Source code for GSASIIstrIO

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-12-16 09:25:27 -0600 (Sat, 16 Dec 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5707 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5707 2023-12-16 15:25:27Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
:mod:`GSASIIstrIO` routines, used for refinement to 
read from GPX files and print to the .LST file. 
Used for refinements and in G2scriptable. 

This file should not contain any wxpython references as this 
must be used in non-GUI settings. 
from __future__ import division, print_function
import platform
import re
import os
import os.path as ospath
import time
import math
import random as rand
import copy
if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]:
    import cPickle
    import pickle as cPickle
import numpy as np
import as ma
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5707 $")
import GSASIIElem as G2el
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIIspc as G2spc
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIImapvars as G2mv
import GSASIImath as G2mth
import GSASIIstrMath as G2stMth
import GSASIIfiles as G2fil

sind = lambda x: np.sin(x*np.pi/180.)
cosd = lambda x: np.cos(x*np.pi/180.)
tand = lambda x: np.tan(x*np.pi/180.)
asind = lambda x: 180.*np.arcsin(x)/np.pi
acosd = lambda x: 180.*np.arccos(x)/np.pi
atan2d = lambda y,x: 180.*np.arctan2(y,x)/np.pi
ateln2 = 8.0*math.log(2.0)

# Support for GPX file reading
def cPickleLoad(fp):
    if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]:
        return cPickle.load(fp)
       return cPickle.load(fp,encoding='latin-1')

gpxIndex = {}; gpxNamelist = []; gpxSize = -1
'''Global variables used in :func:`IndexGPX` to see if file has changed 
(gpxSize) and to index where to find each 1st-level tree item in the file.

[docs] def GetFullGPX(GPXfile): ''' Returns complete contents of GSASII gpx file. Used in :func:`GSASIIscriptable.LoadDictFromProjFile`. :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :returns: Project,nameList, where * Project (dict) is a representation of gpx file following the GSAS-II tree structure for each item: key = tree name (e.g. 'Controls', 'Restraints', etc.), data is dict * nameList (list) has names of main tree entries & subentries used to reconstruct project file ''' return IndexGPX(GPXfile,read=True)
[docs] def IndexGPX(GPXfile,read=False): '''Create an index to a GPX file, optionally the file into memory. The byte size of the GPX file is saved. If this routine is called again, and if this size does not change, indexing is not repeated since it is assumed the file has not changed (this can be overriden by setting read=True). :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :returns: Project,nameList if read=, where * Project (dict) is a representation of gpx file following the GSAS-II tree structure for each item: key = tree name (e.g. 'Controls', 'Restraints', etc.), data is dict * nameList (list) has names of main tree entries & subentries used to reconstruct project file ''' global gpxSize if gpxSize == os.path.getsize(GPXfile) and not read: return global gpxIndex gpxIndex = {} global gpxNamelist gpxNamelist = [] if GSASIIpath.GetConfigValue('debug'): print("DBG: Indexing GPX file") gpxSize = os.path.getsize(GPXfile) fp = open(GPXfile,'rb') Project = {} try: while True: pos = fp.tell() data = cPickleLoad(fp) datum = data[0] gpxIndex[datum[0]] = pos if read: Project[datum[0]] = {'data':datum[1]} gpxNamelist.append([datum[0],]) for datus in data[1:]: if read: Project[datum[0]][datus[0]] = datus[1] gpxNamelist[-1].append(datus[0]) # print('project load successful') except EOFError: pass except Exception as msg: G2fil.G2Print('Read Error:',msg) raise Exception("Error reading file "+str(GPXfile)+". This is not a GSAS-II .gpx file") finally: fp.close() if read: return Project,gpxNamelist
[docs] def GetControls(GPXfile): ''' Returns dictionary of control items found in GSASII gpx file :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :return: dictionary of control items ''' Controls = copy.deepcopy(G2obj.DefaultControls) IndexGPX(GPXfile) pos = gpxIndex.get('Controls') if pos is None: G2fil.G2Print('Warning: Controls not found in gpx file {}'.format(GPXfile)) return Controls fp = open(GPXfile,'rb') datum = cPickleLoad(fp)[0] fp.close() Controls.update(datum[1]) return Controls
[docs] def ReadConstraints(GPXfile, seqHist=None): '''Read the constraints from the GPX file and interpret them called in :func:`ReadCheckConstraints`, :func:`GSASIIstrMain.Refine` and :func:`GSASIIstrMain.SeqRefine`. ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Constraints') if pos is None: raise Exception("No constraints in GPX file") ConstraintsItem = cPickleLoad(fl)[0] seqmode = 'use-all' if seqHist is not None: seqmode = ConstraintsItem[1].get('_seqmode','wildcards-only') fl.close() constList = [] for item in ConstraintsItem[1]: if item.startswith('_'): continue constList += ConstraintsItem[1][item] constrDict,fixedList,ignored = G2mv.ProcessConstraints(constList,seqmode,seqHist) #if ignored: # G2fil.G2Print ('Warning: {} Constraints were rejected. Was a constrained phase, histogram or atom deleted?'.format(ignored)) return constrDict,fixedList
[docs] def ReadCheckConstraints(GPXfile, seqHist=None,Histograms=None,Phases=None): '''Load constraints and related info and return any error or warning messages This is done from the GPX file rather than the tree. :param str GPXfile: specifies the path to a .gpx file. :param str seqHist: specifies a histogram to be loaded for a sequential refinement. If None (default) all are loaded. :param dict Histograms: output from :func:`GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases`, can optionally be supplied to save time for sequential refinements :param dict Phases: output from :func:`GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases`, can optionally be supplied to save time for sequential refinements ''' G2mv.InitVars() # init constraints # get variables if Histograms is None or Phases is None: Histograms,Phases = GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile) if not Phases: return 'Error: No phases or no histograms in phases!','' if not Histograms: return 'Error: no diffraction data','' if seqHist: Histograms = {seqHist:Histograms[seqHist]} # sequential fit: only need one histogram hId = Histograms[seqHist]['hId'] else: hId = None constrDict,fixedList = ReadConstraints(GPXfile, hId) # load user constraints from file (uses ProcessConstraints) parmDict = {} # generate symmetry constraints to check for conflicts rigidbodyDict = GetRigidBodies(GPXfile) rbIds = rigidbodyDict.get('RBIds',{'Vector':[],'Residue':[],'Spin':[]}) rbVary,rbDict = GetRigidBodyModels(rigidbodyDict,Print=False) parmDict.update(rbDict) (Natoms, atomIndx, phaseVary,phaseDict, pawleyLookup,FFtables,EFtables,ORBtables,BLtables,MFtables,maxSSwave) = \ GetPhaseData(Phases,RestraintDict=None,seqHistName=seqHist,rbIds=rbIds,Print=False) # generates atom symmetry constraints parmDict.update(phaseDict) hapVary,hapDict,controlDict = GetHistogramPhaseData(Phases,Histograms,Print=False,resetRefList=False) parmDict.update(hapDict) histVary,histDict,controlDict = GetHistogramData(Histograms,Print=False) parmDict.update(histDict) varyList = rbVary+phaseVary+hapVary+histVary msg = G2mv.EvaluateMultipliers(constrDict,phaseDict,hapDict,histDict) if msg: return 'Unable to interpret multiplier(s): '+msg,'' errmsg,warnmsg,groups,parmlist = G2mv.GenerateConstraints(varyList,constrDict,fixedList,parmDict,seqHistNum=hId) G2mv.Map2Dict(parmDict,varyList) # changes varyList return errmsg, warnmsg
def makeTwinFrConstr(Phases,Histograms,hapVary): TwConstr = [] TwFixed = [] for Phase in Phases: pId = Phases[Phase]['pId'] for Histogram in Phases[Phase]['Histograms']: try: hId = Histograms[Histogram]['hId'] phfx = '%d:%d:'%(pId,hId) if phfx+'TwinFr:0' in hapVary: TwFixed.append('1.0') #constraint value nTwin = len(Phases[Phase]['Histograms'][Histogram]['Twins']) TwConstr.append({phfx+'TwinFr:'+str(i):'1.0' for i in range(nTwin)}) except KeyError: #unused histograms? pass return TwConstr,TwFixed
[docs] def GetRestraints(GPXfile): '''Read the restraints from the GPX file. Throws an exception if not found in the .GPX file ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Restraints') if pos is None: raise Exception("No Restraints in GPX file") datum = cPickleLoad(fl)[0] fl.close() return datum[1]
[docs] def GetRigidBodies(GPXfile): '''Read the rigid body models from the GPX file ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Rigid bodies') if pos is None: raise Exception("No Rigid bodies in GPX file") datum = cPickleLoad(fl)[0] fl.close() return datum[1]
[docs] def GetFprime(controlDict,Histograms): 'Needs a doc string' FFtables = controlDict['FFtables'] if not FFtables: return histoList = list(Histograms.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: if histogram[:4] in ['PWDR','HKLF']: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] hfx = ':%d:'%(hId) if 'E' in controlDict[hfx+'histType']: for El in FFtables: FFtables[El][hfx+'FP'] = 0. FFtables[El][hfx+'FPP'] = 0. elif 'X' in controlDict[hfx+'histType']: keV = controlDict[hfx+'keV'] for El in FFtables: Orbs = G2el.GetXsectionCoeff(El.split('+')[0].split('-')[0]) FP,FPP,Mu = G2el.FPcalc(Orbs, keV) FFtables[El][hfx+'FP'] = FP FFtables[El][hfx+'FPP'] = FPP
def PrintFprime(FFtables,pfx,pFile): pFile.write('\n Resonant form factors:(ref: D.T. Cromer & D.A. Liberman (1981), Acta Cryst. A37, 267-268.)\n') Elstr = ' Element:' FPstr = " f' :" FPPstr = ' f" :' for El in FFtables: if 'Q' not in El: Elstr += ' %8s'%(El) FPstr += ' %8.3f'%(FFtables[El][pfx+'FP']) FPPstr += ' %8.3f'%(FFtables[El][pfx+'FPP']) pFile.write(Elstr+'\n') pFile.write(FPstr+'\n') pFile.write(FPPstr+'\n') def PrintBlength(BLtables,wave,pFile): pFile.write('\n Resonant neutron scattering lengths:\n') Elstr = ' Element:' FPstr = " b' :" FPPstr = ' b" :' for El in BLtables: if 'Q' not in El: BP,BPP = G2el.BlenResCW([El,],BLtables,wave) Elstr += ' %8s'%(El) FPstr += ' %8.3f'%(BP) FPPstr += ' %8.3f'%(BPP) pFile.write(Elstr+'\n') pFile.write(FPstr+'\n') pFile.write(FPPstr+'\n')
[docs] def PrintISOmodes(pFile,Phases,parmDict,sigDict): '''Prints the values for the ISODISTORT modes into the project's .lst file after a refinement. ''' for phase in Phases: if 'ISODISTORT' not in Phases[phase]: continue data = Phases[phase] ISO = data['ISODISTORT'] atNames = [atom[0] for atom in data['Atoms']] if 'G2VarList' in ISO: deltaList = [] notfound = [] for gv,Ilbl in zip(ISO['G2VarList'],ISO['IsoVarList']): dvar = gv.varname() var = dvar.replace('::dA','::A') atnum = atNames.index(Ilbl[:Ilbl.rfind('_')]) v = Ilbl[Ilbl.rfind('_')+1:] pval = ISO['G2parentCoords'][atnum][['dx','dy','dz'].index(v)] if var in parmDict: cval = parmDict[var] else: notfound.append(var) continue deltaList.append(cval-pval) if notfound: msg = 'PrintISOmodes warning: Atom parameters ' for i,v in enumerate(notfound): if i == len(notfound)-1: msg += ' & ' elif i != 0: msg += ', ' msg += v print(msg,'not found') print(' skipping computation for modes:') for i,j in zip(ISO['IsoModeList'],ISO['G2ModeList']): print(' ',i,'({})'.format(j)) continue modeVals = np.inner(ISO['Var2ModeMatrix'],deltaList) pFile.write('\n ISODISTORT Displacive Modes for phase {}\n'.format(data['General'].get('Name',''))) l = str(max([len(i) for i in ISO['IsoModeList']])+3) fmt = ' {:'+l+'}{}' for varid,[var,val,norm,G2mode] in enumerate(zip( ISO['IsoModeList'],modeVals,ISO['NormList'],ISO['G2ModeList'] )): try: value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,-0.001) item = str(G2mode).replace('::','::nv-') if item in sigDict: ISO['modeDispl'][varid] = val/norm value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,sigDict[item]/norm) except TypeError: value = '?' pFile.write(fmt.format(var,value)+'\n') if 'G2OccVarList' in ISO: #untested - probably wrong deltaOccList = [] notfound = [] for gv,Ilbl in zip(ISO['G2OccVarList'],ISO['OccVarList']): var = gv.varname() albl = Ilbl[:Ilbl.rfind('_')] pval = ISO['BaseOcc'][albl] if var in parmDict: cval = parmDict[var] else: notfound.append(var) continue deltaOccList.append(cval-pval) if notfound: msg = 'PrintISOmodes warning: Atom parameters ' for i,v in enumerate(notfound): if i == len(notfound)-1: msg += ' & ' elif i != 0: msg += ', ' msg += v print(msg,'not found') print(' skipping computation for modes:') for i,j in zip(ISO['OccVarList'],ISO['G2OccVarList']): print(' ',i,'({})'.format(j)) continue modeOccVals = np.inner(ISO['Var2OccMatrix'],deltaOccList) pFile.write('\n ISODISTORT Occupancy Modes for phase {}\n'.format(data['General'].get('Name',''))) l = str(max([len(i) for i in ISO['OccModeList']])+3) fmt = ' {:'+l+'}{}' for var,val,norm,G2mode in zip( ISO['OccModeList'],modeOccVals,ISO['OccNormList'],ISO['G2OccModeList'] ): try: value = G2fil.FormatSigFigs(val/norm) if str(G2mode) in sigDict: value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,sigDict[str(G2mode)]/norm) except TypeError: value = '?' pFile.write(fmt.format(var,value)+'\n')
[docs] def PrintIndependentVars(parmDict,varyList,sigDict,PrintAll=False,pFile=None): '''Print the values and uncertainties on the independent parameters''' printlist = [] mvs = G2mv.GetIndependentVars() for i,name in enumerate(mvs): if PrintAll or name in varyList: sig = sigDict.get(name) printlist.append([name,parmDict[name],sig]) if len(printlist) == 0: return s1 = '' s2 = '' s3 = '' pFile.write(130*'-'+'\n') pFile.write("Parameters generated by constraints\n") printlist.append(3*[None]) for name,val,esd in printlist: if len(s1) > 120 or name is None: pFile.write(''+'\n') pFile.write(s1+'\n') pFile.write(s2+'\n') pFile.write(s3+'\n') s1 = '' if name is None: break if s1 == "": s1 = ' name :' s2 = ' value :' s3 = ' sig : ' wdt = len(name)+1 s1 += ('%15s' % (name)).rjust(wdt) s2 += ('%15.5f' % (val)).center(wdt) if esd is None: s3 += ('%15s' % ('n/a')).center(wdt) else: s3 += fmtESD(name,sigDict,'f',15,5).center(wdt)
[docs] def GetPhaseNames(GPXfile): ''' Returns a list of phase names found under 'Phases' in GSASII gpx file :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :return: list of phase names ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Phases') if pos is None: raise Exception("No Phases in GPX file") data = cPickleLoad(fl) fl.close() return [datus[0] for datus in data[1:]]
[docs] def GetAllPhaseData(GPXfile,PhaseName): ''' Returns the entire dictionary for PhaseName from GSASII gpx file :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param str PhaseName: phase name :return: phase dictionary or None if PhaseName is not present ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Phases') if pos is None: raise Exception("No Phases in GPX file") data = cPickleLoad(fl) fl.close() for datus in data[1:]: if datus[0] == PhaseName: return datus[1]
[docs] def GetHistograms(GPXfile,hNames): """ Returns a dictionary of histograms found in GSASII gpx file :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param str hNames: list of histogram names :return: dictionary of histograms (types = PWDR & HKLF) """ IndexGPX(GPXfile) fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') Histograms = {} for hist in hNames: pos = gpxIndex.get(hist) if pos is None: raise Exception("Histogram {} not found in GPX file".format(hist)) data = cPickleLoad(fl) datum = data[0] if 'PWDR' in hist[:4]: PWDRdata = {} PWDRdata.update(datum[1][0]) #weight factor PWDRdata['Data'] = ma.array(ma.getdata(datum[1][1])) #masked powder data arrays/clear previous masks PWDRdata[data[2][0]] = data[2][1] #Limits & excluded regions (if any) PWDRdata[data[3][0]] = data[3][1] #Background PWDRdata[data[4][0]] = data[4][1] #Instrument parameters PWDRdata[data[5][0]] = data[5][1] #Sample parameters try: PWDRdata[data[9][0]] = data[9][1] #Reflection lists might be missing except IndexError: PWDRdata['Reflection Lists'] = {} PWDRdata['Residuals'] = {} Histograms[hist] = PWDRdata elif 'HKLF' in hist[:4]: HKLFdata = {} HKLFdata.update(datum[1][0]) #weight factor #patch if 'list' in str(type(datum[1][1])): #if isinstance(datum[1][1],list): RefData = {'RefList':[],'FF':{}} for ref in datum[1][1]: RefData['RefList'].append(ref[:11]+[ref[13],]) RefData['RefList'] = np.array(RefData['RefList']) datum[1][1] = RefData #end patch datum[1][1]['FF'] = {} HKLFdata['Data'] = datum[1][1] HKLFdata['Instrument Parameters'] = dict(data)['Instrument Parameters'] HKLFdata['Reflection Lists'] = None HKLFdata['Residuals'] = {} Histograms[hist] = HKLFdata fl.close() return Histograms
[docs] def GetHistogramNames(GPXfile,hTypes): """ Returns a list of histogram names found in a GSAS-II .gpx file that match specifed histogram types. Names are returned in the order they appear in the file. :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param str hTypes: list of histogram types :return: list of histogram names (types = PWDR & HKLF) """ IndexGPX(GPXfile) return [n[0] for n in gpxNamelist if n[0][:4] in hTypes]
[docs] def GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile): ''' Returns all histograms that are found in any phase and any phase that uses a histogram. This also assigns numbers to used phases and histograms by the order they appear in the file. :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :returns: (Histograms,Phases) * Histograms = dictionary of histograms as {name:data,...} * Phases = dictionary of phases that use histograms ''' phaseNames = GetPhaseNames(GPXfile) histoList = GetHistogramNames(GPXfile,['PWDR','HKLF']) allHistograms = GetHistograms(GPXfile,histoList) phaseData = {} for name in phaseNames: phaseData[name] = GetAllPhaseData(GPXfile,name) Histograms = {} Phases = {} for phase in phaseData: Phase = phaseData[phase] if Phase['General']['Type'] == 'faulted': continue #don't use faulted phases! if Phase['Histograms']: for hist in Phase['Histograms']: if 'Use' not in Phase['Histograms'][hist]: #patch Phase['Histograms'][hist]['Use'] = True if Phase['Histograms'][hist]['Use'] and phase not in Phases: pId = phaseNames.index(phase) Phase['pId'] = pId Phases[phase] = Phase if hist not in Histograms and Phase['Histograms'][hist]['Use']: try: Histograms[hist] = allHistograms[hist] hId = histoList.index(hist) Histograms[hist]['hId'] = hId except KeyError: # would happen if a referenced histogram were # renamed or deleted G2fil.G2Print('Warning: For phase "'+phase+ '" unresolved reference to histogram "'+hist+'"') # load the fix background info into the histograms for hist in Histograms: if 'Background' not in Histograms[hist]: continue fixedBkg = Histograms[hist]['Background'][1].get('background PWDR') if fixedBkg: if not fixedBkg[0]: continue # patch: add refinement flag, if needed if len(fixedBkg) == 2: fixedBkg += [False] h = Histograms[hist]['Background'][1] try: Limits = Histograms[hist]['Limits'][1] x = Histograms[hist]['Data'][0] xB = np.searchsorted(x,Limits[0]) xF = np.searchsorted(x,Limits[1])+1 h['fixback'] = allHistograms[fixedBkg[0]]['Data'][1][xB:xF] except KeyError: # would happen if a referenced histogram were renamed or deleted G2fil.G2Print('Warning: For hist "{}" unresolved background reference to hist "{}"' .format(hist,fixedBkg[0])) G2obj.IndexAllIds(Histograms=Histograms,Phases=Phases) return Histograms,Phases
[docs] def getBackupName(GPXfile,makeBack): ''' Get the name for the backup .gpx file name :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param bool makeBack: if True the name of a new file is returned, if False the name of the last file that exists is returned :returns: the name of a backup file ''' GPXpath,GPXname = ospath.split(GPXfile) if GPXpath == '': GPXpath = '.' Name = ospath.splitext(GPXname)[0] files = os.listdir(GPXpath) last = 0 for name in files: name = name.split('.') if len(name) == 3 and name[0] == Name and 'bak' in name[1]: if makeBack: last = max(last,int(name[1].strip('bak'))+1) else: last = max(last,int(name[1].strip('bak'))) GPXback = ospath.join(GPXpath,ospath.splitext(GPXname)[0]+'.bak'+str(last)+'.gpx') return GPXback
[docs] def GPXBackup(GPXfile,makeBack=True): ''' makes a backup of the specified .gpx file :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param bool makeBack: if True (default), the backup is written to a new file; if False, the last backup is overwritten :returns: the name of the backup file that was written ''' import distutils.file_util as dfu GPXback = getBackupName(GPXfile,makeBack) tries = 0 while True: try: dfu.copy_file(GPXfile,GPXback) break except: tries += 1 if tries > 10: return GPXfile #failed! time.sleep(1) #just wait a second! return GPXback
[docs] def SetUsedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile,Histograms,Phases,RigidBodies,CovData,parmFrozenList,makeBack=True): ''' Updates gpxfile from all histograms that are found in any phase and any phase that used a histogram. Also updates rigid body definitions. This is used for non-sequential fits, but not for sequential fitting. :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param dict Histograms: dictionary of histograms as {name:data,...} :param dict Phases: dictionary of phases that use histograms :param dict RigidBodies: dictionary of rigid bodies :param dict CovData: dictionary of refined variables, varyList, & covariance matrix :param list parmFrozenList: list of parameters (as str) that are frozen due to limits; converted to :class:`GSASIIobj.G2VarObj` objects. :param bool makeBack: True if new backup of .gpx file is to be made; else use the last one made ''' import distutils.file_util as dfu GPXback = GPXBackup(GPXfile,makeBack) G2fil.G2Print ('Read from file:'+GPXback) G2fil.G2Print ('Save to file :'+GPXfile) infile = open(GPXback,'rb') outfile = open(GPXfile,'wb') while True: try: data = cPickleLoad(infile) except EOFError: break datum = data[0] # print 'read: ',datum[0] if datum[0] == 'Phases': for iphase in range(len(data)): if data[iphase][0] in Phases: phaseName = data[iphase][0] data[iphase][1].update(Phases[phaseName]) elif datum[0] == 'Covariance': data[0][1] = CovData elif datum[0] == 'Rigid bodies': data[0][1] = RigidBodies elif datum[0] == 'Controls': Controls = data[0][1] if 'parmFrozen' not in Controls: Controls['parmFrozen'] = {} Controls['parmFrozen']['FrozenList'] = [i if type(i) is G2obj.G2VarObj else G2obj.G2VarObj(i) for i in parmFrozenList] try: histogram = Histograms[datum[0]] # print 'found ',datum[0] data[0][1][1] = histogram['Data'] data[0][1][0].update(histogram['Residuals']) for datus in data[1:]: # print ' read: ',datus[0] if datus[0] in ['Instrument Parameters','Sample Parameters','Reflection Lists']: datus[1] = histogram[datus[0]] if datus[0] == 'Background': # remove fixed background from file d1 = {key:histogram['Background'][1][key] for key in histogram['Background'][1] if not key.startswith('_fixed')} datus[1] = copy.deepcopy(histogram['Background']) datus[1][1] = d1 except KeyError: pass try: cPickle.dump(data,outfile,1) except AttributeError: G2fil.G2Print ('ERROR - bad data in least squares result') infile.close() outfile.close() dfu.copy_file(GPXback,GPXfile) G2fil.G2Print ('GPX file save failed - old version retained',mode='error') return infile.close() outfile.close() G2fil.G2Print ('GPX file save successful')
[docs] def GetSeqResult(GPXfile): ''' Returns the sequential results table information from a GPX file. Called at the beginning of :meth:`GSASIIstrMain.SeqRefine` :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :returns: a dict containing the sequential results table ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) pos = gpxIndex.get('Sequential results') if pos is None: return {} fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') datum = cPickleLoad(fl)[0] fl.close() return datum[1]
[docs] def SetupSeqSavePhases(GPXfile): '''Initialize the files used to save intermediate results from sequential fits. ''' IndexGPX(GPXfile) # load initial Phase results from GPX fl = open(GPXfile,'rb') pos = gpxIndex.get('Phases') if pos is None: raise Exception("No Phases in GPX file") data = cPickleLoad(fl) fl.close() # create GPX-like file to store latest Phase info; init with start vals GPXphase = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqPhase' fp = open(GPXphase,'wb') cPickle.dump(data,fp,1) fp.close() # create empty file for histogram info GPXhist = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqHist' fp = open(GPXhist,'wb') fp.close()
[docs] def SaveUpdatedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile,Histograms,Phases,RigidBodies,CovData,parmFrozen): ''' Save phase and histogram information into "pseudo-gpx" files. The phase information is overwritten each time this is called, but histogram information is appended after each sequential step. :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name :param dict Histograms: dictionary of histograms as {name:data,...} :param dict Phases: dictionary of phases that use histograms :param dict RigidBodies: dictionary of rigid bodies :param dict CovData: dictionary of refined variables, varyList, & covariance matrix :param dict parmFrozen: dict with frozen parameters for all phases and histograms (specified as str values) ''' GPXphase = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqPhase' fp = open(GPXphase,'rb') data = cPickleLoad(fp) # first block in file should be Phases if data[0][0] != 'Phases': raise Exception('Unexpected block in {} file. How did this happen?' .format(GPXphase)) fp.close() # update previous phase info for datum in data[1:]: if datum[0] in Phases: datum[1].update(Phases[datum[0]]) # save latest Phase/refinement info fp = open(GPXphase,'wb') cPickle.dump(data,fp,1) cPickle.dump([['Covariance',CovData]],fp,1) cPickle.dump([['Rigid bodies',RigidBodies]],fp,1) cPickle.dump([['parmFrozen',parmFrozen]],fp,1) fp.close() # create an entry that looks like a PWDR tree item for key in Histograms: if key.startswith('PWDR '): break else: raise Exception('No PWDR entry in Histogram dict!') histname = key hist = copy.deepcopy(Histograms[key]) xfer_dict = {'Index Peak List': [[], []], 'Comments': [], 'Unit Cells List': [], 'Peak List': {'peaks': [], 'sigDict': {}}, } histData = hist['Data'] del hist['Data'] for key in ('Limits','Background','Instrument Parameters', 'Sample Parameters','Reflection Lists'): xfer_dict[key] = hist[key] if key == 'Background': # remove fixed background from file xfer_dict['Background'][1] = {k:hist['Background'][1][k] for k in hist['Background'][1] if not k.startswith('_fixed')} del hist[key] # xform into a gpx-type entry data = [] data.append([histname,[hist,histData,histname]]) for key in ['Comments','Limits','Background','Instrument Parameters', 'Sample Parameters','Peak List','Index Peak List', 'Unit Cells List','Reflection Lists']: data.append([key,xfer_dict[key]]) # append histogram to histogram info GPXhist = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqHist' fp = open(GPXhist,'ab') cPickle.dump(data,fp,1) fp.close() return
[docs] def SetSeqResult(GPXfile,Histograms,SeqResult): ''' Places the sequential results information into a GPX file after a refinement has been completed. Called at the end of :meth:`GSASIIstrMain.SeqRefine` :param str GPXfile: full .gpx file name ''' GPXback = GPXBackup(GPXfile) G2fil.G2Print ('Read from file:'+GPXback) G2fil.G2Print ('Save to file :'+GPXfile) GPXphase = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqPhase' fp = open(GPXphase,'rb') data = cPickleLoad(fp) # first block in file should be Phases if data[0][0] != 'Phases': raise Exception('Unexpected block in {} file. How did this happen?'.format(GPXphase)) Phases = {} for name,vals in data[1:]: Phases[name] = vals name,CovData = cPickleLoad(fp)[0] # 2nd block in file should be Covariance name,RigidBodies = cPickleLoad(fp)[0] # 3rd block in file should be Rigid Bodies name,parmFrozenDict = cPickleLoad(fp)[0] # 4th block in file should be frozen parameters fp.close() GPXhist = os.path.splitext(GPXfile)[0]+'.seqHist' hist = open(GPXhist,'rb') # build an index to the GPXhist file histIndex = {} while True: loc = hist.tell() try: datum = cPickleLoad(hist)[0] except EOFError: break histIndex[datum[0]] = loc infile = open(GPXback,'rb') outfile = open(GPXfile,'wb') while True: try: data = cPickleLoad(infile) except EOFError: break datum = data[0] if datum[0] == 'Sequential results': data[0][1] = SeqResult elif datum[0] == 'Phases': for pdata in data[1:]: if pdata[0] in Phases: pdata[1].update(Phases[pdata[0]]) elif datum[0] == 'Covariance': data[0][1] = CovData elif datum[0] == 'Rigid bodies': data[0][1] = RigidBodies elif datum[0] == 'Controls': # reset the Copy Next flag after a sequential fit Controls = data[0][1] Controls['Copy2Next'] = False for key in parmFrozenDict: Controls['parmFrozen'][key] = [ i if type(i) is G2obj.G2VarObj else G2obj.G2VarObj(i) for i in parmFrozenDict[key]] elif datum[0] in histIndex:[datum[0]]) hdata = cPickleLoad(hist) if data[0][0] != hdata[0][0]: G2fil.G2Print('Error! Updating {} with {}'.format(data[0][0],hdata[0][0])) data[0] = hdata[0] xferItems = ['Background','Instrument Parameters','Sample Parameters','Reflection Lists'] hItems = {name:j+1 for j,(name,val) in enumerate(hdata[1:]) if name in xferItems} for j,(name,val) in enumerate(data[1:]): if name not in xferItems: continue data[j+1][1] = hdata[hItems[name]][1] cPickle.dump(data,outfile,1) hist.close() infile.close() outfile.close() # clean up tmp files try: os.remove(GPXphase) except: G2fil.G2Print('Warning: unable to delete {}'.format(GPXphase)) try: os.remove(GPXhist) except: G2fil.G2Print('Warning: unable to delete {}'.format(GPXhist)) G2fil.G2Print ('GPX file merge completed')
#============================================================================== # Refinement routines #==============================================================================
[docs] def ShowBanner(pFile=None): 'Print authorship, copyright and citation notice' pFile.write(80*'*'+'\n') pFile.write(' General Structure Analysis System-II Crystal Structure Refinement\n') pFile.write(' by Robert B. Von Dreele & Brian H. Toby\n') pFile.write(' Argonne National Laboratory(C), 2010\n') pFile.write(' This product includes software developed by the UChicago Argonne, LLC,\n') pFile.write(' as Operator of Argonne National Laboratory.\n') pFile.write(' Please cite:\n') pFile.write(' B.H. Toby & R.B. Von Dreele, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 544-549 (2013)\n') pFile.write(80*'*'+'\n')
[docs] def ShowControls(Controls,pFile=None,SeqRef=False,preFrozenCount=0): 'Print controls information' pFile.write(' Least squares controls:\n') pFile.write(' Refinement type: %s\n'%Controls['deriv type']) if 'Hessian' in Controls['deriv type']: pFile.write(' Maximum number of cycles: %d\n'%Controls['max cyc']) else: pFile.write(' Minimum delta-M/M for convergence: %.2g\n'%(Controls['min dM/M'])) pFile.write(' Regularize hydrogens (if any): %s\n'%Controls.get('HatomFix',False)) pFile.write(' Initial shift factor: %.3f\n'%(Controls['shift factor'])) if SeqRef: pFile.write(' Sequential refinement controls:\n') pFile.write(' Copy of histogram results to next: %s\n'%(Controls['Copy2Next'])) pFile.write(' Process histograms in reverse order: %s\n'%(Controls['Reverse Seq'])) if preFrozenCount: pFile.write('\n Starting refinement with {} Frozen variables\n\n'.format(preFrozenCount))
[docs] def GetPawleyConstr(SGLaue,PawleyRef,im,pawleyVary): 'needs a doc string' # if SGLaue in ['-1','2/m','mmm']: # return #no Pawley symmetry required constraints eqvDict = {} for i,varyI in enumerate(pawleyVary): eqvDict[varyI] = [] refI = int(varyI.split(':')[-1]) ih,ik,il = PawleyRef[refI][:3] dspI = PawleyRef[refI][4+im] for varyJ in pawleyVary[i+1:]: refJ = int(varyJ.split(':')[-1]) jh,jk,jl = PawleyRef[refJ][:3] dspJ = PawleyRef[refJ][4+im] if SGLaue in ['4/m','4/mmm']: isum = ih**2+ik**2 jsum = jh**2+jk**2 if abs(il) == abs(jl) and isum == jsum: eqvDict[varyI].append(varyJ) elif SGLaue in ['3R','3mR']: isum = ih**2+ik**2+il**2 jsum = jh**2+jk**2+jl**2 isum2 = ih*ik+ih*il+ik*il jsum2 = jh*jk+jh*jl+jk*jl if isum == jsum and isum2 == jsum2: eqvDict[varyI].append(varyJ) elif SGLaue in ['3','3m1','31m','6/m','6/mmm']: isum = ih**2+ik**2+ih*ik jsum = jh**2+jk**2+jh*jk if abs(il) == abs(jl) and isum == jsum: eqvDict[varyI].append(varyJ) elif SGLaue in ['m3','m3m']: isum = ih**2+ik**2+il**2 jsum = jh**2+jk**2+jl**2 if isum == jsum: eqvDict[varyI].append(varyJ) elif abs(dspI-dspJ)/dspI < 1.e-4: eqvDict[varyI].append(varyJ) for item in pawleyVary: if eqvDict[item]: for item2 in pawleyVary: if item2 in eqvDict[item]: eqvDict[item2] = [] G2mv.StoreEquivalence(item,eqvDict[item])
[docs] def cellVary(pfx,SGData): '''Creates equivalences for a phase based on the Laue class. Returns a list of A tensor terms that are non-zero. ''' if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['-1',]: return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A3',pfx+'A4',pfx+'A5'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['2/m',]: if SGData['SGUniq'] == 'a': return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A5'] elif SGData['SGUniq'] == 'b': return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A4'] else: return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A3'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['mmm',]: return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m','4/mmm']: G2mv.StoreEquivalence(pfx+'A0',(pfx+'A1',)) return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['6/m','6/mmm','3m1', '31m', '3']: G2mv.StoreEquivalence(pfx+'A0',(pfx+'A1',pfx+'A3',)) return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A3'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R', '3mR']: G2mv.StoreEquivalence(pfx+'A0',(pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',)) G2mv.StoreEquivalence(pfx+'A3',(pfx+'A4',pfx+'A5',)) return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A3',pfx+'A4',pfx+'A5'] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3m','m3']: G2mv.StoreEquivalence(pfx+'A0',(pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',)) return [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2']
def modVary(pfx,SSGData): vary = [] for i,item in enumerate(SSGData['modSymb']): if item in ['a','b','g']: vary.append(pfx+'mV%d'%(i)) return vary ################################################################################ ##### Rigid Body Models and not General.get('doPawley') ################################################################################
[docs] def GetRigidBodyModels(rigidbodyDict,Print=True,pFile=None): '''Get Rigid body info from tree entry and print it to .LST file Adds variables and dict items for vector RBs, but for Residue bodies this is done in :func:`GetPhaseData`. ''' def PrintSpnRBModel(RBModel): pFile.write('Spinning RB name: %s atom type: %s, no.atoms: %d, No. times used: %d\n'% (RBModel['RBname'],RBModel['atType'],RBModel['Natoms'],RBModel['useCount'])) def PrintResRBModel(RBModel): pFile.write('Residue RB name: %s no.atoms: %d, No. times used: %d\n'% (RBModel['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),RBModel['useCount'])) for i in WriteResRBModel(RBModel): pFile.write(i) def PrintVecRBModel(RBModel): pFile.write('Vector RB name: %s no.atoms: %d, No. times used: %d\n'% (RBModel['RBname'],len(RBModel['rbTypes']),RBModel['useCount'])) for i in WriteVecRBModel(RBModel): pFile.write(i) pFile.write('Orientation defined by: atom %s -> atom %s & atom %s -> atom %s\n'% (RBModel['rbRef'][0],RBModel['rbRef'][1],RBModel['rbRef'][0],RBModel['rbRef'][2])) if Print and pFile is None: raise Exception("specify pFile or Print=False") rbVary = [] rbDict = {} rbIds = rigidbodyDict.get('RBIds',{'Vector':[],'Residue':[],'Spin':[]}) if len(rbIds.get('Spin',{})): for irb,item in enumerate(rbIds['Spin']): if rigidbodyDict['Spin'][item]['useCount']: if Print: pFile.write('\nSpinning rigid body model:\n') PrintSpnRBModel(rigidbodyDict['Spin'][item]) if len(rbIds['Vector']): for irb,item in enumerate(rbIds['Vector']): if rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]['useCount']: RBmags = rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]['VectMag'] RBrefs = rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]['VectRef'] for i,[mag,ref] in enumerate(zip(RBmags,RBrefs)): pid = '::RBV;'+str(i)+':'+str(irb) rbDict[pid] = mag if ref: rbVary.append(pid) if Print: pFile.write('\nVector rigid body model:\n') PrintVecRBModel(rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]) if Print: if len(rbIds['Residue']): for item in rbIds['Residue']: if rigidbodyDict['Residue'][item]['useCount']: pFile.write('\nResidue rigid body model:\n') PrintResRBModel(rigidbodyDict['Residue'][item]) return rbVary,rbDict
[docs] def SetRigidBodyModels(parmDict,sigDict,rigidbodyDict,pFile=None): 'needs a doc string' def PrintRBVectandSig(VectRB,VectSig): pFile.write('\n Rigid body vector magnitudes for %s:\n'%VectRB['RBname']) namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for i,[val,sig] in enumerate(zip(VectRB['VectMag'],VectSig)): namstr += '%12s'%('Vect '+str(i)) valstr += '%12.4f'%(val) if sig: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(sig) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(namstr+'\n') pFile.write(valstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') RBIds = rigidbodyDict.get('RBIds',{'Vector':[],'Residue':[],'Spin':[]}) #these are lists of rbIds if not RBIds['Vector']: return for irb,item in enumerate(RBIds['Vector']): if rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]['useCount']: VectSig = [] RBmags = rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item]['VectMag'] for i,mag in enumerate(RBmags): name = '::RBV;'+str(i)+':'+str(irb) if name in sigDict: VectSig.append(sigDict[name]) PrintRBVectandSig(rigidbodyDict['Vector'][item],VectSig)
################################################################################ ##### Phase data ################################################################################
[docs] def GetPhaseData(PhaseData,RestraintDict={},rbIds={},Print=True,pFile=None, seqHistName=None,symHold=None): '''Setup the phase information for a structural refinement, used for regular and sequential refinements, optionally printing information to the .lst file (if Print is True). Used as part of refinements but also to generate information on refinement settings. Can be used with dicts from data tree or read from the GPX file. Note that this routine shares a name with routine G2frame.GetPhaseData() (:meth:`GSASIIdata.GSASII.GetPhaseData`) that instead returns the phase dict(s) from the tree. :param dict PhaseData: the contents of the Phase tree item (may be read from .gpx file) with information on all phases :param dict RestraintDict: an optional dict with restraint information :param dict rbIds: an optional dict with rigid body information :param bool Print: a flag that determines if information will be formatted and printed to the .lst file :param file pFile: a file object (created by open) where print information is sent when Print is True :param str seqHistName: will be None, except for sequential fits. For sequential fits, this can be the name of the current histogram or 'All'. If a histogram name is supplied, only the phases used in the current histogram are loaded. If 'All' is specified, all phases are loaded (used for error checking). :param list symHold: if not None (None is the default) the names of parameters held due to symmetry are placed in this list even if not varied. (Used in G2constrGUI and for parameter impact estimates in AllPrmDerivs). :returns: lots of stuff: Natoms,atomIndx,phaseVary,phaseDict,pawleyLookup, FFtables,EFtables,ORBtables,BLtables,MFtables,maxSSwave (see code for details). ''' def PrintFFtable(FFtable): pFile.write('\n X-ray scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol fa fb fc\n') pFile.write(99*'-'+'\n') for Ename in FFtable: if 'Q' not in Ename: ffdata = FFtable[Ename] fa = ffdata['fa'] fb = ffdata['fb'] pFile.write(' %8s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'% (Ename.ljust(8),fa[0],fa[1],fa[2],fa[3],fb[0],fb[1],fb[2],fb[3],ffdata['fc'])) def PrintEFtable(EFtable): pFile.write('\n Electron scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol fa fb\n') pFile.write(99*'-'+'\n') for Ename in EFtable: if 'Q' not in Ename: efdata = EFtable[Ename] fa = efdata['fa'] fb = efdata['fb'] pFile.write(' %8s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'% (Ename.ljust(8),fa[0],fa[1],fa[2],fa[3],fa[4],fb[0],fb[1],fb[2],fb[3],fb[4])) def PrintORBtable(ORBtable): if not len(ORBtable): return pFile.write('\n X-ray orbital scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol fa fb fc\n') pFile.write(103*'-'+'\n') for Ename in ORBtable: orbdata = ORBtable[Ename] for item in orbdata: if item in ['ZSlater','NSlater','SZE','popCore','popVal']: continue fa = orbdata[item]['fa'] fb = orbdata[item]['fb'] if 'core' in item: name = ('%s %s'%(Ename,item)).ljust(13) else: name = ' '+item.ljust(10) pFile.write(' %13s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'% (name,fa[0],fa[1],fa[2],fa[3],fb[0],fb[1],fb[2],fb[3],orbdata[item]['fc'])) def PrintMFtable(MFtable): pFile.write('\n <j0> Magnetic scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol mfa mfb mfc\n') pFile.write(99*'-'+'\n') for Ename in MFtable: mfdata = MFtable[Ename] fa = mfdata['mfa'] fb = mfdata['mfb'] pFile.write(' %8s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'% (Ename.ljust(8),fa[0],fa[1],fa[2],fa[3],fb[0],fb[1],fb[2],fb[3],mfdata['mfc'])) pFile.write('\n <j2> Magnetic scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol nfa nfb nfc\n') pFile.write(99*'-'+'\n') for Ename in MFtable: mfdata = MFtable[Ename] fa = mfdata['nfa'] fb = mfdata['nfb'] pFile.write(' %8s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'% (Ename.ljust(8),fa[0],fa[1],fa[2],fa[3],fb[0],fb[1],fb[2],fb[3],mfdata['nfc'])) def PrintBLtable(BLtable): pFile.write('\n Neutron scattering factors:\n') pFile.write(' Symbol isotope mass b resonant terms\n') pFile.write(99*'-'+'\n') for Ename in BLtable: if 'Q' not in Ename: bldata = BLtable[Ename] isotope = bldata[0] mass = bldata[1]['Mass'] if 'BW-LS' in bldata[1]: bres = bldata[1]['BW-LS'] blen = 0 else: blen = bldata[1]['SL'][0] bres = [] line = ' %8s%11s %10.3f %8.3f'%(Ename.ljust(8),,mass,blen) for item in bres: line += '%10.5g'%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') def PrintRBObjects(resRBData,vecRBData,spnRBData): def PrintRBThermals(): tlstr = ['11','22','33','12','13','23'] sstr = ['12','13','21','23','31','32','AA','BB'] TLS = RB['ThermalMotion'][1] TLSvar = RB['ThermalMotion'][2] if 'T' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: pFile.write('TLS data\n') text = '' for i in range(6): text += 'T'+tlstr[i]+' %8.4f %s '%(TLS[i],str(TLSvar[i])[0]) pFile.write(text+'\n') if 'L' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: text = '' for i in range(6,12): text += 'L'+tlstr[i-6]+' %8.2f %s '%(TLS[i],str(TLSvar[i])[0]) pFile.write(text+'\n') if 'S' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: text = '' for i in range(12,20): text += 'S'+sstr[i-12]+' %8.3f %s '%(TLS[i],str(TLSvar[i])[0]) pFile.write(text+'\n') if 'U' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: pFile.write('Uiso data\n') text = 'Uiso'+' %10.3f %s'%(TLS[0],str(TLSvar[0])[0]) pFile.write(text+'\n') if len(resRBData): for RB in resRBData: Oxyz = RB['Orig'][0] Qrijk = RB['Orient'][0] Angle = 2.0*acosd(Qrijk[0]) pFile.write('\nRBObject %s at %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f Refine? %s\n'% (RB['RBname'],Oxyz[0],Oxyz[1],Oxyz[2],RB['Orig'][1])) pFile.write('Orientation angle,vector: %10.3f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f Refine? %s\n'% (Angle,Qrijk[1],Qrijk[2],Qrijk[3],RB['Orient'][1])) pFile.write('Atom site frac: %10.3f Refine? %s\n'%(RB['AtomFrac'][0],RB['AtomFrac'][1])) Torsions = RB['Torsions'] if len(Torsions): text = 'Torsions: ' for torsion in Torsions: text += '%10.4f Refine? %s'%(torsion[0],torsion[1]) pFile.write(text+'\n') PrintRBThermals() if len(vecRBData): for RB in vecRBData: Oxyz = RB['Orig'][0] Qrijk = RB['Orient'][0] Angle = 2.0*acosd(Qrijk[0]) pFile.write('\nRBObject %s at %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f Refine? %s\n'% (RB['RBname'],Oxyz[0],Oxyz[1],Oxyz[2],RB['Orig'][1])) pFile.write('Orientation angle,vector: %10.3f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f Refine? %s\n'% (Angle,Qrijk[1],Qrijk[2],Qrijk[3],RB['Orient'][1])) pFile.write('Atom site frac: %10.3f Refine? %s\n'%(RB['AtomFrac'][0],RB['AtomFrac'][1])) PrintRBThermals() if len(spnRBData): for RB in spnRBData: atId = RB['Ids'][0] Atom = Atoms[atomIndx[atId][1]] Oxyz = Atom[cx:cx+3] Qrijk = RB['Orient'][0] Angle = 2.0*acosd(Qrijk[0]) pFile.write('\nRBObject %s at %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f \n'% (RB['RBname'][0],Oxyz[0],Oxyz[1],Oxyz[2])) pFile.write('Orientation angle,vector: %10.3f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f Refine? %s\n'% (Angle,Qrijk[1],Qrijk[2],Qrijk[3],RB['Orient'][1])) pFile.write('Bessel/Spherical Harmonics coefficients; symmetry required sign shown\n') for ish,SHC in enumerate(RB['SHC']): if len(SHC): pFile.write('Spin shell (%s) shell no: %d\n'%(RB['RBname'][ish],ish)) SHkeys = list(SHC.keys()) nCoeff = len(SHC) nBlock = nCoeff//6+1 iBeg = 0 iFin = min(iBeg+6,nCoeff) for block in range(nBlock): if not block and 'Q' not in RB['atType']: ptlbls = ' names :%12s'%'Radius' ptstr = ' values:%12.4f'%RB['Radius'][ish][0] ptref = ' refine:%12s'%RB['Radius'][ish][1] else: ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' ptref = ' refine:' for item in SHkeys[iBeg:iFin]: ptlbls += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += '%9.4f*%2d'%(SHC[item][0],SHC[item][1]) ptref += '%12s'%(SHC[item][2]) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(ptref+'\n') iBeg += 6 iFin = min(iBeg+6,nCoeff) def PrintAtoms(General,Atoms): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] pFile.write('\n Atoms:\n') line = ' name type refine? x y z '+ \ ' frac site sym mult I/A Uiso U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23' if General['Type'] == 'macromolecular': line = ' res no residue chain'+line pFile.write(line+'\n') if General['Type'] in ['nuclear','magnetic','faulted',]: pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): line = '%7s'%(at[ct-1])+'%7s'%(at[ct])+'%7s'%(at[ct+1])+'%10.5f'%(at[cx])+'%10.5f'%(at[cx+1])+ \ '%10.5f'%(at[cx+2])+'%8.3f'%(at[cx+3])+'%7s'%(at[cs])+'%5d'%(at[cs+1])+'%5s'%(at[cia]) if at[cia] == 'I': line += '%8.5f'%(at[cia+1])+48*' ' else: line += 8*' ' for j in range(6): line += '%8.5f'%(at[cia+2+j]) pFile.write(line+'\n') elif General['Type'] == 'macromolecular': pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): line = '%7s'%(at[0])+'%7s'%(at[1])+'%7s'%(at[2])+'%7s'%(at[ct-1])+'%7s'%(at[ct])+'%7s'%(at[ct+1])+'%10.5f'%(at[cx])+'%10.5f'%(at[cx+1])+ \ '%10.5f'%(at[cx+2])+'%8.3f'%(at[cx+3])+'%7s'%(at[cs])+'%5d'%(at[cs+1])+'%5s'%(at[cia]) if at[cia] == 'I': line += '%8.4f'%(at[cia+1])+48*' ' else: line += 8*' ' for j in range(6): line += '%8.4f'%(at[cia+2+j]) pFile.write(line+'\n') def PrintMoments(General,Atoms): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] cmx = cx+4 AtInfo = dict(zip(General['AtomTypes'],General['Lande g'])) pFile.write('\n Magnetic moments:\n') line = ' name type refine? Mx My Mz ' pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if AtInfo[at[ct]]: line = '%7s'%(at[ct-1])+'%7s'%(at[ct])+'%7s'%(at[ct+1])+'%10.5f'%(at[cmx])+'%10.5f'%(at[cmx+1])+ \ '%10.5f'%(at[cmx+2]) pFile.write(line+'\n') def PrintDeformations(General,Atoms,Deformations): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] pFile.write('\n Atomic deformation parameters:\n') for AtDef in Deformations: if AtDef < 0: continue atom = G2mth.GetAtomsById(Atoms,AtLookup,[AtDef,])[0] DefTable = Deformations[AtDef] pFile.write('\n Atom: %s at %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f sytsym: %s\n'%(atom[ct-1],atom[cx],atom[cx+1],atom[cx+2],atom[cs])) pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for orb in DefTable: names = orb[0].ljust(12)+ 'names : ' values = 12*' '+'values: ' refine = 12*' '+'refine: ' for item in orb[1]: if 'kappa' in item: name = 'kappa'.rjust(10) if '<j0>' not in orb[0]: name = "kappa'".rjust(10) names += name else: names += item.rjust(10) values += '%10.5f'%orb[1][item][0] refine += '%10s'%str(orb[1][item][1]) pFile.write(names+'\n') pFile.write(values+'\n') pFile.write(refine+'\n') def PrintWaves(General,Atoms): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] pFile.write('\n Modulation waves\n') names = {'Sfrac':['Fsin','Fcos','Fzero','Fwid'],'Spos':['Xsin','Ysin','Zsin','Xcos','Ycos','Zcos','Tmin','Tmax','Xmax','Ymax','Zmax'], 'Sadp':['U11sin','U22sin','U33sin','U12sin','U13sin','U23sin','U11cos','U22cos', 'U33cos','U12cos','U13cos','U23cos'],'Smag':['MXsin','MYsin','MZsin','MXcos','MYcos','MZcos']} pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): AtomSS = at[-1]['SS1'] for Stype in ['Sfrac','Spos','Sadp','Smag']: Waves = AtomSS[Stype] if len(Waves): pFile.write(' atom: %s, site sym: %s, type: %s wave type: %s:\n'% (at[ct-1],at[cs],Stype,Waves[0])) else: continue for iw,wave in enumerate(Waves[1:]): line = '' if Waves[0] in ['Block','ZigZag'] and Stype == 'Spos' and not iw: for item in names[Stype][6:]: line += '%8s '%(item) else: if Stype == 'Spos': for item in names[Stype][:6]: line += '%8s '%(item) else: for item in names[Stype]: line += '%8s '%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') line = '' for item in wave[0]: line += '%8.4f '%(item) line += ' Refine? '+str(wave[1]) pFile.write(line+'\n') def PrintTexture(textureData): topstr = '\n Spherical harmonics texture: Order:' + \ str(textureData['Order']) if textureData['Order']: pFile.write('%s Refine? %s\n'%(topstr,textureData['SH Coeff'][0])) else: pFile.write(topstr+'\n') return names = ['omega','chi','phi'] line = '\n' for name in names: line += ' SH '+name+':'+'%12.4f'%(textureData['Sample '+name][1])+' Refine? '+str(textureData['Sample '+name][0]) pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write('\n Texture coefficients:\n') SHcoeff = textureData['SH Coeff'][1] SHkeys = list(SHcoeff.keys()) nCoeff = len(SHcoeff) nBlock = nCoeff//10+1 iBeg = 0 iFin = min(iBeg+10,nCoeff) for block in range(nBlock): ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' for item in SHkeys[iBeg:iFin]: ptlbls += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += '%12.4f'%(SHcoeff[item]) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') iBeg += 10 iFin = min(iBeg+10,nCoeff) def MakeRBParms(rbKey,phaseVary,phaseDict): # patch 2/24/21 BHT: new param, AtomFrac in RB if 'AtomFrac' not in RB and rbKey != 'S': raise Exception('out of date RB: edit in RB Models') # end patch if rbKey == 'S': atid = str(atomIndx[RB['Ids'][0]][1]) #at no for spin RBs rbid = rbids.index(RB['RBId'][0]) sfx = atid+':'+str(rbid) else: rbid = str(rbids.index(RB['RBId'])) #rb no for others sfx = str(iRB)+':'+rbid pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'P' pstr = ['x','y','z'] ostr = ['a','i','j','k'] if rbKey != 'S': XYZ = RB['Orig'][0] Sytsym = G2spc.SytSym(XYZ,SGData)[0] xId,xCoef = G2spc.GetCSxinel(Sytsym)[:2] # gen origin site sym equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[]} if 'S' not in rbKey: for i in range(3): name = pfxRB+pstr[i]+':'+sfx phaseDict[name] = RB['Orig'][0][i] if RB['Orig'][1]: if xId[i] > 0: phaseVary += [name,] equivs[xId[i]].append([name,xCoef[i]]) else: if symHold is not None: #variable is held due to symmetry symHold.append(name) G2mv.StoreHold(name,'In rigid body') for equiv in equivs: if len(equivs[equiv]) > 1: name = equivs[equiv][0][0] coef = equivs[equiv][0][1] for eqv in equivs[equiv][1:]: eqv[1] /= coef G2mv.StoreEquivalence(name,(eqv,)) else: atId = RB['Ids'][0] Atom = Atoms[atomIndx[atId][1]] XYZ = Atom[cx:cx+3] pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'O' A,V = G2mth.Q2AV(RB['Orient'][0]) # fixAxis = [0, np.abs(V).argmax()+1] for i in range(4): name = pfxRB+ostr[i]+':'+sfx phaseDict[name] = RB['Orient'][0][i] if RB['Orient'][1] == 'AV' and i: phaseVary += [name,] elif 'A' in RB['Orient'][1] and not i: phaseVary += [name,] elif RB['Orient'][1] == 'V' and i: phaseVary += [name,] if rbKey != 'S': name = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'f:'+sfx phaseDict[name] = RB['AtomFrac'][0] if RB['AtomFrac'][1]: phaseVary += [name,] else: name = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'AtNo:'+sfx phaseDict[name] = atomIndx[RB['Ids'][0]][1] name = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'symAxis:'+sfx phaseDict[name] = RB['symAxis'] name = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'SytSym:'+sfx phaseDict[name] = RB['SytSym'] for ish,atype in enumerate(RB['atType']): rbid = rbids.index(RB['RBId'][ish]) sfx = atid+':'+str(rbid) name = '%sRBSAtType;%d:%s'%(pfx,ish,sfx) phaseDict[name] = RB['atType'][ish] name = '%sRBSNatoms;%d:%s'%(pfx,ish,sfx) phaseDict[name] = RB['Natoms'][ish] name = '%sRBSShR;%d:%s'%(pfx,ish,sfx) phaseDict[name] = rbid def MakeRBThermals(rbKey,phaseVary,phaseDict): rbid = str(rbids.index(RB['RBId'])) tlstr = ['11','22','33','12','13','23'] sstr = ['12','13','21','23','31','32','AA','BB'] if 'T' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'T' for i in range(6): name = pfxRB+tlstr[i]+':'+str(iRB)+':'+rbid phaseDict[name] = RB['ThermalMotion'][1][i] if RB['ThermalMotion'][2][i]: phaseVary += [name,] if 'L' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'L' for i in range(6): name = pfxRB+tlstr[i]+':'+str(iRB)+':'+rbid phaseDict[name] = RB['ThermalMotion'][1][i+6] if RB['ThermalMotion'][2][i+6]: phaseVary += [name,] if 'S' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'S' for i in range(8): name = pfxRB+sstr[i]+':'+str(iRB)+':'+rbid phaseDict[name] = RB['ThermalMotion'][1][i+12] if RB['ThermalMotion'][2][i+12]: phaseVary += [name,] if 'U' in RB['ThermalMotion'][0]: name = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'U:'+str(iRB)+':'+rbid phaseDict[name] = RB['ThermalMotion'][1][0] if RB['ThermalMotion'][2][0]: phaseVary += [name,] def MakeRBTorsions(rbKey,phaseVary,phaseDict): rbid = str(rbids.index(RB['RBId'])) pfxRB = pfx+'RB'+rbKey+'Tr;' for i,torsion in enumerate(RB['Torsions']): name = pfxRB+str(i)+':'+str(iRB)+':'+rbid phaseDict[name] = torsion[0] if torsion[1]: phaseVary += [name,] def MakeRBSphHarm(rbKey,phaseVary,phaseDict): iAt = str(atomIndx[RB['Ids'][0]][1]) #for spin RBs for ish,Shcof in enumerate(RB['SHC']): if not len(Shcof): continue rbid = str(rbids.index(RB['RBId'][ish])) if 'Q' not in RB['atType']: name = '%sRBSSh;%d;Radius:%s:%s'%(pfx,ish,iAt,rbid) phaseDict[name] = RB['Radius'][ish][0] if RB['Radius'][ish][1]: phaseVary += [name,] pfxRB = '%sRBSSh;%d;'%(pfx,ish) for i,shcof in enumerate(Shcof): SHcof = Shcof[shcof] name = pfxRB+shcof.strip('+').strip('-')+':'+iAt+':'+rbid #patch; remove sign phaseDict[name] = SHcof[0]*SHcof[1] #apply sign p if SHcof[2]: phaseVary += [name,] if Print and pFile is None: raise Exception("specify pFile or Print=False") if Print: pFile.write('\n Phases:\n') phaseVary = [] phaseDict = {} pawleyLookup = {} FFtables = {} #scattering factors - xrays EFtables = {} #scattering factors - electrons MFtables = {} #Mag. form factors BLtables = {} # neutrons ORBtables = {} Natoms = {} maxSSwave = {} shModels = ['cylindrical','none','shear - 2/m','rolling - mmm'] SamSym = dict(zip(shModels,['0','-1','2/m','mmm'])) atomIndx = {} for name in PhaseData: if seqHistName is not None and seqHistName != 'All': # sequential: load only used phases if seqHistName not in PhaseData[name]['Histograms']: continue if not PhaseData[name]['Histograms'][seqHistName]['Use']: continue General = PhaseData[name]['General'] pId = PhaseData[name]['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+'::' Deformations = PhaseData[name].get('Deformations',[]) FFtable = G2el.GetFFtable(General['AtomTypes']) EFtable = G2el.GetEFFtable(General['AtomTypes']) BLtable = G2el.GetBLtable(General) FFtables.update(FFtable) EFtables.update(EFtable) BLtables.update(BLtable) phaseDict[pfx+'isMag'] = False SGData = General['SGData'] SGtext,SGtable = G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': MFtable = G2el.GetMFtable(General['AtomTypes'],General['Lande g']) MFtables.update(MFtable) phaseDict[pfx+'isMag'] = True SpnFlp = SGData['SpnFlp'] Atoms = PhaseData[name]['Atoms'] if Atoms and not General.get('doPawley'): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] AtLookup = G2mth.FillAtomLookUp(Atoms,cia+8) DefAtm = [] for iAt in Deformations: if iAt < 0: continue DefAtm.append(G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,iAt,ct)[0]) ORBtable = G2el.GetORBtable(set(DefAtm)) ORBtables.update(ORBtable) PawleyRef = PhaseData[name].get('Pawley ref',[]) cell = General['Cell'] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[1:7]) phaseDict.update({pfx+'A0':A[0],pfx+'A1':A[1],pfx+'A2':A[2], pfx+'A3':A[3],pfx+'A4':A[4],pfx+'A5':A[5],pfx+'Vol':G2lat.calc_V(A)}) if cell[0]: phaseVary += cellVary(pfx,SGData) #also fills in symmetry required constraints SSGtext = [] #no superstructure im = 0 if General.get('Modulated',False): im = 1 #refl offset Vec,vRef,maxH = General['SuperVec'] phaseDict.update({pfx+'mV0':Vec[0],pfx+'mV1':Vec[1],pfx+'mV2':Vec[2]}) SSGData = General['SSGData'] SSGtext,SSGtable = G2spc.SSGPrint(SGData,SSGData) if vRef: phaseVary += modVary(pfx,SSGData) if Atoms and not General.get('doPawley'): cia = General['AtomPtrs'][3] for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): atomIndx[at[cia+8]] = [pfx,i] #lookup table for restraints resRBData = PhaseData[name]['RBModels'].get('Residue',[]) if resRBData: rbids = rbIds['Residue'] #NB: used in the MakeRB routines for iRB,RB in enumerate(resRBData): MakeRBParms('R',phaseVary,phaseDict) MakeRBThermals('R',phaseVary,phaseDict) MakeRBTorsions('R',phaseVary,phaseDict) vecRBData = PhaseData[name]['RBModels'].get('Vector',[]) if vecRBData: rbids = rbIds['Vector'] #NB: used in the MakeRB routines for iRB,RB in enumerate(vecRBData): MakeRBParms('V',phaseVary,phaseDict) MakeRBThermals('V',phaseVary,phaseDict) spnRBData = PhaseData[name]['RBModels'].get('Spin',[]) if spnRBData: rbids = rbIds['Spin'] #NB: used in the MakeRB routines for iRB,RB in enumerate(spnRBData): MakeRBParms('S',phaseVary,phaseDict) MakeRBSphHarm('S',phaseVary,phaseDict) Natoms[pfx] = 0 maxSSwave[pfx] = {'Sfrac':0,'Spos':0,'Sadp':0,'Smag':0} if Atoms and not General.get('doPawley'): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Natoms[pfx] = len(Atoms) for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): # atomIndx[at[cia+8]] = [pfx,i] #lookup table for restraints phaseDict.update({pfx+'Atype:'+str(i):at[ct],pfx+'Afrac:'+str(i):at[cx+3],pfx+'Amul:'+str(i):at[cs+1], pfx+'Ax:'+str(i):at[cx],pfx+'Ay:'+str(i):at[cx+1],pfx+'Az:'+str(i):at[cx+2], pfx+'dAx:'+str(i):0.,pfx+'dAy:'+str(i):0.,pfx+'dAz:'+str(i):0., #refined shifts for x,y,z pfx+'AI/A:'+str(i):at[cia],}) if at[cia] == 'I': phaseDict[pfx+'AUiso:'+str(i)] = at[cia+1] else: phaseDict.update({pfx+'AU11:'+str(i):at[cia+2],pfx+'AU22:'+str(i):at[cia+3],pfx+'AU33:'+str(i):at[cia+4], pfx+'AU12:'+str(i):at[cia+5],pfx+'AU13:'+str(i):at[cia+6],pfx+'AU23:'+str(i):at[cia+7]}) if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': phaseDict.update({pfx+'AMx:'+str(i):at[cx+4],pfx+'AMy:'+str(i):at[cx+5],pfx+'AMz:'+str(i):at[cx+6]}) if 'F' in at[ct+1]: phaseVary.append(pfx+'Afrac:'+str(i)) if 'X' in at[ct+1] or symHold is not None: try: #patch for sytsym name changes xId,xCoef = G2spc.GetCSxinel(at[cs])[:2] except KeyError: Sytsym = G2spc.SytSym(at[cx:cx+3],SGData)[0] at[cs] = Sytsym xId,xCoef = G2spc.GetCSxinel(at[cs])[:2] names = [pfx+'dAx:'+str(i),pfx+'dAy:'+str(i),pfx+'dAz:'+str(i)] equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[]} for j in range(3): if xId[j] > 0: phaseVary.append(names[j]) equivs[xId[j]].append([names[j],xCoef[j]]) else: if symHold is not None: #variable is held due to symmetry symHold.append(names[j]) G2mv.StoreHold(names[j],'Fixed by symmetry') for equiv in equivs: if len(equivs[equiv]) > 1: name = equivs[equiv][0][0] coef = equivs[equiv][0][1] for eqv in equivs[equiv][1:]: eqv[1] /= coef G2mv.StoreEquivalence(name,(eqv,)) if 'U' in at[ct+1]: if at[cia] == 'I': phaseVary.append(pfx+'AUiso:'+str(i)) else: try: #patch for sytsym name changes uId,uCoef = G2spc.GetCSuinel(at[cs])[:2] except KeyError: Sytsym = G2spc.SytSym(at[cx:cx+3],SGData)[0] at[cs] = Sytsym uId,uCoef = G2spc.GetCSuinel(at[cs])[:2] names = [pfx+'AU11:'+str(i),pfx+'AU22:'+str(i),pfx+'AU33:'+str(i), pfx+'AU12:'+str(i),pfx+'AU13:'+str(i),pfx+'AU23:'+str(i)] equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[],4:[],5:[],6:[]} for j in range(6): if uId[j] > 0: phaseVary.append(names[j]) equivs[uId[j]].append([names[j],uCoef[j]]) for equiv in equivs: if len(equivs[equiv]) > 1: name = equivs[equiv][0][0] coef = equivs[equiv][0][1] for eqv in equivs[equiv][1:]: eqv[1] /= coef G2mv.StoreEquivalence(name,(eqv,)) if 'M' in at[ct+1]: SytSym,Mul,Nop,dupDir = G2spc.SytSym(at[cx:cx+3],SGData) mId,mCoef = G2spc.GetCSpqinel(SpnFlp,dupDir) names = [pfx+'AMx:'+str(i),pfx+'AMy:'+str(i),pfx+'AMz:'+str(i)] equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[]} for j in range(3): if mId[j] > 0: phaseVary.append(names[j]) equivs[mId[j]].append([names[j],mCoef[j]]) for equiv in equivs: if len(equivs[equiv]) > 1: name = equivs[equiv][0][0] coef = equivs[equiv][0][1] for eqv in equivs[equiv][1:]: eqv[1] /= coef G2mv.StoreEquivalence(name,(eqv,)) if General.get('Modulated',False): AtomSS = at[-1]['SS1'] for Stype in ['Sfrac','Spos','Sadp','Smag']: Waves = AtomSS[Stype] if len(Waves): waveType = Waves[0] else: continue phaseDict[pfx+Stype[1].upper()+'waveType:'+str(i)] = waveType nx = 0 for iw,wave in enumerate(Waves[1:]): if not iw: if waveType in ['ZigZag','Block']: nx = 1 CSI = G2spc.GetSSfxuinel(waveType,Stype,1,at[cx:cx+3],SGData,SSGData) else: CSI = G2spc.GetSSfxuinel('Fourier',Stype,iw+1-nx,at[cx:cx+3],SGData,SSGData) uId,uCoef = CSI[0] stiw = str(i)+':'+str(iw) if Stype == 'Spos': if waveType in ['ZigZag','Block',] and not iw: names = [pfx+'Tmin:'+stiw,pfx+'Tmax:'+stiw,pfx+'Xmax:'+stiw,pfx+'Ymax:'+stiw,pfx+'Zmax:'+stiw] equivs = {1:[],2:[], 3:[],4:[],5:[]} else: names = [pfx+'Xsin:'+stiw,pfx+'Ysin:'+stiw,pfx+'Zsin:'+stiw, pfx+'Xcos:'+stiw,pfx+'Ycos:'+stiw,pfx+'Zcos:'+stiw] equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[], 4:[],5:[],6:[]} elif Stype == 'Sadp': names = [pfx+'U11sin:'+stiw,pfx+'U22sin:'+stiw,pfx+'U33sin:'+stiw, pfx+'U12sin:'+stiw,pfx+'U13sin:'+stiw,pfx+'U23sin:'+stiw, pfx+'U11cos:'+stiw,pfx+'U22cos:'+stiw,pfx+'U33cos:'+stiw, pfx+'U12cos:'+stiw,pfx+'U13cos:'+stiw,pfx+'U23cos:'+stiw] equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[],4:[],5:[],6:[], 7:[],8:[],9:[],10:[],11:[],12:[]} elif Stype == 'Sfrac': equivs = {1:[],2:[]} if 'Crenel' in waveType and not iw: names = [pfx+'Fzero:'+stiw,pfx+'Fwid:'+stiw] else: names = [pfx+'Fsin:'+stiw,pfx+'Fcos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Smag': equivs = {1:[],2:[],3:[], 4:[],5:[],6:[]} names = [pfx+'MXsin:'+stiw,pfx+'MYsin:'+stiw,pfx+'MZsin:'+stiw, pfx+'MXcos:'+stiw,pfx+'MYcos:'+stiw,pfx+'MZcos:'+stiw] phaseDict.update(dict(zip(names,wave[0]))) if wave[1]: #what do we do here for multiple terms in modulation constraints? for j in range(len(equivs)): if uId[j][0] > 0: phaseVary.append(names[j]) equivs[uId[j][0]].append([names[j],uCoef[j][0]]) for equiv in equivs: if len(equivs[equiv]) > 1: name = equivs[equiv][0][0] coef = equivs[equiv][0][1] for eqv in equivs[equiv][1:]: eqv[1] /= coef G2mv.StoreEquivalence(name,(eqv,)) maxSSwave[pfx][Stype] = max(maxSSwave[pfx][Stype],iw+1) if len(Deformations) and not General.get('doPawley'): for iAt in Deformations: if iAt < 0: #### capture UVmat here???? continue AtId = AtLookup[iAt] phaseDict[pfx+'UVmat:%d'%AtId] = Deformations[-iAt]['UVmat'] DefAtm = Deformations[iAt] for iorb,orb in enumerate(DefAtm): for parm in orb[1]: name = pfx+'A%s%d:%d'%(parm,iorb,AtId) phaseDict[name] = orb[1][parm][0] if orb[1][parm][1]: phaseVary.append(name) textureData = General['SH Texture'] if textureData['Order']: # and seqHistName is not None: phaseDict[pfx+'SHorder'] = textureData['Order'] phaseDict[pfx+'SHmodel'] = SamSym[textureData['Model']] for item in ['omega','chi','phi']: phaseDict[pfx+'SH '+item] = textureData['Sample '+item][1] if textureData['Sample '+item][0]: phaseVary.append(pfx+'SH '+item) for item in textureData['SH Coeff'][1]: phaseDict[pfx+item] = textureData['SH Coeff'][1][item] if textureData['SH Coeff'][0]: phaseVary.append(pfx+item) if Print: pFile.write('\n Phase name: %s\n'%General['Name']) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') PrintFFtable(FFtable) PrintEFtable(EFtable) PrintORBtable(ORBtable) PrintBLtable(BLtable) if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': PrintMFtable(MFtable) pFile.write('\n') #how do we print magnetic symmetry table? TBD if len(SSGtext): #if superstructure for line in SSGtext: pFile.write(line+'\n') if len(SSGtable): for item in SSGtable: line = ' %s '%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write(' ( 1) %s\n'%(SSGtable[0])) else: for line in SGtext: pFile.write(line+'\n') if len(SGtable): for item in SGtable: line = ' %s '%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write(' ( 1) %s\n'%(SGtable[0])) PrintRBObjects(resRBData,vecRBData,spnRBData) PrintAtoms(General,Atoms) if len(Deformations): PrintDeformations(General,Atoms,Deformations) if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': PrintMoments(General,Atoms) if General.get('Modulated',False): PrintWaves(General,Atoms) pFile.write('\n Unit cell: a = %.5f b = %.5f c = %.5f alpha = %.3f beta = %.3f gamma = %.3f volume = %.3f Refine? %s\n'% (cell[1],cell[2],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[0])) if len(SSGtext): #if superstructure pFile.write('\n Modulation vector: mV0 = %.4f mV1 = %.4f mV2 = %.4f max mod. index = %d Refine? %s\n'% (Vec[0],Vec[1],Vec[2],maxH,vRef)) if seqHistName is not None: PrintTexture(textureData) if name in RestraintDict: PrintRestraints(cell[1:7],SGData,General['AtomPtrs'],Atoms,AtLookup, textureData,RestraintDict[name],pFile) elif PawleyRef: if Print: pFile.write('\n Phase name: %s\n'%General['Name']) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') pFile.write('\n') if len(SSGtext): #if superstructure for line in SSGtext: pFile.write(line+'\n') if len(SSGtable): for item in SSGtable: line = ' %s '%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write(' ( 1) %s\n'%SSGtable[0]) else: for line in SGtext: pFile.write(line+'\n') if len(SGtable): for item in SGtable: line = ' %s '%(item) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write(' ( 1) %s\n'%(SGtable[0])) pFile.write('\n Unit cell: a = %.5f b = %.5f c = %.5f alpha = %.3f beta = %.3f gamma = %.3f volume = %.3f Refine? %s\n'% (cell[1],cell[2],cell[3],cell[4],cell[5],cell[6],cell[7],cell[0])) if len(SSGtext): #if superstructure pFile.write('\n Modulation vector: mV0 = %.4f mV1 = %.4f mV2 = %.4f max mod. index = %d Refine? %s\n'% (Vec[0],Vec[1],Vec[2],maxH,vRef)) pawleyVary = [] for i,refl in enumerate(PawleyRef): phaseDict[pfx+'PWLref:'+str(i)] = refl[6+im] if im: pawleyLookup[pfx+'%d,%d,%d,%d'%(refl[0],refl[1],refl[2],refl[3])] = i else: pawleyLookup[pfx+'%d,%d,%d'%(refl[0],refl[1],refl[2])] = i if refl[5+im]: pawleyVary.append(pfx+'PWLref:'+str(i)) GetPawleyConstr(SGData['SGLaue'],PawleyRef,im,pawleyVary) #does G2mv.StoreEquivalence phaseVary += pawleyVary return Natoms,atomIndx,phaseVary,phaseDict,pawleyLookup,FFtables,EFtables,ORBtables,BLtables,MFtables,maxSSwave
[docs] def cellFill(pfx,SGData,parmDict,sigDict): '''Returns the filled-out reciprocal cell (A) terms and their uncertainties from the parameter and sig dictionaries. :param str pfx: parameter prefix ("n::", where n is a phase number) :param dict SGdata: a symmetry object :param dict parmDict: a dictionary of parameters :param dict sigDict: a dictionary of uncertainties on parameters :returns: A,sigA where each is a list of six terms with the A terms ''' if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['-1',]: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A1'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'], parmDict[pfx+'A3'],parmDict[pfx+'A4'],parmDict[pfx+'A5']] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['2/m',]: if SGData['SGUniq'] == 'a': A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A1'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'], 0,0,parmDict[pfx+'A5']] elif SGData['SGUniq'] == 'b': A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A1'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'], 0,parmDict[pfx+'A4'],0] else: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A1'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'], parmDict[pfx+'A3'],0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['mmm',]: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A1'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'],0,0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m','4/mmm']: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'],0,0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['6/m','6/mmm','3m1', '31m', '3']: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A2'], parmDict[pfx+'A0'],0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R', '3mR']: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'], parmDict[pfx+'A3'],parmDict[pfx+'A3'],parmDict[pfx+'A3']] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3m','m3']: A = [parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'],parmDict[pfx+'A0'],0,0,0] try: if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['-1',]: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],sigDict[pfx+'A1'],sigDict[pfx+'A2'], sigDict[pfx+'A3'],sigDict[pfx+'A4'],sigDict[pfx+'A5']] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['2/m',]: if SGData['SGUniq'] == 'a': sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],sigDict[pfx+'A1'],sigDict[pfx+'A2'], 0,0,sigDict[pfx+'A5']] elif SGData['SGUniq'] == 'b': sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],sigDict[pfx+'A1'],sigDict[pfx+'A2'], 0,sigDict[pfx+'A4'],0] else: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],sigDict[pfx+'A1'],sigDict[pfx+'A2'], sigDict[pfx+'A3'],0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['mmm',]: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],sigDict[pfx+'A1'],sigDict[pfx+'A2'],0,0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m','4/mmm']: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],0,sigDict[pfx+'A2'],0,0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['6/m','6/mmm','3m1', '31m', '3']: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],0,sigDict[pfx+'A2'],0,0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R', '3mR']: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],0,0,sigDict[pfx+'A3'],0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3m','m3']: sigA = [sigDict[pfx+'A0'],0,0,0,0,0] except KeyError: sigA = [0,0,0,0,0,0] return A,sigA
[docs] def PrintRestraints(cell,SGData,AtPtrs,Atoms,AtLookup,textureData,phaseRest,pFile): 'needs a doc string' if phaseRest: Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(cell)[0] cx,ct,cs = AtPtrs[:3] names = [['Bond','Bonds'],['Angle','Angles'],['Plane','Planes'], ['Chiral','Volumes'],['Torsion','Torsions'],['Rama','Ramas'], ['ChemComp','Sites'],['Texture','HKLs'],['Moments','Moments']] for name,rest in names: if name not in phaseRest: continue itemRest = phaseRest[name] if rest in itemRest and itemRest[rest] and itemRest['Use']: pFile.write('\n %s restraint weight factor %10.3f Use: %s\n'%(name,itemRest['wtFactor'],str(itemRest['Use']))) if name in ['Bond','Angle','Plane','Chiral']: pFile.write(' calc obs sig delt/sig atoms(symOp): \n') for indx,ops,obs,esd in itemRest[rest]: try: AtNames = G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,ct-1) AtName = '' for i,Aname in enumerate(AtNames): AtName += Aname if ops[i] == '1': AtName += '-' else: AtName += '+('+ops[i]+')-' XYZ = np.array(G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,cx,3)) XYZ = G2mth.getSyXYZ(XYZ,ops,SGData) if name == 'Bond': calc = G2mth.getRestDist(XYZ,Amat) elif name == 'Angle': calc = G2mth.getRestAngle(XYZ,Amat) elif name == 'Plane': calc = G2mth.getRestPlane(XYZ,Amat) elif name == 'Chiral': calc = G2mth.getRestChiral(XYZ,Amat) pFile.write(' %9.3f %9.3f %8.3f %8.3f %s\n'%(calc,obs,esd,(obs-calc)/esd,AtName[:-1])) except KeyError: del itemRest[rest] elif name in ['Torsion','Rama']: pFile.write(' atoms(symOp) calc obs sig delt/sig torsions: \n') coeffDict = itemRest['Coeff'] for indx,ops,cofName,esd in itemRest[rest]: AtNames = G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,ct-1) AtName = '' for i,Aname in enumerate(AtNames): AtName += Aname+'+('+ops[i]+')-' XYZ = np.array(G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,cx,3)) XYZ = G2mth.getSyXYZ(XYZ,ops,SGData) if name == 'Torsion': tor = G2mth.getRestTorsion(XYZ,Amat) restr,calc = G2mth.calcTorsionEnergy(tor,coeffDict[cofName]) pFile.write(' %8.3f %8.3f %.3f %8.3f %8.3f %s\n'%(calc,obs,esd,(obs-calc)/esd,tor,AtName[:-1])) else: phi,psi = G2mth.getRestRama(XYZ,Amat) restr,calc = G2mth.calcRamaEnergy(phi,psi,coeffDict[cofName]) pFile.write(' %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %s\n'%(calc,obs,esd,(obs-calc)/esd,phi,psi,AtName[:-1])) elif name == 'ChemComp': pFile.write(' atoms mul*frac factor prod\n') for indx,factors,obs,esd in itemRest[rest]: try: atoms = G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,ct-1) mul = np.array(G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,cs+1)) frac = np.array(G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,indx,cs-1)) mulfrac = mul*frac calcs = mul*frac*factors for iatm,[atom,mf,fr,clc] in enumerate(zip(atoms,mulfrac,factors,calcs)): pFile.write(' %10s %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n'%(atom,mf,fr,clc)) pFile.write(' Sum: calc: %8.3f obs: %8.3f esd: %8.3f\n'%(np.sum(calcs),obs,esd)) except KeyError: del itemRest[rest] elif name == 'Moments': for item in itemRest['Moments']: nMom = len(item[0]) AtNames = G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,item[0],ct-1) moms = G2mth.GetAtomItemsById(Atoms,AtLookup,item[0],cx+4,3) obs = 0. pFile.write(nMom*' Atom calc'+' obs esd\n') line = '' for i,mom in enumerate(moms): Mom = G2mth.GetMag(mom,cell) line += ' %s %8.3f'%(AtNames[i],Mom) obs += Mom obs /= nMom line += '%8.3f %6.3f\n'%(obs,item[-1]) pFile.write(line) elif name == 'Texture' and textureData['Order']: SHCoef = textureData['SH Coeff'][1] shModels = ['cylindrical','none','shear - 2/m','rolling - mmm'] SamSym = dict(zip(shModels,['0','-1','2/m','mmm'])) pFile.write (' HKL grid neg esd sum neg num neg use unit? unit esd \n') for hkl,grid,esd1,ifesd2,esd2 in itemRest[rest]: phi,beta = G2lat.CrsAng(np.array(hkl),cell,SGData) ODFln = G2lat.Flnh(SHCoef,phi,beta,SGData) R,P,Z = G2mth.getRestPolefig(ODFln,SamSym[textureData['Model']],grid) Z = ma.masked_greater(Z,0.0) num = ma.count(Z) sum = 0 if num: sum = np.sum(Z) pFile.write (' %d %d %d %d %8.3f %8.3f %8d %s %8.3f\n'%(hkl[0],hkl[1],hkl[2],grid,esd1,sum,num,str(ifesd2),esd2))
[docs] def getCellEsd(pfx,SGData,A,covData,unique=False): '''Compute the standard uncertainty on cell parameters :param str pfx: prefix of form p\\:\\: :param SGdata: space group information :param list A: Reciprocal cell Ai terms :param dict covData: covariance tree item :param bool unique: when True, only directly refined parameters (a in cubic, a & alpha in rhombohedral cells) are assigned positive s.u. values. Used for CIF generation. ''' rVsq = G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) G,g = G2lat.A2Gmat(A) #get recip. & real metric tensors RMnames = [pfx+'A0',pfx+'A1',pfx+'A2',pfx+'A3',pfx+'A4',pfx+'A5'] varyList = covData['varyList'] covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] if len(covMatrix): vcov = G2mth.getVCov(RMnames,varyList,covMatrix) if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm']: vcov[1,1] = vcov[3,3] = vcov[0,1] = vcov[1,0] = vcov[0,0] vcov[1,3] = vcov[3,1] = vcov[0,3] = vcov[3,0] = vcov[0,0] vcov[1,2] = vcov[2,1] = vcov[2,3] = vcov[3,2] = vcov[0,2] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3','m3m']: vcov[0:3,0:3] = vcov[0,0] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m', '4/mmm']: vcov[0:2,0:2] = vcov[0,0] vcov[1,2] = vcov[2,1] = vcov[0,2] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R','3mR']: vcov[0:3,0:3] = vcov[0,0] # vcov[4,4] = vcov[5,5] = vcov[3,3] vcov[3:6,3:6] = vcov[3,3] vcov[0:3,3:6] = vcov[0,3] vcov[3:6,0:3] = vcov[3,0] else: vcov = np.eye(6) delt = 1.e-9 drVdA = np.zeros(6) for i in range(6): A[i] += delt drVdA[i] = G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) A[i] -= 2*delt drVdA[i] -= G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) A[i] += delt drVdA /= 2.*delt srcvlsq = np.inner(drVdA,np.inner(drVdA,vcov)) Vol = 1/np.sqrt(rVsq) sigVol = Vol**3*np.sqrt(srcvlsq)/2. #ok - checks with GSAS dcdA = np.zeros((6,6)) for i in range(6): pdcdA =np.zeros(6) A[i] += delt pdcdA += G2lat.A2cell(A) A[i] -= 2*delt pdcdA -= G2lat.A2cell(A) A[i] += delt dcdA[i] = pdcdA/(2.*delt) sigMat = np.inner(dcdA,np.inner(dcdA,vcov)) var = np.diag(sigMat) CS = np.where(var>0.,np.sqrt(var),0.) if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm','m3','m3m','4/m','4/mmm']: CS[3:6] = 0.0 # show s.u. values only for the unique values if not unique: pass elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm','4/m', '4/mmm']: CS[1] = -CS[1] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3','m3m']: CS[1] = -CS[1] CS[2] = -CS[2] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R','3mR']: CS[1] = -CS[1] CS[2] = -CS[2] CS[4] = -CS[4] CS[3] = -CS[3] return [CS[0],CS[1],CS[2],CS[5],CS[4],CS[3],sigVol]
[docs] def getCellSU(pId,hId,SGData,parmDict,covData): '''Compute the unit cell parameters and standard uncertainties where lattice parameters and Hstrain (Dij) may be refined. This is called only for generation of CIFs. :param pId: phase index :param hId: histogram index :param SGdata: space group information :param dict parmDict: parameter dict, must have all non-zero Dij and Ai terms :param dict covData: covariance tree item ''' Dnames = ['{}:{}:D{}'.format(pId,hId,i) for i in ['11','22','33','12','13','23']] Anames = ['{}::A{}'.format(pId,i) for i in range(6)] Ai = [parmDict[i] for i in Anames] Dij = [parmDict.get(i,0.) for i in Dnames] A = np.array(Ai) + np.array(Dij) cell = list(G2lat.A2cell(A)) + [G2lat.calc_V(A)] rVsq = G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) G,g = G2lat.A2Gmat(A) #get recip. & real metric tensors varyList = covData['varyList'] covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] if len(covMatrix): vcov = G2mth.getVCov(Anames+Dnames,varyList,covMatrix) for i in [0,6]: for j in [0,6]: if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm']: vcov[1+i,1+j] = vcov[3+i,3+j] = vcov[i,1+j] = vcov[1+i,j] = vcov[i,j] vcov[1+i,3+j] = vcov[3+i,1+j] = vcov[i,3+j] = vcov[3+i,j] = vcov[i,j] vcov[1+i,2+j] = vcov[2+i,1+j] = vcov[2+i,3+j] = vcov[3+i,2+j] = vcov[i,2+j] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3','m3m']: vcov[i:3+i,j:3+j] = vcov[i,j] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['4/m', '4/mmm']: vcov[i:2+i,j:2+j] = vcov[i,j] vcov[1+i,2+j] = vcov[2+i,1+j] = vcov[i,2+j] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R','3mR']: vcov[i:3+j,i:3+j] = vcov[i,j] # vcov[4,4] = vcov[5,5] = vcov[3,3] vcov[3+i:6+i,3+j:6+j] = vcov[3,3+j] vcov[i:3+i,3+j:6+j] = vcov[i,3+j] vcov[3+i:6+i,j:3+j] = vcov[3+i,j] else: vcov = np.eye(12) delt = 1.e-9 drVdA = np.zeros(12) for i in range(12): A[i%6] += delt drVdA[i] = G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) A[i%6] -= 2*delt drVdA[i] -= G2lat.calc_rVsq(A) A[i%6] += delt drVdA /= 2.*delt srcvlsq = np.inner(drVdA,np.inner(drVdA,vcov)) Vol = 1/np.sqrt(rVsq) sigVol = Vol**3*np.sqrt(srcvlsq)/2. #ok - checks with GSAS dcdA = np.zeros((12,12)) for i in range(12): pdcdA =np.zeros(12) A[i%6] += delt pdcdA += G2lat.A2cell(A)+G2lat.A2cell(A) A[i%6] -= 2*delt pdcdA -= G2lat.A2cell(A)+G2lat.A2cell(A) A[i%6] += delt dcdA[i] = pdcdA/(2.*delt) sigMat = np.inner(dcdA,np.inner(dcdA,vcov)) var = np.diag(sigMat) CS = np.where(var>0.,np.sqrt(var),0.) if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm','m3','m3m','4/m','4/mmm']: CS[3:6] = 0.0 # show s.u. values only for the unique values if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm','4/m', '4/mmm']: CS[1] = -CS[1] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['m3','m3m']: CS[1] = -CS[1] CS[2] = -CS[2] elif SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3R','3mR']: CS[1] = -CS[1] CS[2] = -CS[2] CS[4] = -CS[4] CS[3] = -CS[3] return cell,[CS[0],CS[1],CS[2],CS[5],CS[4],CS[3],sigVol]
[docs] def SetPhaseData(parmDict,sigDict,Phases,RBIds,covData,RestraintDict=None,pFile=None): '''Called after a refinement to transfer parameters from the parameter dict to the phase(s) information read from a GPX file. Also prints values to the .lst file ''' def PrintAtomsAndSig(General,Atoms,sigDict,sigKey): pFile.write('\n Atoms:\n') line = ' name x y z frac Uiso U11 U22 U33 U12 U13 U23' if General['Type'] == 'macromolecular': line = ' res no residue chain '+line cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') fmt = {0:'%7s',ct:'%7s',cx:'%10.5f',cx+1:'%10.5f',cx+2:'%10.5f',cx+3:'%8.3f',cia+1:'%8.5f', cia+2:'%8.5f',cia+3:'%8.5f',cia+4:'%8.5f',cia+5:'%8.5f',cia+6:'%8.5f',cia+7:'%8.5f'} #noFXsig = {cx:[10*' ','%10s'],cx+1:[10*' ','%10s'],cx+2:[10*' ','%10s'],cx+3:[8*' ','%8s']} for atyp in General['AtomTypes']: #zero composition General['NoAtoms'][atyp] = 0. for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): General['NoAtoms'][at[ct]] += at[cx+3]*float(at[cx+5]) #new composition if General['Type'] == 'macromolecular': name = ' %s %s %s %s:'%(at[0],at[1],at[2],at[3]) valstr = ' values: ' sigstr = ' sig : ' else: name = fmt[0]%(at[ct-1])+fmt[1]%(at[ct])+':' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig : ' for ind in range(cx,cx+4): sigind = str(i)+':'+str(ind) valstr += fmt[ind]%(at[ind]) # if sigind in atomsSig: # sigstr += fmt[ind]%(atomsSig[sigind]) # else: # sigstr += noFXsig[ind][1]%(noFXsig[ind][0]) sigstr += fmtESD(sigKey[sigind],sigDict,fmt[ind]) if at[cia] == 'I': valstr += fmt[cia+1]%(at[cia+1]) # if '%d:%d'%(i,cia+1) in atomsSig: # sigstr += fmt[cia+1]%(atomsSig['%d:%d'%(i,cia+1)]) # else: # sigstr += 8*' ' sigstr += fmtESD(sigKey['%d:%d'%(i,cia+1)],sigDict,fmt[cia+1]) else: valstr += 8*' ' sigstr += 8*' ' for ind in range(cia+2,cia+8): sigind = str(i)+':'+str(ind) valstr += fmt[ind]%(at[ind]) # if sigind in atomsSig: # sigstr += fmt[ind]%(atomsSig[sigind]) # else: # sigstr += 8*' ' sigstr += fmtESD(sigKey[sigind],sigDict,fmt[ind]) pFile.write(name+'\n') pFile.write(valstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintMomentsAndSig(General,Atoms,atomsSig): cell = General['Cell'][1:7] G = G2lat.fillgmat(cell) ast = np.sqrt(np.diag(G)) GS = G/np.outer(ast,ast) pFile.write('\n Magnetic Moments:\n') #add magnitude & angle, etc.? TBD line = ' name Mx My Mz |Mag|' cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] cmx = cx+4 AtInfo = dict(zip(General['AtomTypes'],General['Lande g'])) pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') fmt = {0:'%7s',ct:'%7s',cmx:'%10.3f',cmx+1:'%10.3f',cmx+2:'%10.3f'} noFXsig = {cmx:[10*' ','%10s'],cmx+1:[10*' ','%10s'],cmx+2:[10*' ','%10s']} for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): if AtInfo[at[ct]]: name = fmt[0]%(at[ct-1])+fmt[1]%(at[ct])+':' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig :' for ind in range(cmx,cmx+3): sigind = str(i)+':'+str(ind) valstr += fmt[ind]%(at[ind]) if sigind in atomsSig: sigstr += fmt[ind]%(atomsSig[sigind]) else: sigstr += noFXsig[ind][1]%(noFXsig[ind][0]) mag = np.array(at[cmx:cmx+3]) Mag = np.sqrt(np.inner(mag,np.inner(mag,GS))) valstr += '%10.3f'%Mag sigstr += 10*' ' pFile.write(name+'\n') pFile.write(valstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintDeformationsAndSig(General,Atoms,Deformations,deformSig): pFile.write('\n Atom deformations:\n') cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] for AtDef in Deformations: if AtDef < 0: continue pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') atom = G2mth.GetAtomsById(Atoms,AtLookup,[AtDef,])[0] AtId = AtLookup[AtDef] DefTable = Deformations[AtDef] pFile.write('\n Atom: %s at %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f sytsym: %s\n'%(atom[ct-1],atom[cx],atom[cx+1],atom[cx+2],atom[cs])) pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for iorb,orb in enumerate(DefTable): names = orb[0].ljust(12)+ 'names : ' values = 12*' '+'values: ' sigstr = 12*' '+'esds : ' for item in orb[1]: pName = 'A%s%d:%d'%(item,iorb,AtId) if 'kappa' in item: name = 'kappa'.rjust(10) if '<j0>' not in orb[0]: name = "kappa'".rjust(10) names += name else: names += item.rjust(10) values += '%10.5f'%orb[1][item][0] if pName in deformSig: sigstr += '%10.5f'%deformSig[pName] else: sigstr += 10*' ' pFile.write(names+'\n') pFile.write(values+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintWavesAndSig(General,Atoms,wavesSig): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] pFile.write('\n Modulation waves\n') names = {'Sfrac':['Fsin','Fcos','Fzero','Fwid'],'Spos':['Xsin','Ysin','Zsin','Xcos','Ycos','Zcos','Tmin','Tmax','Xmax','Ymax','Zmax'], 'Sadp':['U11sin','U22sin','U33sin','U12sin','U13sin','U23sin','U11cos','U22cos', 'U33cos','U12cos','U13cos','U23cos'],'Smag':['MXsin','MYsin','MZsin','MXcos','MYcos','MZcos']} pFile.write(135*'-'+'\n') for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): AtomSS = at[-1]['SS1'] for Stype in ['Sfrac','Spos','Sadp','Smag']: Waves = AtomSS[Stype] if len(Waves) > 1: waveType = Waves[0] else: continue if len(Waves): pFile.write(' atom: %s, site sym: %s, type: %s wave type: %s:\n'% (at[ct-1],at[cs],Stype,waveType)) for iw,wave in enumerate(Waves[1:]): stiw = ':'+str(i)+':'+str(iw) namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' if Stype == 'Spos': nt = 6 ot = 0 if waveType in ['ZigZag','Block',] and not iw: nt = 5 ot = 6 for j in range(nt): name = names['Spos'][j+ot] namstr += '%12s'%(name) valstr += '%12.4f'%(wave[0][j]) if name+stiw in wavesSig: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(wavesSig[name+stiw]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' elif Stype == 'Sfrac': ot = 0 if 'Crenel' in waveType and not iw: ot = 2 for j in range(2): name = names['Sfrac'][j+ot] namstr += '%12s'%(names['Sfrac'][j+ot]) valstr += '%12.4f'%(wave[0][j]) if name+stiw in wavesSig: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(wavesSig[name+stiw]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' elif Stype == 'Sadp': for j in range(12): name = names['Sadp'][j] namstr += '%10s'%(names['Sadp'][j]) valstr += '%10.6f'%(wave[0][j]) if name+stiw in wavesSig: sigstr += '%10.6f'%(wavesSig[name+stiw]) else: sigstr += 10*' ' elif Stype == 'Smag': for j in range(6): name = names['Smag'][j] namstr += '%12s'%(names['Smag'][j]) valstr += '%12.4f'%(wave[0][j]) if name+stiw in wavesSig: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(wavesSig[name+stiw]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(namstr+'\n') pFile.write(valstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintRBObjPOAndSig(rbfx,rbsx): for i in WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): pFile.write(i+'\n') def PrintRBObjTLSAndSig(rbfx,rbsx,TLS): for i in WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,TLS,parmDict,sigDict): pFile.write(i) def PrintRBObjSHCAndSig(rbfx,SHC,rbsx): for i in WriteRBObjSHCAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict,SHC): pFile.write(i) def PrintRBObjTorAndSig(rbsx): nTors = len(RBObj['Torsions']) if nTors: for i in WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict,nTors): pFile.write(i) def PrintSHtextureAndSig(textureData,SHtextureSig): Tindx = 1.0 Tvar = 0.0 pFile.write('\n Spherical harmonics texture: Order: %d\n'%textureData['Order']) names = ['omega','chi','phi'] namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name in names: namstr += '%12s'%(name) ptstr += '%12.3f'%(textureData['Sample '+name][1]) if 'Sample '+name in SHtextureSig: sigstr += '%12.3f'%(SHtextureSig['Sample '+name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(namstr+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') pFile.write('\n Texture coefficients:\n') SHcoeff = textureData['SH Coeff'][1] SHkeys = list(SHcoeff.keys()) nCoeff = len(SHcoeff) nBlock = nCoeff//10+1 iBeg = 0 iFin = min(iBeg+10,nCoeff) for block in range(nBlock): namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name in SHkeys[iBeg:iFin]: namstr += '%12s'%(name) ptstr += '%12.3f'%(SHcoeff[name]) l = 2.0*eval(name.strip('C'))[0]+1 Tindx += SHcoeff[name]**2/l if name in SHtextureSig: Tvar += (2.*SHcoeff[name]*SHtextureSig[name]/l)**2 sigstr += '%12.3f'%(SHtextureSig[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(namstr+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') iBeg += 10 iFin = min(iBeg+10,nCoeff) pFile.write(' Texture index J = %.3f(%d)'%(Tindx,int(1000*np.sqrt(Tvar)))) ########################################################################## # SetPhaseData starts here if pFile: pFile.write('\n Phases:\n') for phase in Phases: if pFile: pFile.write(' Result for phase: %s\n'%phase) if pFile: pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') Phase = Phases[phase] General = Phase['General'] SGData = General['SGData'] Atoms = Phase['Atoms'] AtLookup = [] if Atoms and not General.get('doPawley'): cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] AtLookup = G2mth.FillAtomLookUp(Atoms,cia+8) cell = General['Cell'] pId = Phase['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+'::' if cell[0]: A,sigA = cellFill(pfx,SGData,parmDict,sigDict) cellSig = getCellEsd(pfx,SGData,A,covData,unique=True) #includes sigVol if pFile: pFile.write(' Reciprocal metric tensor: \n') ptfmt = "%15.9f" names = ['A11','A22','A33','A12','A13','A23'] namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name,a,siga in zip(names,A,sigA): namstr += '%15s'%(name) ptstr += ptfmt%(a) if siga: sigstr += ptfmt%(siga) else: sigstr += 15*' ' if pFile: pFile.write(namstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') cell[1:7] = G2lat.A2cell(A) cell[7] = G2lat.calc_V(A) if pFile: pFile.write(' New unit cell:\n') ptfmt = ["%12.6f","%12.6f","%12.6f","%12.4f","%12.4f","%12.4f","%12.3f"] names = ['a','b','c','alpha','beta','gamma','Volume'] namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name,fmt,a,siga in zip(names,ptfmt,cell[1:8],cellSig): namstr += '%12s'%(name) ptstr += fmt%(a) if siga and siga > 0: sigstr += fmt%(siga) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if pFile: pFile.write(namstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') ik = 6 #for Pawley stuff below if General.get('Modulated',False): ik = 7 Vec,vRef,maxH = General['SuperVec'] if vRef: if pFile: pFile.write(' New modulation vector:\n') namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for iv,var in enumerate(['mV0','mV1','mV2']): namstr += '%12s'%(pfx+var) ptstr += '%12.6f'%(parmDict[pfx+var]) if pfx+var in sigDict: Vec[iv] = parmDict[pfx+var] sigstr += '%12.6f'%(sigDict[pfx+var]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if pFile: pFile.write(namstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') if pFile: pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') General['Mass'] = 0. if Phase['General'].get('doPawley'): pawleyRef = Phase['Pawley ref'] for i,refl in enumerate(pawleyRef): key = pfx+'PWLref:'+str(i) refl[ik] = parmDict[key] if key in sigDict: refl[ik+1] = sigDict[key] else: refl[ik+1] = 0 else: VRBIds = RBIds['Vector'] RRBIds = RBIds['Residue'] SRBIds = RBIds['Spin'] RBModels = Phase['RBModels'] if pFile: for irb,RBObj in enumerate(RBModels.get('Vector',[])): jrb = VRBIds.index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) pFile.write(' Vector rigid body parameters:\n') PrintRBObjPOAndSig('RBV',rbsx) PrintRBObjTLSAndSig('RBV',rbsx,RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0]) for irb,RBObj in enumerate(RBModels.get('Residue',[])): jrb = RRBIds.index(RBObj['RBId']) rbsx = str(irb)+':'+str(jrb) pFile.write(' Residue rigid body parameters:\n') PrintRBObjPOAndSig('RBR',rbsx) PrintRBObjTLSAndSig('RBR',rbsx,RBObj['ThermalMotion'][0]) PrintRBObjTorAndSig(rbsx) for irb,RBObj in enumerate(RBModels.get('Spin',[])): iAt = AtLookup[RBObj['Ids'][0]] for ish in range(len(RBObj['RBId'])): #shell no. jrb = SRBIds.index(RBObj['RBId'][ish]) #spin rb no. rbsx = ':%d:%d'%(iAt,jrb) pFile.write(' Spin rigid body parameters for at. no. %d; shell %d:\n'%(iAt,ish)) if not ish: PrintRBObjPOAndSig('RBS',rbsx[1:]) #skip leading ':' PrintRBObjSHCAndSig('RBSSh;%d;'%ish,RBObj['SHC'][ish],rbsx) atomsSig = {} sigKey = {} wavesSig = {} deformSig = {} cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): names = {cx:pfx+'Ax:'+str(i),cx+1:pfx+'Ay:'+str(i),cx+2:pfx+'Az:'+str(i),cx+3:pfx+'Afrac:'+str(i), cia+1:pfx+'AUiso:'+str(i),cia+2:pfx+'AU11:'+str(i),cia+3:pfx+'AU22:'+str(i),cia+4:pfx+'AU33:'+str(i), cia+5:pfx+'AU12:'+str(i),cia+6:pfx+'AU13:'+str(i),cia+7:pfx+'AU23:'+str(i), cx+4:pfx+'AMx:'+str(i),cx+5:pfx+'AMy:'+str(i),cx+6:pfx+'AMz:'+str(i)} for ind in range(cx,cx+4): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] if ind in range(cx,cx+3): name = names[ind].replace('A','dA') else: name = names[ind] sigKey[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = name if name in sigDict: atomsSig[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = sigDict[name] if at[cia] == 'I': at[cia+1] = parmDict[names[cia+1]] sigKey['%d:%d'%(i,cia+1)] = names[cia+1] if names[cia+1] in sigDict: atomsSig['%d:%d'%(i,cia+1)] = sigDict[names[cia+1]] else: for ind in range(cia+2,cia+8): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] sigKey[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = names[ind] if names[ind] in sigDict: atomsSig[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = sigDict[names[ind]] if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': for ind in range(cx+4,cx+7): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] sigKey[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = names[ind] if names[ind] in sigDict: atomsSig[str(i)+':'+str(ind)] = sigDict[names[ind]] ind = General['AtomTypes'].index(at[ct]) General['Mass'] += General['AtomMass'][ind]*at[cx+3]*at[cx+5] if General.get('Modulated',False): AtomSS = at[-1]['SS1'] for Stype in ['Sfrac','Spos','Sadp','Smag']: Waves = AtomSS[Stype] if len(Waves): waveType = Waves[0] else: continue for iw,wave in enumerate(Waves[1:]): stiw = str(i)+':'+str(iw) if Stype == 'Spos': if waveType in ['ZigZag','Block',] and not iw: names = ['Tmin:'+stiw,'Tmax:'+stiw,'Xmax:'+stiw,'Ymax:'+stiw,'Zmax:'+stiw] else: names = ['Xsin:'+stiw,'Ysin:'+stiw,'Zsin:'+stiw, 'Xcos:'+stiw,'Ycos:'+stiw,'Zcos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Sadp': names = ['U11sin:'+stiw,'U22sin:'+stiw,'U33sin:'+stiw, 'U12sin:'+stiw,'U13sin:'+stiw,'U23sin:'+stiw, 'U11cos:'+stiw,'U22cos:'+stiw,'U33cos:'+stiw, 'U12cos:'+stiw,'U13cos:'+stiw,'U23cos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Sfrac': if 'Crenel' in waveType and not iw: names = ['Fzero:'+stiw,'Fwid:'+stiw] else: names = ['Fsin:'+stiw,'Fcos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Smag': names = ['MXsin:'+stiw,'MYsin:'+stiw,'MZsin:'+stiw, 'MXcos:'+stiw,'MYcos:'+stiw,'MZcos:'+stiw] for iname,name in enumerate(names): sigKey[name] = pfx+name AtomSS[Stype][iw+1][0][iname] = parmDict[pfx+name] if pfx+name in sigDict: wavesSig[name] = sigDict[pfx+name] Deformations = Phase.get('Deformations',{}) for iAt in Deformations: if iAt < 0: continue AtId = AtLookup[iAt] DefAtm = Deformations[iAt] for iorb,orb in enumerate(DefAtm): for parm in orb[1]: name = 'A%s%d:%d'%(parm,iorb,AtId) orb[1][parm][0] = parmDict[pfx+name] if pfx+name in sigDict: deformSig[name] = sigDict[pfx+name] if pFile: PrintAtomsAndSig(General,Atoms,sigDict,sigKey) if pFile and len(Deformations): PrintDeformationsAndSig(General,Atoms,Deformations,deformSig) if pFile and General['Type'] == 'magnetic': PrintMomentsAndSig(General,Atoms,atomsSig) if pFile and General.get('Modulated',False): PrintWavesAndSig(General,Atoms,wavesSig) density = G2mth.getDensity(General)[0] if pFile: pFile.write('\n Density: {:.4f} g/cm**3\n'.format(density)) textureData = General['SH Texture'] if textureData['Order']: SHtextureSig = {} for name in ['omega','chi','phi']: aname = pfx+'SH '+name textureData['Sample '+name][1] = parmDict[aname] if aname in sigDict: SHtextureSig['Sample '+name] = sigDict[aname] for name in textureData['SH Coeff'][1]: aname = pfx+name textureData['SH Coeff'][1][name] = parmDict[aname] if aname in sigDict: SHtextureSig[name] = sigDict[aname] PrintSHtextureAndSig(textureData,SHtextureSig) if phase in RestraintDict and not Phase['General'].get('doPawley'): PrintRestraints(cell[1:7],SGData,General['AtomPtrs'],Atoms,AtLookup, textureData,RestraintDict[phase],pFile)
[docs] def SetISOmodes(parmDict,sigDict,Phases,pFile=None): '''After a refinement, sets the values for the ISODISTORT modes into the parameter and s.u. dicts. Also, in the case of a non-sequential refinement, prints them into the project's .lst file. :param dict parmDict: parameter dict :param dict sigDict: s.u. (uncertainty) dict :param dict Phases: Phase info from tree/.gpx :param file pFile: file for .lst info or None (None for sequential fits) ''' for phase in Phases: if 'ISODISTORT' not in Phases[phase]: continue data = Phases[phase] ISO = data['ISODISTORT'] atNames = [atom[0] for atom in data['Atoms']] if 'G2VarList' in ISO: deltaList = [] notfound = [] for gv,Ilbl in zip(ISO['G2VarList'],ISO['IsoVarList']): dvar = gv.varname() var = dvar.replace('::dA','::A') atnum = atNames.index(Ilbl[:Ilbl.rfind('_')]) v = Ilbl[Ilbl.rfind('_')+1:] pval = ISO['G2parentCoords'][atnum][['dx','dy','dz'].index(v)] if var in parmDict: cval = parmDict[var] else: notfound.append(var) continue deltaList.append(cval-pval) if notfound and pFile: msg = 'SetISOmodes warning: Atom parameters ' for i,v in enumerate(notfound): if i == len(notfound)-1: msg += ' & ' elif i != 0: msg += ', ' msg += v print(msg,'not found') print(' skipping computation for modes:') for i,j in zip(ISO['IsoModeList'],ISO['G2ModeList']): print(' ',i,'({})'.format(j)) continue elif notfound: continue modeVals = np.inner(ISO['Var2ModeMatrix'],deltaList) if pFile: pFile.write('\n ISODISTORT Displacive Modes for phase {}\n'.format( data['General'].get('Name',''))) l = str(max([len(i) for i in ISO['IsoModeList']])+3) fmt = ' {:'+l+'}{}' for varid,[var,val,norm,G2mode] in enumerate(zip( ISO['IsoModeList'],modeVals,ISO['NormList'],ISO['G2ModeList'] )): try: value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,-0.001) item = str(G2mode).replace('::','::nv-') parmDict[str(G2mode)] = val/norm if item in sigDict: ISO['modeDispl'][varid] = val/norm value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,sigDict[item]/norm) sigDict[str(G2mode)] = sigDict[item]/norm except TypeError: value = '?' if pFile: pFile.write(fmt.format(var,value)+'\n') if 'G2OccVarList' in ISO: #untested - probably wrong deltaOccList = [] notfound = [] for gv,Ilbl in zip(ISO['G2OccVarList'],ISO['OccVarList']): var = gv.varname() albl = Ilbl[:Ilbl.rfind('_')] pval = ISO['BaseOcc'][albl] if var in parmDict: cval = parmDict[var] else: notfound.append(var) continue deltaOccList.append(cval-pval) if notfound and pFile: msg = 'SetISOmodes warning: Atom parameters ' for i,v in enumerate(notfound): if i == len(notfound)-1: msg += ' & ' elif i != 0: msg += ', ' msg += v print(msg,'not found') print(' skipping computation for modes:') for i,j in zip(ISO['IsoModeList'],ISO['G2ModeList']): print(' ',i,'({})'.format(j)) continue elif notfound: continue modeOccVals = np.inner(ISO['Var2OccMatrix'],deltaOccList) if pFile: pFile.write('\n ISODISTORT Occupancy Modes for phase {}\n'.format(data['General'].get('Name',''))) l = str(max([len(i) for i in ISO['OccModeList']])+3) fmt = ' {:'+l+'}{}' for var,val,norm,G2mode in zip( ISO['OccModeList'],modeOccVals,ISO['OccNormList'],ISO['G2OccModeList'] ): try: value = G2fil.FormatSigFigs(val/norm) if str(G2mode) in sigDict: value = G2mth.ValEsd(val/norm,sigDict[str(G2mode)]/norm) except TypeError: value = '?' if pFile: pFile.write(fmt.format(var,value)+'\n')
################################################################################ ##### Histogram & Phase data ################################################################################
[docs] def GetHistogramPhaseData(Phases,Histograms,Controls={},Print=True,pFile=None,resetRefList=True): '''Loads the HAP histogram/phase information into dicts :param dict Phases: phase information :param dict Histograms: Histogram information :param bool Print: prints information as it is read :param file pFile: file object to print to (the default, None causes printing to the console) :param bool resetRefList: Should the contents of the Reflection List be initialized on loading. The default, True, initializes the Reflection List as it is loaded. :returns: (hapVary,hapDict,controlDict) * hapVary: list of refined variables * hapDict: dict with refined variables and their values * controlDict: dict with fixed parameters ''' def PrintSize(hapData): if hapData[0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: line = '\n Size model : %9s'%(hapData[0]) line += ' equatorial:'+'%12.3f'%(hapData[1][0])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][0]) if hapData[0] == 'uniaxial': line += ' axial:'+'%12.3f'%(hapData[1][1])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][1]) line += '\n\t LG mixing coeff.: %12.4f'%(hapData[1][2])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][2]) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write('\n Size model : %s\n\t LG mixing coeff.:%12.4f Refine? %s\n'% (hapData[0],hapData[1][2],hapData[2][2])) Snames = ['S11','S22','S33','S12','S13','S23'] ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' varstr = ' refine:' for i,name in enumerate(Snames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.3f' % (hapData[4][i]) varstr += '%12s' % (str(hapData[5][i])) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') def PrintMuStrain(hapData,SGData): if hapData[0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: line = '\n Mustrain model: %9s'%(hapData[0]) line += ' equatorial:'+'%12.1f'%(hapData[1][0])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][0]) if hapData[0] == 'uniaxial': line += ' axial:'+'%12.1f'%(hapData[1][1])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][1]) line +='\n\t LG mixing coeff.:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][2])+' Refine? '+str(hapData[2][2]) pFile.write(line+'\n') else: pFile.write('\n Mustrain model: %s\n\t LG mixing coeff.:%12.4f Refine? %s\n'% (hapData[0],hapData[1][2],hapData[2][2])) Snames = G2spc.MustrainNames(SGData) ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' varstr = ' refine:' for i,name in enumerate(Snames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.1f' % (hapData[4][i]) varstr += '%12s' % (str(hapData[5][i])) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') def PrintHStrain(hapData,SGData): pFile.write('\n Hydrostatic/elastic strain:\n') Hsnames = G2spc.HStrainNames(SGData) ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' varstr = ' refine:' for i,name in enumerate(Hsnames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.4g' % (hapData[0][i]) varstr += '%12s' % (str(hapData[1][i])) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') def PrintSHPO(hapData): pFile.write('\n Spherical harmonics preferred orientation: Order: %d Refine? %s\n'%(hapData[4],hapData[2])) ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' for item in hapData[5]: ptlbls += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += '%12.3f'%(hapData[5][item]) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') def PrintBabinet(hapData): pFile.write('\n Babinet form factor modification:\n') ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' varstr = ' refine:' for name in ['BabA','BabU']: ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.6f' % (hapData[name][0]) varstr += '%12s' % (str(hapData[name][1])) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') hapDict = {} hapVary = [] controlDict = {} for phase in Phases: HistoPhase = Phases[phase]['Histograms'] SGData = Phases[phase]['General']['SGData'] cell = Phases[phase]['General']['Cell'][1:7] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell) if Phases[phase]['General'].get('Modulated',False): SSGData = Phases[phase]['General']['SSGData'] Vec,x,maxH = Phases[phase]['General']['SuperVec'] pId = Phases[phase]['pId'] for histogram in Histograms: if histogram not in HistoPhase and phase in Histograms[histogram]['Reflection Lists']: #remove previously created reflection list if histogram is removed from phase #print("removing ",phase,"from",histogram) del Histograms[histogram]['Reflection Lists'][phase] histoList = list(HistoPhase.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: try: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] except KeyError: #skip if histogram not included e.g. in a sequential refinement continue try: if (not HistoPhase[histogram]['Use']) and 'Reflection Lists' in Histograms[histogram]: #remove previously created & now unused phase reflection list if phase in Histograms[histogram]['Reflection Lists']: del Histograms[histogram]['Reflection Lists'][phase] continue except Exception as msg: pass hapData = HistoPhase[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] if 'PWDR' in histogram: limits = Histogram['Limits'][1] inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] #TODO - grab table here if present if 'C' in inst['Type'][1]: try: wave = inst['Lam'][1] except KeyError: wave = inst['Lam1'][1] dmin = wave/(2.0*sind(limits[1]/2.0)) elif 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: dmin = G2lat.Pos2dsp(inst,limits[1]) dmin = limits[0]/inst['difC'][1] elif 'E' in inst['Type'][0]: dmin = G2lat.Pos2dsp(inst,limits[1]) else: wave = inst['Lam'][1] dmin = wave/(2.0*sind(limits[1]/2.0)) pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' if Phases[phase]['General']['doPawley']: hapDict[pfx+'LeBail'] = False #Pawley supercedes LeBail Tmin = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,dmin) if 'T' in inst['Type'][1]: limits[0] = max(limits[0],Tmin) else: limits[1] = min(limits[1],Tmin) else: hapDict[pfx+'LeBail'] = hapData.get('LeBail',False) if Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] == 'magnetic': dmin = max(dmin,Phases[phase]['General'].get('MagDmin',0.)) for item in ['Scale','Extinction']: hapDict[pfx+item] = hapData[item][0] # if hapData[item][1] and not hapDict[pfx+'LeBail']: if hapData[item][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+item) names = G2spc.HStrainNames(SGData) HSvals = [] for i,name in enumerate(names): hapDict[pfx+name] = hapData['HStrain'][0][i] HSvals.append(hapDict[pfx+name]) if hapData['HStrain'][1][i]: hapVary.append(pfx+name) # Acorr = G2lat.AplusDij(A,hapData['HStrain'][0],SGData) Acorr = A #adjust A for the Dij rith here? if 'Layer Disp' in hapData: hapDict[pfx+'LayerDisp'] = hapData['Layer Disp'][0] if hapData['Layer Disp'][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+'LayerDisp') else: hapDict[pfx+'LayerDisp'] = 0.0 if 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: controlDict[pfx+'poType'] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] == 'MD': hapDict[pfx+'MD'] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][1] controlDict[pfx+'MDAxis'] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][3] if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][2]: # and not hapDict[pfx+'LeBail']: hapVary.append(pfx+'MD') else: #'SH' spherical harmonics controlDict[pfx+'SHord'] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][4] controlDict[pfx+'SHncof'] = len(hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5]) controlDict[pfx+'SHnames'] = G2lat.GenSHCoeff(SGData['SGLaue'],'0',controlDict[pfx+'SHord'],False) controlDict[pfx+'SHhkl'] = [] try: #patch for old Pref.Ori. items controlDict[pfx+'SHtoler'] = 0.1 if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][6][0] != '': controlDict[pfx+'SHhkl'] = [eval(a.replace(' ',',')) for a in hapData['Pref.Ori.'][6]] controlDict[pfx+'SHtoler'] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][7] except IndexError: pass for item in hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5]: hapDict[pfx+item] = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5][item] if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][2]: # and not hapDict[pfx+'LeBail']: hapVary.append(pfx+item) for item in ['Mustrain','Size']: controlDict[pfx+item+'Type'] = hapData[item][0] hapDict[pfx+item+';mx'] = hapData[item][1][2] if hapData[item][2][2]: hapVary.append(pfx+item+';mx') if hapData[item][0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: hapDict[pfx+item+';i'] = hapData[item][1][0] if hapData[item][2][0]: hapVary.append(pfx+item+';i') if hapData[item][0] == 'uniaxial': controlDict[pfx+item+'Axis'] = hapData[item][3] hapDict[pfx+item+';a'] = hapData[item][1][1] if hapData[item][2][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+item+';a') else: #generalized for mustrain or ellipsoidal for size Nterms = len(hapData[item][4]) if item == 'Mustrain': names = G2spc.MustrainNames(SGData) pwrs = [] for name in names: h,k,l = name[1:] pwrs.append([int(h),int(k),int(l)]) controlDict[pfx+'MuPwrs'] = pwrs for i in range(Nterms): sfx = ';'+str(i) hapDict[pfx+item+sfx] = hapData[item][4][i] if hapData[item][5][i]: hapVary.append(pfx+item+sfx) if Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] != 'magnetic' and 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: for bab in ['BabA','BabU']: hapDict[pfx+bab] = hapData['Babinet'][bab][0] if hapData['Babinet'][bab][1]: # and not hapDict[pfx+'LeBail']: hapVary.append(pfx+bab) if Print: pFile.write('\n Phase: %s in histogram: %s\n'%(phase,histogram)) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') if hapDict.get(pfx+'LeBail'): pFile.write(' Perform LeBail extraction\n') elif 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: pFile.write(' Phase fraction : %10.4g Refine? %s\n'%(hapData['Scale'][0],hapData['Scale'][1])) pFile.write(' Extinction coeff: %10.4f Refine? %s\n'%(hapData['Extinction'][0],hapData['Extinction'][1])) if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] == 'MD': Ax = hapData['Pref.Ori.'][3] pFile.write(' March-Dollase PO: %10.4f Refine? %s Axis: %d %d %d\n'% (hapData['Pref.Ori.'][1],hapData['Pref.Ori.'][2],Ax[0],Ax[1],Ax[2])) else: #'SH' for spherical harmonics PrintSHPO(hapData['Pref.Ori.']) pFile.write(' Penalty hkl list: %s tolerance: %.2f\n'%(controlDict[pfx+'SHhkl'],controlDict[pfx+'SHtoler'])) PrintSize(hapData['Size']) PrintMuStrain(hapData['Mustrain'],SGData) PrintHStrain(hapData['HStrain'],SGData) if 'Layer Disp' in hapData: pFile.write(' Layer Displacement: %10.3f Refine? %s\n'%(hapData['Layer Disp'][0],hapData['Layer Disp'][1])) if Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] != 'magnetic'and 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: if hapData['Babinet']['BabA'][0]: PrintBabinet(hapData['Babinet']) if resetRefList and (not hapDict.get(pfx+'LeBail') or (hapData.get('LeBail',False) and Controls.get('newLeBail',False))): Scale = Histogram['Sample Parameters']['Scale'][0] #for initializing reflection structure factors. StartI = hapData['Scale'][0]*Scale #### TODO: apply random distribution to StartI - optional?? refList = [] useExt = 'magnetic' in Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] and 'N' in inst['Type'][0] if Phases[phase]['General'].get('Modulated',False): ifSuper = True HKLd = np.array(G2lat.GenSSHLaue(dmin,SGData,SSGData,Vec,maxH,Acorr)) HKLd = G2mth.sortArray(HKLd,4,reverse=True) for h,k,l,m,d in HKLd: randI = rand.uniform(.5,1.5) ext,mul,uniq,phi = G2spc.GenHKLf([h,k,l],SGData) mul *= 2 # for powder overlap of Friedel pairs if m or not ext or useExt: if 'C' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: refList.append([h,k,l,m,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) #... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,prfo,abs,ext elif 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: wave = inst['difC'][1]*d/(252.816*inst['fltPath'][0]) refList.append([h,k,l,m,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,wave, 1.0,1.0,1.0]) # ... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,alp,bet,wave, prfo,abs,ext #TODO - if tabulated put alp & bet in here elif 'B' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: refList.append([h,k,l,m,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0]) # ... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,alp,bet, prfo,abs,ext else: ifSuper = False HKLd = np.array(G2lat.GenHLaue(dmin,SGData,Acorr)) HKLd = G2mth.sortArray(HKLd,3,reverse=True) for h,k,l,d in HKLd: randI = rand.uniform(.5,1.5) ext,mul,uniq,phi = G2spc.GenHKLf([h,k,l],SGData) if ext and 'N' in inst['Type'][0] and 'MagSpGrp' in SGData: ext = G2spc.checkMagextc([h,k,l],SGData) mul *= 2 # for powder overlap of Friedel pairs if ext and not useExt: continue if 'C' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: refList.append([h,k,l,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) #... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,prfo,abs,ext elif 'T' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: wave = inst['difC'][1]*d/(252.816*inst['fltPath'][0]) refList.append([h,k,l,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,wave, 1.0,1.0,1.0]) # ... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,alp,bet,wave, prfo,abs,ext elif 'B' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: refList.append([h,k,l,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI/mul, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0]) # ... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr,alp,bet, prfo,abs,ext elif 'E' in inst['Type'][0]: pos = G2lat.Dsp2pos(inst,d) if limits[0] < pos < limits[1]: refList.append([h,k,l,mul,d, pos,0.0,0.0,0.0,randI*StartI, 0.0,0.0]) # ... sig,gam,fotsq,fctsq, phase,icorr if len(refList) == 0: raise G2obj.G2Exception(' Ouch #8: no reflections in data range - rethink PWDR limits') Histogram['Reflection Lists'][phase] = {'RefList':np.array(refList),'FF':{},'Type':inst['Type'][0],'Super':ifSuper} elif 'HKLF' in histogram: inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] hId = Histogram['hId'] hfx = ':%d:'%(hId) for item in inst: if type(inst) is not list and item != 'Type': continue # skip over non-refined items (such as InstName) hapDict[hfx+item] = inst[item][1] pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' hapDict[pfx+'Scale'] = hapData['Scale'][0] if hapData['Scale'][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+'Scale') extApprox,extType,extParms = hapData['Extinction'] controlDict[pfx+'EType'] = extType controlDict[pfx+'EApprox'] = extApprox if 'C' in inst['Type'][0]: controlDict[pfx+'Tbar'] = extParms['Tbar'] controlDict[pfx+'Cos2TM'] = extParms['Cos2TM'] if 'Primary' in extType: Ekey = ['Ep',] elif 'I & II' in extType: Ekey = ['Eg','Es'] elif 'Secondary Type II' == extType: Ekey = ['Es',] elif 'Secondary Type I' == extType: Ekey = ['Eg',] else: #'None' Ekey = [] for eKey in Ekey: hapDict[pfx+eKey] = extParms[eKey][0] if extParms[eKey][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+eKey) for bab in ['BabA','BabU']: hapDict[pfx+bab] = hapData['Babinet'][bab][0] if hapData['Babinet'][bab][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+bab) Twins = hapData.get('Twins',[[np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]),[1.0,False,0]],]) if len(Twins) == 1: hapDict[pfx+'Flack'] = hapData.get('Flack',[0.,False])[0] if hapData.get('Flack',[0,False])[1]: hapVary.append(pfx+'Flack') sumTwFr = 0. controlDict[pfx+'TwinLaw'] = [] controlDict[pfx+'TwinInv'] = [] NTL = 0 for it,twin in enumerate(Twins): if 'bool' in str(type(twin[0])): controlDict[pfx+'TwinInv'].append(twin[0]) controlDict[pfx+'TwinLaw'].append(np.zeros((3,3))) else: NTL += 1 controlDict[pfx+'TwinInv'].append(False) controlDict[pfx+'TwinLaw'].append(twin[0]) if it: hapDict[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)] = twin[1] sumTwFr += twin[1] else: hapDict[pfx+'TwinFr:0'] = twin[1][0] controlDict[pfx+'TwinNMN'] = twin[1][1] if Twins[0][1][1]: hapVary.append(pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)) controlDict[pfx+'NTL'] = NTL #need to make constraint on TwinFr controlDict[pfx+'TwinLaw'] = np.array(controlDict[pfx+'TwinLaw']) if len(Twins) > 1: #force sum to unity hapDict[pfx+'TwinFr:0'] = 1.-sumTwFr if Print: pFile.write('\n Phase: %s in histogram: %s\n'%(phase,histogram)) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') pFile.write(' Scale factor : %10.4g Refine? %s\n'%(hapData['Scale'][0],hapData['Scale'][1])) if extType != 'None': pFile.write(' Extinction Type: %15s approx: %10s\n'%(extType,extApprox)) text = ' Parameters :' for eKey in Ekey: text += ' %4s : %10.3e Refine? '%(eKey,extParms[eKey][0])+str(extParms[eKey][1]) pFile.write(text+'\n') if hapData['Babinet']['BabA'][0]: PrintBabinet(hapData['Babinet']) if not SGData['SGInv'] and len(Twins) == 1: pFile.write(' Flack parameter: %10.3f Refine? %s\n'%(hapData['Flack'][0],hapData['Flack'][1])) if len(Twins) > 1: for it,twin in enumerate(Twins): if 'bool' in str(type(twin[0])): pFile.write(' Nonmerohedral twin fr.: %5.3f Inv? %s Refine? %s\n'% (hapDict[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)],str(controlDict[pfx+'TwinInv'][it]),str(Twins[0][1][1]))) else: pFile.write(' Twin law: %s Twin fr.: %5.3f Refine? %s\n'% (str(twin[0]).replace('\n',','),hapDict[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)],str(Twins[0][1][1]))) Histogram['Reflection Lists'] = phase return hapVary,hapDict,controlDict
[docs] def SetHistogramPhaseData(parmDict,sigDict,Phases,Histograms,calcControls,Print=True,pFile=None, covMatrix=[],varyList=[]): '''Updates parmDict with HAP results from refinement and prints a summary if Print is True ''' def PrintSizeAndSig(hapData,sizeSig): line = '\n Size model: %9s'%(hapData[0]) refine = False if hapData[0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: line += ' equatorial:%12.5f'%(hapData[1][0]) if sizeSig[0][0]: line += ', sig:%8.4f'%(sizeSig[0][0]) refine = True if hapData[0] == 'uniaxial': line += ' axial:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][1]) if sizeSig[0][1]: refine = True line += ', sig:%8.4f'%(sizeSig[0][1]) line += ' LG mix coeff.:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][2]) if sizeSig[0][2]: refine = True line += ', sig:%8.4f'%(sizeSig[0][2]) if refine: pFile.write(line+'\n') else: line += ' LG mix coeff.:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][2]) if sizeSig[0][2]: refine = True line += ', sig:%8.4f'%(sizeSig[0][2]) Snames = ['S11','S22','S33','S12','S13','S23'] ptlbls = ' name :' ptstr = ' value :' sigstr = ' sig :' for i,name in enumerate(Snames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.6f' % (hapData[4][i]) if sizeSig[1][i]: refine = True sigstr += '%12.6f' % (sizeSig[1][i]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if refine: pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintMuStrainAndSig(hapData,mustrainSig,SGData): line = '\n Mustrain model: %9s\n'%(hapData[0]) refine = False if hapData[0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: line += ' equatorial:%12.1f'%(hapData[1][0]) if mustrainSig[0][0]: line += ', sig:%8.1f'%(mustrainSig[0][0]) refine = True if hapData[0] == 'uniaxial': line += ' axial:%12.1f'%(hapData[1][1]) if mustrainSig[0][1]: line += ', sig:%8.1f'%(mustrainSig[0][1]) line += ' LG mix coeff.:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][2]) if mustrainSig[0][2]: refine = True line += ', sig:%8.3f'%(mustrainSig[0][2]) if refine: pFile.write(line+'\n') else: line += ' LG mix coeff.:%12.4f'%(hapData[1][2]) if mustrainSig[0][2]: refine = True line += ', sig:%8.3f'%(mustrainSig[0][2]) Snames = G2spc.MustrainNames(SGData) ptlbls = ' name :' ptstr = ' value :' sigstr = ' sig :' for i,name in enumerate(Snames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.1f' % (hapData[4][i]) if mustrainSig[1][i]: refine = True sigstr += '%12.1f' % (mustrainSig[1][i]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if refine: pFile.write(line+'\n') pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintHStrainAndSig(hapData,strainSig,SGData): Hsnames = G2spc.HStrainNames(SGData) ptlbls = ' name :' ptstr = ' value :' sigstr = ' sig :' refine = False for i,name in enumerate(Hsnames): ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.4g' % (hapData[0][i]) if name in strainSig: refine = True sigstr += '%12.4g' % (strainSig[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if refine: pFile.write('\n Hydrostatic/elastic strain:\n') pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintSHPOAndSig(pfx,hapData,POsig): Tindx = 1.0 Tvar = 0.0 pFile.write('\n Spherical harmonics preferred orientation: Order: %d\n'%hapData[4]) ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig :' for item in hapData[5]: ptlbls += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += '%12.3f'%(hapData[5][item]) l = 2.0*eval(item.strip('C'))[0]+1 Tindx += hapData[5][item]**2/l if pfx+item in POsig: Tvar += (2.*hapData[5][item]*POsig[pfx+item]/l)**2 sigstr += '%12.3f'%(POsig[pfx+item]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') pFile.write('\n Texture index J = %.3f(%d)\n'%(Tindx,int(1000*np.sqrt(Tvar)))) def PrintExtAndSig(pfx,hapData,ScalExtSig): pFile.write('\n Single crystal extinction: Type: %s Approx: %s\n'%(hapData[0],hapData[1])) text = '' for item in hapData[2]: if pfx+item in ScalExtSig: text += ' %s: '%(item) text += '%12.2e'%(hapData[2][item][0]) if pfx+item in ScalExtSig: text += ' sig: %12.2e'%(ScalExtSig[pfx+item]) pFile.write(text+'\n') def PrintBabinetAndSig(pfx,hapData,BabSig): pFile.write('\n Babinet form factor modification:\n') ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig :' for item in hapData: ptlbls += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += '%12.3f'%(hapData[item][0]) if pfx+item in BabSig: sigstr += '%12.3f'%(BabSig[pfx+item]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') def PrintTwinsAndSig(pfx,twinData,TwinSig): pFile.write('\n Twin Law fractions :\n') ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig :' for it,item in enumerate(twinData): ptlbls += ' twin #%d'%(it) if it: ptstr += '%12.3f'%(item[1]) else: ptstr += '%12.3f'%(item[1][0]) if pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it) in TwinSig: sigstr += '%12.3f'%(TwinSig[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') # global PhFrExtPOSig # this is not used externally anymore. Remove? PhFrExtPOSig = {} SizeMuStrSig = {} ScalExtSig = {} BabSig = {} TwinFrSig = {} # wtFrSum = {} for phase in Phases: HistoPhase = Phases[phase]['Histograms'] General = Phases[phase]['General'] SGData = General['SGData'] pId = Phases[phase]['pId'] histoList = list(HistoPhase.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: try: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] except KeyError: #skip if histogram not included e.g. in a sequential refinement continue if not Phases[phase]['Histograms'][histogram]['Use']: #skip if phase absent from this histogram continue hapData = HistoPhase[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' # if hId not in wtFrSum: # wtFrSum[hId] = 0. if 'PWDR' in histogram: inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] #TODO - grab table here if present if 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: parmDict[pfx+'Scale'] = max(1.e-12,parmDict[pfx+'Scale']) for item in ['Scale','Extinction']: hapData[item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict and not parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail'): PhFrExtPOSig.update({pfx+item:sigDict[pfx+item],}) if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] == 'MD': hapData['Pref.Ori.'][1] = parmDict[pfx+'MD'] if pfx+'MD' in sigDict and not parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail'): PhFrExtPOSig.update({pfx+'MD':sigDict[pfx+'MD'],}) else: #'SH' spherical harmonics for item in hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5]: hapData['Pref.Ori.'][5][item] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict and not parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail'): PhFrExtPOSig.update({pfx+item:sigDict[pfx+item],}) SizeMuStrSig.update({pfx+'Mustrain':[[0,0,0],[0 for i in range(len(hapData['Mustrain'][4]))]], pfx+'Size':[[0,0,0],[0 for i in range(len(hapData['Size'][4]))]],pfx+'HStrain':{}}) for item in ['Mustrain','Size']: hapData[item][1][2] = parmDict[pfx+item+';mx'] # hapData[item][1][2] = min(1.,max(0.,hapData[item][1][2])) if pfx+item+';mx' in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+item][0][2] = sigDict[pfx+item+';mx'] if hapData[item][0] in ['isotropic','uniaxial']: hapData[item][1][0] = parmDict[pfx+item+';i'] if item == 'Size': hapData[item][1][0] = min(10.,max(0.001,hapData[item][1][0])) if pfx+item+';i' in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+item][0][0] = sigDict[pfx+item+';i'] if hapData[item][0] == 'uniaxial': hapData[item][1][1] = parmDict[pfx+item+';a'] if item == 'Size': hapData[item][1][1] = min(10.,max(0.001,hapData[item][1][1])) if pfx+item+';a' in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+item][0][1] = sigDict[pfx+item+';a'] else: #generalized for mustrain or ellipsoidal for size Nterms = len(hapData[item][4]) for i in range(Nterms): sfx = ';'+str(i) hapData[item][4][i] = parmDict[pfx+item+sfx] if pfx+item+sfx in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+item][1][i] = sigDict[pfx+item+sfx] SizeMuStrSig.update({pfx+'HStrain':{}}) names = G2spc.HStrainNames(SGData) for i,name in enumerate(names): hapData['HStrain'][0][i] = parmDict[pfx+name] if pfx+name in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'HStrain'][name] = sigDict[pfx+name] if 'Layer Disp' in hapData: hapData['Layer Disp'][0] = parmDict[pfx+'LayerDisp'] if pfx+'LayerDisp' in sigDict: SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'LayerDisp'] = sigDict[pfx+'LayerDisp'] if Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] != 'magnetic' and 'E' not in inst['Type'][0]: for name in ['BabA','BabU']: hapData['Babinet'][name][0] = parmDict[pfx+name] if pfx+name in sigDict and not parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail'): BabSig[pfx+name] = sigDict[pfx+name] elif 'HKLF' in histogram: for item in ['Scale','Flack']: if parmDict.get(pfx+item): hapData[item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict: ScalExtSig[pfx+item] = sigDict[pfx+item] for item in ['Ep','Eg','Es']: if parmDict.get(pfx+item): hapData['Extinction'][2][item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict: ScalExtSig[pfx+item] = sigDict[pfx+item] for item in ['BabA','BabU']: hapData['Babinet'][item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict: BabSig[pfx+item] = sigDict[pfx+item] if 'Twins' in hapData: it = 1 sumTwFr = 0. while True: try: hapData['Twins'][it][1] = parmDict[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)] if pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it) in sigDict: TwinFrSig[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)] = sigDict[pfx+'TwinFr:'+str(it)] if it: sumTwFr += hapData['Twins'][it][1] it += 1 except KeyError: break hapData['Twins'][0][1][0] = 1.-sumTwFr # HAP parameters updated, now compute derived quantities for hist in Phases[phase]['Histograms']: try: Histogram = Histograms[hist] except KeyError: #skip if histogram not included e.g. in a sequential refinement continue vDict,sDict = G2stMth.calcMassFracs(varyList,covMatrix, Phases,hist,Histograms[hist]['hId']) parmDict.update(vDict) sigDict.update(sDict) if Print: for phase in Phases: HistoPhase = Phases[phase]['Histograms'] General = Phases[phase]['General'] SGData = General['SGData'] pId = Phases[phase]['pId'] histoList = list(HistoPhase.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: try: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] except KeyError: #skip if histogram not included e.g. in a sequential refinement continue hapData = HistoPhase[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] Histogram['Residuals'][str(pId)+'::Name'] = phase pfx = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':' hfx = ':%s:'%(hId) if pfx+'Nref' not in Histogram['Residuals']: #skip not used phase in histogram continue pFile.write('\n Phase: %s in histogram: %s\n'%(phase,histogram)) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') Inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] if 'PWDR' in histogram: pFile.write(' Final refinement RF, RF^2 = %.2f%%, %.2f%% on %d reflections\n'% (Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Rf'],Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Rf^2'],Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Nref'])) pFile.write(' Durbin-Watson statistic = %.3f\n'%(Histogram['Residuals']['Durbin-Watson'])) pFile.write(' Bragg intensity sum = %.3g\n'%(Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'sumInt'])) if parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail') or 'E' in Inst['Type'][0]: pFile.write(' Performed LeBail extraction for phase %s in histogram %s\n'%(phase,histogram)) elif 'E' not in Inst['Type'][0]: var = pfx + 'WgtFrac' if pfx+'Scale' in PhFrExtPOSig or var in sigDict: wtFr = parmDict.get(var,0) sigwtFr = sigDict.get(var,0) pFile.write(' Phase fraction : %10.5g, sig %10.5g Weight fraction : %8.5f, sig %10.5f\n'% (hapData['Scale'][0],PhFrExtPOSig.get(pfx+'Scale',0),wtFr,sigwtFr)) if pfx+'Extinction' in PhFrExtPOSig: pFile.write(' Extinction coeff: %10.4f, sig %10.4f\n'%(hapData['Extinction'][0],PhFrExtPOSig[pfx+'Extinction'])) if hapData['Pref.Ori.'][0] == 'MD': if pfx+'MD' in PhFrExtPOSig: pFile.write(' March-Dollase PO: %10.4f, sig %10.4f\n'%(hapData['Pref.Ori.'][1],PhFrExtPOSig[pfx+'MD'])) else: PrintSHPOAndSig(pfx,hapData['Pref.Ori.'],PhFrExtPOSig) PrintSizeAndSig(hapData['Size'],SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'Size']) PrintMuStrainAndSig(hapData['Mustrain'],SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'Mustrain'],SGData) PrintHStrainAndSig(hapData['HStrain'],SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'HStrain'],SGData) if pfx+'LayerDisp' in SizeMuStrSig: pFile.write(' Layer displacement : %10.3f, sig %10.3f\n'%(hapData['Layer Disp'][0],SizeMuStrSig[pfx+'LayerDisp'])) if Phases[phase]['General']['Type'] != 'magnetic' and not parmDict.get(pfx+'LeBail') and 'E' not in Inst['Type'][0]: if len(BabSig): PrintBabinetAndSig(pfx,hapData['Babinet'],BabSig) elif 'HKLF' in histogram: pFile.write(' Final refinement RF, RF^2 = %.2f%%, %.2f%% on %d reflections (%d user rejected, %d\n'% (Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Rf'],Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Rf^2'],Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Nref'], Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Nrej'],Histogram['Residuals'][pfx+'Next'])) if calcControls != None: #skipped in seqRefine if 'X'in Inst['Type'][0]: PrintFprime(calcControls['FFtables'],hfx,pFile) elif 'NC' in Inst['Type'][0]: PrintBlength(calcControls['BLtables'],Inst['Lam'][1],pFile) pFile.write(' HKLF histogram weight factor = %.3f\n'%(Histogram['wtFactor'])) if pfx+'Scale' in ScalExtSig: pFile.write(' Scale factor : %10.4g, sig %10.4g\n'%(hapData['Scale'][0],ScalExtSig[pfx+'Scale'])) if hapData['Extinction'][0] != 'None': PrintExtAndSig(pfx,hapData['Extinction'],ScalExtSig) if len(BabSig): PrintBabinetAndSig(pfx,hapData['Babinet'],BabSig) if pfx+'Flack' in ScalExtSig: pFile.write(' Flack parameter : %10.3f, sig %10.3f\n'%(hapData['Flack'][0],ScalExtSig[pfx+'Flack'])) if len(TwinFrSig): PrintTwinsAndSig(pfx,hapData['Twins'],TwinFrSig)
################################################################################ ##### Histogram data ################################################################################
[docs] def GetHistogramData(Histograms,Print=True,pFile=None): 'needs a doc string' def GetBackgroundParms(hId,Background): Back = Background[0] DebyePeaks = Background[1] bakType,bakFlag = Back[:2] backVals = Back[3:] backNames = [':'+str(hId)+':Back;'+str(i) for i in range(len(backVals))] backDict = dict(zip(backNames,backVals)) backVary = [] if bakFlag: backVary = backNames backDict[':'+str(hId)+':nDebye'] = DebyePeaks['nDebye'] backDict[':'+str(hId)+':nPeaks'] = DebyePeaks['nPeaks'] debyeDict = {} debyeList = [] for i in range(DebyePeaks['nDebye']): debyeNames = [':'+str(hId)+':DebyeA;'+str(i),':'+str(hId)+':DebyeR;'+str(i),':'+str(hId)+':DebyeU;'+str(i)] debyeDict.update(dict(zip(debyeNames,DebyePeaks['debyeTerms'][i][::2]))) debyeList += zip(debyeNames,DebyePeaks['debyeTerms'][i][1::2]) debyeVary = [] for item in debyeList: if item[1]: debyeVary.append(item[0]) backDict.update(debyeDict) backVary += debyeVary peakDict = {} peakList = [] for i in range(DebyePeaks['nPeaks']): peakNames = [':'+str(hId)+':BkPkpos;'+str(i),':'+str(hId)+ \ ':BkPkint;'+str(i),':'+str(hId)+':BkPksig;'+str(i),':'+str(hId)+':BkPkgam;'+str(i)] peakDict.update(dict(zip(peakNames,DebyePeaks['peaksList'][i][::2]))) peakList += zip(peakNames,DebyePeaks['peaksList'][i][1::2]) peakVary = [] for item in peakList: if item[1]: peakVary.append(item[0]) backDict.update(peakDict) backVary += peakVary if 'background PWDR' in Background[1]: backDict[':'+str(hId)+':Back File'] = Background[1]['background PWDR'][0] backDict[':'+str(hId)+':BF mult'] = Background[1]['background PWDR'][1] try: if Background[1]['background PWDR'][0] and Background[1]['background PWDR'][2]: backVary.append(':'+str(hId)+':BF mult') except IndexError: # old version without refine flag pass return bakType,backDict,backVary def GetInstParms(hId,Inst): #patch dataType = Inst['Type'][0] if 'Z' not in Inst and 'E' not in dataType: Inst['Z'] = [0.0,0.0,False] instDict = {} insVary = [] pfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' insKeys = list(Inst.keys()) insKeys.sort() for item in insKeys: if 'Azimuth' in item: continue insName = pfx+item instDict[insName] = Inst[item][1] if len(Inst[item]) > 2 and Inst[item][2]: insVary.append(insName) if 'C' in dataType: instDict[pfx+'SH/L'] = max(instDict[pfx+'SH/L'],0.0005) elif 'T' in dataType: #trap zero alp, bet coeff. if not instDict[pfx+'alpha']: instDict[pfx+'alpha'] = 1.0 if not instDict[pfx+'beta-0'] and not instDict[pfx+'beta-1']: instDict[pfx+'beta-1'] = 1.0 elif 'B' in dataType: #trap zero alp, bet coeff. if not instDict[pfx+'alpha-0'] and not instDict[pfx+'alpha-1']: instDict[pfx+'alpha-1'] = 1.0 if not instDict[pfx+'beta-0'] and not instDict[pfx+'beta-1']: instDict[pfx+'beta-1'] = 1.0 elif 'E' in dataType: pass return dataType,instDict,insVary def GetSampleParms(hId,Sample): sampVary = [] hfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' sampDict = {hfx+'Gonio. radius':Sample['Gonio. radius'],hfx+'Omega':Sample['Omega'], hfx+'Chi':Sample['Chi'],hfx+'Phi':Sample['Phi'],hfx+'Azimuth':Sample['Azimuth']} for key in ('Temperature','Pressure','FreePrm1','FreePrm2','FreePrm3'): if key in Sample: sampDict[hfx+key] = Sample[key] Type = Sample['Type'] if 'Bragg' in Type: #Bragg-Brentano for item in ['Scale','Shift','Transparency','SurfRoughA','SurfRoughB']: sampDict[hfx+item] = Sample[item][0] if Sample[item][1]: sampVary.append(hfx+item) elif 'Debye' in Type: #Debye-Scherrer for item in ['Scale','Absorption','DisplaceX','DisplaceY']: sampDict[hfx+item] = Sample[item][0] if Sample[item][1]: sampVary.append(hfx+item) return Type,sampDict,sampVary def PrintBackground(Background): Back = Background[0] DebyePeaks = Background[1] pFile.write('\n Background function: %s Refine? %s\n'%(Back[0],Back[1])) line = ' Coefficients: ' for i,back in enumerate(Back[3:]): line += '%10.3f'%(back) if i and not i%10: line += '\n'+15*' ' pFile.write(line+'\n') if DebyePeaks['nDebye']: pFile.write('\n Debye diffuse scattering coefficients\n') parms = ['DebyeA','DebyeR','DebyeU'] line = ' names : ' for parm in parms: line += '%8s refine?'%(parm) pFile.write(line+'\n') for j,term in enumerate(DebyePeaks['debyeTerms']): line = ' term'+'%2d'%(j)+':' for i in range(3): line += '%10.3f %5s'%(term[2*i],bool(term[2*i+1])) pFile.write(line+'\n') if DebyePeaks['nPeaks']: pFile.write('\n Single peak coefficients\n') parms = ['BkPkpos','BkPkint','BkPksig','BkPkgam'] line = ' names : ' for parm in parms: line += '%8s refine?'%(parm) pFile.write(line+'\n') for j,term in enumerate(DebyePeaks['peaksList']): line = ' peak'+'%2d'%(j)+':' for i in range(4): line += '%12.3f %5s'%(term[2*i],bool(term[2*i+1])) pFile.write(line+'\n') if 'background PWDR' in DebyePeaks: try: pFile.write(' Fixed background file: %s; mult: %.3f Refine? %s\n'%(DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][0], DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][1],DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][2])) except IndexError: #old version without refine flag pass def PrintInstParms(Inst): pFile.write('\n Instrument Parameters:\n') insKeys = list(Inst.keys()) insKeys.sort() iBeg = 0 Ok = True while Ok: ptlbls = ' name :' ptstr = ' value :' varstr = ' refine:' iFin = min(iBeg+9,len(insKeys)) for item in insKeys[iBeg:iFin]: if item not in ['Type','Source','Bank']: ptlbls += '%12s' % (item) ptstr += '%12.6f' % (Inst[item][1]) if item in ['Lam1','Lam2','Azimuth','fltPath']: varstr += 12*' ' else: varstr += '%12s' % (str(bool(Inst[item][2]))) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') iBeg = iFin if iBeg == len(insKeys): Ok = False else: pFile.write('\n') def PrintSampleParms(Sample): pFile.write('\n Sample Parameters:\n') pFile.write(' Goniometer omega = %.2f, chi = %.2f, phi = %.2f\n'% (Sample['Omega'],Sample['Chi'],Sample['Phi'])) ptlbls = ' name :' ptstr = ' value :' varstr = ' refine:' if 'Bragg' in Sample['Type']: for item in ['Scale','Shift','Transparency','SurfRoughA','SurfRoughB']: ptlbls += '%14s'%(item) ptstr += '%14.4f'%(Sample[item][0]) varstr += '%14s'%(str(bool(Sample[item][1]))) elif 'Debye' in Type: #Debye-Scherrer for item in ['Scale','Absorption','DisplaceX','DisplaceY']: ptlbls += '%14s'%(item) ptstr += '%14.4f'%(Sample[item][0]) varstr += '%14s'%(str(bool(Sample[item][1]))) pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(varstr+'\n') histDict = {} histVary = [] controlDict = {} histoList = list(Histograms.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: if 'PWDR' in histogram: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] pfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' controlDict[pfx+'wtFactor'] = Histogram['wtFactor'] controlDict[pfx+'Limits'] = Histogram['Limits'][1] controlDict[pfx+'Exclude'] = Histogram['Limits'][2:] for excl in controlDict[pfx+'Exclude']: Histogram['Data'][0] = ma.masked_inside(Histogram['Data'][0],excl[0],excl[1]) if controlDict[pfx+'Exclude']: ma.mask_rows(Histogram['Data']) Background = Histogram['Background'] Type,bakDict,bakVary = GetBackgroundParms(hId,Background) controlDict[pfx+'bakType'] = Type histDict.update(bakDict) histVary += bakVary Inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'] #TODO ? ignores tabulated alp,bet & delt for TOF if 'T' in Type and len(Inst[1]): #patch - back-to-back exponential contribution to TOF line shape is removed G2fil.G2Print ('Warning: tabulated profile coefficients are ignored') Type,instDict,insVary = GetInstParms(hId,Inst[0]) controlDict[pfx+'histType'] = Type if 'XC' in Type or 'XB' in Type: if pfx+'Lam1' in instDict: controlDict[pfx+'keV'] = G2mth.wavekE(instDict[pfx+'Lam1']) else: controlDict[pfx+'keV'] = G2mth.wavekE(instDict[pfx+'Lam']) histDict.update(instDict) histVary += insVary Sample = Histogram['Sample Parameters'] Type,sampDict,sampVary = GetSampleParms(hId,Sample) controlDict[pfx+'instType'] = Type histDict.update(sampDict) histVary += sampVary if Print: pFile.write('\n Histogram: %s histogram Id: %d\n'%(histogram,hId)) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') Units = {'C':' deg','T':' msec','B':' deg','E':'keV'} units = Units[controlDict[pfx+'histType'][2]] Limits = controlDict[pfx+'Limits'] pFile.write(' Instrument type: %s\n'%Sample['Type']) pFile.write(' Histogram limits: %8.2f%s to %8.2f%s\n'%(Limits[0],units,Limits[1],units)) if len(controlDict[pfx+'Exclude']): excls = controlDict[pfx+'Exclude'] for excl in excls: pFile.write(' Excluded region: %8.2f%s to %8.2f%s\n'%(excl[0],units,excl[1],units)) PrintSampleParms(Sample) PrintInstParms(Inst[0]) PrintBackground(Background) elif 'HKLF' in histogram: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] pfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' controlDict[pfx+'wtFactor'] = Histogram['wtFactor'] Inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] controlDict[pfx+'histType'] = Inst['Type'][1] if 'X' in Inst['Type'][1]: histDict[pfx+'Lam'] = Inst['Lam'][1] controlDict[pfx+'keV'] = G2mth.wavekE(histDict[pfx+'Lam']) elif 'SEC' in Inst['Type'][1]: histDict[pfx+'Lam'] = Inst['Lam'][1] elif 'NC' in Inst['Type'][1] or 'NB' in Inst['Type'][1]: histDict[pfx+'Lam'] = Inst['Lam'][1] return histVary,histDict,controlDict
[docs] def SetHistogramData(parmDict,sigDict,Histograms,calcControls,Print=True,pFile=None,seq=False): 'Shows histogram data after a refinement' def SetBackgroundParms(pfx,Background,parmDict,sigDict): Back = Background[0] DebyePeaks = Background[1] lenBack = len(Back[3:]) backSig = [0 for i in range(lenBack+3*DebyePeaks['nDebye']+4*DebyePeaks['nPeaks'])] for i in range(lenBack): Back[3+i] = parmDict[pfx+'Back;'+str(i)] if pfx+'Back;'+str(i) in sigDict: backSig[i] = sigDict[pfx+'Back;'+str(i)] if DebyePeaks['nDebye']: for i in range(DebyePeaks['nDebye']): names = [pfx+'DebyeA;'+str(i),pfx+'DebyeR;'+str(i),pfx+'DebyeU;'+str(i)] for j,name in enumerate(names): DebyePeaks['debyeTerms'][i][2*j] = parmDict[name] if name in sigDict: backSig[lenBack+3*i+j] = sigDict[name] if DebyePeaks['nPeaks']: for i in range(DebyePeaks['nPeaks']): names = [pfx+'BkPkpos;'+str(i),pfx+'BkPkint;'+str(i), pfx+'BkPksig;'+str(i),pfx+'BkPkgam;'+str(i)] for j,name in enumerate(names): DebyePeaks['peaksList'][i][2*j] = parmDict[name] if name in sigDict: backSig[lenBack+3*DebyePeaks['nDebye']+4*i+j] = sigDict[name] if pfx+'BF mult' in sigDict: DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][1] = parmDict[pfx+'BF mult'] backSig.append(sigDict[pfx+'BF mult']) return backSig def SetInstParms(pfx,Inst,parmDict,sigDict): instSig = {} insKeys = list(Inst.keys()) insKeys.sort() for item in insKeys: insName = pfx+item Inst[item][1] = parmDict[insName] if insName in sigDict: instSig[item] = sigDict[insName] else: instSig[item] = 0 return instSig def SetSampleParms(pfx,Sample,parmDict,sigDict): if 'Bragg' in Sample['Type']: #Bragg-Brentano sampSig = [0 for i in range(5)] for i,item in enumerate(['Scale','Shift','Transparency','SurfRoughA','SurfRoughB']): Sample[item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict: sampSig[i] = sigDict[pfx+item] elif 'Debye' in Sample['Type']: #Debye-Scherrer sampSig = [0 for i in range(4)] for i,item in enumerate(['Scale','Absorption','DisplaceX','DisplaceY']): Sample[item][0] = parmDict[pfx+item] if pfx+item in sigDict: sampSig[i] = sigDict[pfx+item] return sampSig def PrintBackgroundSig(Background,backSig): Back = Background[0] DebyePeaks = Background[1] valstr = ' value : ' sigstr = ' sig : ' refine = False for i,back in enumerate(Back[3:]): valstr += '%10.4g'%(back) if Back[1]: refine = True sigstr += '%10.4g'%(backSig[i]) else: sigstr += 10*' ' if refine: pFile.write('\n Background function: %s\n'%Back[0]) pFile.write(valstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') if DebyePeaks['nDebye']: ifAny = False ptfmt = "%12.3f" names = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for item in sigDict: if 'Debye' in item: ifAny = True names += '%12s'%(item) ptstr += ptfmt%(parmDict[item]) sigstr += ptfmt%(sigDict[item]) if ifAny: pFile.write('\n Debye diffuse scattering coefficients\n') pFile.write(names+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') if DebyePeaks['nPeaks']: pFile.write('\n Single peak coefficients:\n') parms = ['BkPkpos','BkPkint','BkPksig','BkPkgam'] line = ' peak no. ' for parm in parms: line += '%14s%12s'%(,'esd'.center(12)) pFile.write(line+'\n') for ip in range(DebyePeaks['nPeaks']): ptstr = ' %4d '%(ip) for parm in parms: fmt = '%14.3f' efmt = '%12.3f' if parm == 'BkPkpos': fmt = '%14.4f' efmt = '%12.4f' name = pfx+parm+';%d'%(ip) ptstr += fmt%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: ptstr += efmt%(sigDict[name]) else: ptstr += 12*' ' pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') if ('background PWDR' in DebyePeaks and len(DebyePeaks['background PWDR']) >= 3 and DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][2]): pFile.write(' Fixed background scale: %.3f(%d)\n'%(DebyePeaks['background PWDR'][1],int(1000*backSig[-1]))) sumBk = np.array(Histogram['sumBk']) pFile.write(' Background sums: empirical %.3g, Debye %.3g, peaks %.3g, Total %.3g\n'% (sumBk[0],sumBk[1],sumBk[2],np.sum(sumBk))) def PrintInstParmsSig(Inst,instSig): refine = False insKeys = list(instSig.keys()) insKeys.sort() iBeg = 0 Ok = True while Ok: ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' value :' sigstr = ' sig :' iFin = min(iBeg+9,len(insKeys)) for name in insKeys[iBeg:iFin]: if name not in ['Type','Lam1','Lam2','Azimuth','Source','fltPath','Bank']: ptlbls += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.6f' % (Inst[name][1]) if instSig[name]: refine = True sigstr += '%12.6f' % (instSig[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' if refine: pFile.write('\n Instrument Parameters:\n') pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') iBeg = iFin if iBeg == len(insKeys): Ok = False def PrintSampleParmsSig(Sample,sampleSig): ptlbls = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' sig :' refine = False if 'Bragg' in Sample['Type']: for i,item in enumerate(['Scale','Shift','Transparency','SurfRoughA','SurfRoughB']): ptlbls += '%14s'%(item) ptstr += '%14.4f'%(Sample[item][0]) if sampleSig[i]: refine = True sigstr += '%14.4f'%(sampleSig[i]) else: sigstr += 14*' ' elif 'Debye' in Sample['Type']: #Debye-Scherrer for i,item in enumerate(['Scale','Absorption','DisplaceX','DisplaceY']): ptlbls += '%14s'%(item) ptstr += '%14.4f'%(Sample[item][0]) if sampleSig[i]: refine = True sigstr += '%14.4f'%(sampleSig[i]) else: sigstr += 14*' ' if refine: pFile.write('\n Sample Parameters:\n') pFile.write(ptlbls+'\n') pFile.write(ptstr+'\n') pFile.write(sigstr+'\n') histoList = list(Histograms.keys()) histoList.sort() for histogram in histoList: if 'PWDR' in histogram: Histogram = Histograms[histogram] hId = Histogram['hId'] pfx = ':'+str(hId)+':' Background = Histogram['Background'] backSig = SetBackgroundParms(pfx,Background,parmDict,sigDict) Inst = Histogram['Instrument Parameters'][0] instSig = SetInstParms(pfx,Inst,parmDict,sigDict) Sample = Histogram['Sample Parameters'] parmDict[pfx+'Scale'] = max(1.e-12,parmDict[pfx+'Scale']) #put floor on phase fraction scale sampSig = SetSampleParms(pfx,Sample,parmDict,sigDict) if Print and not seq: pFile.write('\n Histogram: %s histogram Id: %d\n'%(histogram,hId)) pFile.write(135*'='+'\n') if Print: pFile.write(' PWDR histogram weight factor = '+'%.3f\n'%(Histogram['wtFactor'])) pFile.write(' Final refinement wR = %.2f%% on %d observations in this histogram\n'% (Histogram['Residuals']['wR'],Histogram['Residuals']['Nobs'])) pFile.write(' Other residuals: R = %.2f%%, R-bkg = %.2f%%, wR-bkg = %.2f%% wRmin = %.2f%%\n'% (Histogram['Residuals']['R'],Histogram['Residuals']['Rb'],Histogram['Residuals']['wR'],Histogram['Residuals']['wRmin'])) pFile.write(' Instrument type: %s\n'%Sample['Type']) if calcControls != None: #skipped in seqRefine if 'X' in Inst['Type'][0] and 'E' not in Inst['Type'][0]: PrintFprime(calcControls['FFtables'],pfx,pFile) elif 'NC' in Inst['Type'][0]: PrintBlength(calcControls['BLtables'],Inst['Lam'][1],pFile) PrintSampleParmsSig(Sample,sampSig) PrintInstParmsSig(Inst,instSig) PrintBackgroundSig(Background,backSig)
[docs] def WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict): '''Cribbed version of PrintRBObjPOAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF ''' namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for i,px in enumerate(['Px:','Py:','Pz:']): name = pfx+rbfx+px+rbsx if name not in parmDict: continue namstr += '%12s'%('Pos '+px[1]) valstr += '%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' for i,po in enumerate(['Oa:','Oi:','Oj:','Ok:']): name = pfx+rbfx+po+rbsx if name not in parmDict: continue namstr += '%12s'%('Ori '+po[1]) valstr += '%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' name = pfx+rbfx+'f:'+rbsx if name in parmDict: namstr += '%12s'%('Frac') valstr += '%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' return (namstr,valstr,sigstr)
[docs] def WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,TLS,parmDict,sigDict): '''Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTLSAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF ''' out = [] namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' if 'N' not in TLS: out.append(' Thermal motion:\n') if 'T' in TLS: for i,pt in enumerate(['T11:','T22:','T33:','T12:','T13:','T23:']): name = pfx+rbfx+pt+rbsx namstr += '%12s'%(pt[:3]) valstr += '%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') if 'L' in TLS: namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for i,pt in enumerate(['L11:','L22:','L33:','L12:','L13:','L23:']): name = pfx+rbfx+pt+rbsx namstr += '%12s'%(pt[:3]) valstr += '%12.3f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.3f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') if 'S' in TLS: namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for i,pt in enumerate(['S12:','S13:','S21:','S23:','S31:','S32:','SAA:','SBB:']): name = pfx+rbfx+pt+rbsx namstr += '%12s'%(pt[:3]) valstr += '%12.4f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') if 'U' in TLS: name = pfx+rbfx+'U:'+rbsx namstr = ' names :'+'%12s'%('Uiso') valstr = ' values:'+'%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr = ' esds :'+'%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr = ' esds :'+12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') return out
[docs] def WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict,nTors): '''Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTorAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF ''' out = [] namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' out.append(' Torsions:\n') for it in range(nTors): name = pfx+'RBRTr;'+str(it)+':'+rbsx namstr += '%12s'%('Tor'+str(it)) valstr += '%12.4f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.4f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') return out
[docs] def WriteRBObjSHCAndSig(pfx,rbfx,rbsx,parmDict,sigDict,SHC): '''Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTorAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF ''' out = [] name = pfx+rbfx+'Radius'+rbsx if name in parmDict: namstr = ' names :%12s'%'Radius' valstr = ' values:%12.5f'%parmDict[name] sigstr = ' esds :' if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%sigDict[name] else: sigstr += 12*' ' else: namstr = ' names :' valstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' out.append(' Sp.harm.:\n') for item in SHC: name = pfx+rbfx+item+rbsx namstr += '%12s'%(item) valstr += '%12.5f'%(parmDict[name]) if name in sigDict: sigstr += '%12.5f'%(sigDict[name]) else: sigstr += 12*' ' out.append(namstr+'\n') out.append(valstr+'\n') out.append(sigstr+'\n') return out
[docs] def WriteResRBModel(RBModel): '''Write description of a residue rigid body. Code shifted from PrintResRBModel to make usable from G2export_CIF ''' out = [] atNames = RBModel['atNames'] rbRef = RBModel['rbRef'] rbSeq = RBModel['rbSeq'] out.append(' At name x y z\n') for name,xyz in zip(atNames,RBModel['rbXYZ']): out.append(' %8s %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n'%(name,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2])) out.append(' Orientation defined by: %s -> %s & %s -> %s\n'% (atNames[rbRef[0]],atNames[rbRef[1]],atNames[rbRef[0]],atNames[rbRef[2]])) if rbSeq: for i,rbseq in enumerate(rbSeq): out.append(' Torsion sequence %d Bond: %s - %s riding: %s\n'% (i,atNames[rbseq[0]],atNames[rbseq[1]],str([atNames[i] for i in rbseq[3]]))) return out
[docs] def WriteVecRBModel(RBModel,sigDict={},irb=None): '''Write description of a vector rigid body. Code shifted from PrintVecRBModel to make usable from G2export_CIF ''' out = [] #rbRef = RBModel['rbRef'] atTypes = RBModel['rbTypes'] for i in range(len(RBModel['VectMag'])): if sigDict and irb is not None: name = '::RBV;'+str(i)+':'+str(irb) s = G2mth.ValEsd(RBModel['VectMag'][i],sigDict.get(name,-.0001)) out.append('Vector no.: %d Magnitude: %s\n'%(i,s)) else: out.append('Vector no.: %d Magnitude: %8.4f Refine? %s\n'% (i,RBModel['VectMag'][i],RBModel['VectRef'][i])) out.append(' No. Type vx vy vz\n') for j,[name,xyz] in enumerate(zip(atTypes,RBModel['rbVect'][i])): out.append(' %d %2s %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n'%(j,name,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2])) out.append(' No. Type x y z\n') for i,[name,xyz] in enumerate(zip(atTypes,RBModel['rbXYZ'])): out.append(' %d %2s %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f\n'%(i,name,xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2])) return out
atmPattrn = re.compile("::A[xyz]:") fmtSplit = re.compile('%([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(.*)')
[docs] def fmtESD(varname,SigDict,fmtcode,ndig=None,ndec=None): '''Format an uncertainty value as requested, but surround the number by () if the parameter is set by an equivalence or by [] if the parameter is set by an constraint :param str fmtcode: can be a single letter such as 'g' or 'f', or a format string, such as '%10.5f'. For the latter, leave ndig and ndec as None. ''' if ndig is None or ndec is None: ndig,ndec,fmtcode = fmtSplit.match(fmtcode).groups() if varname = varname.replace("::A",":dA") if varname not in SigDict: return int(ndig)*' ' #ndig = int(ndig) -1 if varname in G2mv.GetDependentVars('equiv'): delim = '()' elif varname in G2mv.GetDependentVars('constr'): delim = '[]' else: delim = ' ' fmt = "{:" + str(ndig) + '.' + str(ndec) + fmtcode + "}" + delim[1] s = fmt.format(SigDict[varname]) # remove leading space, if possible if s[0] == ' ' or s.startswith('0.'): s = s[1:] elif s.startswith('-0.'): s = '-' + s[2:] pos = s.rfind(" ") # add the leading delimiter if it can replace a space # or an unneeded digit if pos != -1 and delim[0] != '': s = s[:pos] + delim[0] + s[pos+1:] elif delim[0] != '' and s.startswith('0.'): s = delim[0] + s[1:] elif delim[0] != '' and s.startswith('-0.'): s = delim[0] + '-' + s[2:] return s