Source code for G2img_MAR

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-11 18:08:12 -0500 (Thu, 11 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5577 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5577 2023-05-11 23:08:12Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################

from __future__ import division, print_function
import platform
import time
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIpath
import numpy as np
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5577 $")
[docs] class MAR_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportImage): '''Routine to read several MAR formats, .mar3450,.mar2300,.mar2560 ''' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.mar3450','.mar2300','.mar2560'), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'MAR image', longFormatName = 'MAR Research 345, 230 and 256 image files' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''no test at this time ''' return True
def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): self.Comments,self.Data,self.Npix,self.Image = GetMAR345Data(filename) if self.Npix == 0 or not self.Comments: return False self.LoadImage(ParentFrame,filename) return True
[docs] def GetMAR345Data(filename,imageOnly=False): 'Read a MAR-345 image plate image' try: import pack_f as pf except: print ('**** ERROR - Unable to load the GSAS MAR image decompression, pack_f') return None,None,None,None if not imageOnly: print ('Read Mar345 file: '+filename) File = open(filename,'rb') head ='latin-1') lines = head[128:].split('\n') head = [] for line in lines: line = line.strip() if 'PIXEL' in line: values = line.split() pixel = (int(values[2]),int(values[4])) #in microns elif 'WAVELENGTH' in line: wave = float(line.split()[1]) elif 'DISTANCE' in line: distance = float(line.split()[1]) #in mm if not distance: distance = 500. elif 'CENTER' in line: values = line.split() center = [float(values[2])/10.,float(values[4])/10.] #make in mm from pixels if line: head.append(line) data = {'pixelSize':pixel,'wavelength':wave,'distance':distance,'center':center,'det2theta':0.0} for line in head: if 'FORMAT' in line[0:6]: items = line.split() sizex = int(items[1]) Npix = int(items[3]) sizey = int(Npix/sizex) pos = 4096 data['size'] = [sizex,sizey] line ='latin-1') while 'CCP4' not in line: #get past overflow list for now line ='latin-1') pos += 8 pos += 37 image = np.zeros(shape=(sizex,sizey),dtype=np.int32) time0 = time.time() if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: raw = image = np.flipud(pf.pack_f(len(raw),raw,sizex,sizey,image).T) #transpose to get it right way around & flip else: raw = np.frombuffer(,dtype=np.uint8) image = np.flipud(pf.pack_f3(len(raw),raw,sizex,sizey,image).T) #transpose to get it right way around & flip if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print ('image read time: %.3f'%(time.time()-time0)) File.close() if imageOnly: return image else: return head,data,Npix,image