Source code for GSASIIlog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#GSASIIlog - Routines used to track and replay "actions"
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-05-09 21:43:48 -0500 (Tue, 09 May 2023) $
# $Author: toby $
# $Revision: 5572 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5572 2023-05-10 02:43:48Z toby $
########### SVN repository information ###################
Module to provide logging services, e.g. track and replay "actions"
such as menu item, tree item, button press, value change and so on. 

This capability is not currently implemented, but might be resurrected
in some future version of GSAS-II.
from __future__ import division, print_function
    import wx
except ImportError:
import GSASIIdataGUI as G2gd
import GSASIIpath
# Global variables 
MenuBindingLookup = {}
'Lookup table for Menu buttons'
ButtonBindingLookup = {}
'Lookup table for button objects'
G2logList = [None]
'Contains a list of logged actions; first item is ignored'
LogInfo = {'Logging':False, 'Tree':None, 'LastPaintAction':None}
'Contains values that are needed in the module for past actions & object location'

# Might want to save the last displayed screen with some objects to make sure
# the commands are executed in a sensible order
# 1) save tree press under tab press item.
# 2) save tree & tab for button press

# probably need an object for saving calls and arguments to call specific functions/methods.
# The items to be called need to register themselves so that they can be found
#   This needs to be done with a Register(function,'unique-string') call after every def
#   and then a LogCall('unique-string',pargs,kwargs) call inside the routine

debug = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('logging_debug')
# objects for logging variables
def _l2s(lst,separator='+'):
    'Combine a list of objects into a string, with a separator'
    s = ''
    for i in lst: 
        if s != '': s += separator
        s += '"'+str(i)+'"'
    return s

[docs] class LogEntry(object): '''Base class to define logging objects. These store information on events in a manner that can be pickled and saved -- direct references to wx objects is not allowed. Each object must define: * __init__: stores the information needed to log & later recreate the action * __str__ : shows a nice ASCII string for each action * Replay: recreates the action when the log is played optional: * Repaint: redisplays the current window ''' def __init__(self): # Must be overridden raise Exception('No __init__ defined') def __str__(self): # Must be overridden raise Exception('No __str__ defined') def Replay(self): # Must be overridden raise Exception('No Replay defined') def Repaint(self): # optional pass
[docs] class VarLogEntry(LogEntry): 'object that tracks changes to a variable' def __init__(self,treeRefs,indexRefs,value): self.treeRefs = treeRefs self.indexRefs = indexRefs self.value = value if debug: print ('Logging var change: w/treeRefs',treeRefs,'indexRefs',indexRefs,'new value=',value) def __str__(self): treeList = self.treeRefs[:] if type(treeList[0]) is tuple: treeList[0] = 'Hist #'+str(treeList[0][1]+1)+' of type '+treeList[0][0] elif len(treeList) > 1 and type(treeList[1]) is int: treeList[1] = 'Phase #'+str(treeList[1]+1) return 'Variable change: Key(s)= '+_l2s(self.indexRefs)+' to value='+str(self.value)
[docs] def Replay(self): 'Perform a Variable Change action, when read from the log' parentId = LogInfo['Tree'].root for i,treeitem in enumerate(self.treeRefs): if i == 0 and type(treeitem) is tuple: treeitem = LogInfo['Tree'].ConvertRelativeHistNum(*treeitem) item, cookie = LogInfo['Tree'].GetFirstChild(parentId) while item: if LogInfo['Tree'].GetItemText(item) == treeitem: parentId = item break else: item, cookie = LogInfo['Tree'].GetNextChild(parentId, cookie) else: raise Exception("Tree item not found for "+str(self)) # get the inner most data array data = LogInfo['Tree'].GetItemPyData(item) for item in self.indexRefs[:-1]: data = data[item] # set the value data[self.indexRefs[-1]] = self.value
[docs] class TabLogEntry(LogEntry): 'Object to track when tabs are pressed in the DataFrame window' def __init__(self,title,tabname): self.wintitle = title self.tablabel = tabname if debug: print ('Logging tab: "'+tabname+'" on window titled '+title) def __str__(self): return 'Tab press: Tab='+_l2s([self.tablabel])+' on window labeled '+str(self.wintitle)
[docs] def Repaint(self): 'Used to redraw a window created in response to a Tab press' if debug: print ('Repaint') saveval = LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] self.Replay() LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] = saveval
[docs] def Replay(self): 'Perform a Tab press action when read from the log' wintitle = self.wintitle tabname = self.tablabel LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] = self if LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.GetTitle() != wintitle: print (LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.GetTitle()+' != '+wintitle) raise Exception('tab in wrong window') for PageNum in range(LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.dataDisplay.GetPageCount()): if tabname == LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.dataDisplay.GetPageText(PageNum): LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.dataDisplay.SetSelection(PageNum) return else: print (tabname+'not in'+[ LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.dataDisplay.GetPageText(PageNum) for PageNum in range(LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.dataDisplay.GetPageCount())]) raise Exception('tab not found')
[docs] def MakeTabLog(title,tabname): 'Create a TabLogEntry action log' G2logList.append(TabLogEntry(title,tabname))
[docs] class TreeLogEntry(LogEntry): 'Object to track when tree items are pressed in the main window' def __init__(self,itemlist): self.treeItemList = itemlist if debug: print ('Logging press on tree: '+itemlist) def __str__(self): treeList = self.treeItemList[:] if type(treeList[0]) is tuple: treeList[0] = 'Hist #'+str(treeList[0][1]+1)+' of type '+treeList[0][0] elif len(treeList) > 1 and type(treeList[1]) is int: treeList[1] = 'Phase #'+str(treeList[1]+1) return 'Tree item pressed: '+_l2s(treeList)
[docs] def Repaint(self): 'Used to redraw a window created in response to a click on a data tree item' if debug: print ('Repaint') saveval = LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] LogInfo['Tree'].SelectItem(LogInfo['Tree'].root) # need to select something else wx.Yield() self.Replay() LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] = saveval
[docs] def Replay(self): 'Perform a Tree press action when read from the log' LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] = self parent = LogInfo['Tree'].root for i,txt in enumerate(self.treeItemList): if i == 0 and type(txt) is tuple: txt = LogInfo['Tree'].ConvertRelativeHistNum(*txt) elif i == 1 and type(txt) is int and self.treeItemList[0] == "Phases": txt = LogInfo['Tree'].ConvertRelativePhaseNum(txt) item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame,parent,txt) if not item: print ('Not found',+txt) return else: parent = item else: LogInfo['Tree'].SelectItem(item)
[docs] def MakeTreeLog(textlist): 'Create a TreeLogEntry action log' G2logList.append(TreeLogEntry(textlist))
[docs] class ButtonLogEntry(LogEntry): 'Object to track button press' def __init__(self,locationcode,label): self.locationcode = locationcode self.label = label if debug: print ('Logging '+label+' button press in '+locationcode) def __str__(self): return 'Press of '+self.label+' button in '+self.locationcode def Replay(self): key = self.locationcode + '+' + self.label if ButtonBindingLookup.get(key): btn = ButtonBindingLookup[key] clickEvent = wx.CommandEvent(wx.EVT_BUTTON.typeId, btn.GetId()) clickEvent.SetEventObject(btn) #btn.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(clickEvent) btn.handler(clickEvent)
[docs] def MakeButtonLog(locationcode,label): 'Create a ButtonLogEntry action log' G2logList.append(ButtonLogEntry(locationcode,label))
def _wrapper(func): def _wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self.obj, func)(*args, **kwargs) return _wrapped class DictMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): default_attrs = dir(object) + ['__getitem__', '__str__'] for attr in dir(dict): if attr not in default_attrs: dct[attr] = _wrapper(attr) return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
[docs] class dictLogged(object): '''A version of a dict object that tracks the source of the object back to the location on the G2 tree. If a list (tuple) or dict are pulled from inside this object the source information is appended to the provinance tracking lists. tuples are converted to lists. ''' __metaclass__ = DictMeta def __init__(self, obj, treeRefs, indexRefs=[]): self.treeRefs = treeRefs self.indexRefs = indexRefs self.obj = obj def __getitem__(self,key): val = self.obj.__getitem__(key) if type(val) is tuple: #if debug: print 'Converting to list',key val = list(val) self.obj[key] = val if type(val) is dict: #print 'dict' return dictLogged(val,self.treeRefs,self.indexRefs+[key]) elif type(val) is list: #print 'list' return listLogged(val,self.treeRefs,self.indexRefs+[key]) else: #print type(val) return val def __str__(self): return self.obj.__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.obj.__str__() + " : " + str(self.treeRefs) + ',' + str(self.indexRefs)
class ListMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): default_attrs = dir(object) + ['__getitem__', '__str__'] for attr in dir(list): if attr not in default_attrs: dct[attr] = _wrapper(attr) return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
[docs] class listLogged(object): '''A version of a list object that tracks the source of the object back to the location on the G2 tree. If a list (tuple) or dict are pulled from inside this object the source information is appended to the provinance tracking lists. tuples are converted to lists. ''' __metaclass__ = ListMeta def __init__(self, obj, treeRefs, indexRefs=[]): self.treeRefs = treeRefs self.indexRefs = indexRefs self.obj = obj def __getitem__(self,key): val = self.obj.__getitem__(key) if type(val) is tuple: #if debug: print 'Converting to list',key val = list(val) self.obj[key] = val if type(val) is dict: #print 'dict' return dictLogged(val,self.treeRefs,self.indexRefs+[key]) elif type(val) is list: #print 'list' return listLogged(val,self.treeRefs,self.indexRefs+[key]) else: #print type(val) return val def __str__(self): return self.obj.__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.obj.__str__() + " : " + str(self.treeRefs) + ',' + str(self.indexRefs)
#=========================================================================== # variable tracking
[docs] def LogVarChange(result,key): 'Called when a variable is changed to log that action' if not LogInfo['Logging']: return if hasattr(result,'treeRefs'): treevars = result.treeRefs[:] treevars[0] = LogInfo['Tree'].GetRelativeHistNum(treevars[0]) if treevars[0] == "Phases" and len(treevars) > 1: treevars[1] = LogInfo['Tree'].GetRelativePhaseNum(treevars[1]) lastLog = G2logList[-1] fullrefs = result.indexRefs+[key] if type(lastLog) is VarLogEntry: if lastLog.treeRefs == treevars and lastLog.indexRefs == fullrefs: lastLog.value = result[key] if debug: print ('update last log to '+result[key]) return G2logList.append(VarLogEntry(treevars,fullrefs,result[key])) else: print (key+' Error: var change has no provenance info')
#=========================================================================== # menu command tracking def _getmenuinfo(id,G2frame,handler): '''Look up the menu/menu-item label tree from a menuitem's Id Note that menubars contain multiple menus which contain multiple menuitems. A menuitem can itself point to a menu and if so that menu can contain multiple menuitems. Here we start with the last menuitem and look up the label for that as well as all parents, which will be found in parent menuitems (if any) and the menubar. menuitem -> menu -> menubar | | |->itemlabel |-> menulabel or menuitem -> (submenu -> menuitem)*(n times) -> menu -> menubar | | | |->itemlabel |-> sublabel(s) |-> menulabel :returns: a list containing all the labels and the menuitem object or None if the menu object will not be cataloged. ''' # don't worry about help menuitems if id == wx.ID_ABOUT: return # get the menu item object by searching through all menubars and then its label for menubar in G2frame.dataMenuBars: menuitem = menubar.FindItemById(id) if menuitem: #print 'getmenuinfo found',id,menuitem break else: #print '****** getmenuinfo failed for id=',id,'binding to=',handler #raise Exception('debug: getmenuinfo failed') return menuLabelList = [menuitem.GetItemLabel()] # get the menu where the current item is located menu = menuitem.GetMenu() while menu.GetParent(): # is this menu a submenu of a previous menu? parentmenu = menu.GetParent() # cycle through the parentmenu until we find the menu for i in range(parentmenu.GetMenuItemCount()): if parentmenu.FindItemByPosition(i).GetSubMenu()==menu: menuLabelList += [parentmenu.FindItemByPosition(i).GetItemLabel()] break else: # menu not found in menu, something is wrong print ('error tracing menuitem to parent menu'+menuLabelList) #raise Exception('debug1: error tracing menuitem') return menu = parentmenu i,j= wx.__version__.split('.')[0:2] if int(i)+int(j)/10. > 2.8 and 'wxOSX' in wx.PlatformInfo: # on mac, with wx 2.9+ the menubar has a menu and this is found above, so # we are now done. return menuLabelList,menuitem menubar = menu.MenuBar for i in range(menubar.GetMenuCount()): if menubar.GetMenu(i) == menu: menuLabelList += [menubar.GetMenuLabel(i)] return menuLabelList,menuitem # menu not found in menubar, something is wrong print ('error tracing menuitem to menubar'+menuLabelList) #raise Exception('debug2: error tracing menuitem') return
[docs] def SaveMenuCommand(id,G2frame,handler): '''Creates a table of menu items and their pseudo-bindings ''' menuinfo = _getmenuinfo(id,G2frame,handler) if not menuinfo: return menuLabelList,menuobj = menuinfo key = '' for item in menuLabelList: if key: key += '+' key += item MenuBindingLookup[key] = [handler,id,menuobj] return menuLabelList
[docs] def InvokeMenuCommand(id,G2frame,event): '''Called when a menu item is used to log the action as well as call the routine "bind"ed to that menu item ''' menuLabelList,menuobj = _getmenuinfo(id,G2frame,None) key = '' if menuLabelList: for item in menuLabelList: if key: key += '+' key += item if key in MenuBindingLookup: if LogInfo['Logging']: G2logList.append(MenuLogEntry(menuLabelList)) handler = MenuBindingLookup[key][0] handler(event) else: print ('Error no binding for menu command'+menuLabelList+'id=%d'%id) return
#=========================================================================== # Misc externally callable routines
[docs] def LogOn(): 'Turn On logging of actions' if debug: print ('LogOn') LogInfo['Logging'] = True
[docs] def LogOff(): 'Turn Off logging of actions' if debug: print ('LogOff') LogInfo['Logging'] = False
[docs] def ShowLogStatus(): 'Return the logging status' return LogInfo['Logging']
[docs] def OnReplayPress(event): 'execute one or more commands when the replay button is pressed' clb = LogInfo['clb'] dlg = clb.GetTopLevelParent() sels = sorted(clb.GetSelections()) if not sels: dlg1 = wx.MessageDialog(dlg, 'Select one or more items in the list box to replay', 'No selection actions', wx.OK) dlg1.CenterOnParent() dlg1.ShowModal() dlg1.Destroy() return logstat = ShowLogStatus() if logstat: LogOff() if debug: print (70*'=') for i in sels: i += 1 item = G2logList[i] if debug: print ('replaying'+item) item.Replay() wx.Yield() if i >= len(G2logList)-1: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) else: clb.DeselectAll() clb.SetSelection(i) if debug: print (70*'=') # if the last command did not display a window, repaint it in # case something on that window changed. if item != LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] and hasattr(LogInfo['LastPaintAction'],'Repaint'): LogInfo['LastPaintAction'].Repaint() if logstat: LogOn()
[docs] def ReplayLog(event): 'replay the logged actions' LogInfo['LastPaintAction'] = None # clear the pointed to the last data window # is this really needed? -- probably not. commandList = [] for item in G2logList: if item: # skip over 1st item in list (None) commandList.append(str(item)) if not commandList: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(LogInfo['Tree'], 'No actions found in log to replay', 'Empty Log', wx.OK) dlg.CenterOnParent() dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return dlg = wx.Dialog(LogInfo['Tree'],wx.ID_ANY,'Replay actions from log', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.CENTRE) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((5,5)) clb = wx.ListBox(dlg, wx.ID_ANY, (30,100), wx.DefaultSize, commandList, style=wx.LB_EXTENDED) LogInfo['clb'] = clb mainSizer.Add(clb,1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add((5,5)) btn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_ANY,'Replay selected') btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnReplayPress) mainSizer.Add(btn,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,0) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_OK,'Close') #OKbtn = wx.Button(dlg, wx.ID_CLOSE) OKbtn.SetDefault() OKbtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,lambda event: dlg.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)) btnsizer.AddButton(OKbtn) btnsizer.Realize() mainSizer.Add((-1,5),1,wx.EXPAND,1) mainSizer.Add(btnsizer,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER,0) mainSizer.Add((-1,5)) dlg.SetSizer(mainSizer) dlg.CenterOnParent() clb.SetSelection(0) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() LogInfo['Tree'].G2frame.OnMacroRecordStatus(None) # sync the menu checkmark(s) return
if debug: LogOn() # for debug, start with logging enabled