Source code for GSASIIElemGUI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-20 13:24:42 -0500 (Sat, 20 May 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5586 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5586 2023-05-20 18:24:42Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
'''Routines for Periodic table wx.Frame follow. 
from __future__ import division, print_function
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5586 $")
import wx
import os
import wx.lib.colourselect as wscs
# for Python 3.10+, define a version of wxPoint that accepts float params
def wxPoint(x,y): return wx.Point(int(x),int(y))
[docs] class PickElement(wx.Dialog): '''Makes periodic table widget for picking element. Modes: oneOnly if True element symbols are provided, otherwise select valence ifNone if True show None button ifMag if True present magnetic scatters only ifOrbs if True present orbital form actors only multiple if True multiple elements can be selected ''' Elem=None def _init_ctrls(self,prnt,ifMag=False,ifOrbs=False): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=-1, name='PickElement', parent=prnt, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title='Pick Element') import ElementTable as ET self.butWid = 60 if 'nt' in self.butWid = 50 self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(50+18*self.butWid, 250)) self.Centre() i=0 Elems = ET.ElTable if ifMag: Elems = ET.MagElTable if ifOrbs: Elems = ET.OrbsElTable for E in Elems: if E[1] < 0: continue if self.oneOnly: color=E[4] else: color=E[6] self.ElButton(name=E[0], pos=wxPoint(E[1]*self.butWid+25,E[2]*24+24), tip=E[3],color=color) i+=1 if self.multiple: b = wx.Button(self,wx.ID_CLOSE, pos=wxPoint(16.5*self.butWid+25,7.75*24+24),label="Done") b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClose) def __init__(self, parent,oneOnly=False,ifNone=False,ifMag=False,ifOrbs=False,multiple=False): self.oneOnly = oneOnly self.ifNone = ifNone self.multiple = multiple self._init_ctrls(parent,ifMag=ifMag,ifOrbs=ifOrbs) self.elementList = []
[docs] def ElButton(self, name, pos, tip, color): 'Creates an element button widget' self.color = color if not self.ifNone and name[0] == 'None': return if self.oneOnly: El = wscs.ColourSelect(label=name[0], parent=self,colour=color, pos=pos, size=wx.Size(self.butWid,23), style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) El.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnElButton) else: butWid = self.butWid if name[0] == 'None': butWid *= 2 # patch for wx 2.9+ where EVT_COMBOBOX happens only on a value change. i,j= wx.__version__.split('.')[0:2] if int(i)+int(j)/10. > 2.8: startname = name[0]+' ' # add an invisible space else: startname = name[0] # Not ideal because wx.CB_READONLY is better. El = wx.ComboBox(choices=name, parent=self, pos=pos, size=wx.Size(butWid,27), style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN, value=startname) #El = wx.ComboBox(choices=name, parent=self, pos=pos, size=wx.Size(butWid,23), # style=wx.CB_READONLY, value=name[0]) if sum(color)/3 < 150 and color[1] < 150: # background is mostly dark, use white letters El.SetForegroundColour((255,255,255)) else: El.SetForegroundColour((10,10,10)) El.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,self.OnElButton) El.SetBackgroundColour(color) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): El.SetToolTip(tip) else: El.SetToolTipString(tip)
def OnElButton(self, event): if self.oneOnly: El = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() else: El = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.Elem = El if self.multiple: if El in self.elementList: self.elementList.remove(El) event.GetEventObject().SetBackgroundColour(self.color) # Shows on Mac else: self.elementList.append(El) event.GetEventObject().SetBackgroundColour('black') # Shows on Mac event.GetEventObject().SetColour( wx.Colour(*[int(i/2) for i in event.GetEventObject().GetColour()])) else: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnClose(self,event): self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
[docs] class PickElements(wx.Dialog): """Makes periodic table widget for picking elements - caller maintains element list""" Elem = [] def _init_ctrls(self, prnt,list): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=-1, name='PickElements', parent=prnt, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(580, 360), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title='Pick Elements') panel = wx.Panel(self) REcolor = wx.Colour(128, 128, 255) Metcolor = wx.Colour(192, 192, 192) Noblecolor = wx.Colour(255, 128, 255) Alkcolor = wx.Colour(255, 255, 128) AlkEcolor = wx.Colour(255, 128, 0) SemMetcolor = wx.Colour(128, 255, 0) NonMetcolor = wx.Colour(0, 255, 255) White = wx.Colour(255, 255, 255) self.Elem = [] for El in list: self.Elem.append(El.lower().capitalize()) self.ElTable = [ ("H", 0,0, "Hydrogen", White, 0.0000), ("He", 17,0, "Helium", Noblecolor, 0.0000), ("Li", 0,1, "Lithium", Alkcolor, 0.0004), ("Be", 1,1, "Beryllium", AlkEcolor, 0.0006), ("B", 12,1, "Boron", NonMetcolor, 0.0012), ("C", 13,1, "Carbon", NonMetcolor, 0.0018), ("N", 14,1, "Nitrogen", NonMetcolor, 0.0030), ("O", 15,1, "Oxygen", NonMetcolor, 0.0042), ("F", 16,1, "Fluorine", NonMetcolor, 0.0054), ("Ne", 17,1, "Neon", Noblecolor, 0.0066), ("Na", 0,2, "Sodium", Alkcolor, 0.0084), ("Mg", 1,2, "Magnesium", AlkEcolor, 0.0110), ("Al", 12,2, "Aluminum", SemMetcolor, 0.0125), ("Si", 13,2, "Silicon", NonMetcolor, 0.0158), ("P", 14,2, "Phosphorus", NonMetcolor, 0.0180), ("S", 15,2, "Sulphur", NonMetcolor, 0.0210), ("Cl", 16,2, "Chlorine", NonMetcolor, 0.0250), ("Ar", 17,2, "Argon", Noblecolor, 0.0285), ("K", 0,3, "Potassium", Alkcolor, 0.0320), ("Ca", 1,3, "Calcium", AlkEcolor, 0.0362), ("Sc", 2,3, "Scandium", Metcolor, 0.0410), ("Ti", 3,3, "Titanium", Metcolor, 0.0460), ("V", 4,3, "Vanadium", Metcolor, 0.0510), ("Cr", 5,3, "Chromium", Metcolor, 0.0560), ("Mn", 6,3, "Manganese", Metcolor, 0.0616), ("Fe", 7,3, "Iron", Metcolor, 0.0680), ("Co", 8,3, "Cobalt", Metcolor, 0.0740), ("Ni", 9,3, "Nickel", Metcolor, 0.0815), ("Cu", 10,3, "Copper", Metcolor, 0.0878), ("Zn", 11,3, "Zinc", Metcolor, 0.0960), ("Ga", 12,3, "Gallium", SemMetcolor, 0.104), ("Ge", 13,3, "Germanium", SemMetcolor, 0.114), ("As", 14,3, "Arsenic", NonMetcolor, 0.120), ("Se", 15,3, "Selenium", NonMetcolor, 0.132), ("Br", 16,3, "Bromine", NonMetcolor, 0.141), ("Kr", 17,3, "Krypton", Noblecolor, 0.150), ("Rb", 0,4, "Rubidium", Alkcolor, 0.159), ("Sr", 1,4, "Strontium", AlkEcolor, 0.171), ("Y", 2,4, "Yittrium", Metcolor, 0.180), ("Zr", 3,4, "Zirconium", Metcolor, 0.192), ("Nb", 4,4, "Niobium", Metcolor, 0.204), ("Mo", 5,4, "Molybdenium", Metcolor, 0.216), ("Tc", 6,4, "Technetium", Metcolor, 0.228), ("Ru", 7,4, "Ruthenium", Metcolor, 0.246), ("Rh", 8,4, "Rhodium", Metcolor, 0.258), ("Pd", 9,4, "Palladium", Metcolor, 0.270), ("Ag", 10,4, "Silver", Metcolor, 0.285), ("Cd", 11,4, "Cadmium", Metcolor, 0.300), ("In", 12,4, "Indium", SemMetcolor, 0.318), ("Sn", 13,4, "Tin", SemMetcolor, 0.330), ("Sb", 14,4, "Antimony", SemMetcolor, 0.348), ("Te", 15,4, "Tellurium", NonMetcolor, 0.363), ("I", 16,4, "Iodine", NonMetcolor, 0.384), ("Xe", 17,4, "Xenon", Noblecolor, 0.396), ("Cs", 0,5, "Caesium", Alkcolor, 0.414), ("Ba", 1,5, "Barium", AlkEcolor, 0.438), ("La", 2,5, "Lanthanium", Metcolor, 0.456), ("Ce", 3.5,6.5, "Cerium", REcolor, 0.474), ("Pr", 4.5,6.5, "Praseodymium",REcolor, 0.492), ("Nd", 5.5,6.5, "Neodymium", REcolor, 0.516), ("Pm", 6.5,6.5, "Promethium", REcolor, 0.534), ("Sm", 7.5,6.5, "Samarium", REcolor, 0.558), ("Eu", 8.5,6.5, "Europium", REcolor, 0.582), ("Gd", 9.5,6.5, "Gadolinium", REcolor, 0.610), ("Tb", 10.5,6.5, "Terbium", REcolor, 0.624), ("Dy", 11.5,6.5, "Dysprosium", REcolor, 0.648), ("Ho", 12.5,6.5, "Holmium", REcolor, 0.672), ("Er", 13.5,6.5, "Erbium", REcolor, 0.696), ("Tm", 14.5,6.5, "Thulium", REcolor, 0.723), ("Yb", 15.5,6.5, "Ytterbium", REcolor, 0.750), ("Lu", 16.5,6.5, "Lutetium", REcolor, 0.780), ("Hf", 3,5, "Hafnium", Metcolor, 0.804), ("Ta", 4,5, "Tantalum", Metcolor, 0.834), ("W", 5,5, "Tungsten", Metcolor, 0.864), ("Re", 6,5, "Rhenium", Metcolor, 0.900), ("Os", 7,5, "Osmium", Metcolor, 0.919), ("Ir", 8,5, "Iridium", Metcolor, 0.948), ("Pt", 9,5, "Platinium", Metcolor, 0.984), ("Au", 10,5, "Gold", Metcolor, 1.014), ("Hg", 11,5, "Mercury", Metcolor, 1.046), ("Tl", 12,5, "Thallium", SemMetcolor, 1.080), ("Pb", 13,5, "Lead", SemMetcolor, 1.116), ("Bi", 14,5, "Bismuth", SemMetcolor, 1.149), ("Po", 15,5, "Polonium", SemMetcolor, 1.189), ("At", 16,5, "Astatine", NonMetcolor, 1.224), ("Rn", 17,5, "Radon", Noblecolor, 1.260), ("Fr", 0,6, "Francium", Alkcolor, 1.296), ("Ra", 1,6, "Radium", AlkEcolor, 1.332), ("Ac", 2,6, "Actinium", Metcolor, 1.374), ("Th", 3.5,7.5, "Thorium", REcolor, 1.416), ("Pa", 4.5,7.5, "Protactinium",REcolor, 1.458), ("U", 5.5,7.5, "Uranium", REcolor, 1.470), ("Np", 6.5,7.5, "Neptunium", REcolor, 1.536), ("Pu", 7.5,7.5, "Plutonium", REcolor, 1.584), ("Am", 8.5,7.5, "Americium", REcolor, 1.626), ("Cm", 9.5,7.5, "Curium", REcolor, 1.669), ("Bk", 10.5,7.5, "Berkelium", REcolor, 1.716), ("Cf", 11.5,7.5, "Californium", REcolor, 1.764)] mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) elPanel = wx.Panel(panel) i=0 for E in self.ElTable: PickElements.ElButton(self,parent=elPanel,name=E[0], pos=wxPoint(E[1]*30+20,E[2]*30+25),tip=E[3],color=E[4]) i+=1 mainSizer.Add(elPanel,0,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add((10,10),0) btnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) OkBtn = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Ok") OkBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk) cancelBtn = wx.Button(panel,-1,"Cancel") cancelBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(OkBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) btnSizer.Add(cancelBtn) btnSizer.Add((20,20),1) mainSizer.Add(btnSizer,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM, 10) panel.SetSizer(mainSizer) panel.Fit() def OnOk(self,event): if self.Elem: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) def OnCancel(self,event): self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL) def __init__(self, parent,list): self._init_ctrls(parent,list) def ElButton(self, parent, name, pos, tip, color): Black = wx.Colour(0,0,0) if name in self.Elem: color = Black El = wscs.ColourSelect(label=name, parent=parent,colour=color, pos=pos, size=wx.Size(32, 32), style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) El.SetBackgroundColour(color) El.SetLabel(name) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): El.SetToolTip(tip) else: El.SetToolTipString(tip) El.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnElButton) def OnElButton(self, event): Black = wx.Colour(0,0,0) btn = event.GetEventObject() El = btn.GetLabel() if btn.GetColour() != Black: for Elem in self.ElTable: if El in Elem: ElColor = Elem[4] if El in self.Elem: btn.SetColour(ElColor) self.Elem.remove(El) else: btn.SetColour(wx.Colour(255,0,0)) self.Elem.append(El)
[docs] class DeleteElement(wx.Dialog): "Delete element from selected set widget" def _init_ctrls(self, parent,choice): l = len(choice)-1 wx.Dialog.__init__(self, id=-1, name='Delete', parent=parent, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(max(128,64+l*24), 87), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, title='Delete Element') self.Show(True) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetHelpText('Select element to delete') self.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) i = 0 Elem = [] for Elem in choice: self.ElButton(name=Elem,pos=wxPoint(16+i*24, 16)) i+=1 def __init__(self, parent,choice): DeleteElement.El = ' ' self._init_ctrls(parent,choice)
[docs] def ElButton(self, name, pos): 'Needs a doc string' White = wx.Colour(255, 255, 255) El = wscs.ColourSelect(label=name, parent=self, colour = White, pos=pos, size=wx.Size(24, 23), style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) El.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDeleteButton)
def OnDeleteButton(self, event): DeleteElement.El=event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def GetDeleteElement(self): return DeleteElement.El
if __name__ == '__main__': app = wx.PySimpleApp() GSASIIpath.InvokeDebugOpts() G2frame = wx.Frame(None) # create a frame G2frame.Show(True) PE = PickElement(G2frame) if PE.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: print (PE.Elem) PE.Destroy()