Source code for G2export_PDB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-11 14:22:54 -0500 (Thu, 11 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5576 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5576 2023-05-11 19:22:54Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Classes in :mod:`G2export_PDB` follow:
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import os.path
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5576 $")
import GSASIIIO as G2IO
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat

[docs] class ExportPhasePDB(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a PDB file for a phase :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'PDB', extension='.PDB', longFormatName = 'Export phase as .PDB file' ) self.exporttype = ['phase'] self.multiple = True
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export as a PDB file ''' def PDBheader(): self.Write("HEADER phase "+str(phasenam)+" from "+str(self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile)) self.Write("TITLE") self.Write("COMPND") self.Write("SOURCE") self.Write("KEYWDS") self.Write("EXPDTA X-RAY POWDER DIFFRACTION") self.Write("REVDAT") self.Write("JRNL") self.Write("REMARK 1") self.Write("REMARK 2") self.Write("REMARK 2 RESOLUTION. 2.66 ANGSTROMS.") self.Write("REMARK 2 POWDER DIFFRACTION MINIMUM D-SPACING.") def PDBremark250(): self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 REFINEMENT.') self.Write('REMARK 250 PROGRAM : GSAS-II') self.Write('REMARK 250 AUTHORS : TOBY & VON DREELE') self.Write('REMARK 250 REFRENCE : J. APPL. CRYST. 46, 544-549(2013)') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 DATA USED IN REFINEMENT') self.Write('REMARK 250 RESOLUTION RANGE HIGH (ANGSTROMS) : x.xx') self.Write('REMARK 250 RESOLUTION RANGE LOW (ANGSTROMS) : xx.xx') self.Write('REMARK 250 POWDER DIFFRACTION DATA.') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 FIT TO DATA USED IN REFINEMENT') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBER OF POWDER PATTERNS : x') self.Write('REMARK 250 PROFILE R VALUES (%) : x.xx') self.Write('REMARK 250 WEIGHTED PROFILE R VALUES (%) : x.xx') self.Write('REMARK 250 F**2 R VALUES (%) : xx.xx') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBERS OF POWDER PATTERN POINTS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBERS OF REFLECTIONS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 TOTAL NUMBER OF POWDER POINTS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBER OF NON-HYDROGEN ATOMS USED IN REFINEMENT.') self.Write('REMARK 250 PROTEIN ATOMS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUCLEIC ACID ATOMS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 HETEROGEN ATOMS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 SOLVENT ATOMS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 MODEL REFINEMENT.') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBER OF LEAST-SQUARES PARAMETERS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 NUMBER OF RESTRAINTS : xxxx') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 250 RMS DEVIATIONS FROM RESTRAINT TARGET VALUES. NUMBER.') self.Write('REMARK 250 BOND ANGLES (DEG) : x.xx xxx') # self.Write('REMARK 250 ANTI-BUMPING DISTANCE RESTRAINTS (A) xxx') # self.Write('REMARK 250 HYDROGEN BOND DISTANCE RESTRAINTS (A) xxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 INTERATOMIC DISTANCES (A) xxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 DISTANCES FROM RESTRAINT PLANES (A) xxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 TORSION PSEUDOPOTENTIAL RESTRAINTS (E) : x.xx xxx') self.Write('REMARK 250 TORSION ANGLE RESTRAINTS (E) : x.xx xxx') self.Write('REMARK 250') self.Write('REMARK 200') self.Write('DBREF') def PDBseqres(seqList): chains = list(seqList.keys()) chains.sort() nSeq = 0 for chain in chains: nres = len(seqList[chain]) nrec = (nres-1)//13+1 iB = 0 for irec in range(nrec): iF = min(iB+13,nres) text = 'SEQRES {:3d}{:2s}{:5d} '+(iF-iB)*'{:4s}' self.Write(text.format(irec+1,chain,nres,*seqList[chain][iB:iF])) nSeq += 1 iB += 13 return nSeq # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() if self.ExportSelect(): # set export parameters; ask for file name return filename = self.filename for phasenam in self.phasenam: phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info General = phasedict['General'] if General['Type'] != 'macromolecular': print ('phase '+phasenam+' not macromolecular, skipping') continue i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] if len(self.phasenam) > 1: # if more than one filename is included, add a phase # self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] + "_" + str(i) + self.extension fp = self.OpenFile() Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] seqList = {} AA3letter = ['ALA','ARG','ASN','ASP','CYS','GLN','GLU','GLY','HIS','ILE', 'LEU','LYS','MET','PHE','PRO','SER','THR','TRP','TYR','VAL','MSE'] seq = 0 notProt = True for atom in Atoms: if atom[ct-3] in AA3letter and int(atom[ct-4]) != seq: notProt = False if atom[ct-2] not in seqList: seqList[atom[ct-2]] = [] seqList[atom[ct-2]].append(atom[ct-3]) seq = int(atom[ct-4]) PDBheader() PDBremark250() nSeq = PDBseqres(seqList) # get cell parameters Cell = General['Cell'][1:7] line = "CRYST1 {:8.3f} {:8.3f} {:8.3f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f} ".format(*Cell) line += General['SGData']['SpGrp'].ljust(13) line += '%2d'%(len(General['SGData']['SGOps'])*len(General['SGData']['SGCen'])) self.Write(line) self.Write('ORIGX1 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000') self.Write('ORIGX2 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.00000') self.Write('ORIGX3 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000') A,B = G2lat.cell2AB(Cell) self.Write('SCALE1 {:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:9.6f} 0.00000'.format(*B[0])) self.Write('SCALE2 {:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:9.6f} 0.00000'.format(*B[1])) self.Write('SCALE3 {:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:9.6f} 0.00000'.format(*B[2])) iatom = 1 nHet = 0 nTer = 0 fmt = '{:6s}{:5d} {:4s}{:3s} {:1s}{:4s} '+3*'{:8.3f}'+2*'{:6.2f}'+'{:s}' for atom in Atoms: if atom[cia] == 'I': #need to deal with aniso thermals for proteins = "ANISOU" records Biso = atom[cia+1]*8.*np.pi**2 xyz = np.inner(A,np.array(atom[cx:cx+3])) if atom[ct-3] in AA3letter or notProt: self.Write(fmt.format('ATOM ',iatom,atom[ct-1],atom[ct-3].strip(), \ atom[ct-2].strip(),atom[ct-4].rjust(4),xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],atom[cx+3], \ Biso,atom[ct].rjust(12))) if atom[ct-1] == 'OXT': iatom += 1 self.Write('{:6s}{:5d} {:4s}{:3s}'.format('TER ',iatom,atom[ct-1],atom[ct-3].strip())) nTer += 1 else: nHet += 1 self.Write(fmt.format('HETATM',iatom,atom[ct-1],atom[ct-3].strip(), \ atom[ct-2].strip(),atom[ct-4].rjust(4),xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2],atom[cx+3], \ Biso,atom[ct].rjust(12))) #if atim[cia] == 'a': # put in 'ANISOU' record #'ANISOU 1 N ALA A 340 4392 4159 4615 249 -189 73 N' iatom += 1 vals = [3,0,nHet,0,0,0,6,len(Atoms),nTer,0,nSeq] fmt = 'MASTER'+11*'{:5d}' self.Write(fmt.format(*vals)) self.Write('END') self.CloseFile() print('Phase '+phasenam+' written to PDB file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] class ExportPhaseCartXYZ(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a Cartesian XYZ file for a phase :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'Cartesian XYZ', extension='.XYZ', longFormatName = 'Export phase with Cartesian coordinates as .XYZ file' ) self.exporttype = ['phase'] self.multiple = True
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export as a XYZ file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() # create a dict with refined values and their uncertainties self.loadParmDict() if self.ExportSelect(): # set export parameters; ask for file name return filename = self.filename self.OpenFile() for phasenam in self.phasenam: phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info General = phasedict['General'] i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] Atoms = phasedict['Atoms'] if not len(Atoms): print('**** ERROR - Phase '+phasenam+' has no atoms! ****') continue if len(self.phasenam) > 1: # if more than one filename is included, add a phase # self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] + "_" + str(i) + self.extension cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Cell = General['Cell'][1:7] A,B = G2lat.cell2AB(Cell) fmt = '{:4s}'+3*'{:12.4f}' self.Write('{:6d}'.format(len(Atoms))) self.Write(' ') for atom in Atoms: xyz = np.inner(A,np.array(atom[cx:cx+3])) self.Write(fmt.format(atom[ct],*xyz)) self.CloseFile() print('Phase '+phasenam+' written to XYZ file '+self.fullpath)