Source code for G2img_CBF

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-11 18:08:12 -0500 (Thu, 11 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5577 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5577 2023-05-11 23:08:12Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################

from __future__ import division, print_function
import time
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIpath
import struct as st
import numpy as np
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5577 $")
[docs] class CBF_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportImage): '''Routine to read a Read cif image data .cbf file. This is used by Pilatus. ''' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.cbf',), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'CBF image', longFormatName = 'CIF Binary Data Format image file (NB: Slow!)' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''no test used at this time ''' return True
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): '''Read using Bob's routine :func:`GetCbfData` ''' self.Comments,self.Data,self.Npix,self.Image = GetCbfData(self,filename) if self.Npix == 0 or not self.Comments: return False self.LoadImage(ParentFrame,filename) return True
[docs] def GetCbfData(self,filename): 'Read cif binarydetector data cbf file' import unpack_cbf as cbf if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print ('Read cif binary detector data cbf file: '+filename) File = open(filename,'rb') sizexy = [0,0] pixSize = [172,172] #Pixium4700? cent = [0,0] wave = 1.54187 #default <CuKa> det2theta = 0.0 dist = 1000. byteOrd = '<' stream = if 'bytes' in str(type(stream)): stream = stream.decode('latin-1') starter = '\x0c\x1a\x04\xd5' imageBeg = stream.find(starter)+4 head = stream[:imageBeg] term = '\r\n' #CR-LF if term in head: pass else: term = '\n' #LF only head = head.split(term) for line in head: fields = line.split() if 'Wavelength' in line: wave = float(fields[2]) elif 'Detector_distance' in line: dist = float(fields[2])*1000. elif 'Pixel_size' in line: pixSize = [float(fields[2])*1.e6,float(fields[5])*1.e6] elif 'Beam_xy' in line: cent = [float(fields[2].strip('(').strip(',')),float(fields[3].strip(')'))] elif 'X-Binary-Size:' in line: compImageSize = int(fields[1]) elif 'BIG_ENDIAN' in line: byteOrd = '>' elif 'Fastest-Dimension' in line: sizexy[0] = int(fields[1]) elif 'Second-Dimension' in line: sizexy[1] = int(fields[1]) elif 'Number-of-Elements' in line: Npix = int(fields[1]) elif 'Detector_2theta' in line: det2theta = float(fields[2]) nxy = sizexy[0]*sizexy[1] cent = [cent[0]*pixSize[0]/1000.,cent[1]*pixSize[1]/1000.] img =[imageBeg:imageBeg+compImageSize] File.close() nimg = len(img) image = np.zeros(nxy,dtype=np.int32) time0 = time.time() if 'bytes' in str(type(img)): img = np.frombuffer(img,dtype=np.uint8) image = cbf.unpack_cbf3(nimg,img,nxy,image) else: image = cbf.unpack_cbf(nimg,img,nxy,image) image = np.reshape(image,(sizexy[1],sizexy[0])) print ('import time: %.3f'%(time.time()-time0)) data = {'pixelSize':pixSize,'wavelength':wave,'distance':dist,'center':cent,'size':sizexy,'det2theta':det2theta} Npix = sizexy[0]*sizexy[1] return head,data,Npix,image