Source code for G2sfact

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2024-04-12 21:06:19 -0500 (Fri, 12 Apr 2024) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5776 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5776 2024-04-13 02:06:19Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
import numpy as np
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5776 $")

[docs] def ColumnValidator(parent, filepointer,nCol=5): 'Validate a file to check that it contains columns of numbers' l = filepointer.readline() line = 1 while l[0] in ['#','(']: #get past comments & fortran formats, if any l = filepointer.readline() line += 1 for i in range(10): # scan a few lines S = l.split() if len(S) < nCol: parent.errors = 'line '+str(line)+': invalid input\n'+l return False for v in S[:nCol]: try: float(v) except ValueError: parent.errors = 'line '+str(line)+': string found where a number is expected\n'+l return False l = filepointer.readline() line += 1 return True
[docs] class HKLF_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F, sig(F) reflections from a HKLF file' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.hkl','.HKL'), strictExtension=False, formatName = 'HKL F', longFormatName = 'Simple [hkl, Fo, sig(Fo)] Structure factor text file' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers' fp = open(filename,'r') valid = ColumnValidator(self, fp) fp.close() return valid
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any items = S.split() h,k,l,Fo,sigFo = items[:5] h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] if not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo**2,2.*Fo*sigFo,0,Fo**2,0,0,0]) fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = 0 self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class HKLMF_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F, reflections from a REMOS HKLMF file' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.fo','.FO'), strictExtension=False, formatName = 'HKLM F', longFormatName = 'REMOS [hklm, Fo] Structure factor text file' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers' fp = open(filename,'r') valid = ColumnValidator(self, fp) fp.close() return valid
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any h,k,l,m,Fo= S.split() h,k,l,m = [int(h),int(k),int(l),int(m)] if h == 999 or not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo2 = Fo if Fo < 1.0: sigFo2 = 1.0 # h,k,l,m,tw,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,m,1,0,Fo**2,sigFo2,0,Fo**2,0,0,0]) fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = 1 self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class SHELX4_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F**2, sig(F**2) reflections from a Shelx HKLF 4 file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = 'HKLF 4' longFormatName = 'Shelx HKLF 4 [hkl, Fo2, sig(Fo2)] Structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Shelx HKLF 4 F\u00b2' longFormatName = u'Shelx HKLF 4 [hkl, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2)] Structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.hkl','.HKL'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName)
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers' return True
# return ColumnValidator(self, filepointer)
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any try: # use a simple split if possible items = S.split() h,k,l,Fo,sigFo = items[:5] h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] except: # but sometimes if no space between k & F # need to use some fixed formatting h,k,l = S[:12].split() h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] Fo,sigFo = S[12:].split()[:2] if not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) #self.RefDict['FF'].append({}) # now done in OnImportSfact fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = 0 self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class SHELX5_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F**2, sig(F**2) twin/incommensurate reflections from a fixed format SHELX HKLF5 file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = 'Shelx HKLF 5 F2 Tw/Incom' longFormatName = 'Shelx HKLF 5 [hklm, Fo2, sig(Fo2), Tind] Twin/incommensurate structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Shelx HKLF 5 F\u00b2 Tw/Incom' longFormatName = u'Shelx HKLF 5 [hklm, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2), Tind] Twin/incommensurate structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.hkl','.HKL'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName) self.Super = 0
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''Discover how many columns before F^2 are in the SHELX HKL5 file - could be 3-6 depending on satellites''' numCols = 0 fp = open(filename,'r') for i,line in enumerate(fp): for j,item in enumerate(line.split()): #find 1st col with '.'; has F^2 if '.' in item: numCols = max(numCols,j) break if i > 20: break fp.close() self.Super = numCols-3 #= 0,1,2,or 3 if self.Super > 1: raise self.ImportException("Supersymmetry too high; GSAS-II limited to (3+1) supersymmetry") return True
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' TwDict = {} TwSet = {} TwMax = [-1,[]] first = True try: fp = open(filename,'r') m1 = 0 for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if self.Super == 0: h,k,l,Fo,sigFo,Tw = S.split() # h,k,l,Fo,sigFo,Tw = S[:4],S[4:8],S[8:12],S[12:20],S[20:28],S[28:32] h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] elif self.Super == 1: h,k,l,m1,Fo,sigFo,Tw = SF.split() # h,k,l,m1,Fo,sigFo,Tw = S[:4],S[4:8],S[8:12],S[12:16],S[16:24],S[24:32],S[32:36] h,k,l,m1 = [int(h),int(k),int(l),int(m1)] Tw = Tw.strip() if Tw in ['','0']: Tw = '1' if not any([h,k,l,m1]): break if '-' in Tw: if Tw == '-1': #fix reversed twin ids Tw = '-2' if first: self.warnings += '\nPrimary twin id changed to 1' first = False TwId = -int(Tw)-1 TwSet[TwId] = np.array([h,k,l]) if TwId not in TwMax[1]: TwMax[1].append(TwId) else: if Tw != '1': #fix reversed twin ids if first: self.warnings += '\nPrimary twin id changed to 1\nNB: multiple primary twins not working' first = False Tw = '1' TwId = int(Tw)-1 if TwSet: TwDict[len(self.RefDict['RefList'])] = TwSet TwSet = {} Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... if self.Super == 0: self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,int(Tw),0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) elif self.Super == 1: self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,m1,int(Tw),0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) TwMax[0] = max(TwMax[0],TwId) fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = self.Super self.RefDict['TwDict'] = TwDict self.RefDict['TwMax'] = TwMax self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class SHELX6_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F**2, sig(F**2) twin/incommensurate reflections from a fixed format SHELX HKLF6 file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = 'Shelx HKLF 6 F2 Tw/Incom' longFormatName = 'Shelx HKLF 6 [hklm, Fo2, sig(Fo2), Tind] Twin/incommensurate structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Shelx HKLF 6 F\u00b2 Tw/Incom' longFormatName = u'Shelx HKLF 6 [hklm, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2), Tind] Twin/incommensurate structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.hk6','.HK6'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName) self.Super = 0
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''Discover how many columns before F^2 are in the SHELX HKL6 file - could be 3-6 depending on satellites''' numCols = 0 fp = open(filename,'r') for i,line in enumerate(fp): for j,item in enumerate(line.split()): #find 1st col with '.'; has F^2 if '.' in item: numCols = max(numCols,j) break if i > 20: break fp.close() if numCols != 6: self.warnings += '\nInvalid hk6 file; wrong number of columns' #raise self.ImportException('Invalid hk6 file; wrong number of columns') return False self.Super = 1 return True
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' TwDict = {} TwSet = {} TwMax = [-1,[]] first = True try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) h,k,l,m1,m2,m3,Fo,sigFo,Tw = S[:4],S[4:8],S[8:12],S[12:16],S[16:20],S[20:24],S[24:32],S[32:40],S[40:44] h,k,l,m1,m2,m3 = [int(h),int(k),int(l),int(m1),int(m2),int(m3)] if m2 or m3: self.warnings += '\n(3+2) & (3+3) Supersymmetry not allowed in GSAS-II. Reformulate as twinned (3+1) supersymmetry' raise self.ImportException("Supersymmetry too high; GSAS-II limited to (3+1) supersymmetry") Tw = Tw.strip() if Tw in ['','0']: Tw = '1' if not any([h,k,l]): #look for 0 0 0 or blank line break if '-' in Tw: if Tw == '-1': #fix reversed twin ids Tw = '-2' if first: self.warnings += '\nPrimary twin id changed to 1' first = False TwId = -int(Tw)-1 TwSet[TwId] = np.array([h,k,l]) if TwId not in TwMax[1]: TwMax[1].append(TwId) else: if Tw != '1': #fix reversed twin ids if first: self.warnings += '\nPrimary twin id changed to 1\nNB: multiple primary twins not working' first = False Tw = '1' TwId = int(Tw)-1 if TwSet: TwDict[len(self.RefDict['RefList'])] = TwSet TwSet = {} Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,m1,int(Tw),0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) TwMax[0] = max(TwMax[0],TwId) fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = self.Super self.RefDict['TwDict'] = TwDict self.RefDict['TwMax'] = TwMax self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class M90_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import F**2, sig(F**2) reflections from a JANA M90 file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus longFormatName = 'JANA [hkl, Fo2, sig(Fo2)] Structure factor text file' else: longFormatName = u'JANA [hkl, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2)] Structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.m90','.M90'), strictExtension=False, formatName = u'JANA M90', longFormatName = longFormatName ) self.Super = 0
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Discover how many columns are in the m90 file - could be 9-12 depending on satellites' numCols = 0 fp = open(filename,'r') for i,line in enumerate(fp): if 'Data' in line: startData = i break for i,line in enumerate(fp): if i > startData: numCols = max(numCols,len(line.split())) if i > startData+20: break fp.close() self.Super = numCols-9 #= 0,1,2,or 3 if self.Super > 1: raise self.ImportException("Supersymmetry too high; GSAS-II limited to (3+1) supersymmetry") return True #ColumnValidator(self, filepointer)
[docs] def Reader(self,filename,filepointer, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any try: if self.Super == 0: h,k,l,Fo,sigFo = S.split()[:5] h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] elif self.Super == 1: h,k,l,m1,Fo,sigFo = S.split()[:6] h,k,l,m1 = [int(h),int(k),int(l),int(m1)] except ValueError: #skipping text at front if not S: break text = S.split() if not text: break print(line,text) if text[0] == 'lambda': wave = float(text[1]) continue Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... if self.Super == 0: self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) elif self.Super == 1: self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,m1,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SXC' self.RefDict['Super'] = self.Super self.UpdateParameters(Type='SXC',Wave=wave) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class NT_HKLF2_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import neutron TOF F**2, sig(F**2) reflections from a HKLF file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = 'Neutron SNS TOF HKL F2' longFormatName = 'Neutron SNS TOF [hkl, Fo2, sig(Fo2),...] Structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Neutron SNS TOF HKL F\u00b2' longFormatName = u'Neutron SNS TOF [hkl, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2),...] Structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.hkl','.HKL'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName)
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers & count number of data blocks - "Banks"' oldNo = -1 try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): if not S: #empty line terminates read break if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any if S.split()[:3] == ['0','0','0']: break try: bankNo = S.split()[5] except: return False if bankNo != oldNo: self.Banks.append({'RefDict':{'RefList':[],}}) oldNo = bankNo valid = ColumnValidator(self, fp,nCol=8) fp.close() return valid except: return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): if not S: break self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any data = S.split() h,k,l,Fo,sigFo,bN,wave,tbar = data[:8] #bN = 1..., 6 dir cos next h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] if not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) wave = float(wave) tbar = float(tbar) if len(self.Banks): self.Banks[int(bN)-1]['RefDict']['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0,wave,tbar]) else: # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0,wave,tbar]) fp.close() if len(self.Banks): self.UpdateParameters(Type='SNT',Wave=None) # histogram type for Bank in self.Banks: Bank['RefDict']['RefList'] = np.array(Bank['RefDict']['RefList']) Bank['RefDict']['Type'] = 'SNT' Bank['RefDict']['Super'] = 0 else: self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SNT' self.RefDict['Super'] = 0 self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.UpdateParameters(Type='SNT',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class NT_JANA2K_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import neutron TOF F**2, sig(F**2) reflections from a JANA2000 file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = 'Neutron TOF JANA2000 F2' longFormatName = 'Neutron TOF [hkl, Fo2, sig(Fo2),...] Structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Neutron TOF JANA2000 F\u00b2' longFormatName = u'Neutron TOF [hkl, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2),...] Structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.int','.INT'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName)
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers & count number of data blocks - "Banks"' oldNo = -1 try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): if not S: #empty line terminates read break if S[0] in ['#','(']: continue #ignore comments & fortran format line bankNo = S.split()[5] if bankNo != oldNo: self.Banks.append({'RefDict':{'RefList':[],}}) oldNo = bankNo valid = ColumnValidator(self, fp,nCol=10) fp.close() return valid except: return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename,filepointer, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] in ['#','(']: continue #ignore comments & fortran format line data = S.split() h,k,l,Fo,sigFo,bN,wave,x,x,tbar = data[:10] #bN = 1..., 6 dir cos next h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] if not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) wave = float(wave) tbar = float(tbar) if len(self.Banks): self.Banks[int(bN)-1]['RefDict']['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0,wave,tbar]) else: # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0,wave,tbar]) fp.close() if len(self.Banks): self.UpdateParameters(Type='SNT',Wave=None) # histogram type for Bank in self.Banks: Bank['RefDict']['RefList'] = np.array(Bank['RefDict']['RefList']) Bank['RefDict']['Type'] = 'SNT' Bank['RefDict']['Super'] = 0 #for now else: self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SNT' self.RefDict['Super'] = 0 #for now self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.UpdateParameters(Type='SNT',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False
[docs] class NIST_hb3a_INT_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportStructFactor): 'Routines to import neutron CW F**2, sig(F**2) reflections from a NIST hb3a int file' def __init__(self): if 'linux' in sys.platform: # wx on gtk does not like Unicode in menus formatName = u'Neutron NIST hb3a CW HKL F2' longFormatName = u'Neutron NIST hb3a CW HKL [hkl, Fo2, sig(Fo2),...] 5 column Structure factor text file' else: formatName = u'Neutron NIST hb3a CW HKL F\u00b2' longFormatName = u'Neutron NIST hb3a CW HKL [hkl, Fo\u00b2, sig(Fo\u00b2),...] 5 column Structure factor text file' super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to self-reference extensionlist=('.int','.INT'), strictExtension=False, formatName=formatName, longFormatName=longFormatName)
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Make sure file contains the expected columns on numbers & count number of data blocks - "Banks"' fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): if not S: #empty line terminates read break if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any valid = ColumnValidator(self, fp,nCol=5) fp.close() return valid
[docs] def Reader(self,filename,filepointer, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read the file' try: fp = open(filename,'r') for line,S in enumerate(fp): self.errors = ' Error reading line '+str(line+1) if S[0] == '#': continue #ignore comments, if any data = S.split() h,k,l,Fo,sigFo = data h,k,l = [int(h),int(k),int(l)] if not any([h,k,l]): break Fo = float(Fo) sigFo = float(sigFo) # h,k,l,m,dsp,Fo2,sig,Fc2,Fot2,Fct2,phase,... self.RefDict['RefList'].append([h,k,l,1,0,Fo,sigFo,0,Fo,0,0,0]) fp.close() self.RefDict['RefList'] = np.array(self.RefDict['RefList']) self.RefDict['Type'] = 'SNC' self.RefDict['Super'] = 0 self.errors = 'Error after reading reflections (unexpected!)' self.UpdateParameters(Type='SNC',Wave=None) # histogram type return True except: return False