Source code for G2pwd_fxye

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-07-17 11:14:28 -0500 (Mon, 17 Jul 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5626 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5626 2023-07-17 16:14:28Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os.path as ospath
import platform
import numpy as np
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5626 $")

[docs] class GSAS_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportPowderData): 'Routines to import powder data from a GSAS files' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.fxye','.raw','.gsas','.gda','.gsa','.gss','.RAW','.GSAS','.GDA','.GSA','.dat'), strictExtension=False, formatName = 'GSAS powder data', longFormatName = 'GSAS powder data files (.fxye, .raw, .gsas...)' ) self.clockWd = {} self.TimeMap = {} self.dnames = [] self.scriptable = True self.Iparm = {} #only filled for EDS data # Validate the contents -- look for a bank line
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Validate by checking to see if the file has BANK lines & count them' #print 'ContentsValidator: '+self.formatName nBanks= 0 if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: fp = open(filename,'Ur') else: fp = open(filename,'r',encoding='latin-1') fname = ospath.basename( for i,line in enumerate(fp): self.GSAS = True if i==0: # first line is always a comment continue if i==1 and line[:4].lower() == 'inst': # 2nd line is optional instrument parameter file continue if line[0] == '#': continue if line[:4] == 'BANK': self.dnames.append(fname+' '+' '.join(line.split()[:2])) nBanks += 1 continue elif line[:7] == 'Monitor': continue elif line [:8] == 'TIME_MAP': #LANSCE TOF data continue # else: # if not all(c in ' 0123456789.eE+-' for c in line[:-1]): # self.errors = 'Unexpected information in line: '+str(i+1) # self.errors += ' '+str(line) # return False if nBanks: if not len(self.selections): self.selections = range(nBanks) fp.close() return True self.errors = 'No BANK records found' fp.close() return False # no bank records
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **kwarg): '''Read a GSAS (old formats) file of type FXY, FXYE, ESD or STD types. If multiple datasets are requested, use self.repeat and buffer caching. EDS data is only in the STD format (10 values per line separated by spaces); the 1st line contains at col 60 the word "Two-Theta " followed by the appropriate value. The BANK record contains the 3 values (4th not used) after 'EDS' for converting MCA channel number (c) to keV via E = A + Bc + Cc^2; these coefficients are generally predetermined by calibration of the MCA. They & 2-theta are transferred to the Instrument parameters data. ''' def GetFXYEdata(File,Pos,Bank): x = [] y = [] w = [] S = File.readline() while S and S[:4] != 'BANK' and S[0] != '#': vals = S.split() x.append(float(vals[0])/100.) #CW: from centidegrees to degrees f = float(vals[1]) s = float(vals[2]) if f <= 0.0 or s <= 0.0: y.append(0.0) w.append(0.0) else: y.append(float(vals[1])) w.append(1.0/float(vals[2])**2) S = File.readline() N = len(x) return [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(w),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)] def GetFXYdata(File,Pos,Bank): x = [] y = [] w = [] S = File.readline() while S and S[:4] != 'BANK' and S[0] != '#': vals = S.split() x.append(float(vals[0])/100.) #CW: from centidegrees to degrees f = float(vals[1]) if f > 0.0: y.append(f) w.append(1.0/f) else: y.append(0.0) w.append(0.0) S = File.readline() N = len(x) return [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(w),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)] def GetESDdata(File,Pos,Bank): cons = Bank.split() if 'TIME_MAP' == cons[4]: start = 0 step = 1 else: start = float(cons[5])/100.0 #CW: from centidegrees to degrees step = float(cons[6])/100.0 x = [] y = [] w = [] S = File.readline() j = 0 while S and S[:4] != 'BANK' and S[0] != '#': if 'TIME_MAP' in S: break for i in range(0,80,16): if S[i:i+8] == 8*' ': break xi = start+step*j yi = sfloat(S[i:i+8]) ei = sfloat(S[i+8:i+16]) x.append(xi) if yi > 0.0: y.append(yi) w.append(1.0/ei**2) else: y.append(0.0) w.append(0.0) j += 1 S = File.readline() N = len(x) if self.clockWd: if len(self.clockWd) == 1: x = Tmap2TOF(self.TimeMap['1'],self.clockWd['1']) else: x = Tmap2TOF(self.TimeMap[cons[5]],self.clockWd[cons[5]]) return [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(w),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)] def GetSTDdata(File,Pos,Bank): cons = Bank.split() Nch = int(cons[2]) if self.clockWd: start = 0 step = 1 else: start = float(cons[5])/100.0 #CW: from centidegrees to degrees step = float(cons[6])/100.0 #NB TOF 0.1*ms! x = [] y = [] w = [] S = File.readline() j = 0 Ecoef = np.zeros(4) if 'EDS' in cons[4]: Ecoef = np.fromstring(' '.join(cons[5:9]),sep=' ') self.Inst = {'XE':[Ecoef[0],Ecoef[0],False],'YE':[Ecoef[1],Ecoef[1],False], 'ZE':[Ecoef[2],Ecoef[2],False],'2-theta':[5.,5.,False]} while S and S[:4] != 'BANK' and S[0] != '#': if 'TIME_MAP' in S or '\x1a' in S: break for i in range(0,80,8): if S[i:i+10] == 10*' ': break xi = start+step*j if 'EDS' in Bank: #Energy dispersive - convert CN to EkeV xi = Ecoef[0]+(Ecoef[1]+Ecoef[2]*j)*j ni = max(sint(S[i:i+2]),1) yi = max(sfloat(S[i+2:i+8]),0.0) if yi: vi = yi/ni else: yi = 0.0 vi = 0.0 j += 1 if j < Nch: x.append(xi) if vi <= 0.: y.append(0.) w.append(0.) else: y.append(yi) w.append(1.0/vi) S = File.readline() N = len(x) if self.clockWd: if len(self.clockWd) == 1: x = Tmap2TOF(self.TimeMap['1'],self.clockWd['1']) else: x = Tmap2TOF(self.TimeMap[cons[5]],self.clockWd[cons[5]]) return [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(w),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)] def GetALTdata(File,Pos,Bank): cons = Bank.split() x = [] y = [] w = [] S = File.readline() j = 0 while S and S[:4] != 'BANK' and S[0] != '#': for i in range(0,80,20): if S[i:i+8] == 8*' ': break xi = sfloat(S[i:i+8])/3200. if not xi: break yi = sfloat(S[i+8:i+15])/1000. ei = sfloat(S[i+15:i+21])/1000. x.append(xi) if yi > 0.0: y.append(yi) w.append(1.0/ei**2) else: y.append(0.0) w.append(0.0) j += 1 S = File.readline() N = len(x) if self.clockWd: x = Tmap2TOF(self.TimeMap[cons[5]],self.clockWd[cons[5]]) return [np.array(x),np.array(y),np.array(w),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N),np.zeros(N)] def GetTimeMap(File,Pos,TimeMap): cons = TimeMap[8:].split() mapNo = cons[0] if 'TIME_MAP10' in TimeMap: mapNo = '1' #HIPD cluge! Nch = int(cons[1]) Nrec = int(cons[2]) clockWd = float(cons[4])/1000. #in mus TMap = np.zeros(Nch+2,dtype=int) ind = 0 for i in range(Nrec): S = File.readline().rstrip('\n') vals = S.split() for val in vals: TMap[ind] = int(val) ind += 1 TMap = np.reshape(TMap,(-1,3)) TMax = TMap[-1][0] Nch = TMap[-2][0]+(TMax-TMap[-2][1]+TMap[-2][2]-1)/TMap[-2][2] TMap[-1] = [Nch+1,TMax,0] TMap = TMap.T TMap[0] -= 1 return TMap.T,clockWd,mapNo def Tmap2TOF(TMap,clockWd): TOF = [] Tch,T,Step = TMap[0] for tmap in TMap[1:]: tch,t,step = tmap TOF += [T+Step*(i-Tch) for i in range(Tch,tch)] Tch,T,Step = tmap TOF = np.array(TOF)*clockWd return TOF Banks = [] Pos = [] rdbuffer = kwarg.get('buffer') title = '' comments = None if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: fp = open(filename,'Ur') else: fp = open(filename,'r',encoding='latin-1') # reload previously saved values - used for multibank reads if self.repeat and rdbuffer is not None: Banks = rdbuffer.get('Banks') Pos = rdbuffer.get('Pos') self.selections = rdbuffer.get('selections') comments = rdbuffer.get('comments') # read through the file and find the beginning of each bank # Save the offset (Pos), BANK line (Banks), comments for each bank # # This is going to need a fair amount of work to track line numbers # in the input file. if len(Banks) != len(Pos) or len(Banks) == 0: i = -1 while True: i += 1 S = fp.readline() if len(S) == 0: break if i==0: # first line is always a comment self.errors = 'Error reading title' title = S[:-1] comments = [[title,]] continue if i==1 and S[:4].lower() == 'inst' and ':' in S: # 2nd line is instrument parameter file (optional) self.errors = 'Error reading instrument parameter filename' self.instparm = S.split(':')[1].strip('[]').strip() continue if S[0] == '#': # allow comments anywhere in the file # comments in fact should only preceed BANK lines comments[-1].append(S[:-1]) continue if S[:4] == 'BANK': self.errors = 'Error reading bank:' self.errors += ' '+str(S) comments.append([title,]) Banks.append(S) Pos.append(fp.tell()) if S[:8] == 'TIME_MAP': #assumes one time map; HIPPO has multiple time maps if len(Banks) == 0: self.errors = 'Error reading time map before any bank lines' else: self.errors = 'Error reading time map after bank:\n '+str(Banks[-1]) timemap,clockwd,mapNo = GetTimeMap(fp,fp.tell(),S) self.TimeMap[mapNo] = timemap self.clockWd[mapNo] = clockwd # Now select the bank to read if not Banks: # use of ContentsValidator should prevent this error print (self.formatName+' scan error: no BANK records') selblk = None # no block to choose self.errors = 'No BANK records found (strange!)' return False elif len(Banks) == 1: # only one Bank, don't ask selblk = 0 elif self.repeat and self.selections is not None: # we were called to repeat the read #print 'debug: repeat #',self.repeatcount,'selection',self.selections[self.repeatcount] selblk = self.selections[self.repeatcount] self.repeatcount += 1 if self.repeatcount >= len(self.selections): self.repeat = False else: # choose from options selblk = self.selections[0] # select first in list if len(self.selections) > 1: # prepare to loop through again self.repeat = True self.repeatcount = 1 if rdbuffer is not None: rdbuffer['Banks'] = Banks rdbuffer['Pos'] = Pos rdbuffer['selections'] = self.selections rdbuffer['comments'] = comments # got a selection, now read it Bank = Banks[selblk] try: bnkNo = int(Bank.split()[1]) except ValueError: bnkNo = 1 if 'FXYE' in Bank: self.errors = 'Error reading FXYE data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetFXYEdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) elif 'FXY' in Bank: self.errors = 'Error reading FXY data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetFXYdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) elif 'ESD' in Bank: self.errors = 'Error reading ESD data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetESDdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) elif 'STD' in Bank: self.errors = 'Error reading STD data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetSTDdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) elif 'ALT' in Bank: self.errors = 'Error reading ALT data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetALTdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) else: self.errors = 'Error reading STD data in Bank\n '+Banks[selblk] self.powderdata = GetSTDdata(fp,Pos[selblk],Banks[selblk]) self.errors = 'Error processing information after read complete' if comments is not None: self.comments = comments[selblk] self.powderentry[0] = filename self.powderentry[1] = Pos # position offset (never used, I hope) self.powderentry[2] = bnkNo #selblk+1 # bank number self.idstring = ospath.basename(filename) + ' Bank '+str(bnkNo) #selblk+1) self.numbanks=len(Banks) # scan comments for temperature & radius Temperature = 300. for S in self.comments: if 'Temp' in S.split('=')[0]: try: Temperature = float(S.split('=')[1]) except: pass elif 'Gonio' in S.split('=')[0]: try: self.Sample['Gonio. radius'] = float(S.split('=')[1]) except: pass elif 'Omega' in S.split('=')[0] or 'Theta' in S.split('=')[0]: #HIPD weirdness try: self.Sample['Omega'] = float(S.split('=')[1]) except: pass elif 'Chi' in S.split('=')[0]: try: self.Sample['Chi'] = float(S.split('=')[1]) except: pass elif 'Phi' in S.split('=')[0]: try: self.Sample['Phi'] = float(S.split('=')[1]) except: pass if 'EDS' in Bank: S = self.comments[0].lower().split('theta') if len(S) > 1: self.Inst['2-theta'] = [float(S[1]),float(S[1]),False] self.Sample['Temperature'] = Temperature fp.close() return True
[docs] def sfloat(S): 'convert a string to a float, treating an all-blank string as zero' if S.strip(): return float(S) else: return 0.0
[docs] def sint(S): 'convert a string to an integer, treating an all-blank string as zero' if S.strip(): return int(S) else: return 0