Source code for GSASIIsasd

#/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-11-06 09:07:21 -0600 (Mon, 06 Nov 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5698 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5698 2023-11-06 15:07:21Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
Classes and routines defined in :mod:`GSASIIsasd` follow. 
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as scsp
import scipy.optimize as so
#import pdb

import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5698 $")
import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd

# trig functions in degrees
sind = lambda x: math.sin(x*math.pi/180.)
asind = lambda x: 180.*math.asin(x)/math.pi
tand = lambda x: math.tan(x*math.pi/180.)
atand = lambda x: 180.*math.atan(x)/math.pi
atan2d = lambda y,x: 180.*math.atan2(y,x)/math.pi
cosd = lambda x: math.cos(x*math.pi/180.)
acosd = lambda x: 180.*math.acos(x)/math.pi
rdsq2d = lambda x,p: round(1.0/math.sqrt(x),p)
#numpy versions
npsind = lambda x: np.sin(x*np.pi/180.)
npasind = lambda x: 180.*np.arcsin(x)/math.pi
npcosd = lambda x: np.cos(x*math.pi/180.)
npacosd = lambda x: 180.*np.arccos(x)/math.pi
nptand = lambda x: np.tan(x*math.pi/180.)
npatand = lambda x: 180.*np.arctan(x)/np.pi
npatan2d = lambda y,x: 180.*np.arctan2(y,x)/np.pi
# npT2stl = lambda tth, wave: 2.0*npsind(tth/2.0)/wave
# npT2q = lambda tth,wave: 2.0*np.pi*npT2stl(tth,wave)
#### Particle form factors

[docs] def SphereFF(Q,R,args=()): ''' Compute hard sphere form factor - can use numpy arrays :param float Q: Q value array (usually in A-1) :param float R: sphere radius (Usually in A - must match Q-1 units) :param array args: ignored :returns: form factors as array as needed (float) ''' QR = Q[:,np.newaxis]*R return (3./(QR**3))*(np.sin(QR)-(QR*np.cos(QR)))
[docs] def SphericalShellFF(Q,R,args=()): ''' Compute spherical shell form factor - can use numpy arrays :param float Q: Q value array (usually in A-1) :param float R: sphere radius (Usually in A - must match Q-1 units) :param array args: [float r]: controls the shell thickness: R_inner = min(r*R,R), R_outer = max(r*R,R) :returns float: form factors as array as needed Contributed by: L.A. Avakyan, Southern Federal University, Russia ''' r = args[0] if r < 0: # truncate to positive value r = 0 if r < 1: # r controls inner sphere radius return SphereFF(Q,R) - SphereFF(Q,R*r) else: # r controls outer sphere radius return SphereFF(Q,R*r) - SphereFF(Q,R)
[docs] def SpheroidFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor of cylindrically symmetric ellipsoid (spheroid) - can use numpy arrays for R & AR; will return corresponding numpy array param float Q : Q value array (usually in A-1) param float R: radius along 2 axes of spheroid param array args: [float AR]: aspect ratio so 3rd axis = R*AR returns float: form factors as array as needed ''' NP = 50 AR = args[0] if 0.99 < AR < 1.01: return SphereFF(Q,R,0) else: cth = np.linspace(0,1.,NP) try: Rct = R[:,np.newaxis]*np.sqrt(1.+(AR**2-1.)*cth**2) except: Rct = R*np.sqrt(1.+(AR**2-1.)*cth**2) return np.sqrt(np.sum(SphereFF(Q[:,np.newaxis],Rct,0)**2,axis=2)/NP)
[docs] def CylinderFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for cylinders - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float L]: cylinder length (A) returns float: form factor ''' L = args[0] NP = 200 alp = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2.,NP) QL = Q[:,np.newaxis]*L LBessArg = 0.5*QL[:,:,np.newaxis]**np.cos(alp) LBess = np.where(LBessArg<1.e-6,1.,np.sin(LBessArg)/LBessArg) QR = Q[:,np.newaxis]*R SBessArg = QR[:,:,np.newaxis]*np.sin(alp) SBess = np.where(SBessArg<1.e-6,0.5,scsp.jv(1,SBessArg)/SBessArg) LSBess = LBess*SBess return np.sqrt(2.*np.pi*np.sum(np.sin(alp)*LSBess**2,axis=2)/NP)
[docs] def CylinderDFF(Q,L,args): ''' Compute form factor for cylinders - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float L: cylinder half length (A) param array args: [float R]: cylinder radius (A) returns float: form factor ''' R = args[0] return CylinderFF(Q,R,args=[2.*L])
[docs] def CylinderARFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for cylinders - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float AR]: cylinder aspect ratio = L/D = L/2R returns float: form factor ''' AR = args[0] return CylinderFF(Q,R,args=[2.*R*AR])
[docs] def UniSphereFF(Q,R,args=0): ''' Compute form factor for unified sphere - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: ignored returns float: form factor ''' Rg = np.sqrt(3./5.)*R B = np.pi*1.62/(Rg**4) #are we missing *np.pi? 1.62 = 6*(3/5)**2/(4/3) sense? QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg/np.sqrt(6)))**3 return np.sqrt(np.exp((-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg**2)/3.)+(B/QstV**4))
[docs] def UniRodFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for unified rod - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float R]: cylinder radius (A) returns float: form factor ''' L = args[0] Rg2 = np.sqrt(R**2/2+L**2/12) B2 = np.pi/L Rg1 = np.sqrt(3.)*R/2. G1 = (2./3.)*R/L B1 = 4.*(L+R)/(R**3*L**2) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg2/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF = np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg2**2/3.)+(B2/QstV)*np.exp(-Rg1**2*Q[:,np.newaxis]**2/3.) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg1/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF += G1*np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg1**2/3.)+(B1/QstV**4) return np.sqrt(FF)
[docs] def UniRodARFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for unified rod of fixed aspect ratio - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float AR]: cylinder aspect ratio = L/D = L/2R returns float: form factor ''' AR = args[0] return UniRodFF(Q,R,args=[2.*AR*R,])
[docs] def UniDiskFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for unified disk - can use numpy arrays param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float T]: disk thickness (A) returns float: form factor ''' T = args[0] Rg2 = np.sqrt(R**2/2.+T**2/12.) B2 = 2./R**2 Rg1 = np.sqrt(3.)*T/2. RgC2 = 1.1*Rg1 G1 = (2./3.)*(T/R)**2 B1 = 4.*(T+R)/(R**3*T**2) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg2/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF = np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg2**2/3.)+(B2/QstV**2)*np.exp(-RgC2**2*Q[:,np.newaxis]**2/3.) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg1/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF += G1*np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg1**2/3.)+(B1/QstV**4) return np.sqrt(FF)
[docs] def UniTubeFF(Q,R,args): ''' Compute form factor for unified tube - can use numpy arrays assumes that core of tube is same as the matrix/solvent so contrast is from tube wall vs matrix param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param float R: cylinder radius (A) param array args: [float L,T]: tube length & wall thickness(A) returns float: form factor ''' L,T = args[:2] Ri = R-T DR2 = R**2-Ri**2 Vt = np.pi*DR2*L Rg3 = np.sqrt(DR2/2.+L**2/12.) B1 = 4.*np.pi**2*(DR2+L*(R+Ri))/Vt**2 B2 = np.pi**2*T/Vt B3 = np.pi/L QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*Rg3/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF = np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*Rg3**2/3.)+(B3/QstV)*np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*R**2/3.) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*R/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF += (B2/QstV**2)*np.exp(-Q[:,np.newaxis]**2*T**2/3.) QstV = Q[:,np.newaxis]/(scsp.erf(Q[:,np.newaxis]*T/np.sqrt(6)))**3 FF += B1/QstV**4 return np.sqrt(FF)
############################################################################### #### Particle volumes ###############################################################################
[docs] def SphereVol(R,args=()): ''' Compute volume of sphere - numpy array friendly param float R: sphere radius param array args: ignored returns float: volume ''' return (4./3.)*np.pi*R**3
[docs] def SphericalShellVol(R,args): ''' Compute volume of spherical shell - numpy array friendly param float R: sphere radius param array args: [float r]: controls shell thickness, see SphericalShellFF description returns float: volume ''' r = args[0] if r < 0: r = 0 if r < 1: return SphereVol(R) - SphereVol(R*r) else: return SphereVol(R*r) - SphereVol(R)
[docs] def SpheroidVol(R,args): ''' Compute volume of cylindrically symmetric ellipsoid (spheroid) - numpy array friendly param float R: radius along 2 axes of spheroid param array args: [float AR]: aspect ratio so radius of 3rd axis = R*AR returns float: volume ''' AR = args[0] return AR*SphereVol(R)
[docs] def CylinderVol(R,args): ''' Compute cylinder volume for radius & length - numpy array friendly param float R: diameter (A) param array args: [float L]: length (A) returns float:volume (A^3) ''' L = args[0] return np.pi*L*R**2
[docs] def CylinderDVol(L,args): ''' Compute cylinder volume for length & diameter - numpy array friendly param float: L half length (A) param array args: [float D]: diameter (A) returns float:volume (A^3) ''' D = args[0] return CylinderVol(D/2.,[2.*L,])
[docs] def CylinderARVol(R,args): ''' Compute cylinder volume for radius & aspect ratio = L/D - numpy array friendly param float: R radius (A) param array args: [float AR]: =L/D=L/2R aspect ratio returns float:volume ''' AR = args[0] return CylinderVol(R,[2.*R*AR,])
[docs] def UniSphereVol(R,args=()): ''' Compute volume of sphere - numpy array friendly param float R: sphere radius param array args: ignored returns float: volume ''' return SphereVol(R)
[docs] def UniRodVol(R,args): ''' Compute cylinder volume for radius & length - numpy array friendly param float R: diameter (A) param array args: [float L]: length (A) returns float:volume (A^3) ''' L = args[0] return CylinderVol(R,[L,])
[docs] def UniRodARVol(R,args): ''' Compute rod volume for radius & aspect ratio - numpy array friendly param float R: diameter (A) param array args: [float AR]: =L/D=L/2R aspect ratio returns float:volume (A^3) ''' AR = args[0] return CylinderARVol(R,[AR,])
[docs] def UniDiskVol(R,args): ''' Compute disk volume for radius & thickness - numpy array friendly param float R: diameter (A) param array args: [float T]: thickness returns float:volume (A^3) ''' T = args[0] return CylinderVol(R,[T,])
[docs] def UniTubeVol(R,args): ''' Compute tube volume for radius, length & wall thickness - numpy array friendly param float R: diameter (A) param array args: [float L,T]: tube length & wall thickness(A) returns float: volume (A^3) of tube wall ''' L,T = args[:2] return CylinderVol(R,[L,])-CylinderVol(R-T,[L,])
################################################################################ #### Distribution functions & their cumulative fxns ################################################################################
[docs] def LogNormalDist(x,pos,args): ''' Standard LogNormal distribution - numpy friendly on x axis ref: param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (m) param float shape: shape - (sigma of log(LogNormal)) returns float: LogNormal distribution ''' scale,shape = args return np.exp(-np.log((x-pos)/scale)**2/(2.*shape**2))/(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)*(x-pos)*shape)
[docs] def GaussDist(x,pos,args): ''' Standard Normal distribution - numpy friendly on x axis param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (sigma) param float shape: not used returns float: Normal distribution ''' scale = args[0] return (1./(scale*np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)))*np.exp(-(x-pos)**2/(2.*scale**2))
[docs] def LSWDist(x,pos,args=[]): ''' Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner Ostwald ripening distribution - numpy friendly on x axis ref: param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: not used param float shape: not used returns float: LSW distribution ''' redX = x/pos result = (81.*2**(-5/3.))*(redX**2*np.exp(-redX/(1.5-redX)))/((1.5-redX)**(11/3.)*(3.-redX)**(7/3.)) return np.nan_to_num(result/pos)
[docs] def SchulzZimmDist(x,pos,args): ''' Schulz-Zimm macromolecule distribution - numpy friendly on x axis ref: param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (sigma) param float shape: not used returns float: Schulz-Zimm distribution ''' scale = args[0] b = (2.*pos/scale)**2 a = b/pos if b<70: #why bother? return (a**(b+1.))*x**b*np.exp(-a*x)/scsp.gamma(b+1.) else: return np.exp((b+1.)*np.log(a)-scsp.gammaln(b+1.)+b*np.log(x)-(a*x))
[docs] def LogNormalCume(x,pos,args): ''' Standard LogNormal cumulative distribution - numpy friendly on x axis ref: param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (sigma) param float shape: shape parameter returns float: LogNormal cumulative distribution ''' scale,shape = args lredX = np.log((x-pos)/scale) return (scsp.erf((lredX/shape)/np.sqrt(2.))+1.)/2.
[docs] def GaussCume(x,pos,args): ''' Standard Normal cumulative distribution - numpy friendly on x axis param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (sigma) param float shape: not used returns float: Normal cumulative distribution ''' scale = args[0] redX = (x-pos)/scale return (scsp.erf(redX/np.sqrt(2.))+1.)/2.
[docs] def LSWCume(x,pos,args=[]): ''' Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner Ostwald ripening cumulative distribution - numpy friendly on x axis param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: not used param float shape: not used returns float: LSW cumulative distribution ''' nP = 500 xMin,xMax = [0.,2.*pos] X = np.linspace(xMin,xMax,nP,True) fxn = LSWDist(X,pos) mat = np.outer(np.ones(nP),fxn) cume = np.sum(np.tril(mat),axis=1)/np.sum(fxn) return np.interp(x,X,cume,0,1)
[docs] def SchulzZimmCume(x,pos,args): ''' Schulz-Zimm cumulative distribution - numpy friendly on x axis param float x: independent axis (can be numpy array) param float pos: location of distribution param float scale: width of distribution (sigma) param float shape: not used returns float: Normal distribution ''' scale = args[0] nP = 500 xMin = np.fmax(0.,pos-4.*scale) xMax = np.fmin(pos+4.*scale,1.e5) X = np.linspace(xMin,xMax,nP,True) fxn = LSWDist(X,pos) mat = np.outer(np.ones(nP),fxn) cume = np.sum(np.tril(mat),axis=1)/np.sum(fxn) return np.interp(x,X,cume,0,1) return []
################################################################################ #### Structure factors for condensed systems ################################################################################
[docs] def DiluteSF(Q,args=[]): ''' Default: no structure factor correction for dilute system ''' return np.ones_like(Q) #or return 1.0
[docs] def HardSpheresSF(Q,args): ''' Computes structure factor for not dilute monodisperse hard spheres Refs.: PERCUS,YEVICK PHYS. REV. 110 1 (1958),THIELE J. CHEM PHYS. 39 474 (1968), WERTHEIM PHYS. REV. LETT. 47 1462 (1981) param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param array args: [float R, float VolFrac]: interparticle distance & volume fraction returns numpy array S(Q) ''' R,VolFr = args denom = (1.-VolFr)**4 num = (1.+2.*VolFr)**2 alp = num/denom bet = -6.*VolFr*(1.+VolFr/2.)**2/denom gamm = 0.5*VolFr*num/denom A = 2.*Q*R A2 = A**2 A3 = A**3 A4 = A**4 Rca = np.cos(A) Rsa = np.sin(A) calp = alp*(Rsa/A2-Rca/A) cbet = bet*(2.*Rsa/A2-(A2-2.)*Rca/A3-2./A3) cgam = gamm*(-Rca/A+(4./A)*((3.*A2-6.)*Rca/A4+(A2-6.)*Rsa/A3+6./A4)) pfac = -24.*VolFr/A C = pfac*(calp+cbet+cgam) return 1./(1.-C)
[docs] def SquareWellSF(Q,args): '''Computes structure factor for not dilute monodisperse hard sphere with a square well potential interaction. Refs.: SHARMA,SHARMA, PHYSICA 89A,(1977),213- :param float Q: Q value array (A-1) :param array args: [float R, float VolFrac, float depth, float width]: interparticle distance, volume fraction (<0.08), well depth (e/kT<1.5kT), well width :returns: numpy array S(Q) well depth > 0 attractive & values outside above limits nonphysical cf. Monte Carlo simulations ''' R,VolFr,Depth,Width = args eta = VolFr eta2 = eta*eta eta3 = eta*eta2 eta4 = eta*eta3 etam1 = 1. - eta etam14 = etam1**4 alp = ( ( (1. + 2.*eta)**2 ) + eta3*( eta-4.0 ) )/etam14 bet = -(eta/3.0) * ( 18. + 20.*eta - 12.*eta2 + eta4 )/etam14 gam = 0.5*eta*( (1. + 2.*eta)**2 + eta3*(eta-4.) )/etam14 SK = 2.*Q*R SK2 = SK*SK SK3 = SK*SK2 SK4 = SK3*SK T1 = alp * SK3 * ( np.sin(SK) - SK * np.cos(SK) ) T2 = bet * SK2 * ( 2.*SK*np.sin(SK) - (SK2-2.)*np.cos(SK) - 2.0 ) T3 = ( 4.0*SK3 - 24.*SK ) * np.sin(SK) T3 = T3 - ( SK4 - 12.0*SK2 + 24.0 )*np.cos(SK) + 24.0 T3 = gam*T3 T4 = -Depth*SK3*(np.sin(Width*SK) - Width*SK*np.cos(Width*SK)+ SK*np.cos(SK) - np.sin(SK) ) CK = -24.0*eta*( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 )/SK3/SK3 return 1./(1.-CK)
[docs] def StickyHardSpheresSF(Q,args): ''' Computes structure factor for not dilute monodisperse hard spheres Refs.: PERCUS,YEVICK PHYS. REV. 110 1 (1958),THIELE J. CHEM PHYS. 39 474 (1968), WERTHEIM PHYS. REV. LETT. 47 1462 (1981) param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param array args: [float R, float VolFrac]: sphere radius & volume fraction returns numpy array S(Q) ''' R,VolFr,epis,sticky = args eta = VolFr/(1.0-epis)/(1.0-epis)/(1.0-epis) sig = 2.0 * R aa = sig/(1.0 - epis) etam1 = 1.0 - eta # SOLVE QUADRATIC FOR LAMBDA qa = eta/12.0 qb = -1.0*(sticky + eta/(etam1)) qc = (1.0 + eta/2.0)/(etam1*etam1) radic = qb*qb - 4.0*qa*qc # KEEP THE SMALLER ROOT, THE LARGER ONE IS UNPHYSICAL lam1 = (-1.0*qb-np.sqrt(radic))/(2.0*qa) lam2 = (-1.0*qb+np.sqrt(radic))/(2.0*qa) lam = min(lam1,lam2) mu = lam*eta*etam1 alp = (1.0 + 2.0*eta - mu)/(etam1*etam1) bet = (mu - 3.0*eta)/(2.0*etam1*etam1) # CALCULATE THE STRUCTURE FACTOR<P></P> kk = Q*aa k2 = kk*kk k3 = kk*k2 ds = np.sin(kk) dc = np.cos(kk) aq1 = ((ds - kk*dc)*alp)/k3 aq2 = (bet*(1.0-dc))/k2 aq3 = (lam*ds)/(12.0*kk) aq = 1.0 + 12.0*eta*(aq1+aq2-aq3) bq1 = alp*(0.5/kk - ds/k2 + (1.0 - dc)/k3) bq2 = bet*(1.0/kk - ds/k2) bq3 = (lam/12.0)*((1.0 - dc)/kk) bq = 12.0*eta*(bq1+bq2-bq3) sq = 1.0/(aq*aq +bq*bq) return sq
#def HayterPenfoldSF(Q,args): #big & ugly function - do later (if ever) # pass
[docs] def InterPrecipitateSF(Q,args): ''' Computes structure factor for precipitates in a matrix Refs.: E-Wen Huang, Peter K. Liaw, Lionel Porcar, Yun Liu, Yee-Lang Liu, Ji-Jung Kai, and Wei-Ren Chen,APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 93, 161904 (2008) R. Giordano, A. Grasso, and J. Teixeira, Phys. Rev. A 43, 6894 1991 param float Q: Q value array (A-1) param array args: [float R, float VolFr]: "radius" & volume fraction returns numpy array S(Q) ''' R,VolFr = args QV2 = Q**2*VolFr**2 top = 1 - np.exp(-QV2/4)*np.cos(2.*Q*R) bot = 1-2*np.exp(-QV2/4)*np.cos(2.*Q*R) + np.exp(-QV2/2) return 2*(top/bot) - 1
################################################################################ ##### SB-MaxEnt ################################################################################
[docs] def G_matrix(q,r,contrast,FFfxn,Volfxn,args=()): '''Calculates the response matrix :math:`G(Q,r)` :param float q: :math:`Q` :param float r: :math:`r` :param float contrast: :math:`|\\Delta\\rho|^2`, the scattering contrast :param function FFfxn: form factor function FF(q,r,args) :param function Volfxn: volume function Vol(r,args) :returns float: G(Q,r) ''' FF = FFfxn(q,r,args) Vol = Volfxn(r,args) return 1.e-4*(contrast*Vol*FF**2).T #10^-20 vs 10^-24
''' sbmaxent Entropy maximization routine as described in the article J Skilling and RK Bryan; MNRAS 211 (1984) 111 - 124. ("MNRAS": "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society") :license: Copyright (c) 2013, UChicago Argonne, LLC :license: This file is distributed subject to a Software License Agreement found in the file LICENSE that is included with this distribution. References: 1. J Skilling and RK Bryan; MON NOT R ASTR SOC 211 (1984) 111 - 124. 2. JA Potton, GJ Daniell, and BD Rainford; Proc. Workshop Neutron Scattering Data Analysis, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, 1986; ed. MW Johnson, IOP Conference Series 81 (1986) 81 - 86, Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK. 3. ID Culverwell and GP Clarke; Ibid. 87 - 96. 4. JA Potton, GK Daniell, & BD Rainford, J APPL CRYST 21 (1988) 663 - 668. 5. JA Potton, GJ Daniell, & BD Rainford, J APPL CRYST 21 (1988) 891 - 897. '''
[docs] class MaxEntException(Exception): '''Any exception from this module''' pass
[docs] def MaxEnt_SB(datum, sigma, G, base, IterMax, image_to_data=None, data_to_image=None, report=False): ''' do the complete Maximum Entropy algorithm of Skilling and Bryan :param float datum[]: :param float sigma[]: :param float[][] G: transformation matrix :param float base[]: :param int IterMax: :param obj image_to_data: opus function (defaults to opus) :param obj data_to_image: tropus function (defaults to tropus) :returns float[]: :math:`f(r) dr` ''' TEST_LIMIT = 0.05 # for convergence CHI_SQR_LIMIT = 0.01 # maximum difference in ChiSqr for a solution SEARCH_DIRECTIONS = 3 # <10. This code requires value = 3 RESET_STRAYS = 1 # was 0.001, correction of stray negative values DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR = 0.1 # limitation on df to constrain runaways MAX_MOVE_LOOPS = 5000 # for no solution in routine: move, MOVE_PASSES = 0.001 # convergence test in routine: move def tropus (data, G): ''' tropus: transform data-space -> solution-space: [G] * data default definition, caller can use this definition or provide an alternative :param float[M] data: observations, ndarray of shape (M) :param float[M][N] G: transformation matrix, ndarray of shape (M,N) :returns float[N]: calculated image, ndarray of shape (N) ''' return def opus (image, G): ''' opus: transform solution-space -> data-space: [G]^tr * image default definition, caller can use this definition or provide an alternative :param float[N] image: solution, ndarray of shape (N) :param float[M][N] G: transformation matrix, ndarray of shape (M,N) :returns float[M]: calculated data, ndarray of shape (M) ''' return,image) #G.transpose().dot(image) def Dist(s2, beta): '''measure the distance of this possible solution''' w = 0 n = beta.shape[0] for k in range(n): z = -sum(s2[k] * beta) w += beta[k] * z return w def ChiNow(ax, c1, c2, s1, s2): ''' ChiNow :returns tuple: (ChiNow computation of ``w``, beta) ''' bx = 1 - ax a = bx * c2 - ax * s2 b = -(bx * c1 - ax * s1) beta = ChoSol(a, b) w = 1.0 for k in range(SEARCH_DIRECTIONS): w += beta[k] * (c1[k] + 0.5*sum(c2[k] * beta)) return w, beta def ChoSol(a, b): ''' ChoSol: ? chop the solution vectors ? :returns: new vector beta ''' n = b.shape[0] fl = np.zeros((n,n)) bl = np.zeros_like(b) #print_arr("ChoSol: a", a) #print_vec("ChoSol: b", b) if (a[0][0] <= 0): msg = "ChoSol: a[0][0] = " msg += str(a[0][0]) msg += ' Value must be positive' raise MaxEntException(msg) # first, compute fl from a # note fl is a lower triangular matrix fl[0][0] = math.sqrt (a[0][0]) for i in (1, 2): fl[i][0] = a[i][0] / fl[0][0] for j in range(1, i+1): z = 0.0 for k in range(j): z += fl[i][k] * fl[j][k] #print "ChoSol: %d %d %d z = %lg" % ( i, j, k, z) z = a[i][j] - z if j == i: y = math.sqrt(max(0.,z)) else: y = z / fl[j][j] fl[i][j] = y #print_arr("ChoSol: fl", fl) # next, compute bl from fl and b bl[0] = b[0] / fl[0][0] for i in (1, 2): z = 0.0 for k in range(i): z += fl[i][k] * bl[k] #print "\t", i, k, z bl[i] = (b[i] - z) / fl[i][i] #print_vec("ChoSol: bl", bl) # last, compute beta from bl and fl beta = np.empty((n)) beta[-1] = bl[-1] / fl[-1][-1] for i in (1, 0): z = 0.0 for k in range(i+1, n): z += fl[k][i] * beta[k] #print "\t\t", i, k, 'z=', z beta[i] = (bl[i] - z) / fl[i][i] #print_vec("ChoSol: beta", beta) return beta def MaxEntMove(fSum, blank, chisq, chizer, c1, c2, s1, s2): ''' move beta one step closer towards the solution ''' a_lower, a_upper = 0., 1. # bracket "a" cmin, beta = ChiNow (a_lower, c1, c2, s1, s2) #print "MaxEntMove: cmin = %g" % cmin if cmin*chisq > chizer: ctarg = (1.0 + cmin)/2 else: ctarg = chizer/chisq f_lower = cmin - ctarg c_upper, beta = ChiNow (a_upper, c1, c2, s1, s2) f_upper = c_upper - ctarg fx = 2*MOVE_PASSES # just to start off loop = 1 while abs(fx) >= MOVE_PASSES and loop <= MAX_MOVE_LOOPS: a_new = (a_lower + a_upper) * 0.5 # search by bisection c_new, beta = ChiNow (a_new, c1, c2, s1, s2) fx = c_new - ctarg # tighten the search range for the next pass if f_lower*fx > 0: a_lower, f_lower = a_new, fx if f_upper*fx > 0: a_upper, f_upper = a_new, fx loop += 1 if abs(fx) >= MOVE_PASSES or loop > MAX_MOVE_LOOPS: msg = "MaxEntMove: Loop counter = " msg += str(MAX_MOVE_LOOPS) msg += ' No convergence in alpha chop' raise MaxEntException(msg) w = Dist (s2, beta); m = SEARCH_DIRECTIONS if (w > DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR*fSum/blank): # invoke the distance penalty, SB eq. 17 for k in range(m): beta[k] *= math.sqrt (fSum/(blank*w)) chtarg = ctarg * chisq return w, chtarg, loop, a_new, fx, beta #MaxEnt_SB starts here if image_to_data == None: image_to_data = opus if data_to_image == None: data_to_image = tropus n = len(base) npt = len(datum) # Note that the order of subscripts for # "xi" and "eta" has been reversed from # the convention used in the FORTRAN version # to enable parts of them to be passed as # as vectors to "image_to_data" and "data_to_image". xi = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, n)) eta = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, npt)) beta = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # s1 = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # c1 = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) s2 = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) c2 = np.zeros((SEARCH_DIRECTIONS, SEARCH_DIRECTIONS)) # TODO: replace blank (scalar) with base (vector) blank = sum(base) / len(base) # use the average value of base chizer, chtarg = npt*1.0, npt*1.0 f = base * 1.0 # starting distribution is base fSum = sum(f) # find the sum of the f-vector z = (datum - image_to_data (f, G)) / sigma # standardized residuals, SB eq. 3 chisq = sum(z*z) # Chi^2, SB eq. 4 for iter in range(IterMax): ox = -2 * z / sigma # gradient of Chi^2 cgrad = data_to_image (ox, G) # cgrad[i] = del(C)/del(f[i]), SB eq. 8 sgrad = -np.log(f/base) / (blank*math.exp (1.0)) # sgrad[i] = del(S)/del(f[i]) snorm = math.sqrt(sum(f * sgrad*sgrad)) # entropy term, SB eq. 22 cnorm = math.sqrt(sum(f * cgrad*cgrad)) # ChiSqr term, SB eq. 22 tnorm = sum(f * sgrad * cgrad) # norm for gradient term TEST a = 1.0 b = 1.0 / cnorm if iter == 0: test = 0.0 # mismatch between entropy and ChiSquared gradients else: test = math.sqrt( ( 1.0 - tnorm/(snorm*cnorm) )/2 ) # SB eq. 37? a = 0.5 / (snorm * test) b *= 0.5 / test xi[0] = f * cgrad / cnorm xi[1] = f * (a * sgrad - b * cgrad) eta[0] = image_to_data (xi[0], G); # image --> data eta[1] = image_to_data (xi[1], G); # image --> data ox = eta[1] / (sigma * sigma) xi[2] = data_to_image (ox, G); # data --> image a = 1.0 / math.sqrt(sum(f * xi[2]*xi[2])) xi[2] = f * xi[2] * a eta[2] = image_to_data (xi[2], G) # image --> data # print_arr("MaxEnt: eta.transpose()", eta.transpose()) # print_arr("MaxEnt: xi.transpose()", xi.transpose()) # prepare the search directions for the conjugate gradient technique c1 = / chisq # C_mu, SB eq. 24 s1 = # S_mu, SB eq. 24 # print_vec("MaxEnt: c1", c1) # print_vec("MaxEnt: s1", s1) for k in range(SEARCH_DIRECTIONS): for l in range(k+1): c2[k][l] = 2 * sum(eta[k] * eta[l] / sigma/sigma) / chisq s2[k][l] = -sum(xi[k] * xi[l] / f) / blank # print_arr("MaxEnt: c2", c2) # print_arr("MaxEnt: s2", s2) # reflect across the body diagonal for k, l in ((0,1), (0,2), (1,2)): c2[k][l] = c2[l][k] # M_(mu,nu) s2[k][l] = s2[l][k] # g_(mu,nu) beta[0] = -0.5 * c1[0] / c2[0][0] beta[1] = 0.0 beta[2] = 0.0 if (iter > 0): w, chtarg, loop, a_new, fx, beta = MaxEntMove(fSum, blank, chisq, chizer, c1, c2, s1, s2) f_old = f.copy() # preserve the last image f += xi.transpose().dot(beta) # move the image towards the solution, SB eq. 25 # As mentioned at the top of p.119, # need to protect against stray negative values. # In this case, set them to RESET_STRAYS * base[i] #f = f.clip(RESET_STRAYS * blank, f.max()) for i in range(n): if f[i] <= 0.0: f[i] = RESET_STRAYS * base[i] df = f - f_old fSum = sum(f) fChange = sum(df) # calculate the normalized entropy S = sum((f/fSum) * np.log(f/fSum)) # normalized entropy, S&B eq. 1 z = (datum - image_to_data (f, G)) / sigma # standardized residuals chisq = sum(z*z) # report this ChiSq if report: print (" MaxEnt trial/max: %3d/%3d" % ((iter+1), IterMax)) print (" Residual: %5.2lf%% Entropy: %8lg" % (100*test, S)) print (" Function sum: %.6lg Change from last: %.2lf%%\n" % (fSum,100*fChange/fSum)) # See if we have finished our task. # do the hardest test first if (abs(chisq/chizer-1.0) < CHI_SQR_LIMIT) and (test < TEST_LIMIT): print (' Convergence achieved.') return chisq,f,image_to_data(f, G) # solution FOUND returns here print (' No convergence! Try increasing Error multiplier.') return chisq,f,image_to_data(f, G) # no solution after IterMax iterations
############################################################################### #### IPG/TNNLS Routines ###############################################################################
[docs] def IPG(datum,sigma,G,Bins,Dbins,IterMax,Qvec=[],approach=0.8,Power=-1,report=False): ''' An implementation of the Interior-Point Gradient method of Michael Merritt & Yin Zhang, Technical Report TR04-08, Dept. of Comp. and Appl. Math., Rice Univ., Houston, Texas 77005, U.S.A. found on the web at Problem addressed: Total Non-Negative Least Squares (TNNLS) :param float datum[]: :param float sigma[]: :param float[][] G: transformation matrix :param int IterMax: :param float Qvec: data positions for Power = 0-4 :param float approach: 0.8 default fitting parameter :param int Power: 0-4 for Q^Power weighting, -1 to use input sigma ''' if Power < 0: GmatE = G/sigma[:np.newaxis] IntE = datum/sigma pwr = 0 QvecP = np.ones_like(datum) else: GmatE = G[:] IntE = datum[:] pwr = Power QvecP = Qvec**pwr Amat = GmatE*QvecP[:np.newaxis] AAmat = np.inner(Amat,Amat) Bvec = IntE*QvecP Xw = np.ones_like(Bins)*1.e-32 calc =,Xw) nIter = 0 err = 10. while (nIter<IterMax) and (err > 1.): #Step 1 in M&Z paper: Qk = np.inner(AAmat,Xw)-np.inner(Amat,Bvec) Dk = Xw/np.inner(AAmat,Xw) Pk = -Dk*Qk #Step 2 in M&Z paper: alpSt = -np.inner(Pk,Qk)/np.inner(Pk,np.inner(AAmat,Pk)) alpWv = -Xw/Pk AkSt = [np.where(Pk[i]<0,np.min((approach*alpWv[i],alpSt)),alpSt) for i in range(Pk.shape[0])] #Step 3 in M&Z paper: shift = AkSt*Pk Xw += shift #done IPG; now results nIter += 1 calc =,Xw) chisq = np.sum(((datum-calc)/sigma)**2) err = chisq/len(datum) if report: print (' Iteration: %d, chisq: %.3g, sum(shift^2): %.3g'%(nIter,chisq,np.sum(shift**2))) return chisq,Xw,calc
############################################################################### #### SASD Utilities ############################################################################### def SetScale(Data,refData): Profile,Limits,Sample = Data refProfile,refLimits,refSample = refData x,y = Profile[:2] rx,ry = refProfile[:2] Beg = np.fmax([rx[0],x[0],Limits[1][0],refLimits[1][0]]) Fin = np.fmin([rx[-1],x[-1],Limits[1][1],refLimits[1][1]]) iBeg = np.searchsorted(x,Beg) iFin = np.searchsorted(x,Fin)+1 #include last point sum = np.sum(y[iBeg:iFin]) refsum = np.sum(np.interp(x[iBeg:iFin],rx,ry,0,0)) Sample['Scale'][0] = refSample['Scale'][0]*refsum/sum def Bestimate(G,Rg,P): return (G*P/Rg**P)*np.exp(scsp.gammaln(P/2)) def SmearData(Ic,Q,slitLen,Back): Np = Q.shape[0] Qtemp = np.concatenate([Q,Q[-1]+20*Q]) Ictemp = np.concatenate([Ic,Ic[-1]*(1-(Qtemp[Np:]-Qtemp[Np])/(20*Qtemp[Np-1]))]) Icsm = np.zeros_like(Q) Qsm = 2*slitLen*(np.interp(np.arange(2*Np)/2.,np.arange(Np),Q)-Q[0])/(Q[-1]-Q[0]) Sp = np.searchsorted(Qsm,slitLen) DQsm = np.diff(Qsm)[:Sp] Ism = np.interp(np.sqrt(Q[:,np.newaxis]**2+Qsm**2),Qtemp,Ictemp) Icsm = np.sum((Ism[:,:Sp]*DQsm),axis=1) Icsm /= slitLen return Icsm ############################################################################### #### Size distribution ############################################################################### def SizeDistribution(Profile,ProfDict,Limits,Sample,data): shapes = {'Spheroid':[SpheroidFF,SpheroidVol],'Cylinder':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Cylinder AR':[CylinderARFF,CylinderARVol],'Unified sphere':[UniSphereFF,UniSphereVol], 'Unified rod':[UniRodFF,UniRodVol],'Unified rod AR':[UniRodARFF,UniRodARVol], 'Unified disk':[UniDiskFF,UniDiskVol],'Sphere':[SphereFF,SphereVol], 'Cylinder diam':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Spherical shell': [SphericalShellFF, SphericalShellVol]} Shape = data['Size']['Shape'][0] Parms = data['Size']['Shape'][1:] if data['Size']['logBins']: Bins = np.logspace(np.log10(data['Size']['MinDiam']),np.log10(data['Size']['MaxDiam']), data['Size']['Nbins']+1,True)/2. #make radii else: Bins = np.linspace(data['Size']['MinDiam'],data['Size']['MaxDiam'], data['Size']['Nbins']+1,True)/2. #make radii Dbins = np.diff(Bins) Bins = Bins[:-1]+Dbins/2. Contrast = Sample['Contrast'][1] Scale = Sample['Scale'][0] Sky = 10**data['Size']['MaxEnt']['Sky'] BinsBack = np.ones_like(Bins)*Sky*Scale/Contrast Back = data['Back'] Q,Io,wt,Ic,Ib = Profile[:5] Qmin = Limits[1][0] Qmax = Limits[1][1] wtFactor = ProfDict['wtFactor'] Ibeg = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmin) Ifin = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmax)+1 #include last point BinMag = np.zeros_like(Bins) Ic[:] = 0. Gmat = G_matrix(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],Bins,Contrast,shapes[Shape][0],shapes[Shape][1],args=Parms) if 'MaxEnt' == data['Size']['Method']: chisq,BinMag,Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = MaxEnt_SB(Scale*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]-Back[0], Scale/np.sqrt(wtFactor*wt[Ibeg:Ifin]),Gmat,BinsBack, data['Size']['MaxEnt']['Niter'],report=True) elif 'IPG' == data['Size']['Method']: chisq,BinMag,Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = IPG(Scale*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]-Back[0],Scale/np.sqrt(wtFactor*wt[Ibeg:Ifin]), Gmat,Bins,Dbins,data['Size']['IPG']['Niter'],Q[Ibeg:Ifin],approach=0.8, Power=data['Size']['IPG']['Power'],report=True) Ib[:] = Back[0] Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += Back[0] print (' Final chi^2: %.3f'%(chisq)) data['Size']['Distribution'] = [Bins,Dbins,BinMag/(2.*Dbins)] ################################################################################ #### Modelling ################################################################################ def PairDistFxn(Profile,ProfDict,Limits,Sample,data): def CalcMoore(): def MoorePOR(cw,r,dmax): #lines 1417-1428 n = 0 nmax = len(cw) POR = np.zeros(len(r)) while n < nmax: POR += 4.*r*cw[n]*np.sin((n+1.)*np.pi*r/dmax) n += 1 return POR def MooreIOREFF(cw,q,dmax): #lines 1437-1448 n = 0 nmax = len(cw) POR = np.zeros(len(q)) dq = dmax*q fpd = 8.*(np.pi**2)*dmax*np.sin(dq)/q while n < nmax: POR += cw[n]*(n+1.)*((-1)**n)*fpd/(((n+1.)*np.pi)**2-dq**2) n += 1 return POR def calcSASD(values,Q,Io,wt,Ifb,dmax,ifBack): if ifBack: M = np.sqrt(wt)*(MooreIOREFF(values[:-1],Q,dmax)+Ifb+values[-1]-Io) else: M = np.sqrt(wt)*(MooreIOREFF(values,Q,dmax)+Ifb-Io) return M Q,Io,wt,Ic,Ib,Ifb = Profile[:6] Qmin = Limits[1][0] Qmax = Limits[1][1] wtFactor = ProfDict['wtFactor'] Back,ifBack = data['Back'] Ibeg = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmin) Ifin = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmax)+1 #include last point Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = 0 Bins = np.linspace(0.,pairData['MaxRadius'],pairData['NBins']+1,True) Dbins = np.diff(Bins) Bins = Bins[:-1]+Dbins/2. N = pairData['Moore'] if ifBack: N += 1 MPV = np.ones(N)*1.e-5 dmax = pairData['MaxRadius'] if 'User' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = wt[Ibeg:Ifin] elif 'Sqrt' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = 1./Io[Ibeg:Ifin] elif 'Percent' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = 1./(pairData['Percent error']*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]) result = so.leastsq(calcSASD,MPV,full_output=True,epsfcn=1.e-8, #ftol=Ftol, args=(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],Io[Ibeg:Ifin],wtFactor*Wt,Ifb[Ibeg:Ifin],dmax,ifBack)) if ifBack: MPVR = result[0][:-1] data['Back'][0] = result[0][-1] Back = data['Back'][0] else: MPVR = result[0] Back = 0. chisq = np.sum(result[2]['fvec']**2) covM = result[1] Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = MooreIOREFF(MPVR,Q[Ibeg:Ifin],dmax)+Ifb[Ibeg:Ifin]+Back ncalc = result[2]['nfev'] GOF = chisq/(Ifin-Ibeg-N) Rwp = np.sqrt(chisq/np.sum(wt[Ibeg:Ifin]*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]**2))*100. #to % print (' Results of small angle data modelling fit of P(R):') print ('Number of function calls: %d Number of observations: %d Number of parameters: %d'%(ncalc,Ifin-Ibeg,N)) print ('Rwp = %7.2f%%, chi**2 = %12.6g, reduced chi**2 = %6.2f'%(Rwp,chisq,GOF)) if len(covM): sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(covM)*GOF) for val,esd in zip(result[0],sig): print(' parameter: %.4g esd: %.4g'%(val,esd)) BinMag = MoorePOR(MPVR,Bins,dmax)/2. return Bins,Dbins,BinMag pairData = data['Pair'] if pairData['Method'] == 'Regularization': #not used print('Regularization calc; dummy Gaussian - TBD') pairData['Method'] = 'Moore' elif pairData['Method'] == 'Moore': Bins,Dbins,BinMag = CalcMoore() BinSum = np.sum(BinMag*Dbins) BinMag /= BinSum data['Pair']['Distribution'] = [Bins,Dbins,BinMag] #/(2.*Dbins)] if 'Pair Calc' in data['Pair']: del data['Pair']['Pair Calc'] ################################################################################ #### Modelling ################################################################################ def ModelFit(Profile,ProfDict,Limits,Sample,Model): shapes = {'Spheroid':[SpheroidFF,SpheroidVol],'Cylinder':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Cylinder AR':[CylinderARFF,CylinderARVol],'Unified sphere':[UniSphereFF,UniSphereVol], 'Unified rod':[UniRodFF,UniRodVol],'Unified rod AR':[UniRodARFF,UniRodARVol], 'Unified disk':[UniDiskFF,UniDiskVol],'Sphere':[SphereFF,SphereVol], 'Unified tube':[UniTubeFF,UniTubeVol],'Cylinder diam':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Spherical shell':[SphericalShellFF,SphericalShellVol]} sfxns = {'Dilute':DiluteSF,'Hard sphere':HardSpheresSF,'Square well':SquareWellSF, 'Sticky hard sphere':StickyHardSpheresSF,'InterPrecipitate':InterPrecipitateSF,} parmOrder = ['Volume','Radius','Mean','StdDev','MinSize','G','Rg','B','P','Cutoff', 'PkInt','PkPos','PkSig','PkGam',] FFparmOrder = ['Aspect ratio','Length','Diameter','Thickness','Shell thickness'] SFparmOrder = ['Dist','VolFr','epis','Sticky','Depth','Width'] def GetModelParms(): parmDict = {'Scale':Sample['Scale'][0],'SlitLen':Sample.get('SlitLen',0.0),} varyList = [] values = [] levelTypes = [] Back = Model['Back'] if Back[1]: varyList += ['Back',] values.append(Back[0]) parmDict['Back'] = Back[0] partData = Model['Particle'] for i,level in enumerate(partData['Levels']): cid = str(i)+';' controls = level['Controls'] Type = controls['DistType'] levelTypes.append(Type) if Type in ['LogNormal','Gaussian','LSW','Schulz-Zimm','Monodisperse']: if Type not in ['Monodosperse',]: parmDict[cid+'NumPoints'] = controls['NumPoints'] parmDict[cid+'Cutoff'] = controls['Cutoff'] parmDict[cid+'FormFact'] = shapes[controls['FormFact']][0] parmDict[cid+'FFVolume'] = shapes[controls['FormFact']][1] parmDict[cid+'StrFact'] = sfxns[controls['StrFact']] parmDict[cid+'Contrast'] = controls['Contrast'] for item in FFparmOrder: if item in controls['FFargs']: parmDict[cid+item] = controls['FFargs'][item][0] if controls['FFargs'][item][1]: varyList.append(cid+item) values.append(controls['FFargs'][item][0]) for item in SFparmOrder: if item in controls.get('SFargs',{}): parmDict[cid+item] = controls['SFargs'][item][0] if controls['SFargs'][item][1]: varyList.append(cid+item) values.append(controls['SFargs'][item][0]) distDict = controls['DistType'] for item in parmOrder: if item in level[distDict]: parmDict[cid+item] = level[distDict][item][0] if level[distDict][item][1]: values.append(level[distDict][item][0]) varyList.append(cid+item) return levelTypes,parmDict,varyList,values def SetModelParms(): print (' Refined parameters: Histogram scale: %.4g'%(parmDict['Scale'])) if 'Back' in varyList: Model['Back'][0] = parmDict['Back'] print (' %15s %15.4f esd: %15.4g'%('Background:',parmDict['Back'],sigDict['Back'])) partData = Model['Particle'] for i,level in enumerate(partData['Levels']): controls = level['Controls'] Type = controls['DistType'] if Type in ['LogNormal','Gaussian','LSW','Schulz-Zimm','Monodisperse']: print (' Component %d: Type: %s: Structure Factor: %s Contrast: %12.3f' \ %(i,Type,controls['StrFact'],controls['Contrast'])) else: print (' Component %d: Type: %s: '%(i,Type,)) cid = str(i)+';' if Type in ['LogNormal','Gaussian','LSW','Schulz-Zimm','Monodisperse']: for item in FFparmOrder: if cid+item in varyList: controls['FFargs'][item][0] = parmDict[cid+item] print (' %15s: %15.4g esd: %15.4g'%(cid+item,parmDict[cid+item],sigDict[cid+item])) for item in SFparmOrder: if cid+item in varyList: controls['SFargs'][item][0] = parmDict[cid+item] print (' %15s: %15.4g esd: %15.4g'%(cid+item,parmDict[cid+item],sigDict[cid+item])) distDict = controls['DistType'] for item in level[distDict]: if cid+item in varyList: level[distDict][item][0] = parmDict[cid+item] print (' %15s: %15.4g esd: %15.4g'%(cid+item,parmDict[cid+item],sigDict[cid+item])) def calcSASD(values,Q,Io,wt,Ifb,levelTypes,parmDict,varyList): parmDict.update(zip(varyList,values)) M = np.sqrt(wt)*(getSASD(Q,levelTypes,parmDict)+Ifb-parmDict['Scale']*Io) return M def getSASD(Q,levelTypes,parmDict): Ic = np.zeros_like(Q) for i,Type in enumerate(levelTypes): cid = str(i)+';' if Type in ['LogNormal','Gaussian','LSW','Schulz-Zimm']: FFfxn = parmDict[cid+'FormFact'] Volfxn = parmDict[cid+'FFVolume'] SFfxn = parmDict[cid+'StrFact'] FFargs = [] SFargs = [] for item in [cid+'Aspect ratio',cid+'Length',cid+'Thickness',cid+'Diameter',cid+'Shell thickness']: if item in parmDict: FFargs.append(parmDict[item]) for item in [cid+'Dist',cid+'VolFr',cid+'epis',cid+'Sticky',cid+'Depth',cid+'Width']: if item in parmDict: SFargs.append(parmDict[item]) distDict = {} for item in [cid+'Volume',cid+'Mean',cid+'StdDev',cid+'MinSize',]: if item in parmDict: distDict[item.split(';')[1]] = parmDict[item] contrast = parmDict[cid+'Contrast'] rBins,dBins,dist = MakeDiamDist(Type,parmDict[cid+'NumPoints'],parmDict[cid+'Cutoff'],distDict) Gmat = G_matrix(Q,rBins,contrast,FFfxn,Volfxn,FFargs).T dist *= parmDict[cid+'Volume'] Ic +=,dist)*SFfxn(Q,args=SFargs) elif 'Unified' in Type: Rg,G,B,P,Rgco = parmDict[cid+'Rg'],parmDict[cid+'G'],parmDict[cid+'B'], \ parmDict[cid+'P'],parmDict[cid+'Cutoff'] Qstar = Q/(scsp.erf(Q*Rg/np.sqrt(6)))**3 Guin = G*np.exp(-(Q*Rg)**2/3) Porod = (B/Qstar**P)*np.exp(-(Q*Rgco)**2/3) Ic += Guin+Porod elif 'Porod' in Type: B,P,Rgco = parmDict[cid+'B'],parmDict[cid+'P'],parmDict[cid+'Cutoff'] Porod = (B/Q**P)*np.exp(-(Q*Rgco)**2/3) Ic += Porod elif 'Mono' in Type: FFfxn = parmDict[cid+'FormFact'] Volfxn = parmDict[cid+'FFVolume'] SFfxn = parmDict[cid+'StrFact'] FFargs = [] SFargs = [] for item in [cid+'Aspect ratio',cid+'Length',cid+'Thickness',cid+'Diameter',cid+'Shell thickness']: if item in parmDict: FFargs.append(parmDict[item]) for item in [cid+'Dist',cid+'VolFr',cid+'epis',cid+'Sticky',cid+'Depth',cid+'Width']: if item in parmDict: SFargs.append(parmDict[item]) contrast = parmDict[cid+'Contrast'] R = parmDict[cid+'Radius'] Gmat = G_matrix(Q,R,contrast,FFfxn,Volfxn,FFargs) Ic += Gmat[0]*parmDict[cid+'Volume']*SFfxn(Q,args=SFargs) elif 'Bragg' in Type: Ic += parmDict[cid+'PkInt']*G2pwd.getPsVoigt(parmDict[cid+'PkPos'], parmDict[cid+'PkSig'],parmDict[cid+'PkGam'],Q)[0] Ic += parmDict['Back'] #/parmDict['Scale'] slitLen = Sample['SlitLen'] if slitLen: Ic = SmearData(Ic,Q,slitLen,parmDict['Back']) return Ic Q,Io,wt,Ic,Ib,Ifb = Profile[:6] Qmin = Limits[1][0] Qmax = Limits[1][1] wtFactor = ProfDict['wtFactor'] Ibeg = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmin) Ifin = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmax)+1 #include last point Ic[:] = 0 levelTypes,parmDict,varyList,values = GetModelParms() if varyList: result = so.leastsq(calcSASD,values,full_output=True,epsfcn=1.e-8, #ftol=Ftol, args=(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],Io[Ibeg:Ifin],wtFactor*wt[Ibeg:Ifin],Ifb[Ibeg:Ifin],levelTypes,parmDict,varyList)) parmDict.update(zip(varyList,result[0])) chisq = np.sum(result[2]['fvec']**2) ncalc = result[2]['nfev'] covM = result[1] else: #nothing varied M = calcSASD(values,Q[Ibeg:Ifin],Io[Ibeg:Ifin],wtFactor*wt[Ibeg:Ifin],Ifb[Ibeg:Ifin],levelTypes,parmDict,varyList) chisq = np.sum(M**2) ncalc = 0 covM = [] sig = [] sigDict = {} result = [] Rvals = {} Rvals['Rwp'] = np.sqrt(chisq/np.sum(wt[Ibeg:Ifin]*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]**2))*100. #to % Rvals['GOF'] = chisq/(Ifin-Ibeg-len(varyList)) #reduced chi^2 Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = getSASD(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],levelTypes,parmDict) Msg = 'Failed to converge' try: Nans = np.isnan(result[0]) if np.any(Nans): name = varyList[Nans.nonzero(True)[0]] Msg = 'Nan result for '+name+'!' raise ValueError Negs = np.less_equal(result[0],0.) if np.any(Negs): name = varyList[Negs.nonzero(True)[0]] Msg = 'negative coefficient for '+name+'!' raise ValueError if len(covM): sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(covM)*Rvals['GOF']) sigDict = dict(zip(varyList,sig)) print (' Results of small angle data modelling fit:') print ('Number of function calls: %d Number of observations: %d Number of parameters: %d'%(ncalc,Ifin-Ibeg,len(varyList))) print ('Rwp = %7.2f%%, chi**2 = %12.6g, reduced chi**2 = %6.2f'%(Rvals['Rwp'],chisq,Rvals['GOF'])) SetModelParms() covMatrix = covM*Rvals['GOF'] return True,result,varyList,sig,Rvals,covMatrix,parmDict,'' except (ValueError,TypeError): #when bad LS refinement; covM missing or with nans return False,0,0,0,0,0,0,Msg def getSASDRg(Q,parmDict): Ic = np.zeros_like(Q) Rg,G,B = parmDict['Rg'],parmDict['G'],parmDict['B'] Qstar = Q/(scsp.erf(Q*Rg/np.sqrt(6)))**3 Guin = G*np.exp(-(Q*Rg)**2/3) Porod = (B/Qstar**4) #*np.exp(-(Q*B)**2/3) Ic += Guin+Porod+parmDict['Back'] return Ic def RgFit(Profile,ProfDict,Limits,Sample,Model): print('unified fit single Rg to data to estimate a size') def GetModelParms(): parmDict = {} varyList = [] values = [] Back = Model['Back'] if Back[1]: varyList += ['Back',] values.append(Back[0]) parmDict['Back'] = Back[0] pairData = Model['Pair'] parmDict['G'] = pairData.get('Dist G',Io[Ibeg]) parmDict['Rg'] = pairData['MaxRadius']/2.5 parmDict['B'] = pairData.get('Dist B',Io[Ifin-1]*Q[Ifin-1]**4) varyList += ['G','Rg','B'] values += [parmDict['G'],parmDict['Rg'],parmDict['B']] return parmDict,varyList,values def calcSASD(values,Q,Io,wt,Ifb,parmDict,varyList): parmDict.update(zip(varyList,values)) M = np.sqrt(wt)*(getSASDRg(Q,parmDict)-Io) return M def SetModelParms(): print (' Refined parameters: ') if 'Back' in varyList: Model['Back'][0] = parmDict['Back'] print (' %15s %15.4f esd: %15.4g'%('Background:',parmDict['Back'],sigDict['Back'])) pairData = Model['Pair'] pairData['Dist G'] = parmDict['G'] pairData['MaxRadius'] = parmDict['Rg']*2.5 pairData['Dist B'] = parmDict['B'] for item in varyList: print (' %15s: %15.4g esd: %15.4g'%(item,parmDict[item],sigDict[item])) Q,Io,wt,Ic,Ib,Ifb = Profile[:6] Qmin = Limits[1][0] Qmax = Limits[1][1] wtFactor = ProfDict['wtFactor'] Ibeg = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmin) Ifin = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmax)+1 #include last point Ic[:] = 0 pairData = Model['Pair'] if 'User' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = wt[Ibeg:Ifin] elif 'Sqrt' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = 1./Io[Ibeg:Ifin] elif 'Percent' in pairData['Errors']: Wt = 1./(pairData['Percent error']*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]) parmDict,varyList,values = GetModelParms() result = so.leastsq(calcSASD,values,full_output=True,epsfcn=1.e-12,factor=0.1, #ftol=Ftol, args=(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],Io[Ibeg:Ifin],wtFactor*Wt,Ifb[Ibeg:Ifin],parmDict,varyList)) parmDict.update(dict(zip(varyList,result[0]))) chisq = np.sum(result[2]['fvec']**2) ncalc = result[2]['nfev'] covM = result[1] Rvals = {} Rvals['Rwp'] = np.sqrt(chisq/np.sum(wt[Ibeg:Ifin]*Io[Ibeg:Ifin]**2))*100. #to % Rvals['GOF'] = chisq/(Ifin-Ibeg-len(varyList)) #reduced chi^2 Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = getSASDRg(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],parmDict) Msg = 'Failed to converge' try: Nans = np.isnan(result[0]) if np.any(Nans): name = varyList[Nans.nonzero(True)[0]] Msg = 'Nan result for '+name+'!' raise ValueError Negs = np.less_equal(result[0],0.) if np.any(Negs): name = varyList[Negs.nonzero(True)[0]] Msg = 'negative coefficient for '+name+'!' raise ValueError if len(covM): sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(covM)*Rvals['GOF']) sigDict = dict(zip(varyList,sig)) print (' Results of Rg fit:') print ('Number of function calls: %d Number of observations: %d Number of parameters: %d'%(ncalc,Ifin-Ibeg,len(varyList))) print ('Rwp = %7.2f%%, chi**2 = %12.6g, reduced chi**2 = %6.2f'%(Rvals['Rwp'],chisq,Rvals['GOF'])) SetModelParms() covMatrix = covM*Rvals['GOF'] return True,result,varyList,sig,Rvals,covMatrix,parmDict,'' except (ValueError,TypeError): #when bad LS refinement; covM missing or with nans return False,0,0,0,0,0,0,Msg return [None,] def ModelFxn(Profile,ProfDict,Limits,Sample,sasdData): shapes = {'Spheroid':[SpheroidFF,SpheroidVol],'Cylinder':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Cylinder AR':[CylinderARFF,CylinderARVol],'Unified sphere':[UniSphereFF,UniSphereVol], 'Unified rod':[UniRodFF,UniRodVol],'Unified rod AR':[UniRodARFF,UniRodARVol], 'Unified disk':[UniDiskFF,UniDiskVol],'Sphere':[SphereFF,SphereVol], 'Unified tube':[UniTubeFF,UniTubeVol],'Cylinder diam':[CylinderDFF,CylinderDVol], 'Spherical shell':[SphericalShellFF,SphericalShellVol]} sfxns = {'Dilute':DiluteSF,'Hard sphere':HardSpheresSF,'Square well':SquareWellSF, 'Sticky hard sphere':StickyHardSpheresSF,'InterPrecipitate':InterPrecipitateSF,} # pdb.set_trace() partData = sasdData['Particle'] Back = sasdData['Back'] Q,Io,wt,Ic,Ib,Ifb = Profile[:6] Qmin = Limits[1][0] Qmax = Limits[1][1] Ibeg = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmin) Ifin = np.searchsorted(Q,Qmax)+1 #include last point Ib[:] = Back[0] Ic[:] = 0 Rbins = [] Dist = [] for level in partData['Levels']: controls = level['Controls'] distFxn = controls['DistType'] if distFxn in ['LogNormal','Gaussian','LSW','Schulz-Zimm']: parmDict = level[controls['DistType']] FFfxn = shapes[controls['FormFact']][0] Volfxn = shapes[controls['FormFact']][1] SFfxn = sfxns[controls['StrFact']] FFargs = [] SFargs = [] for item in ['Dist','VolFr','epis','Sticky','Depth','Width',]: if item in controls.get('SFargs',{}): SFargs.append(controls['SFargs'][item][0]) for item in ['Aspect ratio','Length','Thickness','Diameter','Shell thickness']: if item in controls['FFargs']: FFargs.append(controls['FFargs'][item][0]) contrast = controls['Contrast'] distDict = {} for item in parmDict: distDict[item] = parmDict[item][0] rBins,dBins,dist = MakeDiamDist(controls['DistType'],controls['NumPoints'],controls['Cutoff'],distDict) Gmat = G_matrix(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],rBins,contrast,FFfxn,Volfxn,FFargs).T dist *= level[distFxn]['Volume'][0] Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] +=,dist)*SFfxn(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],args=SFargs) Rbins.append(rBins) Dist.append(dist/(4.*dBins)) elif 'Unified' in distFxn: parmDict = level[controls['DistType']] Rg,G,B,P,Rgco = parmDict['Rg'][0],parmDict['G'][0],parmDict['B'][0], \ parmDict['P'][0],parmDict['Cutoff'][0] Qstar = Q[Ibeg:Ifin]/(scsp.erf(Q[Ibeg:Ifin]*Rg/np.sqrt(6)))**3 Guin = G*np.exp(-(Q[Ibeg:Ifin]*Rg)**2/3) Porod = (B/Qstar**P)*np.exp(-(Q[Ibeg:Ifin]*Rgco)**2/3) Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += Guin+Porod Rbins.append([]) Dist.append([]) elif 'Porod' in distFxn: parmDict = level[controls['DistType']] B,P,Rgco = parmDict['B'][0],parmDict['P'][0],parmDict['Cutoff'][0] Porod = (B/Q[Ibeg:Ifin]**P)*np.exp(-(Q[Ibeg:Ifin]*Rgco)**2/3) Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += Porod Rbins.append([]) Dist.append([]) elif 'Mono' in distFxn: parmDict = level[controls['DistType']] R = level[controls['DistType']]['Radius'][0] FFfxn = shapes[controls['FormFact']][0] Volfxn = shapes[controls['FormFact']][1] SFfxn = sfxns[controls['StrFact']] FFargs = [] SFargs = [] for item in ['Dist','VolFr','epis','Sticky','Depth','Width',]: if item in controls.get('SFargs',{}): SFargs.append(controls['SFargs'][item][0]) for item in ['Aspect ratio','Length','Thickness','Diameter','Shell thickness']: if item in controls['FFargs']: FFargs.append(controls['FFargs'][item][0]) contrast = controls['Contrast'] Gmat = G_matrix(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],R,contrast,FFfxn,Volfxn,FFargs) Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += Gmat[0]*level[distFxn]['Volume'][0]*SFfxn(Q[Ibeg:Ifin],args=SFargs) Rbins.append([]) Dist.append([]) elif 'Bragg' in distFxn: parmDict = level[controls['DistType']] Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += parmDict['PkInt'][0]*G2pwd.getPsVoigt(parmDict['PkPos'][0], parmDict['PkSig'][0],parmDict['PkGam'][0],Q[Ibeg:Ifin])[0] Rbins.append([]) Dist.append([]) Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] += Back[0] slitLen = Sample.get('SlitLen',0.) if slitLen: Ic[Ibeg:Ifin] = SmearData(Ic,Q,slitLen,Back[0])[Ibeg:Ifin] sasdData['Size Calc'] = [Rbins,Dist] def MakeDiamDist(DistName,nPoints,cutoff,distDict): if 'LogNormal' in DistName: distFxn = 'LogNormalDist' cumeFxn = 'LogNormalCume' pos = distDict['MinSize'] args = [distDict['Mean'],distDict['StdDev']] step = 4.*np.sqrt(np.exp(distDict['StdDev']**2)*(np.exp(distDict['StdDev']**2)-1.)) mode = distDict['MinSize']+distDict['Mean']/np.exp(distDict['StdDev']**2) minX = 1. #pos maxX = 1.e4 #np.min([mode+nPoints*step*40,1.e5]) elif 'Gauss' in DistName: distFxn = 'GaussDist' cumeFxn = 'GaussCume' pos = distDict['Mean'] args = [distDict['StdDev']] mode = distDict['Mean'] minX = np.max([mode-4.*distDict['StdDev'],1.]) maxX = np.min([mode+4.*distDict['StdDev'],1.e5]) elif 'LSW' in DistName: distFxn = 'LSWDist' cumeFxn = 'LSWCume' pos = distDict['Mean'] args = [] minX,maxX = [0.,2.*pos] elif 'Schulz' in DistName: distFxn = 'SchulzZimmDist' cumeFxn = 'SchulzZimmCume' pos = distDict['Mean'] args = [distDict['StdDev']] minX = np.max([1.,pos-4.*distDict['StdDev']]) maxX = np.min([pos+4.*distDict['StdDev'],1.e5]) nP = 500 Diam = np.logspace(0.,5.,nP,True) TCW = eval(cumeFxn+'(Diam,pos,args)') CumeTgts = np.linspace(cutoff,(1.-cutoff),nPoints+1,True) rBins = np.interp(CumeTgts,TCW,Diam,0,0) dBins = np.diff(rBins) rBins = rBins[:-1]+dBins/2. return rBins,dBins,eval(distFxn+'(rBins,pos,args)') ################################################################################ #### MaxEnt testing stuff ################################################################################ def test_MaxEnt_SB(report=True): def readTextData(filename): '''return q, I, dI from a 3-column text file''' if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception("file not found: " + filename) buf = [line.split() for line in open(filename, 'r').readlines()] buf = zip(*buf) # transpose rows and columns q = np.array(buf[0], dtype=np.float64) I = np.array(buf[1], dtype=np.float64) dI = np.array(buf[2], dtype=np.float64) return q, I, dI print ("MaxEnt_SB: ") test_data_file = os.path.join( 'testinp', '') rhosq = 100 # scattering contrast, 10^20 1/cm^-4 bkg = 0.1 # I = I - bkg dMin, dMax, nRadii = 25, 9000, 40 defaultDistLevel = 1.0e-6 IterMax = 40 errFac = 1.05 r = np.logspace(math.log10(dMin), math.log10(dMax), nRadii)/2 dr = r * (r[1]/r[0] - 1) # step size f_dr = np.ndarray((nRadii)) * 0 # volume fraction histogram b = np.ndarray((nRadii)) * 0 + defaultDistLevel # MaxEnt "sky background" qVec, I, dI = readTextData(test_data_file) G = G_matrix(qVec,r,rhosq,SphereFF,SphereVol,args=()) chisq,f_dr,Ic = MaxEnt_SB(I - bkg, dI*errFac, b, IterMax, G, report=report) if f_dr is None: print ("no solution") return print ("solution reached") for a,b,c in zip(r.tolist(), dr.tolist(), f_dr.tolist()): print ('%10.4f %10.4f %12.4g'%(a,b,c)) def tests(): test_MaxEnt_SB(report=True) if __name__ == '__main__': tests()