Main routine: =========================== *GSASII: GSAS-II GUI* ---------------------------------------- File is the script to start the GSAS-II graphical user interface (GUI). This script imports GSASIIpath, which does some minor initialization and then (before any wxPython calls can be made) creates a wx.App application. A this point :func:`GSASIIpath.SetBinaryPath` is called to establish the directory where GSAS-II binaries are found. If the binaries are not installed or are incompatible with the OS/Python packages, the user is asked if they should be updated from the subversion site. The wxPython app is then passed to :func:`GSASIIdataGUI.GSASIImain`, which creates the GSAS-II GUI and finally the event loop is started. Keyboard Menu Shortcuts ---------------------------------------- Shortcuts for commonly-used menu commands are created by adding a menu command with a "\\tCtrl+" addition such as:: item = parent.Append(wx.ID_ANY,'&Refine\tCtrl+R','Perform a refinement') This will allow the above menu command to be executed with a "Control-R" keyboard command (on MacOS this will be "Command+R" rather than "Control-R") as well as using the menu to access that action. The following table lists the keyboard letters/numbers that have GSAS-II assigned actions. are system assigned. Note that there are also plotting keyboard commands that are implemented in :mod:`GSASIIplot`. These can be discovered from the "K" button on the plot menu bar, as they vary depending on the type of plot. .. tabularcolumns:: |c|p{4in}| ========== ==================================================== key explanation ========== ==================================================== O Open project (File menu) E Reopen recent (File menu) S Save project (File menu) B Project browser (File menu) Q Quit (File menu). This is system assigned on MacOS F4 Quit (File menu). This is system-assigned on Windows L View LS parms (Calculate menu) R Refine/Sequential Refine (Calculate menu) I Parameter Impact (Calculate menu) U Check for updates (Help menu) T Tutorials (Help menu) F1 Help on current tree item (Help menu). This is system-assigned P Peakfit (Peak Fitting menu, requires selection of Histogram Peak) M Minimize GSAS-II windows (MacOS Windows menu). This is system-assigned ========== ==================================================== GSAS-II contents ---------------------------------------- .. automodule:: GSASII :members: :private-members: :special-members: