Source code for GSASIImpsubs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-07-10 09:25:23 -0500 (Mon, 10 Jul 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5625 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5625 2023-07-10 14:25:23Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
The routines here are called either directly when GSAS-II is used without multiprocessing
or in separate cores when multiprocessing is used.

These routines are designed to be used in one of two ways:

 * when multiprocessing is
   enabled (see global variable useMP) the computational routines are called in
   separate Python interpreter that is created and then deleted after use.

 * when useMP is False, these routines are called directly from the main "thread".

Note that :func:`GSASIImpsubs.InitMP` should be called before any of the other routines
in this module are used. 
from __future__ import division, print_function
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import as ma
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5625 $")
import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil

sind = lambda x: np.sin(x*np.pi/180.)
cosd = lambda x: np.cos(x*np.pi/180.)
tand = lambda x: np.tan(x*np.pi/180.)
#asind = lambda x: 180.*np.arcsin(x)/np.pi
#acosd = lambda x: 180.*np.arccos(x)/np.pi
#atan2d = lambda y,x: 180.*np.arctan2(y,x)/np.pi
ncores = None

[docs] def ResetMP(): '''Call after changing Config var 'Multiprocessing_cores' to force a resetting of the useMP from the parameter. ''' global ncores ncores = None
[docs] def InitMP(allowMP=True): '''Called to initialize use of Multiprocessing ''' global useMP,ncores if ncores is not None: return useMP,ncores useMP = False if not allowMP: G2fil.G2Print('Multiprocessing disabled') ncores = 0 return useMP,ncores ncores = GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('Multiprocessing_cores',0) if ncores < 0: ncores = mp.cpu_count()//2 if ncores > 1: useMP = True if useMP: G2fil.G2Print('Multiprocessing with {} cores enabled'.format(ncores)) return useMP,ncores
################################################################################ # Fobs Squared computation ################################################################################
[docs] def InitFobsSqGlobals(x1,ratio1,shl1,xB1,xF1,im1,lamRatio1,kRatio1,xMask1,Ka21): '''Initialize for the computation of Fobs Squared for powder histograms. Puts lots of junk into the global namespace in this module. ''' global x,ratio,shl,xB,xF,im,lamRatio,kRatio,xMask,Ka2,cw x = ma.getdata(x1) cw = np.diff(x) cw = np.append(cw,cw[-1]) ratio = ratio1 shl = shl1 xB = xB1 xF = xF1 im = im1 lamRatio = lamRatio1 kRatio = kRatio1 xMask = xMask1 Ka2 = Ka21
def ComputeFobsSqCWbatch(profList): sInt = 0 resList = [] for refl,iref in profList: icod = ComputeFobsSqCW(refl,iref) if type(icod) is tuple: resList.append((icod[0],iref)) sInt += icod[1] elif icod == -1: resList.append((None,iref)) elif icod == -2: break return sInt,resList def ComputeFobsSqTOFbatch(profList): sInt = 0 resList = [] for refl,iref in profList: icod = ComputeFobsSqTOF(refl,iref) if type(icod) is tuple: resList.append((icod[0],iref)) sInt += icod[1] elif icod == -1: resList.append((None,iref)) elif icod == -2: break return sInt,resList def ComputeFobsSqPinkbatch(profList): sInt = 0 resList = [] for refl,iref in profList: icod = ComputeFobsSqPink(refl,iref) if type(icod) is tuple: resList.append((icod[0],iref)) sInt += icod[1] elif icod == -1: resList.append((None,iref)) elif icod == -2: break return sInt,resList def ComputeFobsSqEDbatch(profList): sInt = 0 resList = [] for refl,iref in profList: icod = ComputeFobsSqED(refl,iref) if type(icod) is tuple: resList.append((icod[0],iref)) sInt += icod[1] elif icod == -1: resList.append((None,iref)) elif icod == -2: break return sInt,resList def ComputeFobsSqCW(refl,iref): yp = np.zeros(len(x)) # not masked sInt = 0 refl8im = 0 Wd,fmin,fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsCW(refl[5+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im],shl) iBeg = max(xB,np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]-fmin)) iFin = max(xB,min(np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]+fmax),xF)) iFin2 = iFin if not iBeg+iFin: #peak below low limit - skip peak return 0 if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]): #peak entirely masked - skip peak return -1 elif not iBeg-iFin: #peak above high limit - done return -2 elif iBeg < iFin: fp,sumfp = G2pwd.getFCJVoigt3(refl[5+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im],shl,x[iBeg:iFin]) yp[iBeg:iFin] = 100.*refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*fp*cw[iBeg:iFin]/sumfp sInt = refl[11+im]*refl[9+im] if Ka2: pos2 = refl[5+im]+lamRatio*tand(refl[5+im]/2.0) # + 360/pi * Dlam/lam * tan(th) Wd,fmin,fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsCW(pos2,refl[6+im],refl[7+im],shl) iBeg2 = max(xB,np.searchsorted(x,pos2-fmin)) iFin2 = min(np.searchsorted(x,pos2+fmax),xF) if iFin2 > iBeg2: fp2,sumfp2 = G2pwd.getFCJVoigt3(pos2,refl[6+im],refl[7+im],shl,x[iBeg2:iFin2]) yp[iBeg2:iFin2] += 100.*refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*kRatio*fp2*cw[iBeg2:iFin2]/sumfp2 sInt *= 1.+kRatio refl8im = np.sum(np.where(ratio[iBeg:iFin2]>0.,yp[iBeg:iFin2]*ratio[iBeg:iFin2]/(refl[11+im]*(1.+kRatio)),0.0)) return refl8im,sInt def ComputeFobsSqTOF(refl,iref): yp = np.zeros(len(x)) # not masked refl8im = 0 Wd,fmin,fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsTOF(refl[5+im],refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im]) iBeg = max(xB,np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]-fmin)) iFin = max(xB,min(np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]+fmax),xF)) if not iBeg+iFin: #peak below low limit - skip peak return 0 if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]): #peak entirely masked - skip peak return -1 elif not iBeg-iFin: #peak above high limit - done return -2 if iBeg < iFin: fp,sumfp = G2pwd.getEpsVoigt(refl[5+im],refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im],x[iBeg:iFin]) yp[iBeg:iFin] = refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*fp*cw[iBeg:iFin]/sumfp refl8im = np.sum(np.where(ratio[iBeg:iFin]>0.,yp[iBeg:iFin]*ratio[iBeg:iFin]/refl[11+im],0.0)) return refl8im,refl[11+im]*refl[9+im] def ComputeFobsSqPink(refl,iref): yp = np.zeros(len(x)) # not masked refl8im = 0 Wd,fmin,fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsTOF(refl[5+im],refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im]/1.e4,refl[7+im]/100.) iBeg = max(xB,np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]-fmin)) iFin = max(xB,min(np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]+fmax),xF)) if not iBeg+iFin: #peak below low limit - skip peak return 0 if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]): #peak entirely masked - skip peak return -1 elif not iBeg-iFin: #peak above high limit - done return -2 if iBeg < iFin: fp,sumfp = G2pwd.getEpsVoigt(refl[5+im],refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im]/1.e4,refl[7+im]/100.,x[iBeg:iFin]) yp[iBeg:iFin] = refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*fp*cw[iBeg:iFin]/sumfp refl8im = np.sum(np.where(ratio[iBeg:iFin]>0.,yp[iBeg:iFin]*ratio[iBeg:iFin]/refl[11+im],0.0)) return refl8im,refl[11+im]*refl[9+im] def ComputeFobsSqED(refl,iref): yp = np.zeros(len(x)) # not masked refl8im = 0 Wd,fmin,fmax = G2pwd.getWidthsED(refl[5+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im]) iBeg = max(xB,np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]-fmin)) iFin = max(xB,min(np.searchsorted(x,refl[5+im]+fmax),xF)) if not iBeg+iFin: #peak below low limit - skip peak return 0 if ma.all(xMask[iBeg:iFin]): #peak entirely masked - skip peak return -1 elif not iBeg-iFin: #peak above high limit - done return -2 if iBeg < iFin: fp,sumfp = G2pwd.getPsVoigt(refl[5+im],refl[6+im]*1.e4,refl[6+im]*100.,x[iBeg:iFin]) yp[iBeg:iFin] = 100.*refl[9+im]*fp*cw[iBeg:iFin]/sumfp refl8im = np.sum(np.where(ratio[iBeg:iFin]>0.,yp[iBeg:iFin]*ratio[iBeg:iFin],0.0)) return refl8im,refl[9+im] ################################################################################ # Powder Profile computation ################################################################################
[docs] def InitPwdrProfGlobals(im1,shl1,x1): '''Initialize for the computation of Fobs Squared for powder histograms. Puts lots of junk into the global namespace in this module. ''' global im,shl,x,cw,yc im = im1 shl = shl1 x = ma.getdata(x1) cw = np.diff(x) cw = np.append(cw,cw[-1]) # create local copies of ycalc array yc = np.zeros_like(x)
[docs] def ComputePwdrProfCW(profList): 'Compute the peaks profile for a set of CW peaks and add into the yc array' for pos,refl,iBeg,iFin,kRatio in profList: fp = G2pwd.getFCJVoigt3(pos,refl[6+im],refl[7+im],shl,x[iBeg:iFin])[0] yc[iBeg:iFin] += refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*kRatio*fp/cw[iBeg:iFin] return yc
[docs] def ComputePwdrProfTOF(profList): 'Compute the peaks profile for a set of TOF peaks and add into the yc array' for pos,refl,iBeg,iFin in profList: fp = G2pwd.getEpsVoigt(pos,refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im],refl[7+im],x[iBeg:iFin])[0] yc[iBeg:iFin] += refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*fp*cw[iBeg:iFin]
[docs] def ComputePwdrProfPink(profList): 'Compute the peaks profile for a set of TOF peaks and add into the yc array' for pos,refl,iBeg,iFin in profList: fp = G2pwd.getEpsVoigt(pos,refl[12+im],refl[13+im],refl[6+im]/1.e4,refl[7+im]/100.,x[iBeg:iFin])[0] yc[iBeg:iFin] += refl[11+im]*refl[9+im]*fp return yc
[docs] def ComputePwdrProfED(profList): 'Compute the peaks profile for a set of TOF peaks and add into the yc array' for pos,refl,iBeg,iFin in profList: fp = G2pwd.getPsVoigt(pos,refl[6+im]*1.e4,0.001,x[iBeg:iFin])[0] yc[iBeg:iFin] += refl[9+im]*fp return yc