr # Imax = max(Imax,max(I100)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_') #refprx = '_refln.' # mm if len(phaselist) > 1: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_refln_phase_id') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _refln.index_h' + '\n _refln.index_k' + '\n _refln.index_l' + '\n _refln.F_squared_meas' + '\n _refln.F_squared_calc' + '\n _refln.phase_calc' + '\n _refln.d_spacing' + '\n _refln.status' + '\n _refln.crystal_id' + '\n _refln.wavelength_id' + '\n _refln.scale_group_code' + '\n _refln.F_squared_sigma') # if Imax > 0: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _gsas_i100_meas') refcount = 0 hklmin = None hklmax = None dmax = None dmin = None for phasenam in phaselist: #scale = self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histlbl]['Scale'][0] phaseid = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] refcount += len(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) #refList = np.asarray(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']) #I100 = scale*refList.T[8]*refList.T[11] for j,ref in enumerate(histblk['Reflection Lists'][phasenam]['RefList']): if DEBUG: print('DEBUG: skipping reflection list') break if hklmin is None: hklmin = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) hklmax = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) if dmin is None: dmax = dmin = ref[4] if len(phaselist) > 1: s = PutInCol(phaseid,2) else: s = "" for i,hkl in enumerate(ref[0:3]): hklmax[i] = max(hkl,hklmax[i]) hklmin[i] = min(hkl,hklmin[i]) s += PutInCol(int(hkl),4) for I in ref[8:10]: s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(I,-0.0009),14) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[10],-0.9),7) dmax = max(dmax,ref[4]) dmin = min(dmin,ref[4]) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[4],-0.00009),8) # if Imax > 0: # s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(100.*I100[j]/Imax,-0.09),6) s += PutInCol('o',2) s += PutInCol('1',2) s += PutInCol('1',2) s += PutInCol('1',2) s += PutInCol('.',2) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, " "+s) # Write reflection statistics WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.number', str(refcount)) if hklmin is not None and len(phaselist) == 1: # hkl range has no meaning with multiple phases WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_min', str(int(hklmin[0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_h_max', str(int(hklmax[0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_min', str(int(hklmin[1]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_k_max', str(int(hklmax[1]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_min', str(int(hklmin[2]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_diffrn_reflns.limit_l_max', str(int(hklmax[2]))) if hklmin is not None: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns.d_resolution_low ', G2mth.ValEsd(dmax,-0.009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_reflns.d_resolution_high ', G2mth.ValEsd(dmin,-0.009)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# POWDER DATA TABLE') # is data fixed step? If the step varies by <0.01% treat as fixed step fixedstep = False zero = None WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine.pdbx_pd_meas_number_of_points', str(len(histblk['Data'][0]))) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\nloop_') # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_proc_d_spacing') # need easy way to get this if 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: # and not TOF WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_time_of_flight') else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pdbx_powder_data.pd_meas_2theta_scan') # at least for now, always report weights. #if countsdata: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pd_meas_counts_total') #else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pdbx_powder_data.pd_meas_intensity_total') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pdbx_powder_data.pd_calc_intensity_total') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pdbx_powder_data.pd_proc_intensity_bkg_calc') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' _pdbx_powder_data.pd_proc_ls_weight') maxY = max(histblk['Data'][1].max(),histblk['Data'][3].max()) if maxY < 0: maxY *= -10 # this should never happen, but... ndec = max(0,10-int(np.log10(maxY))-1) # 10 sig figs should be enough maxSU = histblk['Data'][2].max() if maxSU < 0: maxSU *= -1 # this should never happen, but... ndecSU = max(0,8-int(np.log10(maxSU))-1) # 8 sig figs should be enough lowlim,highlim = histblk['Limits'][1] if DEBUG: print('DEBUG: skipping profile list') else: for x,yobs,yw,ycalc,ybkg in zip(histblk['Data'][0].data, #get the data from these masked arrays histblk['Data'][1].data, histblk['Data'][2].data, histblk['Data'][3].data, histblk['Data'][4].data): if lowlim <= x <= highlim: pass else: yw = 0.0 # show the point is not in use if fixedstep: s = "" elif zero: s = PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(x-zero,-0.00009),10) else: s = PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(x,-0.00009),10) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,yobs),12) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,ycalc),12) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndec,ybkg),11) s += PutInCol(Yfmt(ndecSU,yw),9) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, " "+s) def WriteSingleXtalData(histlbl): 'Write out the selected single crystal histogram info' histblk = self.Histograms[histlbl] #refprx = '_refln.' # mm refprx = '_refln_' # normal WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# STRUCTURE FACTOR TABLE') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_' + '\n ' + refprx + 'index_h' + '\n ' + refprx + 'index_k' + '\n ' + refprx + 'index_l' + '\n ' + refprx + 'F_squared_meas' + '\n ' + refprx + 'F_squared_sigma' + '\n ' + refprx + 'F_squared_calc' + '\n ' + refprx + 'phase_calc' ) hklmin = None hklmax = None dmax = None dmin = None refcount = len(histblk['Data']['RefList']) for ref in histblk['Data']['RefList']: if ref[3] <= 0: #skip user rejected reflections (mul <= 0) continue s = " " if hklmin is None: hklmin = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) hklmax = copy.copy(ref[0:3]) dmax = dmin = ref[4] for i,hkl in enumerate(ref[0:3]): hklmax[i] = max(hkl,hklmax[i]) hklmin[i] = min(hkl,hklmin[i]) s += PutInCol(int(hkl),4) if ref[5] == 0.0: s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[8],0),12) s += PutInCol('.',10) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[9],0),12) else: sig = ref[6] * ref[8] / ref[5] s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[8],-abs(sig/10)),12) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(sig,-abs(sig)/10.),10) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[9],-abs(sig/10)),12) s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(ref[10],-0.9),7) dmax = max(dmax,ref[4]) dmin = min(dmin,ref[4]) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, s) if not self.quickmode: # statistics only in a full CIF WriteReflStat(refcount,hklmin,hklmax,dmin,dmax) hId = histblk['hId'] hfx = '0:'+str(hId)+':' phfx = '%d:%d:'%(0,hId) extType,extModel,extParms = self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][histlbl]['Extinction'] if extModel != 'None': WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Extinction scaled by 1.e5') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_extinction_method','Becker-Coppens %s %s'%(extModel,extType)) sig = -1.e-3 if extModel == 'Primary': parm = extParms['Ep'][0]*1.e5 if extParms['Ep'][1]: sig = self.sigDict[phfx+'Ep']*1.e5 text = G2mth.ValEsd(parm,sig) elif extModel == 'Secondary Type I': parm = extParms['Eg'][0]*1.e5 if extParms['Eg'][1]: sig = self.sigDict[phfx+'Eg']*1.e5 text = G2mth.ValEsd(parm,sig) elif extModel == 'Secondary Type II': parm = extParms['Es'][0]*1.e5 if extParms['Es'][1]: sig = self.sigDict[phfx+'Es']*1.e5 text = G2mth.ValEsd(parm,sig) elif extModel == 'Secondary Type I & II': parm = extParms['Eg'][0]*1.e5 if extParms['Es'][1]: sig = self.sigDict[phfx+'Es']*1.e5 text = G2mth.ValEsd(parm,sig) sig = -1.0e-3 parm = extParms['Es'][0]*1.e5 if extParms['Es'][1]: sig = self.sigDict[phfx+'Es']*1.e5 text += G2mth.ValEsd(parm,sig) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_extinction_coef',text) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_extinction_expression','Becker & Coppens (1974). Acta Cryst. A30, 129-147') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt ','%.4f'%(histblk['wR']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_factor_gt ','%.4f'%(histblk[hfx+'Rf']/100.)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_refine_ls_R_Fsqd_factor ','%.4f'%(histblk[hfx+'Rf^2']/100.)) def EditAuthor(event=None): 'dialog to edit the CIF author info' 'Edit the CIF author name' dlg = G2G.SingleStringDialog(self.G2frame, 'Get CIF Author', 'Provide CIF Author name (Last, First)', if not dlg.Show(): dlg.Destroy() return False # cancel was pressed = dlg.GetValue() self.shortauthorname =',','').replace(' ','')[:20] dlg.Destroy() try: self.OverallParms['Controls']["Author"] = # save for future except KeyError: pass return True def EditInstNames(event=None): 'Provide a dialog for editing instrument names; for sequential fit, only need one name' dictlist = [] keylist = [] lbllist = [] for hist in sorted(self.Histograms): if hist.startswith("PWDR"): key2 = "Sample Parameters" d = self.Histograms[hist][key2] elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): key2 = "Instrument Parameters" d = self.Histograms[hist][key2][0] lbllist.append(hist) dictlist.append(d) keylist.append('InstrName') instrname = d.get('InstrName') if instrname is None: d['InstrName'] = '' if hist.startswith("PWDR") and seqmode: break return G2G.CallScrolledMultiEditor( self.G2frame,dictlist,keylist, prelbl=range(1,len(dictlist)+1), postlbl=lbllist, title='Instrument names', header="Edit instrument names. Note that a non-blank\nname is required for all histograms", CopyButton=True,ASCIIonly=True) def EditRanges(event): '''Edit the bond distance/angle search range; phase is determined from a pointer placed in the button object (.phasedict) that references the phase dictionary ''' but = event.GetEventObject() phasedict = but.phasedict dlg = G2G.DisAglDialog( self.G2frame, phasedict['General']['DisAglCtls'], # edited phasedict['General'], # defaults ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: phasedict['General']['DisAglCtls'] = dlg.GetData() dlg.Destroy() def SetCellT(event): '''Set the temperature value by selection of a histogram ''' but = event.GetEventObject() phasenam = but.phase rId = self.Phases[phasenam]['ranId'] self.CellHistSelection[rId] = self._CellSelectHist(phasenam) def EditCIFDefaults(): '''Fills the CIF Defaults window with controls for editing various CIF export parameters (mostly related to templates). ''' if len(self.cifdefs.GetChildren()) > 0: saveSize = self.cifdefs.GetSize() self.cifdefs.DestroyChildren() else: saveSize = None self.cifdefs.SetTitle('Edit CIF settings') vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self.cifdefs, wx.ID_ANY,'Creating file '+self.filename)) but = wx.Button(self.cifdefs, wx.ID_ANY,'Edit CIF Author') but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,EditAuthor) vbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,3) but = wx.Button(self.cifdefs, wx.ID_ANY,'Edit Instrument Name(s)') but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,EditInstNames) vbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,3) cpnl = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(self.cifdefs,size=(300,300)) cbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) G2G.HorizontalLine(cbox,cpnl) cbox.Add( CIFtemplateSelect(self.cifdefs, cpnl,'publ',self.OverallParms['Controls'], EditCIFDefaults, "Publication (overall) template", ), 0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL) for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): G2G.HorizontalLine(cbox,cpnl) title = 'Phase '+phasenam phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info cbox.Add( CIFtemplateSelect(self.cifdefs, cpnl,'phase',phasedict['General'], EditCIFDefaults, title, phasenam), 0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL) cpnl.SetSizer(cbox) if phasedict['General']['Type'] == 'nuclear': but = wx.Button(cpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Edit distance/angle ranges') cbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,0) cbox.Add((-1,2)) but.phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # set a pointer to current phase info but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,EditRanges) # phase bond/angle ranges but = wx.Button(cpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Set distance/angle publication flags') but.phase = phasenam # set a pointer to current phase info but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,SelectDisAglFlags) # phase bond/angle ranges cbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,0) if self._CellSelectNeeded(phasenam): but = wx.Button(cpnl, wx.ID_ANY,'Select cell temperature') cbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALIGN_LEFT,0) cbox.Add((-1,2)) but.phase = phasenam # set a pointer to current phase info but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,SetCellT) cbox.Add((-1,2)) for i in sorted(self.powderDict.keys()): G2G.HorizontalLine(cbox,cpnl) if seqmode: hist = self.powderDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] title = 'All Powder datasets' cbox.Add( CIFtemplateSelect(self.cifdefs, cpnl,'powder',self.OverallParms['Controls'], EditCIFDefaults, title, histblk["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'], cifKey="seqCIF_template"), 0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL) break hist = self.powderDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] title = 'Powder dataset '+hist[5:] cbox.Add( CIFtemplateSelect(self.cifdefs, cpnl,'powder',histblk["Sample Parameters"], EditCIFDefaults, title, histblk["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName']), 0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL) for i in sorted(self.xtalDict.keys()): G2G.HorizontalLine(cbox,cpnl) hist = self.xtalDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] title = 'Single Xtal dataset '+hist[5:] cbox.Add( CIFtemplateSelect(self.cifdefs, cpnl,'single',histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0], EditCIFDefaults, title, histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0]['InstrName']), 0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL) cpnl.SetSizer(cbox) cpnl.SetAutoLayout(1) cpnl.SetupScrolling() #cpnl.Bind(rw.EVT_RW_LAYOUT_NEEDED, self.OnLayoutNeeded) # needed if sizes change cpnl.Layout() vbox.Add(cpnl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(self.cifdefs, wx.ID_OK, "Create CIF") btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btn = wx.Button(self.cifdefs, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() vbox.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) self.cifdefs.SetSizer(vbox) if not saveSize: vbox.Fit(self.cifdefs) self.cifdefs.Layout() def OnToggleButton(event): 'Respond to press of ToggleButton in SelectDisAglFlags' but = event.GetEventObject() if but.GetValue(): but.DisAglSel[but.key] = True else: try: del but.DisAglSel[but.key] except KeyError: pass def keepTrue(event): event.GetEventObject().SetValue(True) def keepFalse(event): event.GetEventObject().SetValue(False) def SelectDisAglFlags(event): 'Select Distance/Angle use flags for the selected phase' phasenam = event.GetEventObject().phase phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps(phasedict['General']['SGData']) generalData = phasedict['General'] # create a dict for storing Pub flag for bonds/angles, if needed if phasedict['General'].get("DisAglHideFlag") is None: phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] = {} DisAngSel = phasedict['General']["DisAglHideFlag"] cx,ct,cs,cia = phasedict['General']['AtomPtrs'] cn = ct-1 cfrac = cx+3 DisAglData = {} # create a list of atoms, but skip atoms with zero occupancy xyz = [] fpfx = str(phasedict['pId'])+'::Afrac:' for i,atom in enumerate(phasedict['Atoms']): if self.parmDict.get(fpfx+str(i),atom[cfrac]) == 0.0: continue xyz.append([i,]+atom[cn:cn+2]+atom[cx:cx+3]) if 'DisAglCtls' not in generalData: # should not be used, since DisAglDialog should be called # for all phases before getting here dlg = G2G.DisAglDialog( self.cifdefs, {}, generalData) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: generalData['DisAglCtls'] = dlg.GetData() else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.Dialog( self.G2frame, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) txt = wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Searching distances for phase '+phasenam +'\nPlease wait...') vbox.Add(txt,0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND) dlg.SetSizer(vbox) dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.Show() # post "please wait" wx.BeginBusyCursor() # and change cursor DisAglData['OrigAtoms'] = xyz DisAglData['TargAtoms'] = xyz SymOpList,offsetList,symOpList,G2oprList,G2opcodes = G2spc.AllOps( generalData['SGData']) # xpandSGdata = generalData['SGData'].copy() # xpandSGdata.update({'SGOps':symOpList, # 'SGInv':False, # 'SGLatt':'P', # 'SGCen':np.array([[0, 0, 0]]),}) # DisAglData['SGData'] = xpandSGdata DisAglData['SGData'] = generalData['SGData'].copy() DisAglData['Cell'] = generalData['Cell'][1:] #+ volume if 'pId' in phasedict: DisAglData['pId'] = phasedict['pId'] DisAglData['covData'] = self.OverallParms['Covariance'] try: AtomLabels,DistArray,AngArray = G2stMn.RetDistAngle( generalData['DisAglCtls'], DisAglData) except KeyError: # inside DistAngle for missing atom types in DisAglCtls print('**** ERROR - try again but do "Reset" to fill in missing atom types ****') wx.EndBusyCursor() txt.SetLabel('Set publication flags for distances and angles in\nphase '+phasenam) vbox.Add((5,5)) vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY, 'The default is to flag all distances and angles as to be'+ '\npublished. Change this by pressing appropriate buttons.'), 0,wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vbox.Add(hbox) hbox.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Button appearance: ')) but = wx.ToggleButton(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,'Publish') but.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,keepFalse) hbox.Add(but) but = wx.ToggleButton(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,"Don't publish") but.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,keepTrue) hbox.Add(but) but.SetValue(True) G2G.HorizontalLine(vbox,dlg) cpnl = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg,size=(400,300)) cbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) for c in sorted(DistArray): karr = [] UsedCols = {} cbox.Add(wx.StaticText(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY, 'distances to/angles around atom '+AtomLabels[c])) #dbox = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=5) dbox = wx.GridBagSizer() for i,D in enumerate(DistArray[c]): karr.append(tuple(D[0:3])) val = "{:.2f}".format(D[3]) sym = " [{:d} {:d} {:d}]".format(*D[1]) + " #{:d}".format(D[2]) dbox.Add(wx.StaticText(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,AtomLabels[D[0]]), (i+1,0) ) dbox.Add(wx.StaticText(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,sym), (i+1,1) ) but = wx.ToggleButton(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,val) but.key = (c,karr[-1]) but.DisAglSel = DisAngSel if DisAngSel.get(but.key): but.SetValue(True) but.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,OnToggleButton) dbox.Add(but,(i+1,2),border=1) for i,D in enumerate(AngArray[c]): val = "{:.1f}".format(D[2][0]) but = wx.ToggleButton(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,val) but.key = (karr[D[0]],c,karr[D[1]]) but.DisAglSel = DisAngSel if DisAngSel.get(but.key): but.SetValue(True) but.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON,OnToggleButton) dbox.Add(but,(D[0]+1,D[1]+3),border=1) UsedCols[D[1]+3] = True for i,D in enumerate(DistArray[c][:-1]): # label columns that are used if UsedCols.get(i+3): dbox.Add(wx.StaticText(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,AtomLabels[D[0]]), (0,i+3), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER ) dbox.Add(wx.StaticText(cpnl,wx.ID_ANY,'distance'), (0,2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER ) cbox.Add(dbox) G2G.HorizontalLine(cbox,cpnl) cpnl.SetSizer(cbox) cpnl.SetAutoLayout(1) cpnl.SetupScrolling() #cpnl.Bind(rw.EVT_RW_LAYOUT_NEEDED, self.OnLayoutNeeded) # needed if sizes change cpnl.Layout() vbox.Add(cpnl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK, "Done") btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() vbox.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) dlg.SetSizer(vbox) vbox.Fit(dlg) dlg.Layout() dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.ShowModal() #============================================================================== #### MasterExporter code starts here ====================================== #============================================================================== # make sure required information is present self.CIFdate = dt.datetime.strftime(,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") if not self.CIFname: # Get a name for the CIF. If not defined, use the GPX name (save, if that is needed). if not self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile: self.G2frame.OnFileSaveas(None) if not self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile: return self.CIFname = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile)[1] )[0] self.CIFname = self.CIFname.replace(' ','') # replace non-ASCII characters in CIFname with dots s = '' for c in self.CIFname: if ord(c) < 128: s += c else: s += '.' self.CIFname = s phasebyhistDict = {} # a cross-reference to phases by histogram -- used in sequential fits for phasenam in self.Phases: for hist in self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms']: if self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: if phasebyhistDict.get(hist): phasebyhistDict[hist].append(phasenam) else: phasebyhistDict[hist] = [phasenam,] #================================================================= # write quick CIFs #================================================================= if phaseOnly: #====Phase only CIF ================================ print('Writing CIF output to file '+self.filename) oneblock = True self.quickmode = True self.Write(' ') self.Write(70*'#') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+phaseOnly.replace(' ','_')) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) #phaseblk = self.Phases[phaseOnly] # pointer to current phase info # report the phase info if self.Phases[phaseOnly]['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': WritePhaseInfoMM(phaseOnly) else: WritePhaseInfo(phaseOnly) return elif histOnly: #====Histogram only CIF ================================ print('Writing CIF output to file '+self.filename) MM = False for p in self.Phases: if self.Phases[p]['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': MM = True break hist = histOnly #histname = histOnly.replace(' ','') oneblock = True self.quickmode = True self.ifHKLF = False self.ifPWDR = True self.Write(' ') self.Write(70*'#') #phasenam = self.Phases.keys()[0] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+self.CIFname) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) if hist.startswith("PWDR") and MM: WritePowderDataMM(hist) elif hist.startswith("PWDR"): WritePowderData(hist) elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): WriteSingleXtalData(hist) return #=============================================================================== # setup for sequential fits here #=============================================================================== seqmode = False seqHistList = [] if self.G2frame.testSeqRefineMode(): if self.seqData is None: raise Exception('Use Export/Sequential project for sequential refinements') if len(self.Phases) > 1: phaseWithHist = False # multiple phases per histogram else: phaseWithHist = True # include the phase in the same block as the histogram seqmode = True seqHistList = [h for h in self.seqData['histNames'] if h in self.seqData] if 'Use' in self.seqData and len(seqHistList) == len(self.seqData.get('Use',[])): seqHistList = [h for i,h in enumerate(seqHistList) if self.seqData['Use'][i]] #=============================================================================== ### full CIF export starts here (Sequential too) #=============================================================================== # load saved CIF author name = self.OverallParms['Controls'].get("Author",'?').strip() # initialize dict for Selection of Hist for unit cell reporting self.OverallParms['Controls']['CellHistSelection'] = self.OverallParms[ 'Controls'].get('CellHistSelection',{}) self.CellHistSelection = self.OverallParms['Controls']['CellHistSelection'] if not self.OverallParms['Covariance']: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self.G2frame, 'This project does not contain refinement results, so parameter uncertainties'+ ' cannot be supplied.\n\n'+ 'You are recommended to complete refinement before exporting the project.'+ '\nDo you wish to continue anyway? (Use No to stop export)', 'No refinement results',wx.YES|wx.NO) dlg.CenterOnParent() ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret != wx.ID_YES: self.filename = '' self.OpenFile(delayOpen=True) return elif self.OverallParms['Controls']['max cyc'] > 1: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self.G2frame, 'GSAS-II reports the maximum shift to s.u. ratio over all cycles in the last refinement,'+ ' while CIF expects it over only the last cycle. \n\n'+ 'Do you want to set the maximum cycles to 1 and repeat the last refinement'+ ' so these will be the same before creating CIF? (Use No to continue)', 'Max(shift/esd) in question',wx.YES|wx.NO) dlg.CenterOnParent() ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: self.OverallParms['Controls']['max cyc'] = 1 self.G2frame.OnRefine(None) self.InitExport(event) # restart export using updated project self.loadTree() # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() # is there anything to export? if len(self.Phases) == len(self.powderDict) == len(self.xtalDict) == 0: self.G2frame.ErrorDialog( 'Empty project', 'Project does not contain any data or phases. Are they interconnected?') return if self.ExportSelect('ask'): return if not self.filename: print('No name supplied') return self.OpenFile(delayOpen=True) #if self.ExportSelect('default'): return # Someday: get restraint & constraint info #restraintDict = self.OverallParms.get('Restraints',{}) #for i in self.OverallParms['Constraints']: # print i # for j in self.OverallParms['Constraints'][i]: # print j self.quickmode = False # full CIF phasenam = None # include all phases # Will this require a multiblock CIF? if len(self.Phases) > 1: oneblock = False elif len(self.powderDict) + len(self.xtalDict) > 1: oneblock = False else: # one phase, one dataset, Full CIF oneblock = True # check there is an instrument name for every histogram self.ifPWDR = False self.ifHKLF = False invalid = 0 key3 = 'InstrName' for hist in self.Histograms: if hist.startswith("PWDR"): self.ifPWDR = True key2 = "Sample Parameters" d = self.Histograms[hist][key2] elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): self.ifHKLF = True key2 = "Instrument Parameters" d = self.Histograms[hist][key2][0] instrname = d.get(key3) if instrname is None: d[key3] = '' invalid += 1 elif instrname.strip() == '': invalid += 1 if hist.startswith("PWDR") and seqmode: break if invalid: #msg = "" #if invalid > 3: msg = ( # "\n\nNote: it may be faster to set the name for\n" # "one histogram for each instrument and use the\n" # "File/Copy option to duplicate the name" # ) if not EditInstNames(): return # check for a distance-angle range search range for each phase for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): #i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info if 'DisAglCtls' not in phasedict['General']: dlg = G2G.DisAglDialog( self.G2frame, {}, phasedict['General']) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: phasedict['General']['DisAglCtls'] = dlg.GetData() else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() # check if temperature values & pressure are defaulted default = 0 for hist in self.Histograms: if hist.startswith("PWDR"): key2 = "Sample Parameters" T = self.Histograms[hist][key2].get('Temperature') if not T: default += 1 elif T == 300: default += 1 P = self.Histograms[hist][key2].get('Pressure') if not P: default += 1 elif P == 1: default += 1 if default > 0: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self.G2frame, 'Temperature/Pressure values appear to be defaulted for some powder histograms (See Sample Parameters for each PWDR tree entry). Do you want to use those values?', 'Check T and P values', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.Destroy() if ret != wx.ID_OK: return if oneblock: # select a dataset to use (there should only be one set in one block, # but take whatever comes 1st) for hist in self.Histograms: histblk = self.Histograms[hist] if hist.startswith("PWDR"): instnam = histblk["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'] break # ignore all but 1st data histogram elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): instnam = histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0]['InstrName'] break # ignore all but 1st data histogram # give the user a window to edit CIF contents if not = self.OverallParms['Controls'].get("Author",'?').strip() if not if not EditAuthor(): return self.ValidateAscii([('Author name',,]) # check for ASCII strings where needed, warn on problems self.shortauthorname =',','').replace(' ','')[:20] self.cifdefs = wx.Dialog( self.G2frame, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) self.cifdefs.G2frame = self.G2frame self.cifdefs.CenterOnParent() EditCIFDefaults() if self.cifdefs.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: self.cifdefs.Destroy() return while self.ValidateAscii([('Author name',, ]): # validate a few things as ASCII if self.cifdefs.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: self.cifdefs.Destroy() return self.cifdefs.Destroy() MM = False for p in self.Phases: if self.Phases[p]['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': MM = True break #====================================================================== # export different types of CIFs below #====================================================================== print('Writing CIF output to file '+self.filename+"...") self.openDelayed() if self.currentExportType == 'single' or self.currentExportType == 'powder': #====================================================================== #### Data only CIF (powder/xtal) ====================================== #====================================================================== hist = self.histnam[0] self.CIFname = hist[5:40].replace(' ','') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+self.CIFname) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) if hist.startswith("PWDR") and MM: WritePowderDataMM(hist) elif hist.startswith("PWDR"): WritePowderData(hist) elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): WriteSingleXtalData(hist) else: print ("should not happen") elif oneblock: #====================================================================== #### Full (data & phase) single block CIF ============================= #====================================================================== WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+self.CIFname) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) if phasenam is None: # if not already selected, select the first phase (should be one) phasenam = self.Phases.keys()[0] #print 'phasenam',phasenam #phaseblk = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info instnam = instnam.replace(' ','') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id', str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|" + instnam) WriteAudit() writeCIFtemplate(self.OverallParms['Controls'],'publ') # overall (publication) template if MM: WriteOverallMM() else: WriteOverall() writeCIFtemplate(self.Phases[phasenam]['General'],'phase',phasenam) # write phase template # report the phase info if self.Phases[phasenam]['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': WritePhaseInfoMM(phasenam,False) else: WritePhaseInfo(phasenam,False) if hist.startswith("PWDR"): # this is invoked for single-block CIFs # preferred orientation SH = FormatSH(phasenam) MD = FormatHAPpo(phasenam) if SH and MD: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + '\n' + MD) elif SH or MD: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + MD) else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', 'none') # report profile, since one-block: include both histogram and phase info (N.B. there is only 1 of each) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function', FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId']) +'\n'+FormatPhaseProfile(phasenam)) histblk = self.Histograms[hist]["Sample Parameters"] writeCIFtemplate(histblk,'powder',histblk['InstrName']) # write powder template if hist.startswith("PWDR") and MM: WritePowderDataMM(hist) else: WritePowderData(hist) elif hist.startswith("HKLF"): histprm = self.Histograms[hist]["Instrument Parameters"][0] writeCIFtemplate(histprm,'single',histprm['InstrName']) # single crystal template WriteSingleXtalData(hist) elif seqHistList: #====================================================================== #### sequential fit export (multiblock) #====================================================================== for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): rId = phasedict['ranId'] if rId in self.CellHistSelection: continue self.CellHistSelection[rId] = self._CellSelectHist(phasenam) nsteps = 1 + len(self.Phases) + len(seqHistList) try: dlg = wx.ProgressDialog('CIF progress','starting',nsteps,parent=self.G2frame) dlg.CenterOnParent() # publication info block step = 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting overall section") WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+'_publ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) WriteAudit() WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id', str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|Overall") writeCIFtemplate(self.OverallParms['Controls'],'publ') #insert the publication template # ``template_publ.cif`` or a modified version # overall info block WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+str(self.CIFname)+'_overall') WriteOverall('seq') hist = seqHistList[0] instnam = self.Histograms[hist]["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'] writeCIFtemplate(self.OverallParms['Controls'],'powder',instnam, cifKey="seqCIF_template") # powder template for all histograms instnam = instnam.replace(' ','') #============================================================ if phaseWithHist: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# POINTERS TO HISTOGRAM BLOCKS (Phase in histogram block)') else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# POINTERS TO HISTOGRAM BLOCKS (Phases pointer in histogram block)') datablockidDict = {} # save block names here # loop over data blocks WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_ _pd_block_diffractogram_id') for hist in seqHistList: j = self.Histograms[hist]['hId'] datablockidDict[hist] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|" + instnam + "_hist_"+str(j)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, ' '+datablockidDict[hist]) # for i in sorted(self.xtalDict.keys()): # hist = self.xtalDict[i] # histblk = self.Histograms[hist] # instnam = histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0]['InstrName'] # instnam = instnam.replace(' ','') # i = histblk['hId'] # datablockidDict[hist] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + # str(self.shortauthorname) + "|" + # instnam + "_hist_"+str(i)) # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, loopprefix,datablockidDict[hist]) # setup and show sequential results table tblLabels,tblValues,tblSigs,tblTypes = mkSeqResTable('cif',seqHistList,self.seqData, self.Phases,self.Histograms,self.Controls) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# Sequential results table') # (in case anyone can make sense of it) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_ _gsas_seq_results_col_num _gsas_seq_results_col_label') for i,lbl in enumerate(tblLabels): s = PutInCol(str(i),5) if ' ' in lbl: s += '"' + lbl + '"' else: s += lbl WriteCIFitem(self.fp," "+s) s = 'loop_ ' linelength = 120 for i in range(len(tblLabels)): if len(s) > linelength: WriteCIFitem(self.fp,s) s = ' ' s += " _gsas_seq_results_val" + str(i) WriteCIFitem(self.fp,s) for r in range(len(tblValues[0])): s = '' for c in range(len(tblLabels)): if len(s) > linelength: WriteCIFitem(self.fp,s) s = ' ' sig = None if tblSigs[c] is not None: sig = tblSigs[c][r] if tblValues[c][r] is None: if tblTypes[c] == 'int': wid = 5 elif tblTypes[c] == 'str': wid = 10 else: wid = 12 s += PutInCol('.',wid) elif sig is None and ',' in tblTypes[c]: s += PutInCol( ('{{:{}.{}f}}'.format(*tblTypes[c].split(','))).format(tblValues[c][r]),12) elif tblTypes[c] == 'int': s += PutInCol(str(tblValues[c][r]),5) elif tblTypes[c] == 'str': s += PutInCol(str(tblValues[c][r]),10) elif sig is None and ',' in tblTypes[c]: s += PutInCol( ('{{:{}.{}f}}'.format(*tblTypes[c].split(','))).format(tblValues[c][r]),12) elif sig is None and tblTypes[c] == 'float': s += PutInCol('{:.6g}'.format(tblValues[c][r]),12) elif sig: s += PutInCol(G2mth.ValEsd(tblValues[c][r],sig),12) else: s += PutInCol(str(tblValues[c][r]),15) WriteCIFitem(self.fp,s+'\n') # sample template info: a block for each phase in project histblk = self.Histograms[seqHistList[0]] if phaseWithHist: # include sample info in overall block step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting phase") phasenam = list(self.Phases.keys())[0] writeCIFtemplate(self.Phases[phasenam]['General'],'phase',phasenam) # write phase template WriteSeqOverallPhaseInfo(phasenam,histblk) else: for j,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(self.Phases.keys())): pId = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting phase {}".format(pId)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n#'+78*'=') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+self.CIFname+"_overall_phase"+str(j)+'\n') writeCIFtemplate(self.Phases[phasenam]['General'],'phase',phasenam) # write phase template WriteSeqOverallPhaseInfo(phasenam,histblk) # create a block for each histogram, include phase in block for one-phase refinements # or separate blocks for each phase & histogram if more than one phase for i,hist in enumerate(seqHistList): print('processing hist #',i,'hId=',self.Histograms[hist]['hId'],hist) hId = self.Histograms[hist]['hId'] step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting "+hist.strip()) histblk = self.Histograms[hist] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Information for histogram '+str(i)+': '+hist) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+"_pwd_"+str(i)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id',datablockidDict[hist]) if not phaseWithHist: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# POINTERS TO PHASE BLOCKS') phaseBlockName = {} WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_ _pd_phase_id _pd_phase_block_id _pd_phase_mass_%') for j,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(self.Phases.keys())): pId = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] if hist not in self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms']: continue if not self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: continue if ' ' in phasenam: s = PutInCol('"'+phasenam+'"',20) else: s = PutInCol(phasenam,20) phaseBlockName[pId] = datablockidDict[hist]+'_p'+str(j+1) var = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':WgtFrac' if var in self.seqData[hist].get('depParmDict',{}): wtFr,sig = self.seqData[hist]['depParmDict'][var] wgtstr = G2mth.ValEsd(wtFr,sig) else: wgtstr = '?' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, " "+ s + " " + phaseBlockName[pId] + " " + wgtstr) datablockidDict[phasenam] = phaseBlockName[pId] PP = FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId']) PP += '\n' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function',PP) WritePowderData(hist,seq=True) # write background, data & reflections, some instrument & sample terms writeCIFtemplate(self.OverallParms['Controls'],'powder', self.Histograms[hist]["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'], cifKey="seqCIF_template") # powder template for all histograms WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# PHASE INFO FOR HISTOGRAM '+hist) # loop over phases, add a block header if there is more than one phase for j,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(self.Phases.keys())): pId = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] if hist not in self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms']: continue if not self.Phases[phasenam]['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: continue WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# phase info for '+str(phasenam) + ' follows') if not phaseWithHist: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+self.CIFname+"_hist"+str(i)+"_phase"+str(j)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id',phaseBlockName[pId]) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '') WriteSeqPhaseVals(phasenam,self.Phases[phasenam],pId,hist) # preferred orientation & profile terms if self.ifPWDR: #SH = FormatSH(phasenam) # TODO: needs to use seqData #MD = FormatHAPpo(phasenam) # TODO: switch to seqData #if SH and MD: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + '\n' + MD) #elif SH or MD: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + MD) #else: # WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', 'none') # report sample profile terms for all histograms with current phase if phaseWithHist: PP = FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId']) PP += '\n' else: PP = '' PP += FormatPhaseProfile(phasenam,hist) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n_pd_proc_ls_profile_function',PP) finally: dlg.Destroy() else: #====================================================================== #### multiblock: multiple phases and/or histograms export #====================================================================== oneblock = False for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): rId = phasedict['ranId'] if rId in self.CellHistSelection: continue self.CellHistSelection[rId] = self._CellSelectHist(phasenam) nsteps = 1 + len(self.Phases) + len(self.powderDict) + len(self.xtalDict) try: dlg = wx.ProgressDialog('CIF progress','starting',nsteps,parent=self.G2frame) dlg.CenterOnParent() # publication info step = 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting overall section") WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+'_publ') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_gsas_GSASII_version', str(GSASIIpath.GetVersionNumber())) WriteAudit() WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id', str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|PubInfo") writeCIFtemplate(self.OverallParms['Controls'],'publ') #insert the publication template # ``template_publ.cif`` or a modified version # overall info -- it is not strictly necessary to separate this from the previous # publication block, but I think this makes sense WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'data_'+str(self.CIFname)+'_overall') WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id', str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|Overall") if MM: WriteOverallMM() else: WriteOverall() #============================================================ WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# POINTERS TO PHASE AND/OR HISTOGRAM BLOCKS') datablockidDict = {} # save block names here -- N.B. check for conflicts between phase & hist names (unlikely!) # loop over phase blocks if len(self.Phases) > 1: loopprefix = '' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_ _pd_phase_block_id') for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] datablockidDict[phasenam] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + 'phase_'+ str(i) + '|' + str(self.shortauthorname)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, loopprefix,datablockidDict[phasenam]) else: # phase in overall block for phasenam in sorted(self.Phases.keys()): break datablockidDict[phasenam] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|Overall") # loop over data blocks if len(self.powderDict) + len(self.xtalDict) > 1: loopprefix = '' WriteCIFitem(self.fp, 'loop_ _pd_block_diffractogram_id') else: loopprefix = '_pd_block_diffractogram_id' for i in sorted(self.powderDict.keys()): hist = self.powderDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] instnam = histblk["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'] instnam = instnam.replace(' ','') j = histblk['hId'] datablockidDict[hist] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|" + instnam + "_hist_"+str(j)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, loopprefix,datablockidDict[hist]) for i in sorted(self.xtalDict.keys()): hist = self.xtalDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] instnam = histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0]['InstrName'] instnam = instnam.replace(' ','') i = histblk['hId'] datablockidDict[hist] = (str(self.CIFdate) + "|" + str(self.CIFname) + "|" + str(self.shortauthorname) + "|" + instnam + "_hist_"+str(i)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, loopprefix,datablockidDict[hist]) #============================================================ # loop over phases, exporting them for j,phasenam in enumerate(sorted(self.Phases.keys())): step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting phase "+phasenam+' (#'+str(j+1)+')') i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] if len(self.Phases) > 1: # in a single-phase CIF the overall and phase block can be combined WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+"_phase_"+str(i)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\n# Information for phase '+str(i)) if len(self.Phases) > 1: # in a single-phase CIF the overall and phase block can be combined WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id',datablockidDict[phasenam]) # report the phase writeCIFtemplate(self.Phases[phasenam]['General'],'phase',phasenam) # write phase template if self.Phases[phasenam]['General']['Type'] == 'macromolecular': WritePhaseInfoMM(phasenam,False,False) else: WritePhaseInfo(phasenam,False,False) # preferred orientation if self.ifPWDR: SH = FormatSH(phasenam) MD = FormatHAPpo(phasenam) if SH and MD: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + '\n' + MD) elif SH or MD: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', SH + MD) else: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr', 'none') # report sample profile terms for all histograms with current phase PP = FormatPhaseProfile(phasenam) if PP: WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function',PP) self.ShowHstrainCells(phasenam,datablockidDict) #============================================================ # loop over histograms, exporting them # first, get atoms across all phases uniqueAtoms = [] for phasenam in self.Phases: cx,ct,cs,cia = self.Phases[phasenam]['General']['AtomPtrs'] for line in self.Phases[phasenam]['Atoms']: atype = line[ct].strip() if atype.find('-') != -1: atype = atype.split('-')[0] if atype.find('+') != -1: atype = atype.split('+')[0] atype = atype[0].upper()+atype[1:2].lower() # force case conversion if atype == "D" or atype == "D": atype = "H" if atype not in uniqueAtoms: uniqueAtoms.append(atype) for i in sorted(self.powderDict.keys()): hist = self.powderDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] if hist.startswith("PWDR"): step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting "+hist.strip()) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+"_pwd_"+str(i)) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Information for histogram '+str(i)+': '+hist) #instnam = histblk["Sample Parameters"]['InstrName'] # report instrumental profile terms WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_proc_ls_profile_function', FormatInstProfile(histblk["Instrument Parameters"],histblk['hId'])) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id',datablockidDict[hist]) histprm = self.Histograms[hist]["Sample Parameters"] writeCIFtemplate(histprm,'powder',histprm['InstrName']) # powder template # get xray wavelength and compute & write f' & f'' lam = None if 'X' in histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]['Type'][0]: for k in ('Lam','Lam1'): if k in histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0]: lam = histblk['Instrument Parameters'][0][k][0] break if lam: keV = 12.397639/lam WriteCIFitem(self.fp,'loop_') for item in ('_atom_type_symbol','_atom_type_scat_dispersion_real', '_atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag','_atom_type_scat_dispersion_source'): WriteCIFitem(self.fp,' '+item) for elem in HillSortElements(uniqueAtoms): s = ' ' s += PutInCol(elem,4) Orbs = G2el.GetXsectionCoeff(elem) FP,FPP,Mu = G2el.FPcalc(Orbs, keV) s += ' {:8.3f}{:8.3f}'.format(FP,FPP) WriteCIFitem(self.fp,s.rstrip()) WriteCIFitem(self.fp,'') if MM: WritePowderDataMM(hist) else: WritePowderData(hist) for i in sorted(self.xtalDict.keys()): hist = self.xtalDict[i] histblk = self.Histograms[hist] if hist.startswith("HKLF"): step += 1 dlg.Update(step,"Exporting "+hist.strip()) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '\ndata_'+self.CIFname+"_sx_"+str(i)) #instnam = histblk["Instrument Parameters"][0]['InstrName'] WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '# Information for histogram '+str(i)+': '+hist) WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '_pd_block_id',datablockidDict[hist]) histprm = self.Histograms[hist]["Instrument Parameters"][0] writeCIFtemplate(histprm,'single',histprm['InstrName']) # single crystal template WriteSingleXtalData(hist) finally: dlg.Destroy() WriteCIFitem(self.fp, '#--' + 15*'eof--' + '#') print("...export completed. File created:",self.fullpath)
# end of CIF export
[docs] class ExportProjectCIF(ExportCIF): '''Used to create a CIF of an entire project also called directly in :func:`GSASIIIO.ExportSequentialFullCIF` :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): ExportCIF.__init__(self, G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Full CIF', extension='.cif', longFormatName = 'Export project as CIF' ) self.exporttype = ['project'] def Exporter(self,event=None,seqData=None,Controls=None): self.CIFname = '' self.seqData = seqData self.Controls = Controls self.InitExport(event) self.loadTree() # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.MasterExporter(event=event) self.CloseFile()
[docs] class ExportPhaseCIF(ExportCIF): '''Used to create a simple CIF with one phase. Uses exact same code as :class:`ExportCIF` except that `phaseOnly` is set for the Exporter Shows up in menu as Quick CIF. also called directly in OnISOSearch in GSASIIphsGUI :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): ExportCIF.__init__(self, G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Quick CIF', extension='.cif', longFormatName = 'Export one phase in CIF' ) self.exporttype = ['phase'] # CIF-specific items = '' def mergeMag(self,G2frame,ChemPhase,MagPhase): def onChange(*args,**kwargs): wx.CallLater(100,showMergeMag) def showMergeMag(): if dlg.GetSizer(): mainSizer = dlg.GetSizer() mainSizer.Clear(True) else: mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' Define transformation'), 0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) mainSizer.Add(G2G.XformMatrix(dlg,Trans,Uvec,Vvec,OnLeave=onChange)) try: newCell = G2lat.TransformCell(self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['Cell'][1:7],Trans) cellSizer = wx.GridBagSizer() G2G.showUniqueCell(dlg,cellSizer,0, self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['Cell'][1:], self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['SGData']) cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' Chem cell '),(0,0)) G2G.showUniqueCell(dlg,cellSizer,1, self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['Cell'][1:], self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['SGData']) cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' Mag cell '),(1,0)) G2G.showUniqueCell(dlg,cellSizer,2,newCell) cellSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' Xform cell '),(2,0)) mainSizer.Add(cellSizer) cellsSame = True diff = 0.01 for i in range(6): if i == 3: diff = 0.1 if abs(self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['Cell'][i+1]-newCell[i]) > diff: cellsSame = False break except: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label=' Computational error: singular matrix?')) cellsSame = False if cellsSame: tmpPhase['Atoms'] = copy.deepcopy(self.Phases[ChemPhase]['Atoms']) _,atCodes = G2lat.TransformPhase(self.Phases[ChemPhase], tmpPhase,Trans,Uvec,Vvec,False) # xforms atoms not cell # find offset for first atoms that match and hope this works if abs(Vvec).sum() == 0 and 'MagXform' not in self.Phases[MagPhase]: for atom in tmpPhase['Atoms']: if atom[1] == self.Phases[MagPhase]['Atoms'][0][1]: for i in range(3): Vvec[i] = self.Phases[MagPhase]['Atoms'][0][i+3] - atom[i+3] wx.CallLater(100,showMergeMag) break mainSizer.Add((0,15)) atomSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) atomSubSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) atomSubSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Magnetic phase contents')) G2G.HorizontalLine(atomSubSizer,dlg) atompnl = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg,size=(250,250)) atomBox = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 4, 2, 2) # rows, cols, vgap, hgap for atom in self.Phases[MagPhase]['Atoms']: atomBox.Add(wx.StaticText(atompnl,label=atom[ctM-1])) for x in atom[cxM:cxM+3]: atomBox.Add(wx.StaticText(atompnl,label='{:.3f}'.format(x))) atompnl.SetSizer(atomBox) atompnl.SetAutoLayout(1) atompnl.SetupScrolling() atompnl.Layout() atomSubSizer.Add(atompnl) atomSizer.Add(atomSubSizer) cellsSame = False # at least one atom must match atomSubSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) atomSubSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(dlg,label='Chemical phase transformed')) G2G.HorizontalLine(atomSubSizer,dlg) atompnl = wxscroll.ScrolledPanel(dlg,size=(310,250)) atomBox = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 5, 2, 2) # rows, cols, vgap, hgap for atom in tmpPhase['Atoms']: atomBox.Add(wx.StaticText(atompnl,label=atom[ctT-1])) for x in atom[cxT:cxT+3]: atomBox.Add(wx.StaticText(atompnl,label='{:.3f}'.format(x))) match = False for Matom in self.Phases[MagPhase]['Atoms']: if atom[ctT] == Matom[ctM]: for i in range(3): if abs(atom[cxT+i]-Matom[cxM+i]) > 0.005: break else: cellsSame = True match = Matom[ctM-1] break if match: atomBox.Add(wx.StaticText(atompnl,label=' matches '+match)) else: atomBox.Add((-1,-1)) atompnl.SetSizer(atomBox) atompnl.SetAutoLayout(1) atompnl.SetupScrolling() atompnl.Layout() atomSubSizer.Add(atompnl) atomSizer.Add(atomSubSizer) mainSizer.Add(atomSizer) mainSizer.Add((0,15)) OkBtn = wx.Button(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,"Merge phases") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) OkBtn.Enable(cellsSame) cancelBtn = wx.Button(dlg,wx.ID_ANY,"Cancel") cancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(cancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM|wx.TOP, 10) dlg.Fit() wx.CallAfter(dlg.SendSizeEvent) #==== mergeMag starts here if not interactive: return # if wx is not loaded then merge is not an option dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.G2frame,'Do you want to merge chemical and magentic phases?', 'Confirm phase merge',wx.YES|wx.NO) try: dlg.CenterOnParent() result = dlg.ShowModal() finally: dlg.Destroy() if result != wx.ID_YES: return Trans = np.eye(3) if 'MagXform' not in self.Phases[MagPhase]: # see if the transform can be generated by NIST*LATTICE try: import nistlat cell1 = self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['Cell'][1:7] cntr1 = self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip()[0] cell2 = self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['Cell'][1:7] cntr2 = self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['SGData']['SpGrp'].strip()[0] G2G.NISTlatUse() out = nistlat.CompareCell(cell1, cntr1, cell2, cntr2) #, tolerance=3*[0.2]+3*[1], mode='I', vrange=8, output=None) if len(out): print(len(out),'transform matrices found, selecting first below') for i in out: print(' ',i[5][0],'/',i[5][1],'/',i[5][2]) Trans = out[0][5] # assume all transformations are equivalent, take 1st except: pass dlg = wx.Dialog(G2frame,wx.ID_ANY,'Merge criteria', pos=wx.DefaultPosition,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER) dlg.CenterOnParent() Uvec = np.zeros(3) Vvec = np.zeros(3) if 'MagXform' in self.Phases[MagPhase]: Trans,Uvec,Vvec = self.Phases[MagPhase]['MagXform'] tmpPhase = copy.deepcopy(self.Phases[MagPhase]) cxM,ctM,csM,ciaM = self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']['AtomPtrs'] cxT,ctT,csT,ciaT = self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']['AtomPtrs'] showMergeMag() if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None dlg.Destroy() # restore atom type info from chemical phase but keep the mag cell & sym, etc. combinedPhase = copy.deepcopy(self.Phases[MagPhase]) combinedPhase['General'] = copy.deepcopy(self.Phases[ChemPhase]['General']) combinedPhase['General']['Name'] += ' - merged' for k in 'SGData','Cell','AtomPtrs','Lande g','MagDmin','Type': if k not in self.Phases[MagPhase]['General']: continue combinedPhase['General'][k] = copy.deepcopy(self.Phases[MagPhase]['General'][k]) for atom in tmpPhase['Atoms']: for x in atom[cxT:cxT+3]: match = False for Matom in self.Phases[MagPhase]['Atoms']: if atom[ctT] == Matom[ctM]: for i in range(3): if abs(atom[cxT+i]-Matom[cxM+i]) > 0.005: break else: match = True break if not match: # add atom to merged phase combinedPhase['Atoms'].append(atom[:cxT+4]+[0.,0.,0.]+atom[cxT+4:]) return combinedPhase def Exporter(self,event=None): # get a phase and file name # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() self.multiple = True self.currentExportType = 'phase' if self.ExportSelect('ask'): return self.OpenFile(delayOpen=True) MagPhase = None ChemPhase = None if len(self.phasenam) == 2: for name in self.phasenam: if self.Phases[name]['General']['Type'] == 'nuclear': ChemPhase = name if self.Phases[name]['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic': MagPhase = name if MagPhase and ChemPhase: newPhase = self.mergeMag(self.G2frame,ChemPhase,MagPhase) if newPhase is not None: self.openDelayed() newName = ChemPhase + '_merged' self.Phases = {newName:newPhase} self.MasterExporter(event=event,phaseOnly=newName) self.CloseFile() return for name in self.phasenam: self.openDelayed() self.MasterExporter(event=event,phaseOnly=name) self.CloseFile() def Writer(self,hist,phasenam,mode='w'): # set the project file name self.CIFname = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile)[1] )[0]+'_'+phasenam+'_'+hist self.CIFname = self.CIFname.replace(' ','') self.OpenFile(mode=mode) self.MasterExporter(phaseOnly=phasenam) self.CloseFile()
[docs] class ExportPwdrCIF(ExportCIF): '''Used to create a simple CIF containing diffraction data only. Uses exact same code as :class:`ExportCIF` except that `histOnly` is set for the Exporter Shows up in menu as Quick CIF. :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): ExportCIF.__init__(self, G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Data-only CIF', extension='.cif', longFormatName = 'Export data as CIF' ) if G2frame is None: raise AttributeError('CIF export requires data tree') # prevent use from Scriptable self.exporttype = ['powder'] # CIF-specific items = '' def Exporter(self,event=None): self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.currentExportType = None self.loadTree() self.currentExportType = 'powder' # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() self.multiple = False if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='ask' # get a file name/directory to save in ): return self.OpenFile() self.MasterExporter(event=event,histOnly=self.histnam[0])
[docs] def Writer(self,hist,mode='w'): '''Used for histogram CIF export of a sequential fit. ''' # set the project file name self.CIFname = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile)[1] )[0]+'_'+hist self.CIFname = self.CIFname.replace(' ','') self.OpenFile(mode=mode) self.MasterExporter(histOnly=hist) if mode == 'w': print('CIF written to file '+self.fullpath) self.CloseFile()
[docs] class ExportHKLCIF(ExportCIF): '''Used to create a simple CIF containing diffraction data only. Uses exact same code as :class:`ExportCIF` except that `histOnly` is set for the Exporter Shows up in menu as Quick CIF. :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): ExportCIF.__init__(self, G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Data-only CIF', extension='.cif', longFormatName = 'Export data as CIF' ) self.exporttype = ['single'] # CIF-specific items = '' def Exporter(self,event=None): self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.currentExportType = None self.loadTree() self.currentExportType = 'single' # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() self.multiple = False if self.ExportSelect( # set export parameters AskFile='ask' # get a file name/directory to save in ): return self.OpenFile() self.MasterExporter(event=event,histOnly=self.histnam[0])
#=============================================================================== # misc CIF utilities #===============================================================================
[docs] def PickleCIFdict(fil): '''Loads a CIF dictionary, cherry picks out the items needed by local code and sticks them into a python dict and writes that dict out as a pickle file for later reuse. If the write fails a warning message is printed, but no exception occurs. :param str fil: file name of CIF dictionary, will usually end in .dic :returns: the dict with the definitions ''' import CifFile as cif # PyCifRW from James Hester cifdic = {} try: fp = open(fil,'r') # patch: open file to avoid windows bug dictobj = cif.CifDic(fp) fp.close() except IOError: dictobj = cif.CifDic(fil) if DEBUG: print('loaded '+fil) for item in dictobj.keys(): cifdic[item] = {} for j in ( '_definition','_type', '_enumeration', '_enumeration_detail', '_enumeration_range'): if dictobj[item].get(j): cifdic[item][j] = dictobj[item][j] try: fil = os.path.splitext(fil)[0]+'.cpickle' fp = open(fil,'wb') pickle.dump(cifdic,fp) fp.close() if DEBUG: print('wrote '+fil) except: print ('Unable to write '+fil) return cifdic
[docs] def LoadCIFdic(): '''Create a composite core+powder CIF lookup dict containing information about all items in the CIF dictionaries, loading pickled files if possible. The routine looks for files named cif_core.cpickle and cif_pd.cpickle in every directory in the path and if they are not found, files cif_core.dic and/or cif_pd.dic are read. :returns: the dict with the definitions ''' cifdic = {} for ftyp in "cif_core","cif_pd": for loc in sys.path: fil = os.path.join(loc,ftyp+".cpickle") if not os.path.exists(fil): continue fp = open(fil,'rb') try: cifdic.update(pickle.load(fp)) if DEBUG: print('reloaded '+fil) break finally: fp.close() else: for loc in sys.path: fil = os.path.join(loc,ftyp+".dic") if not os.path.exists(fil): continue #try: if True: cifdic.update(PickleCIFdict(fil)) break #except: # pass else: print('Could not load '+ftyp+' dictionary') return cifdic
[docs] class CIFdefHelp(wx.Button): '''Create a help button that displays help information on the current data item :param parent: the panel which will be the parent of the button :param str msg: the help text to be displayed :param wx.Dialog helpwin: Frame for CIF editing dialog :param wx.TextCtrl helptxt: TextCtrl where help text is placed ''' def __init__(self,parent,msg,helpwin,helptxt): wx.Button.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_HELP) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onPress) self.msg=msg self.parent = parent self.helpwin = helpwin self.helptxt = helptxt def _onPress(self,event): 'Respond to a button press by displaying the requested text' try: ww,wh = self.helpwin.GetSize() ow,oh = self.helptxt.GetSize() self.helptxt.SetLabel(self.msg) self.helptxt.Wrap(ww-10) w,h = self.helptxt.GetSize() if h > oh: # resize the help area if needed, but avoid changing width self.helptxt.SetMinSize((ww,h)) self.helpwin.GetSizer().Fit(self.helpwin) except: # error posting help, ignore return
[docs] def CIF2dict(cf): '''copy the contents of a CIF out from a PyCifRW block object into a dict :returns: cifblk, loopstructure where cifblk is a dict with CIF items and loopstructure is a list of lists that defines which items are in which loops. ''' blk = cf.keys()[0] # assume templates are a single CIF block, use the 1st try: loopstructure = cf[blk].loopnames()[:] # copy over the list of loop contents except AttributeError: loopstructure = [j[:] for j in cf[blk].loops.values()] # method replaced? dblk = {} for item in cf[blk].keys(): # make a copy of all the items in the block dblk[item] = cf[blk][item] return dblk,loopstructure
[docs] def dict2CIF(dblk,loopstructure,blockname='Template'): '''Create a PyCifRW CIF object containing a single CIF block object from a dict and loop structure list. :param dblk: a dict containing values for each CIF item :param list loopstructure: a list of lists containing the contents of each loop, as an example:: [ ["_a","_b"], ["_c"], ["_d_1","_d_2","_d_3"]] this describes a CIF with this type of structure:: loop_ _a _b <a1> <b1> <a2> ... loop_ _c <c1> <c2>... loop _d_1 _d_2 _d_3 ... Note that the values for each looped CIF item, such as _a, are contained in a list, for example as cifblk["_a"] :param str blockname: an optional name for the CIF block. Defaults to 'Template' :returns: the newly created PyCifRW CIF object ''' import CifFile as cif # PyCifRW from James Hester # compile a 'list' of items in loops loopnames = set() for i in loopstructure: loopnames |= set(i) # create a new block newblk = cif.CifBlock() # add the looped items for keys in loopstructure: vals = [] for key in keys: vals.append(dblk[key]) newblk.AddCifItem(([keys],[vals])) # add the non-looped items for item in dblk: if item in loopnames: continue newblk[item] = dblk[item] # create a CIF and add the block newcf = cif.CifFile() newcf[blockname] = newblk return newcf
[docs] class EditCIFtemplate(wx.Dialog): '''Create a dialog for editing a CIF template. The edited information is placed in cifblk. If the CIF is saved as a file, the name of that file is saved as ``self.newfile``. :param wx.Frame parent: parent frame or None :param cifblk: dict or PyCifRW block containing values for each CIF item :param list loopstructure: a list of lists containing the contents of each loop, as an example:: [ ["_a","_b"], ["_c"], ["_d_1","_d_2","_d_3"]] this describes a CIF with this type of structure:: loop_ _a _b <a1> <b1> <a2> ... loop_ _c <c1> <c2>... loop _d_1 _d_2 _d_3 ... Note that the values for each looped CIF item, such as _a, are contained in a list, for example as cifblk["_a"] :param str defaultname: specifies the default file name to be used for saving the CIF. ''' def __init__(self,parent,cifblk,loopstructure,defaultname): OKbuttons = [] self.cifblk = cifblk self.loopstructure = loopstructure self.newfile = None self.defaultname = defaultname self.G2frame = parent.G2frame global CIFdic # once this is loaded, keep it around if CIFdic is None: CIFdic = LoadCIFdic() wx.Dialog.__init__(self,parent,style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) # define widgets that will be needed during panel creation self.helptxt = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,"") savebtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CLOSE, "Save as template") OKbuttons.append(savebtn) savebtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onSave) OKbtn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "Use") OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, lambda x: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) OKbtn.SetDefault() OKbuttons.append(OKbtn) self.SetTitle('Edit items in CIF template') vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) cpnl = EditCIFpanel(self,cifblk,loopstructure,CIFdic,OKbuttons,size=(300,300)) vbox.Add(cpnl, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1) G2G.HorizontalLine(vbox,self) vbox.Add(self.helptxt, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) G2G.HorizontalLine(vbox,self) btnsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.Add(btn,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL) btnsizer.Add(savebtn,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL) btnsizer.Add(OKbtn,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL) vbox.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(vbox) vbox.Fit(self)
[docs] def Post(self): '''Display the dialog :returns: True unless Cancel has been pressed. ''' return (self.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK)
def _onSave(self,event): 'Save CIF entries in a template file' pth = G2G.GetExportPath(self.G2frame) dlg = wx.FileDialog( self, message="Save as CIF template", defaultDir=pth, defaultFile=self.defaultname, wildcard="CIF (*.cif)|*.cif", style=wx.FD_SAVE) val = (dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK) fil = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if val: # ignore a Cancel button fil = os.path.splitext(fil)[0]+'.cif' # force extension fp = open(fil,'w') newcf = dict2CIF(self.cifblk,self.loopstructure) fp.write(newcf.WriteOut()) fp.close() self.newfile = fil self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] class EditCIFpanel(wxscroll.ScrolledPanel): '''Creates a scrolled panel for editing CIF template items :param wx.Frame parent: parent frame where panel will be placed :param cifblk: dict or PyCifRW block containing values for each CIF item :param list loopstructure: a list of lists containing the contents of each loop, as an example:: [ ["_a","_b"], ["_c"], ["_d_1","_d_2","_d_3"]] this describes a CIF with this type of structure:: loop_ _a _b <a1> <b1> <a2> ... loop_ _c <c1> <c2>... loop _d_1 _d_2 _d_3 ... Note that the values for each looped CIF item, such as _a, are contained in a list, for example as cifblk["_a"] :param dict cifdic: optional CIF dictionary definitions :param list OKbuttons: A list of wx.Button objects that should be disabled when information in the CIF is invalid :param (other): optional keyword parameters for wx.ScrolledPanel ''' def __init__(self, parent, cifblk, loopstructure, cifdic={}, OKbuttons=[], **kw): self.parent = parent wxscroll.ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, **kw) self.vbox = None self.AddDict = None self.cifdic = cifdic self.cifblk = cifblk self.loops = loopstructure self.parent = parent self.LayoutCalled = False self.parentOKbuttons = OKbuttons self.ValidatedControlsList = [] self.G2frame = parent.G2frame self.height = G2G.getTextSize('?')[1] #print('height is ',self.height) self._fill() def _fill(self): 'Fill the scrolled panel with widgets for each CIF item' wx.BeginBusyCursor() self.AddDict = {} self.ValidatedControlsList = [] # delete any only contents if self.vbox: if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): self.vbox.Clear(True) else: self.vbox.DeleteWindows() self.vbox = None self.Update() vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.vbox = vbox # compile a 'list' of items in loops loopnames = set() for i in self.loops: loopnames |= set(i) # post the looped CIF items for lnum,lp in enumerate(self.loops): hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,'Loop '+str(lnum+1))) vbox.Add(hbox) but = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_ANY,"Add row") self.AddDict[but]=lnum hbox.Add(but) but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.OnAddRow) fbox = wx.GridBagSizer(0, 0) vbox.Add(fbox) rows = 0 for i,item in enumerate(lp): txt = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,item+" ") fbox.Add(txt,(0,i+1)) for j,val in enumerate(self.cifblk[item]): ent = self.CIFEntryWidget(self.cifblk[item],j,item) #fbox.Add(ent,(j+2,i+1),flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL) fbox.Add(ent,(j+1,i+1),flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL) if self.cifdic.get(item): df = self.cifdic[item].get('_definition') if df: try: txt.SetToolTip(G2IO.trim(df)) except: txt.SetToolTipString(G2IO.trim(df)) but = CIFdefHelp(self, "Definition for "+item+":\n\n"+G2IO.trim(df), self.parent, self.parent.helptxt) fbox.Add(but,(j+2,i+1),flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) rows = max(rows,len(self.cifblk[item])) for i in range(rows): txt = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,str(i+1)) fbox.Add(txt,(i+1,0)) line = wx.StaticLine(self,wx.ID_ANY, size=(-1,3), style=wx.LI_HORIZONTAL) vbox.Add(line, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) # post the non-looped CIF items for item in sorted(self.cifblk.keys()): if item not in loopnames: hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vbox.Add(hbox) txt = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,item) hbox.Add(txt) ent = self.CIFEntryWidget(self.cifblk,item,item) hbox.Add(ent) if self.cifdic.get(item): df = self.cifdic[item].get('_definition') if df: try: txt.SetToolTip(G2IO.trim(df)) except: txt.SetToolTipString(G2IO.trim(df)) but = CIFdefHelp(self, "Definition for "+item+":\n\n"+G2IO.trim(df), self.parent, self.parent.helptxt) hbox.Add(but,0,wx.ALL,2) self.SetSizer(vbox) #vbox.Fit(self.parent) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetupScrolling() self.Bind(rw.EVT_RW_LAYOUT_NEEDED, self.OnLayoutNeeded) self.Layout() wx.EndBusyCursor()
[docs] def OnLayoutNeeded(self,event): '''Called when an update of the panel layout is needed. Calls self.DoLayout after the current operations are complete using CallAfter. This is called only once, according to flag self.LayoutCalled, which is cleared in self.DoLayout. ''' if self.LayoutCalled: return # call already queued wx.CallAfter(self.DoLayout) # queue a call self.LayoutCalled = True
[docs] def DoLayout(self): '''Update the Layout and scroll bars for the Panel. Clears self.LayoutCalled so that next change to panel can request a new update ''' wx.BeginBusyCursor() self.Layout() self.SetupScrolling() wx.EndBusyCursor() self.LayoutCalled = False
[docs] def OnAddRow(self,event): 'add a row to a loop' lnum = self.AddDict.get(event.GetEventObject()) if lnum is None: return for item in self.loops[lnum]: self.cifblk[item].append('?') self._fill()
[docs] def ControlOKButton(self,setvalue): '''Enable or Disable the OK button(s) for the dialog. Note that this is passed into the ValidatedTxtCtrl for use by validators. :param bool setvalue: if True, all entries in the dialog are checked for validity. The first invalid control triggers disabling of buttons. If False then the OK button(s) are disabled with no checking of the invalid flag for each control. ''' if setvalue: # turn button on, do only if all controls show as valid for ctrl in self.ValidatedControlsList: if ctrl.invalid: for btn in self.parentOKbuttons: btn.Disable() return else: for btn in self.parentOKbuttons: btn.Enable() else: for btn in self.parentOKbuttons: btn.Disable()
[docs] def CIFEntryWidget(self,dct,item,dataname): '''Create an entry widget for a CIF item. Use a validated entry for numb values where int is required when limits are integers and floats otherwise. At present this does not allow entry of the special CIF values of "." and "?" for numerical values and highlights them as invalid. Use a selection widget when there are specific enumerated values for a string. ''' if self.cifdic.get(dataname): if self.cifdic[dataname].get('_enumeration'): values = ['?']+self.cifdic[dataname]['_enumeration'] choices = ['undefined'] for i in self.cifdic[dataname].get('_enumeration_detail',values): choices.append(G2IO.trim(i)) ent = G2G.EnumSelector(self, dct, item, choices, values, size=(200, -1)) return ent if self.cifdic[dataname].get('_type') == 'numb': mn = None mx = None hint = int if self.cifdic[dataname].get('_enumeration_range'): rng = self.cifdic[dataname]['_enumeration_range'].split(':') if '.' in rng[0] or '.' in rng[1]: hint = float if rng[0]: mn = hint(rng[0]) if rng[1]: mx = hint(rng[1]) ent = G2G.ValidatedTxtCtrl( self,dct,item,typeHint=hint,xmin=mn,xmax=mx, CIFinput=True,ASCIIonly=True, OKcontrol=self.ControlOKButton) self.ValidatedControlsList.append(ent) return ent rw1 = rw.ResizeWidget(self) ent = G2G.ValidatedTxtCtrl( rw1,dct,item,size=(100, self.height+5), style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, CIFinput=True,ASCIIonly=True, OKcontrol=self.ControlOKButton) self.ValidatedControlsList.append(ent) return rw1
[docs] class CIFtemplateSelect(wx.BoxSizer): '''Create a set of buttons to show, select and edit a CIF template :param frame: wx.Frame object of parent :param panel: wx.Panel object where widgets should be placed :param str tmplate: one of 'publ', 'phase', or 'instrument' to determine the type of template :param dict G2dict: GSAS-II dict where CIF should be placed. The key specified in cifKey (defaults to "CIF_template") will be used to store either a list or a string. If a list, it will contain a dict and a list defining loops. If an str, it will contain a file name. :param function repaint: reference to a routine to be called to repaint the frame after a change has been made :param str title: A line of text to show at the top of the window :param str defaultname: specifies the default file name to be used for saving the CIF. :param str cifKey: key to be used for saving the CIF information in G2dict. Defaults to "CIF_template" ''' def __init__(self,frame,panel,tmplate,G2dict, repaint, title, defaultname='', cifKey="CIF_template"): def _onResetTemplate(event): self.CIF_template = resetTemplate self.dict[self.cifKey] = None wx.CallAfter(self.repaint) wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self,wx.VERTICAL) self.cifdefs = frame self.dict = G2dict self.repaint = repaint self.cifKey = cifKey self.G2frame = frame.G2frame templateDefName = 'template_'+tmplate+'.cif' if defaultname: self.defaultname = G2obj.StripUnicode(defaultname) self.defaultname = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]','',self.defaultname) self.defaultname = tmplate + "_" + self.defaultname + ".cif" else: self.defaultname = '' txt = wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,title) self.Add(txt,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) # change font on title txtfnt = txt.GetFont() txtfnt.SetWeight(wx.BOLD) txtfnt.SetPointSize(2+txtfnt.GetPointSize()) txt.SetFont(txtfnt) self.Add((-1,3)) # find default name for template resetTemplate = None localTemplate = None for pth in sys.path: # -- search with default name fil = os.path.join(pth,templateDefName) if os.path.exists(fil): resetTemplate = fil break if not resetTemplate: # this should not happen! print("Default CIF template file",templateDefName, 'not found in path!\nProblem with GSAS-II installation?') for pth in [os.getcwd()]+sys.path: # -- search with name based on hist/phase fil = os.path.join(pth,self.defaultname) if os.path.exists(fil) and self.defaultname: localTemplate = fil break repeat = True while repeat: repeat = False if G2dict.get(self.cifKey) == localTemplate and localTemplate: self.CIF_template = localTemplate CIFtxt = "Customized template: "+os.path.split(self.CIF_template)[1] elif resetTemplate and G2dict.get(self.cifKey) == resetTemplate: self.CIF_template = resetTemplate CIFtxt = "Default template: "+os.path.split(self.CIF_template)[1] elif not G2dict.get(self.cifKey): # empty or None if localTemplate: G2dict[self.cifKey] = self.CIF_template = localTemplate CIFtxt = "Customized template: "+os.path.split(self.CIF_template)[1] elif resetTemplate: G2dict[self.cifKey] = None self.CIF_template = resetTemplate CIFtxt = "Default template: "+os.path.split(self.CIF_template)[1] else: G2dict[self.cifKey] = self.CIF_template = None CIFtxt = "none (Template not found!)" elif type(G2dict[self.cifKey]) is not list and type( G2dict[self.cifKey]) is not tuple: if not os.path.exists(G2dict[self.cifKey]): print("\nWarning: previous template file:\n ", os.path.abspath(G2dict[self.cifKey]), '\nwas not found! Was this file moved or deleted? Resetting to default.') self.CIF_template = None CIFtxt = "none! (file not found)" if resetTemplate: G2dict[self.cifKey] = None repeat = True continue else: CIFtxt = "Edited template: "+os.path.split(G2dict[self.cifKey])[1] if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print('Template file found',os.path.abspath(G2dict[self.cifKey])) else: self.CIF_template = G2dict[self.cifKey] CIFtxt = "Customized template is reloaded" # show template source self.Add(wx.StaticText(panel,wx.ID_ANY,CIFtxt)) # show str, button to select file; button to edit (if CIF defined) but = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_ANY,"Select Template File") but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onGetTemplateFile) hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hbox.Add(but,0,0,2) but = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_ANY,"Edit Template") but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self._onEditTemplateContents) if self.CIF_template is None: but.Disable() # nothing to edit! if resetTemplate and not CIFtxt.startswith('Default'): hbox.Add(but,0,0,2) but = wx.Button(panel,wx.ID_ANY,"Reset to default template") but.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,_onResetTemplate) hbox.Add(but,0,0,2) self.Add(hbox) def _onGetTemplateFile(self,event): 'select a template file' pth = G2G.GetImportPath(self.G2frame) if not pth: pth = '.' dlg = wx.FileDialog( self.cifdefs, message="Read CIF template file", defaultDir=pth, defaultFile=self.defaultname, wildcard="CIF (*.cif)|*.cif", style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() fil = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_OK: cf = G2obj.ReadCIF(fil) if len(cf.keys()) == 0: raise Exception("No CIF data_ blocks found") if len(cf.keys()) != 1: raise Exception('Error, CIF Template has more than one block: '+fil) self.dict[self.cifKey] = fil wx.CallAfter(self.repaint) def _onEditTemplateContents(self,event): 'Called to edit the contents of a CIF template' if type(self.CIF_template) is list or type(self.CIF_template) is tuple: dblk,loopstructure = copy.deepcopy(self.CIF_template) # don't modify original else: cf = G2obj.ReadCIF(self.CIF_template) dblk,loopstructure = CIF2dict(cf) dlg = EditCIFtemplate(self.cifdefs,dblk,loopstructure,self.defaultname) val = dlg.Post() if val: if dlg.newfile: # results saved in file self.dict[self.cifKey] = dlg.newfile else: self.dict[self.cifKey] = [dlg.cifblk,dlg.loopstructure] wx.CallAfter(self.repaint) #EditCIFDefaults() # note that this does a dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy()
#=============================================================================== # end of misc CIF utilities #===============================================================================