Source code for G2export_map

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-11 14:22:54 -0500 (Thu, 11 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5576 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5576 2023-05-11 19:22:54Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Classes in :mod:`G2export_map` follow:
from __future__ import division, print_function
import platform
import os
import GSASIIpath
import numpy as np
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5576 $")
import GSASIIIO as G2IO

[docs] class ExportMapASCII(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a text file for a phase :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'FOX/DrawXTL file', extension='.grd', longFormatName = 'Export map as text (.grd) file' ) self.exporttype = ['map'] self.multiple = False
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a map as a text file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters, get file name filename = self.filename for phasenam in self.phasenam: phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info rho = phasedict['General']['Map'].get('rho',[]) if not len(rho): print ("There is no map for phase "+phasenam) continue if len(self.phasenam) > 1: # if more than one filename is written, add a phase # -- not in use yet i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] + "_" + mapData['MapType'] + str(i) + self.extension self.OpenFile() self.Write(u"Map of Phase "+phasenam+u" from "+self.G2frame.GSASprojectfile) # get cell parameters & print them cellList,cellSig = self.GetCell(phasenam) fmt = 3*" {:9.5f}" + 3*" {:9.3f}" self.Write(fmt.format(*cellList[:6])) nx,ny,nz = rho.shape self.Write(" {:3d} {:3d} {:3d}".format(nx,ny,nz)) for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): for k in range(nz): self.Write(str(rho[i,j,k])) self.CloseFile() print(u'map from Phase '+phasenam+u' written to file '+self.fullpath)
[docs] class ExportMapCCP4(G2IO.ExportBaseclass): '''Used to create a text file for a phase :param wx.Frame G2frame: reference to main GSAS-II frame ''' def __init__(self,G2frame): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say <parentclass>.__init__ G2frame=G2frame, formatName = 'CCP4 map file', extension='.map', longFormatName = 'Export CCP4 .map file' ) self.exporttype = ['map'] self.multiple = False # Tools for file writing.
[docs] def Write(self,data,dtype): import struct '''write a block of output :param data: the data to be written. ''' self.fp.write(struct.pack(dtype,data))
[docs] def Exporter(self,event=None): '''Export a map as a text file ''' # the export process starts here self.InitExport(event) # load all of the tree into a set of dicts self.loadTree() if self.ExportSelect(): return # set export parameters, get file name filename = self.filename for phasenam in self.phasenam: phasedict = self.Phases[phasenam] # pointer to current phase info mapData = phasedict['General']['Map'] rho = mapData.get('rho',[]) if not len(rho): print ("There is no map for phase "+phasenam) continue if len(self.phasenam) > 1: # if more than one filename is written, add a phase # -- not in use yet i = self.Phases[phasenam]['pId'] self.filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] + "_" + mapData['MapType'] + str(i) + self.extension cell = phasedict['General']['Cell'][1:7] nx,ny,nz = rho.shape self.OpenFile(mode='wb') for n in rho.shape: self.Write(n,'i') #nX,nY,nZ self.Write(2,'i') #mode=2 float map for i in [0,0,0]: self.Write(i,'i') #1st position on x,y,z for n in rho.shape: self.Write(n,'i') #nX,nY,nZ for c in cell: self.Write(c,'f') for i in [1,2,3]: self.Write(i,'i') #axes order = x,y,z self.Write(np.min(rho),'f') self.Write(np.max(rho),'f') self.Write(np.mean(rho),'f') self.Write(0,'i') for i in range(24,53): self.Write(0,'i') if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: for s in ['M','A','P',' ']: self.Write(s,'s') else: for s in [b'M',b'A',b'P',b' ']: self.Write(s,'c') self.Write(0x44410000,'i') self.Write(np.std(rho),'f') for i in range(56,257): self.Write(0,'i') for x in rho.flatten('F'): self.Write(x,'f') self.CloseFile() print(u'map from Phase '+phasenam+u' written to file '+self.fullpath)