2. GSASII Data object & variable organization
This chapter documents how data is organized within the data structures used in GSAS-II.
2.1. Summary/Contents
2.2. Parameter names in GSAS-II
Parameters in GSAS-II contain values that are used in diffraction computations. These include atom positions, but also factors that affect peak shapes or compensate for physical effects such as absoption. Many, but not all, can be optimized. The term variables is intended to refer to parameters that are being optimized in GSAS-II, but this usage is not always applied consistently within GSAS-II and in places the term variables may be applied to unvaried parameters.
Parameter in GSAS-II are uniquely named using the following pattern,
, where <var>
is a variable name, as shown in the following table. Also,
is the phase number, h
is the histogram number,
and n
is the atom parameter number
If a parameter does not depend on a histogram, phase or atom, h
, p
and/or n
will be omitted,
so p::<var>:n
, :h:<var>
and p:h:<var>
are all valid names.
usage |
\(\scriptstyle K\) (example: |
Lattice parameter, \(\scriptstyle K\), from Ai and Djk; where \(\scriptstyle K\) is one of the characters a, b or c. |
α |
Lattice parameter, α, computed from both Ai and Djk. |
β |
Lattice parameter, β, computed from both Ai and Djk. |
γ |
Lattice parameter, γ, computed from both Ai and Djk. |
Scale |
Phase fraction (as p:h:Scale) or Histogram scale factor (as :h:Scale). |
A\(\scriptstyle I\) (example: |
Reciprocal metric tensor component \(\scriptstyle I\); where \(\scriptstyle I\) is a digit between 0 and 5. |
\(\scriptstyle L\)ol (example: |
Unit cell volume; where \(\scriptstyle L\) is one of the characters v or V. |
dA\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Refined change to atomic coordinate, \(\scriptstyle M\); where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
A\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Fractional atomic coordinate, \(\scriptstyle M\); where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
AUiso |
Atomic isotropic displacement parameter. |
AU\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\) (example: |
Atomic anisotropic displacement parameter U\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\); where \(\scriptstyle N_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3 and \(\scriptstyle N_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3. |
Afrac |
Atomic site fraction parameter. |
Amul |
Atomic site multiplicity value. |
AM\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Atomic magnetic moment parameter, \(\scriptstyle M\); where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
Akappa\(\scriptstyle O\) (example: |
Atomic orbital softness for orbital, \(\scriptstyle O\); where \(\scriptstyle O\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6. |
ANe\(\scriptstyle P\) (example: |
Atomic <j0> orbital population for orbital, \(\scriptstyle P\); where \(\scriptstyle P\) is one of the characters 0 or 1. |
AD\(\scriptstyle O_0\),\(\scriptstyle O_1\)\(\scriptstyle O_0\) (example: |
Atomic sp. harm. coeff for orbital, 1; where \(\scriptstyle O_0\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6 and \(\scriptstyle O_1\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6 and \(\scriptstyle O_0\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6. |
AD\(\scriptstyle O_0\),-\(\scriptstyle O_1\)\(\scriptstyle O_0\) (example: |
Atomic sp. harm. coeff for orbital, 1; where \(\scriptstyle O_0\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6 and \(\scriptstyle O_1\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6 and \(\scriptstyle O_0\) is one of the characters 0, - or 6. |
Back\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Background term #\(\scriptstyle J\); where \(\scriptstyle J\) is the background term number. |
BkPkint;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Background peak #\(\scriptstyle J\) intensity; where \(\scriptstyle J\) is the background peak number. |
BkPkpos;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Background peak #\(\scriptstyle J\) position; where \(\scriptstyle J\) is the background peak number. |
BkPksig;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Background peak #\(\scriptstyle J\) Gaussian width; where \(\scriptstyle J\) is the background peak number. |
BkPkgam;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Background peak #\(\scriptstyle J\) Cauchy width; where \(\scriptstyle J\) is the background peak number. |
BF mult |
Background file multiplier. |
Bab\(\scriptstyle Q\) (example: |
Babinet solvent scattering coef. \(\scriptstyle Q\); where \(\scriptstyle Q\) is one of the characters A or U. |
D\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\) (example: |
Anisotropic strain coef. \(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\); where \(\scriptstyle N_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3 and \(\scriptstyle N_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3. |
Extinction |
Extinction coef. |
MD |
March-Dollase coef. |
Mustrain;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Microstrain coefficient (delta Q/Q x 10**6); where \(\scriptstyle J\) can be i for isotropic or equatorial and a is axial (uniaxial broadening), a number for generalized (Stephens) broadening or mx for the Gaussian/Lorentzian mixing term (LGmix). |
Size;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Crystallite size value (in microns); where \(\scriptstyle J\) can be i for isotropic or equatorial, and a is axial (uniaxial broadening), a number between 0 and 5 for ellipsoidal broadening or mx for the Gaussian/Lorentzian mixing term (LGmix). |
eA |
Cubic mustrain value. |
Ep |
Primary extinction. |
Es |
Secondary type II extinction. |
Eg |
Secondary type I extinction. |
Flack |
Flack parameter. |
TwinFr |
Twin fraction. |
Layer Disp |
Layer displacement along beam. |
Absorption |
Absorption coef. |
LayerDisp |
Bragg-Brentano Layer displacement. |
Displace\(\scriptstyle R\) (example: |
Debye-Scherrer sample displacement \(\scriptstyle R\); where \(\scriptstyle R\) is one of the characters X or Y. |
Lam |
Wavelength. |
I(L2)\/I(L1) |
Ka2/Ka1 intensity ratio. |
Polariz. |
Polarization correction. |
SH/L |
FCJ peak asymmetry correction. |
\(\scriptstyle S\) (example: |
Gaussian instrument broadening \(\scriptstyle S\); where \(\scriptstyle S\) is one of the characters U, V or W. |
\(\scriptstyle T\) (example: |
Cauchy instrument broadening \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
Zero |
Debye-Scherrer zero correction. |
Shift |
Bragg-Brentano sample displ. |
SurfRoughA |
Bragg-Brenano surface roughness A. |
SurfRoughB |
Bragg-Brenano surface roughness B. |
Transparency |
Bragg-Brentano sample tranparency. |
DebyeA |
Debye model amplitude. |
DebyeR |
Debye model radius. |
DebyeU |
Debye model Uiso. |
RBV\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Vector rigid body parameter. |
RBVO\(\scriptstyle U\) (example: |
Vector rigid body orientation parameter \(\scriptstyle U\); where \(\scriptstyle U\) is one of the characters a, i, j or k. |
RBVP\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Vector rigid body \(\scriptstyle M\) position parameter; where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
RBVf |
Vector rigid body site fraction. |
RBV\(\scriptstyle V_0\)\(\scriptstyle W_0\)\(\scriptstyle W_1\) (example: |
Residue rigid body group disp. param.; where \(\scriptstyle V_0\) is one of the characters T, L or S and \(\scriptstyle W_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2, 3, A or B and \(\scriptstyle W_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2, 3, A or B. |
Residue rigid body group Uiso param. |
RBRO\(\scriptstyle U\) (example: |
Residue rigid body orientation parameter \(\scriptstyle U\); where \(\scriptstyle U\) is one of the characters a, i, j or k. |
RBRP\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Residue rigid body \(\scriptstyle M\) position parameter; where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
RBRTr;\(\scriptstyle J\) (example: |
Residue rigid body torsion parameter. |
RBRf |
Residue rigid body site fraction. |
RBR\(\scriptstyle V_0\)\(\scriptstyle W_0\)\(\scriptstyle W_1\) (example: |
Residue rigid body group disp. param.; where \(\scriptstyle V_0\) is one of the characters T, L or S and \(\scriptstyle W_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2, 3, A or B and \(\scriptstyle W_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2, 3, A or B. |
Residue rigid body group Uiso param. |
Atom number for spinning rigid body. |
RBSO\(\scriptstyle U\) (example: |
Spinning rigid body orientation parameter \(\scriptstyle U\); where \(\scriptstyle U\) is one of the characters a, i, j or k. |
RBSP\(\scriptstyle M\) (example: |
Spinning rigid body \(\scriptstyle M\) position parameter; where \(\scriptstyle M\) is one of the characters x, y or z. |
RBSShRadius |
Spinning rigid body shell radius. |
RBSShC\(\scriptstyle X\) (example: |
Spinning rigid body sph. harmonics term; where \(\scriptstyle X\) is one of the characters 1, -, 2 or 0 ,, 1, -, 2 or 0. |
constr\(\scriptstyle G\) (example: |
Generated degree of freedom from constraint; where \(\scriptstyle G\) is one or more digits (0, 1,… 9). |
nv-(.+) |
New variable assignment with name 1. |
mV\(\scriptstyle H\) (example: |
Modulation vector component \(\scriptstyle H\); where \(\scriptstyle H\) is the digits 0, 1, or 2. |
Fsin |
Sin site fraction modulation. |
Fcos |
Cos site fraction modulation. |
Fzero |
Crenel function offset. |
Fwid |
Crenel function width. |
Tmin |
ZigZag/Block min location. |
Tmax |
ZigZag/Block max location. |
\(\scriptstyle T\)max (example: |
ZigZag/Block max value for \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
\(\scriptstyle T\)sin (example: |
Sin position wave for \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
\(\scriptstyle T\)cos (example: |
Cos position wave for \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
U\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\)sin (example: |
Sin thermal wave for U\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\); where \(\scriptstyle N_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3 and \(\scriptstyle N_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3. |
U\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\)cos (example: |
Cos thermal wave for U\(\scriptstyle N_0\)\(\scriptstyle N_1\); where \(\scriptstyle N_0\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3 and \(\scriptstyle N_1\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3. |
M\(\scriptstyle T\)sin (example: |
Sin mag. moment wave for \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
M\(\scriptstyle T\)cos (example: |
Cos mag. moment wave for \(\scriptstyle T\); where \(\scriptstyle T\) is one of the characters X, Y or Z. |
PDFpos |
PDF peak position. |
PDFmag |
PDF peak magnitude. |
PDFsig |
PDF peak std. dev. |
Aspect ratio |
Particle aspect ratio. |
Length |
Cylinder length. |
Diameter |
Cylinder/disk diameter. |
Thickness |
Disk thickness. |
Shell thickness |
Multiplier to get inner(<1) or outer(>1) sphere radius. |
Dist |
Interparticle distance. |
VolFr |
Dense scatterer volume fraction. |
epis |
Sticky sphere epsilon. |
Sticky |
Stickyness. |
Depth |
Well depth. |
Width |
Well width. |
Volume |
Particle volume. |
Radius |
Sphere/cylinder/disk radius. |
Mean |
Particle mean radius. |
StdDev |
Standard deviation in Mean. |
G |
Guinier prefactor. |
Rg |
Guinier radius of gyration. |
B |
Porod prefactor. |
P |
Porod power. |
Cutoff |
Porod cutoff. |
PkInt |
Bragg peak intensity. |
PkPos |
Bragg peak position. |
PkSig |
Bragg peak sigma. |
PkGam |
Bragg peak gamma. |
e\(\scriptstyle Y_0\)\(\scriptstyle Y_1\) (example: |
strain tensor e\(\scriptstyle Y_0\)\(\scriptstyle Y_1\); where \(\scriptstyle Y_0\) is one of the characters 1 or 2 and \(\scriptstyle Y_1\) is one of the characters 1 or 2. |
Dcalc |
Calc. d-spacing. |
Back |
background parameter. |
pos |
peak position. |
int |
peak intensity. |
WgtFrac |
phase weight fraction. |
alpha |
TOF profile term. |
alpha-\(\scriptstyle P\) (example: |
Pink profile term; where \(\scriptstyle P\) is one of the characters 0 or 1. |
beta-\(\scriptstyle Z\) (example: |
TOF/Pink profile term; where \(\scriptstyle Z\) is one of the characters 0, 1 or q. |
sig-\(\scriptstyle a\) (example: |
TOF profile term; where \(\scriptstyle a\) is one of the characters 0, 1, 2 or q. |
dif\(\scriptstyle b\) (example: |
TOF to d-space calibration; where \(\scriptstyle b\) is one of the characters A, B or C. |
C\(\scriptstyle G_0\),\(\scriptstyle G_1\) (example: |
spherical harmonics preferred orientation coef.; where \(\scriptstyle G_0\) is one or more digits (0, 1,… 9) and \(\scriptstyle G_1\) is one or more digits (0, 1,… 9). |
Pressure |
Pressure level for measurement in MPa. |
Temperature |
T value for measurement, K. |
FreePrm\(\scriptstyle N\) (example: |
User defined measurement parameter \(\scriptstyle N\); where \(\scriptstyle N\) is one of the characters 1, 2 or 3. |
Gonio. radius |
Distance from sample to detector, mm. |
2.3. GSAS-II Data Tree
A GSAS-II project is stored in a data file and is loaded into a
wxPython data tree (wx.TreeCtrl) defined by
. Each entry in the tree has a text
label and a data object associated with it. Note that all information
used in a GSAS-II project is stored in the data tree, with the
exception of images (which are too large). For images, a reference to
the file location is saved and images are loaded from the file when
To save a GSAS-II project, routine GSASIImiscGUI.ProjFileSave()
used to convert the tree contents to a “flat” format and write it to a
file. The tree is transversed, and for each first-level tree item, a
list is created, where the first item in that list is a two-element
list containing the label of the tree item and the data object
associated with the label. If there are second-level tree items that
are children of that first-level tree item, additional items are added
to the outermost list with pairs of text labels and data
objects. Finally the outermost list is converted to a binary
representation and written to disk with the Python pickle
function. Note that GSAS-II does not use any data tree items other
than first-level and second-level.
Routine GSASIImiscGUI.ProjFileOpen()
is used to read a GSAS-II
project file and populate the data tree. GSAS-II project files are
written with the .gpx
Two pointers are kept for a selected tree entry in the GSAS-II data
tree, saved as class variables in GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII
referenced as G2frame
). These are G2frame.PickId
, which points to
the selected data tree item, and G2frame.PatternId
, which points to
the parent of the data tree item, when G2frame.PickId
points to a
histogram. The two pointer may be the same when the first-level tree
item for a histogram is selected.
2.3.1. Constraints Tree Item
Constraints are stored in a dict, separated into groups.
Note that parameter are named in the following pattern,
p:h:<var>:n, where p is the phase number, h is the histogram number
<var> is a variable name and n is the parameter number.
If a parameter does not depend on a histogram or phase or is unnumbered, that
number is omitted.
Note that the contents of each dict item is a List where each element in the
list is a constraint definition objects.
The constraints in this form are converted in
to the form used in GSASIImapvars
The keys in the Constraints dict are:
key |
explanation |
Hist |
This specifies a list of constraints on histogram-related parameters, which will be of form :h:<var>:n. |
This specifies a list of constraints on parameters that are defined for every histogram in each phase and are of form p:h:<var>:n. |
Phase |
This specifies a list of constraints on phase parameters, which will be of form p::<var>:n. |
Global |
This specifies a list of constraints on parameters that are not tied to a histogram or phase and are of form ::<var>:n |
Each constraint is defined as an item in a list. Each constraint is of form:
[[<mult1>, <var1>], [<mult2>, <var2>],..., <fixedval>, <varyflag>, <constype>]
Where the variable pair list item containing two values [<mult>, <var>], where:
<mult> is a multiplier for the constraint (float)
<var> a
object. (Note that in very old .gpx files this might be a str with a variable name of form ‘p:h:name[:at]’)
Note that the last three items in the list play a special role:
<fixedval> is the fixed value for a constant equation (
) constraint or is None. For a New variable (constype=f
) constraint, a variable name can be specified as a str (used for externally generated constraints)<varyflag> is True or False for New variable (
) constraints or is None. This indicates if this variable should be refined.<constype> is one of four letters, ‘e’, ‘c’, ‘h’, ‘f’ that determines the type of constraint:
‘e’ defines a set of equivalent variables. Only the first variable is refined (if the appropriate refine flag is set) and and all other equivalent variables in the list are generated from that variable, using the appropriate multipliers.
‘c’ defines a constraint equation of form, \(m_1 \times var_1 + m_2 \times var_2 + ... = c\)
‘h’ defines a variable to hold (not vary). Any variable on this list is not varied, even if its refinement flag is set. Only one [mult,var] pair is allowed in a hold constraint and the mult value is ignored. This is of particular value when needing to hold one or more variables where a single flag controls a set of variables such as, coordinates, the reciprocal metric tensor or anisotropic displacement parameter.
‘f’ defines a new variable (function) according to relationship \(newvar = m_1 \times var_1 + m_2 \times var_2 + ...\)
2.3.2. Covariance Tree Item
The Covariance tree item has results from the last least-squares run. They are stored in a dict with these keys:
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
newCellDict |
(dict) lattice parameters computed by
title |
(str) Name of gpx file |
variables |
(list) Values for refined variables (list of float values, length N, ordered to match varyList) |
sig |
(list) Standard uncertainty values for refined variables (list of float values, length N, ordered to match varyList) |
varyList |
(list of str values, length N) List of directly refined variables |
varyListStart |
(list) initial refined variables before dependent vars are removed |
newAtomDict |
(dict) atom position values computed in
Lastshft |
(list) The shifts applied to each variable in the last refinement run. (list of float values, length N, ordered to match varyList) |
depSigDict |
(dict) Values along with standard uncertainty values for dependent variables |
covMatrix |
(np.array) The (NxN) covVariance matrix |
freshCOV |
(bool) indicates if the covMatrix has been freshly computed |
msg |
Warning/error messages from the last refinement run |
Rvals |
(dict) R-factors, GOF, Marquardt value for last refinement cycle |
Nobs |
(int) Number of observed data points |
Nvars |
(int) Number of refined parameters |
Rwp |
(float) overall weighted profile R-factor (%) |
chisq |
(float) \(\sum w*(I_{obs}-I_{calc})^2\) for all data. Note: this is what GSAS-II calls \(\chi^2\), which is not the same thing as the reduced \(\chi^2\). |
lamMax |
(float) Marquardt value applied to Hessian diagonal |
(float) The goodness-of-fit, aka square root of the reduced \(\chi^2\) squared, after refinement. |
GOF0 |
(float) The goodness-of-fit, aka square root of the reduced \(\chi^2\) square, before refinement. |
lastShifts |
(dict) values of the shifts applied in the last refinement cycle (note: differs from Lastshft, which has values from the last run). |
SVD0 |
(int) number of singular value decomposition (SVD) singularities |
converged |
(bool) True if last refinement run converged |
DelChi2 |
(float) change in \(\chi^2\) in last refinement cycle |
RestraintSum |
(float) sum of restraints |
RestraintTerms |
(float) total number of restraints |
Max shft/sig |
(float) maximum shift/s.u. for shifts applied in last refinement run |
2.3.3. Phase Tree Items
Phase information is stored in the GSAS-II data tree as children of the Phases item in a dict with keys:
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
General |
(dict) Overall information for the phase |
3Dproj |
(list of str) projections for 3D pole distribution plots |
AngleRadii |
(list of floats) Default radius for each atom used to compute interatomic angles |
AtomMass |
(list of floats) Masses for atoms |
AtomPtrs |
(list of int) four locations (cx,ct,cs & cu) to use to pull info from the atom records |
AtomTypes |
(llist of str) Atom types |
BondRadii |
(list of floats) Default radius for each atom used to compute interatomic distances |
Cell |
Unit cell parameters & ref. flag (list with 8 items. All but first item are float.)
Color |
(list of (r,b,g) triplets) Colors for atoms |
Compare |
(dict) Polygon comparison parameters |
Data plot type |
(str) data plot type (‘Mustrain’, ‘Size’ or ‘Preferred orientation’) for powder data |
DisAglCtls |
(dDict) with distance/angle search controls, which has keys ‘Name’, ‘AtomTypes’, ‘BondRadii’, ‘AngleRadii’ which are as above except are possibly edited. Also contains ‘Factors’, which is a 2 element list with a multiplier for bond and angle search range [typically (0.85,0.85)]. |
F000X |
(float) x-ray F(000) intensity |
F000N |
(float) neutron F(000) intensity |
Flip |
(dict) Charge flip controls |
HydIds |
(dict) geometrically generated hydrogen atoms |
Isotope |
(dict) Isotopes for each atom type |
Isotopes |
(dict) Scattering lengths for each isotope combination for each element in phase |
MCSA controls |
(dict) Monte Carlo-Simulated Annealing controls |
Map |
(dict) Map parameters |
Mass |
(float) Mass of unit cell contents in g/mol |
Modulated |
(bool) True if phase modulated |
Mydir |
(str) Directory of current .gpx file |
Name |
(str) Phase name |
NoAtoms |
(dict) Number of atoms per unit cell of each type |
POhkl |
(list) March-Dollase preferred orientation direction |
Pawley dmin |
(float) maximum Q (as d-space) to use for Pawley extraction |
Pawley dmax |
(float) minimum Q (as d-space) to use for Pawley extraction |
Pawley neg wt |
(float) Restraint value for negative Pawley intensities |
SGData |
(object) Space group details as a
space group (SGData)
object, as defined in |
SH Texture |
(dict) Spherical harmonic preferred orientation parameters |
Super |
(int) dimension of super group (0,1 only) |
Type |
(str) phase type (e.g. ‘nuclear’) |
Z |
(dict) Atomic numbers for each atom type |
doDysnomia |
(bool) flag for max ent map modification via Dysnomia |
doPawley |
(bool) Flag for Pawley intensity extraction |
vdWRadii |
(dict) Van der Waals radii for each atom type |
ranId |
(int) unique random number Id for phase |
pId |
(int) Phase Id number for current project. |
Atoms |
(list of lists) Atoms in phase as a list of lists. The outer list is for each atom, the inner list contains varying items depending on the type of phase, see the Atom Records description. |
Drawing |
(dict) Display parameters |
Atoms |
(list of lists) with an entry for each atom that is drawn |
Plane |
(list) Controls for contour density plane display |
Quaternion |
(4 element np.array) Viewing quaternion |
Zclip |
(float) clipping distance in \(\AA\) |
Zstep |
(float) Step to de/increase Z-clip |
atomPtrs |
(list) positions of x, type, site sym, ADP flag in Draw Atoms |
backColor |
(list) background for plot as and R,G,B triplet (default = [0, 0, 0], black). |
ballScale |
(float) Radius of spheres in ball-and-stick display |
bondList |
(dict) Bonds |
bondRadius |
(float) Radius of binds in \(\AA\) |
cameraPos |
(float) Viewing position in \(\AA\) for plot |
contourLevel |
(float) map contour level in \(e/\AA^3\) |
contourMax |
(float) map contour maximum |
depthFog |
(bool) True if use depthFog on plot - set currently as False |
ellipseProb |
(float) Probability limit for display of thermal ellipsoids in % . |
magMult |
(float) multiplier for magnetic moment arrows |
mapSize |
(float) x & y dimensions of contourmap (fixed internally) |
modelView |
(4,4 array) from openGL drawing transofmation matrix |
oldxy |
(list with two floats) previous view point |
radiusFactor |
(float) Distance ratio for searching for bonds. Bonds are located that are within r(Ra+Rb) and (Ra+Rb)/r where Ra and Rb are the atomic radii. |
selectedAtoms |
(list of int values) List of selected atoms |
showABC |
(bool) Flag to show view point triplet. True=show. |
showHydrogen |
(bool) Flag to control plotting of H atoms. |
showRigidBodies |
(bool) Flag to highlight rigid body placement |
showSlice |
(bool) flag to show contour map |
sizeH |
(float) Size ratio for H atoms |
unitCellBox |
(bool) Flag to control display of the unit cell. |
vdwScale |
(float) Multiplier of van der Waals radius for display of vdW spheres. |
viewDir |
(np.array with three floats) cartesian viewing direction |
viewPoint |
(list of lists) First item in list is [x,y,z] in fractional coordinates for the center of the plot. Second item list of previous & current atom number viewed (may be [0,0]) |
(dict) contains controls for running ISODISTORT and results from it |
ISOmethod |
(int) ISODISTORT method (currently 1 or 4; 2 & 3 not implemented in GSAS-II) |
ParentCIF |
(str) parent cif file name for ISODISTORT method 4 |
ChildCIF |
(str) child cif file name for ISODISTORT method 4 |
SGselect |
(dict) selection list for lattice types in radio result from ISODISTORT method 1 |
selection |
(int) chosen selection from radio |
radio |
(list) results from ISODISTORT method 1 |
ChildMatrix |
(3x3 array) transformation matrix for method 3 (not currently used) |
ChildSprGp |
(str) child space group for method 3 (not currently used) |
ChildCell |
(str) cell ordering for nonstandard orthorhombic ChildSprGrp in method 3 (not currently used) |
G2ModeList |
(list) ISODISTORT mode names |
modeDispl |
(list) distortion mode values; refinable parameters |
ISOmodeDispl |
(list) distortion mode values as determined in method 4 by ISODISTORT |
NormList |
(list) ISODISTORT normalization values; to convert mode value to fractional coordinate dsplacement |
G2parentCoords |
(list) full set of parent structure coordinates transformed to child structure; starting basis for mode displacements |
G2VarList |
(list) |
IsoVarList |
(list) |
G2coordOffset |
(list) only adjustible set of parent structure coordinates |
G2OccVarList |
(list) |
Var2ModeMatrix |
(array) atom variable to distortion mode transformation |
Mode2VarMatrix |
(array) distortion mode to atom variable transformation |
rundata |
(dict) saved input information for use by ISODISTORT method 1 |
RBModels |
Rigid body assignments (note Rigid body definitions are stored in their own main top-level tree entry.) |
(dict) RMCProfile, PDFfit & fullrmc controls |
Pawley ref |
(list) Pawley reflections |
Histograms |
(dict of dicts) The key for the outer dict is the histograms tied to this phase. The inner dict contains the combined phase/histogram parameters for items such as scale factors, size and strain parameters. The following are the keys to the inner dict. (dict) |
Babinet |
(dict) For protein crystallography. Dictionary with two entries, ‘BabA’, ‘BabU’ |
Extinction |
(list of float, bool) Extinction parameter |
Flack |
(list of [float, bool]) Flack parameter & refine flag |
HStrain |
(list of two lists) Hydrostatic strain. The first is a list of the HStrain parameters (1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 depending on unit cell), the second is a list of boolean refinement parameters (same length) |
Histogram |
(str) The name of the associated histogram |
Layer Disp |
(list of [float, bool]) Layer displacement in beam direction & refine flag |
LeBail |
(bool) Flag for LeBail extraction |
Mustrain |
(list) Microstrain parameters, in order:
Pref.Ori. |
(list) Preferred Orientation. List of eight parameters. Items marked SH are only used for Spherical Harmonics.
Scale |
(list of [float, bool]) Phase fraction & refine flag |
Size |
List of crystallite size parameters, in order:
Use |
(bool) True if this histogram is to be used in refinement |
(dict) Monte-Carlo simulated annealing parameters |
2.3.4. Rigid Body Objects
Rigid body descriptions are available for two types of rigid bodies: ‘Vector’ and ‘Residue’. Vector rigid bodies are developed by a sequence of translations each with a refinable magnitude and Residue rigid bodies are described as Cartesian coordinates with defined refinable torsion angles.
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Vector |
RBId |
(dict of dict) vector rigid bodies |
AtInfo |
(dict) Drad, Color: atom drawing radius & color for each atom type |
RBname |
(str) Name assigned by user to rigid body |
VectMag |
(list) vector magnitudes in \(\AA\) |
rbXYZ |
(list of 3 float Cartesian coordinates for Vector rigid body ) |
rbRef |
(list of 3 int & 1 bool) 3 assigned reference atom nos. in rigid body for origin definition, use center of atoms flag |
VectRef |
(list of bool refinement flags for VectMag values ) |
rbTypes |
(list of str) Atom types for each atom in rigid body |
rbVect |
(list of lists) Cartesian vectors for each translation used to build rigid body |
useCount |
(int) Number of times rigid body is used in any structure |
Residue |
RBId |
(dict of dict) residue rigid bodies |
AtInfo |
(dict) Drad, Color: atom drawing radius & color for each atom type |
RBname |
(str) Name assigned by user to rigid body |
rbXYZ |
(list of 3 float) Cartesian coordinates for Residue rigid body |
rbTypes |
(list of str) Atom types for each atom in rigid body |
atNames |
(list of str) Names of each atom in rigid body (e.g. C1,N2…) |
rbRef |
(list of 3 int & 1 bool) 3 assigned reference atom nos. in rigid body for origin definition, use center of atoms flag |
rbSeq |
(list) Orig,Piv,angle,Riding : definition of internal rigid body torsion; origin atom (int), pivot atom (int), torsion angle (float), riding atoms (list of int) |
SelSeq |
(int,int) used by SeqSizer to identify objects |
useCount |
(int)Number of times rigid body is used in any structure |
RBIds |
(dict) unique Ids generated upon creation of each rigid body |
Vector |
(list) Ids for each Vector rigid body |
Residue |
(list) Ids for each Residue rigid body |
2.3.5. Space Group Objects
Space groups are interpreted by GSASIIspc.SpcGroup()
and the information is placed in a SGdata object
which is a dict with these keys. Magnetic ones are marked “mag”
key |
explanation |
BNSlattsym |
mag - (str) BNS magnetic space group symbol and centering vector |
GenFlg |
mag - (list) symmetry generators indices |
GenSym |
mag - (list) names for each generator |
MagMom |
mag - (list) “time reversals” for each magnetic operator |
MagPtGp |
mag - (str) Magnetic point group symbol |
MagSpGrp |
mag - (str) Magnetic space group symbol |
OprNames |
mag - (list) names for each space group operation |
SGCen |
(np.array) Symmetry cell centering vectors. A (n,3) np.array
of centers. Will always have at least one row: |
SGFixed |
(bool) Only True if phase mported from a magnetic cif file then the space group can not be changed by the user because operator set from cif may be nonstandard |
SGGen |
(list) generators |
SGGray |
(bool) True if space group is a gray group (incommensurate magnetic structures) |
SGInv |
(bool) True if centrosymmetric, False if not |
SGLatt |
(str)Lattice centering type. Will be one of P, A, B, C, I, F, R |
SGLaue |
(str) one of the following 14 Laue classes: -1, 2/m, mmm, 4/m, 4/mmm, 3R, 3mR, 3, 3m1, 31m, 6/m, 6/mmm, m3, m3m |
SGOps |
(list) symmetry operations as a list of form
SGPolax |
(str) Axes for space group polarity. Will be one of ‘’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘x y’, ‘z’, ‘x z’, ‘y z’, ‘xyz’. In the case where axes are arbitrary ‘111’ is used (P 1, and ?). |
SGPtGrp |
(str) Point group of the space group |
SGUniq |
unique axis if monoclinic. Will be a, b, or c for monoclinic space groups. Will be blank for non-monoclinic. |
SGSpin |
mag - (list) of spin flip operatiors (+1 or -1) for the space group operations |
SGSys |
(str) symmetry unit cell: type one of ‘triclinic’, ‘monoclinic’, ‘orthorhombic’, ‘tetragonal’, ‘rhombohedral’, ‘trigonal’, ‘hexagonal’, ‘cubic’ |
(list) Superspace multipliers |
SpGrp |
(str) space group symbol |
SpnFlp |
mag - (list) Magnetic spin flips for every magnetic space group operator |
Superspace groups [3+1] are interpreted by GSASIIspc.SSpcGroup()
and the information is placed in a SSGdata object
which is a dict with these keys:
key |
explanation |
SSGCen |
(list) 4D cell centering vectors [0,0,0,0] at least |
(list) Superspace multipliers |
SSGOps |
(list) 4D symmetry operations as [M,T] so that M*x+T = x’ |
SSpGrp |
(str) superspace group symbol extension to space group symbol, accidental spaces removed |
modQ |
(list) modulation/propagation vector |
modSymb |
(list of str) Modulation symbols |
2.3.6. Phase Information
Phase information is placed in one of the following keys:
key |
explanation |
General |
Overall information about a phase |
Histograms |
Information about each histogram linked to the current phase as well as parameters that are defined for each histogram and phase (such as sample peak widths and preferred orientation parameters. |
Atoms |
Contains a list of atoms, as described in the Atom Records description. |
Drawing |
Parameters that determine how the phase is displayed, including a list of atoms to be included, as described in the Drawing Atom Records description |
Monte-Carlo simulated annealing parameters |
pId |
The index of each phase in the project, numbered starting at 0 |
ranId |
An int value with a unique value for each phase |
RBModels |
A list of dicts with parameters for each rigid body inserted into the current phase, as defined in the Rigid Body Insertions. Note that the rigid bodies are defined as Rigid Body Objects |
PDF modeling parameters |
Pawley ref |
Pawley refinement parameters | Atom Records
If phasedict
points to the phase information in the data tree, then
atoms are contained in a list of atom records (list) in
. Also needed to read atom information
are four pointers, cx,ct,cs,cia = phasedict['General']['AtomPtrs']
which define locations in the atom record, as shown below. Items shown are
always present; additional ones for macromolecular phases are marked ‘mm’,
and those for magnetic structures are marked ‘mg’
location |
explanation |
ct-4 |
mm - (str) residue number |
ct-3 |
mm - (str) residue name (e.g. ALA) |
ct-2 |
mm - (str) chain label |
ct-1 |
(str) atom label |
ct |
(str) atom type |
ct+1 |
(str) refinement flags; combination of ‘F’, ‘X’, ‘U’, ‘M’ |
cx,cx+1,cx+2 |
(3 floats) the x,y and z coordinates |
cx+3 |
(float) site occupancy |
cx+4,cx+5,cx+6 |
mg - (list) atom magnetic moment along a,b,c in Bohr magnetons |
cs |
(str) site symmetry |
cs+1 |
(int) site multiplicity |
cia |
(str) ADP flag: Isotropic (‘I’) or Anisotropic (‘A’) |
cia+1 |
(float) Uiso |
cia+2…cia+7 |
(6 floats) U11, U22, U33, U12, U13, U23 |
atom[cia+8] |
(int) unique atom identifier | Drawing Atom Records
If phasedict
points to the phase information in the data tree, then
drawing atoms are contained in a list of drawing atom records (list) in
. Also needed to read atom information
are four pointers, cx,ct,cs,ci = phasedict['Drawing']['AtomPtrs']
which define locations in the atom record, as shown below. Items shown are
always present; additional ones for macromolecular phases are marked ‘mm’,
and those for magnetic structures are marked ‘mg’
location |
explanation |
ct-4 |
mm - (str) residue number |
ct-3 |
mm - (str) residue name (e.g. ALA) |
ct-2 |
mm - (str) chain label |
ct-1 |
(str) atom label |
ct |
(str) atom type |
cx,cx+1,cx+2 |
(3 floats) the x,y and z coordinates |
cx+3,cx+4,cx+5 |
mg - (3 floats) atom magnetic moment along a,b,c in Bohr magnetons |
cs-1 |
(str) Sym Op symbol; sym. op number + unit cell id (e.g. ‘1,0,-1’) |
cs |
(str) atom drawing style; e.g. ‘balls & sticks’ |
cs+1 |
(str) atom label style (e.g. ‘name’) |
cs+2 |
(int) atom color (RBG triplet) |
cs+3 |
(str) ADP flag: Isotropic (‘I’) or Anisotropic (‘A’) |
cs+4 |
(float) Uiso |
cs+5…cs+11 |
(6 floats) U11, U22, U33, U12, U13, U23 |
ci |
(int) unique atom identifier; matches source atom Id in Atom Records | Rigid Body Insertions
If phasedict
points to the phase information in the data tree, then
rigid body information is contained in list(s) in
and/or phasedict['RBModels']['Vector']
for each rigid body inserted into the current phase.
key |
explanation |
fixOrig |
Should the origin be fixed (when editing, not the refinement flag) |
Ids |
Ids for assignment of atoms in the rigid body |
numChain |
Chain number for macromolecular fits |
Orient |
Orientation of the RB as a quaternion and a refinement flag (’ ‘, ‘A’ or ‘AV’) |
OrientVec |
Orientation of the RB expressed as a vector and azimuthal rotation angle |
Orig |
Origin of the RB in fractional coordinates and refinement flag (bool) |
RBId |
References the unique ID of a rigid body in the Rigid Body Objects |
RBname |
The name for the rigid body (str) |
AtomFrac |
The atom fractions for the rigid body |
ThermalMotion |
The thermal motion description for the rigid body, which includes a choice for the model and can include TLS parameters or an overall Uiso value. |
Torsions |
Defines the torsion angle and refinement flag for each torsion defined in the Rigid Body Object |
2.3.7. Powder Diffraction Tree Items
Every powder diffraction histogram is stored in the GSAS-II data tree
with a top-level entry named beginning with the string “PWDR “. The
diffraction data for that information are directly associated with
that tree item and there are a series of children to that item. The
routines GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree()
and GSASIIstrIO.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases()
load this information into a dictionary where the child tree name is
used as a key, and the information in the main entry is assigned
a key of Data
, as outlined below.
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Comments |
(list of str) Text strings extracted from the original powder data header. These cannot be changed by the user; it may be empty. |
Limits |
(list) two two element lists, as [[Ld,Hd],[L,H]] where L and Ld are the current and default lowest two-theta value to be used and where H and Hd are the current and default highest two-theta value to be used. |
Reflection Lists |
(dict of dicts) with an entry for each phase in the histogram. The contents of each dict item is a dict containing reflections, as described in the Powder Reflections description. |
Instrument Parameters |
(dict) The instrument parameters uses different dicts for the constant wavelength (CW) and time-of-flight (TOF) cases. See below for the descriptions of each. |
wtFactor |
(float) A weighting factor to increase or decrease the leverage of data in the histogram . A value of 1.0 weights the data with their standard uncertainties and a larger value increases the weighting of the data (equivalent to decreasing the uncertainties). |
Sample Parameters |
(dict) Parameters that describe how the data were collected, as listed below. Refinable parameters are a list containing a float and a bool, where the second value specifies if the value is refined, otherwise the value is a float unless otherwise noted. |
Scale |
The histogram scale factor (refinable) |
Absorption |
The sample absorption coefficient as \(\mu r\) where r is the radius (refinable). Only valid for Debye-Scherrer geometry. |
SurfaceRoughA |
Surface roughness parameter A as defined by Surotti, J. Appl. Cryst, 5, 325-331, 1972. (refinable - only valid for Bragg-Brentano geometry) |
SurfaceRoughB |
Surface roughness parameter B (refinable - only valid for Bragg-Brentano geometry) |
DisplaceX, DisplaceY |
Sample displacement from goniometer center where Y is along the beam direction and X is perpendicular. Units are \(\mu m\) (refinable). |
Phi, Chi, Omega |
Goniometer sample setting angles, in degrees. |
Gonio. radius |
Radius of the diffractometer in mm |
InstrName |
(str) A name for the instrument, used in preparing a CIF . |
Force, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Voltage |
Variables that describe how the measurement was performed. Not used directly in any computations. |
ranId |
(int) The random-number Id for the histogram (same value as where top-level key is ranId) |
Type |
(str) Type of diffraction data, may be ‘Debye-Scherrer’ or ‘Bragg-Brentano’ . |
hId |
(int) The number assigned to the histogram when the project is loaded or edited (can change) |
ranId |
(int) A random number id for the histogram that does not change |
Background |
(list) The background is stored as a list with where the first item in the list is list and the second item is a dict. The list contains the background function and its coefficients; the dict contains Debye diffuse terms and background peaks. (TODO: this needs to be expanded.) |
Data |
(list) The data consist of a list of 6 np.arrays containing in order:
| CW Instrument Parameters
Instrument Parameters are placed in a list of two dicts, where the keys in the first dict are listed below. Note that the dict contents are different for constant wavelength (CW) vs. time-of-flight (TOF) histograms. The value for each item is a list containing three values: the initial value, the current value and a refinement flag which can have a value of True, False or 0 where 0 indicates a value that cannot be refined. The first and second values are floats unless otherwise noted. Items not refined are noted as [*]
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Instrument Parameters[0] |
Type [*] |
(str) Histogram type: * ‘PXC’ for constant wavelength x-ray * ‘PNC’ for constant wavelength neutron |
Bank [*] |
(int) Data set number in a multidata file (usually 1) |
Lam |
(float) Specifies a wavelength in \(\AA\) |
Lam1 [*] |
(float) Specifies the primary wavelength in \(\AA\), used in place of Lam when an \(\alpha_1, \alpha_2\) source is used. |
Lam2 [*] |
(float) Specifies the secondary wavelength in \(\AA\), used with Lam1 |
I(L2)/I(L1) |
(float) Ratio of Lam2 to Lam1, used with Lam1 |
Zero |
(float) Two-theta zero correction in degrees |
Azimuth [*] |
(float) Azimuthal setting angle for data recorded with differing setting angles |
U, V, W |
(float) Cagliotti profile coefficients for Gaussian instrumental broadening, where the FWHM goes as \(U \tan^2\theta + V \tan\theta + W\) |
X, Y, Z |
(float) Cauchy (Lorentzian) instrumental broadening coefficients |
SH/L |
(float) Variant of the Finger-Cox-Jephcoat asymmetric peak broadening ratio. Note that this is the sum of S/L and H/L where S is sample height, H is the slit height and L is the goniometer diameter. |
Polariz. |
(float) Polarization coefficient. |
Instrument Parameters[1] |
(empty dict) | TOF Instrument Parameters
Instrument Parameters are also placed in a list of two dicts, where the keys in each dict listed below, but here for time-of-flight (TOF) histograms. The value for each item is a list containing three values: the initial value, the current value and a refinement flag which can have a value of True, False or 0 where 0 indicates a value that cannot be refined. The first and second values are floats unless otherwise noted. Items not refined are noted as [*]
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Instrument Parameters[0] |
Type [*] |
(str) Histogram type: * ‘PNT’ for time of flight neutron |
Bank |
(int) Data set number in a multidata file |
2-theta [*] |
(float) Nominal scattering angle for the detector |
fltPath [*] |
(float) Total flight path source-sample-detector |
Azimuth [*] |
(float) Azimuth angle for detector right hand rotation from horizontal away from source |
difC,difA, difB |
(float) Diffractometer constants for conversion of d-spacing to TOF in microseconds |
Zero |
(float) Zero point offset (microseconds) |
alpha |
(float) Exponential rise profile coefficients |
beta-0 beta-1 beta-q |
(float) Exponential decay profile coefficients |
sig-0 sig-1 sig-2 sig-q |
(float) Gaussian profile coefficients |
X,Y,Z |
(float) Lorentzian profile coefficients |
Instrument Parameters[1] |
Pdabc |
(list of 4 float lists) Originally created for use in gsas as optional tables of d, alp, bet, d-true; for a reflection alpha & beta are obtained via interpolation from the d-spacing and these tables. The d-true column is apparently unused. |
2.3.8. Powder Reflection Data Structure
The data tree entry for powder diffraction histograms contains an
entry labeled Reflection Lists
containing a dict keyed by phase
name, for every phase linked to the histogram. Each entry is itself a
dict with four entries, with keys:
key |
explanation |
RefList |
This contains the reflection list, as described below. |
FF |
Contains a dict with two entries,
Type |
Contains a string specifying the type of histogram, such as ‘PXC’ |
Super |
Contains a bool value, which is True when the phase has a superspace spacegroup (3+1 dimension). |
one element of which is ‘RefList’, which is a np.array containing reflections. The columns in that array are documented below.
index |
explanation |
0,1,2 |
h,k,l |
3 |
multiplicity |
4 |
d-space, \(\AA\) |
5 |
pos, two-theta |
6 |
sig, Gaussian width |
7 |
gam, Lorenzian width |
8 |
\(F_{obs}^2\) |
9 |
\(F_{calc}^2\) |
10 |
reflection phase, in degrees |
11 |
intensity correction for reflection, this times \(F_{obs}^2\) or \(F_{calc}^2\) gives Iobs or Icalc |
12 |
Preferred orientation correction |
13 |
Transmission (absorption correction) |
14 |
Extinction correction |
Note that when the Super
entry in the phase’s main dict is True,
indicating that the phase is a 3+1 super-space group, the columns are:
index |
explanation |
0,1,2,3 |
h,k,l,m |
4 |
multiplicity |
5 |
d-space, \(\AA\) |
6 |
pos, two-theta |
7 |
sig, Gaussian width |
8 |
gam, Lorenzian width |
9 |
\(F_{obs}^2\) |
10 |
\(F_{calc}^2\) |
11 |
reflection phase, in degrees |
12 |
intensity correction for reflection, this times \(F_{obs}^2\) or \(F_{calc}^2\) gives Iobs or Icalc |
13 |
Preferred orientation correction |
14 |
Transmission (absorption correction) |
15 |
Extinction correction |
2.3.9. Single Crystal Tree Items
Every single crystal diffraction histogram is stored in the GSAS-II data tree
with a top-level entry named beginning with the string “HKLF “. The
diffraction data for that information are directly associated with
that tree item and there are a series of children to that item. The
routines GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree()
and GSASIIstrIO.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases()
load this information into a dictionary where the child tree name is
used as a key, and the information in the main entry is assigned
a key of Data
, as outlined below.
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Data |
(dict) that contains the reflection table, as described in the Single Crystal Reflections description. |
Instrument Parameters |
(list) containing two dicts where the possible keys in each dict are listed below. The value for most items is a list containing two values: the initial value, the current value. The first and second values are floats unless otherwise noted. |
Lam |
(two floats) Specifies a wavelength in \(\AA\) |
Type |
(two str values) Histogram type : * ‘SXC’ for constant wavelength x-ray * ‘SNC’ for constant wavelength neutron * ‘SNT’ for time of flight neutron * ‘SEC’ for constant wavelength electrons (e.g. micro-ED) |
InstrName |
(str) A name for the instrument, used in preparing a CIF |
wtFactor |
(float) A weighting factor to increase or decrease the leverage of data in the histogram. A value of 1.0 weights the data with their standard uncertainties and a larger value increases the weighting of the data (equivalent to decreasing the uncertainties). |
hId |
(int) The number assigned to the histogram when the project is loaded or edited (can change) |
ranId |
(int) A random number id for the histogram that does not change |
2.3.10. Single Crystal Reflection Data Structure
For every single crystal a histogram, the 'Data'
item contains
the structure factors as an np.array in item ‘RefList’.
The columns in that array are documented below for
non-superspace phases.
index |
3+1 index |
explanation |
0,1,2 |
0,1,2 |
reflection indices, h,k,l |
3 |
3+1 superspace index, m |
3 |
4 |
flag (0 absent, 1 observed) |
4 |
5 |
d-space, \(\AA\) |
5 |
6 |
\(F_{obs}^2\) |
6 |
7 |
\(\sigma(F_{obs}^2)\) |
7 |
8 |
\(F_{calc}^2\) |
8 |
9 |
\(F_{obs}^2(T)\) |
9 |
10 |
\(F_{calc}^2(T)\) |
10 |
11 |
reflection phase, in degrees |
11 |
12 |
intensity correction for reflection, this times \(F_{obs}^2\) or \(F_{calc}^2\) gives Iobs or Icalc |
The annotation “(T)” in the second set of \(F^2(T)\) values stands for “true,” where the values are on an absolute scale through application of the scale factor.
The left-most column gives the entry index for three dimensional spacegroups, the column to the right of that has the index for 3+1 superspace phases, where there are four reflection indices h, k, l, m.
2.3.11. Image Data Structure
Every 2-dimensional image is stored in the GSAS-II data tree
with a top-level entry named beginning with the string “IMG “. The
image data are directly associated with that tree item and there
are a series of children to that item. The routines GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree()
and GSASIIstrIO.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases()
load this information into a dictionary where the child tree name is
used as a key, and the information in the main entry is assigned
a key of Data
, as outlined below.
key |
sub-key |
explanation |
Comments |
(list of str) Text strings extracted from the original image data header or a metafile. These cannot be changed by the user; it may be empty. |
Image Controls |
azmthOff |
(float) The offset to be applied to an azimuthal value. Accomodates detector orientations other than with the detector X-axis horizontal. |
background image |
(list:str,float) The name of a tree item (“IMG …”) that is to be subtracted during image integration multiplied by value. It must have the same size/shape as the integrated image. NB: value < 0 for subtraction. |
calibrant |
(str) The material used for determining the position/orientation
of the image. The data is obtained from |
calibdmin |
(float) The minimum d-spacing used during the last calibration run. |
calibskip |
(int) The number of expected diffraction lines skipped during the last calibration run. |
center |
(list:floats) The [X,Y] point in detector coordinates (mm) where the direct beam strikes the detector plane as determined by calibration. This point does not have to be within the limits of the detector boundaries. |
centerAzm |
(bool) If True then the azimuth reported for the integrated slice of the image is at the center line otherwise it is at the leading edge. |
color |
(str) The name of the colormap used to display the image. Default = ‘Paired’. |
cutoff |
(float) The minimum value of I/Ib for a point selected in a diffraction ring for calibration calculations. See pixLimit for details as how point is found. |
DetDepth |
(float) Coefficient for penetration correction to distance; accounts for diffraction ring offset at higher angles. Optionally determined by calibration. |
DetDepthRef |
(bool) If True then refine DetDepth during calibration/recalibration calculation. |
distance |
(float) The distance (mm) from sample to detector plane. |
ellipses |
(list:lists) Each object in ellipses is a list [center,phi,radii,color] where center (list) is location (mm) of the ellipse center on the detector plane, phi is the rotation of the ellipse minor axis from the x-axis, and radii are the minor & major radii of the ellipse. If radii[0] is negative then parameters describe a hyperbola. Color is the selected drawing color (one of ‘b’, ‘g’ ,’r’) for the ellipse/hyperbola. |
edgemin |
(float) Not used; parameter in EdgeFinder code. |
fullIntegrate |
(bool) If True then integrate over full 360 deg azimuthal range. |
GonioAngles |
(list:floats) The ‘Omega’,’Chi’,’Phi’ goniometer angles used for this image. Required for texture calculations. |
invert_x |
(bool) If True display the image with the x-axis inverted. |
invert_y |
(bool) If True display the image with the y-axis inverted. |
IOtth |
(list:floats) The minimum and maximum 2-theta values to be used for integration. |
LRazimuth |
(list:floats) The minimum and maximum azimuth values to be used for integration. |
Oblique |
(list:float,bool) If True apply a detector absorption correction using the value to the intensities obtained during integration. |
outAzimuths |
(int) The number of azimuth pie slices. |
outChannels |
(int) The number of 2-theta steps. |
pixelSize |
(list:ints) The X,Y dimensions (microns) of each pixel. |
pixLimit |
(int) A box in the image with 2*pixLimit+1 edges is searched to find the maximum.
This value (I) along with the minimum (Ib) in the box is reported by |
PolaVal |
(list:float,bool) If type=’SASD’ and if True, apply polarization correction to intensities from integration using value. |
rings |
(list:lists) Each entry is [X,Y,dsp] where X & Y are lists of x,y coordinates around a diffraction ring with the same d-spacing (dsp) |
ring |
(list) The x,y coordinates of the >5 points on an inner ring selected by the user, |
Range |
(list) The minimum & maximum values of the image |
rotation |
(float) The angle between the x-axis and the vector about which the detector is tilted. Constrained to -180 to 180 deg. |
SampleShape |
(str) Currently only ‘Cylinder’. Sample shape for Debye-Scherrer experiments; used for absorption calculations. |
SampleAbs |
(list: float,bool) Value of absorption coefficient for Debye-Scherrer experimnents, flag if True to cause correction to be applied. |
setDefault |
(bool) If True the use the image controls values for all new images to be read. (might be removed) |
setRings |
(bool) If True then display all the selected x,y ring positions (vida supra rings) used in the calibration. |
showLines |
(bool) If True then isplay the integration limits to be used. |
size |
(list:int) The number of pixels on the image x & y axes |
type |
(str) One of ‘PWDR’, ‘SASD’ or ‘REFL’ for powder, small angle or reflectometry data, respectively. |
tilt |
(float) The angle the detector normal makes with the incident beam; range -90 to 90. |
wavelength |
(float) The radiation wavelength (\(\AA\)) as entered by the user (or someday obtained from the image header). |
Masks |
Arcs |
(list: lists) Each entry [2-theta,[azimuth[0],azimuth[1]],thickness] describes an arc mask to be excluded from integration |
Frames |
(list:lists) Each entry describes the x,y points (3 or more - mm) that describe a frame outside of which is excluded from recalibration and integration. Only one frame is allowed. |
Points |
(list:lists) Each entry [x,y,radius] (mm) describes an excluded spot on the image to be excluded from integration. |
Polygons |
(list:lists) Each entry is a list of 3+ [x,y] points (mm) that describe a polygon on the image to be excluded from integration. |
Rings |
(list: lists) Each entry [2-theta,thickness] describes a ring mask to be excluded from integration. |
Thresholds |
(list:[tuple,list]) [(Imin,Imax),[Imin,Imax]] This gives lower and upper limits for points on the image to be included in integrsation. The tuple is the image intensity limits and the list are those set by the user. |
SpotMask |
(dict: int & array) ‘esdMul’(int) number of standard deviations above mean ring intensity to mask ‘spotMask’ (bool array) the spot mask for every pixel in image |
Stress/Strain |
Sample phi |
(float) Sample rotation about vertical axis. |
Sample z |
(float) Sample translation from the calibration sample position (for Sample phi = 0) These will be restricted by space group symmetry; result of strain fit refinement. |
Type |
(str) ‘True’ or ‘Conventional’: The strain model used for the calculation. |
d-zero |
(list:dict) Each item is for a diffraction ring on the image; all items are from the same phase and are used to determine the strain tensor. The dictionary items are: ‘Dset’: (float) True d-spacing for the diffraction ring; entered by the user. ‘Dcalc’: (float) Average calculated d-spacing determined from strain coeff. ‘Emat’: (list: float) The strain tensor elements e11, e12 & e22 (e21=e12, rest are 0) ‘Esig’: (list: float) Esds for Emat from fitting. ‘pixLimit’: (int) Search range to find highest point on ring for each data point ‘cutoff’: (float) I/Ib cutoff for searching. ‘ImxyObs’: (list: lists) [[X],[Y]] observed points to be used for strain calculations. ‘ImtaObs’: (list: lists) [[d],[azm]] transformed via detector calibration from ImxyObs. ‘ImtaCalc’: (list: lists [[d],[azm]] calculated d-spacing & azimuth from fit. |
2.4. Parameter Dictionary
The parameter dictionary contains all of the variable parameters for the refinement.
The dictionary keys are the name of the parameter (<phase>:<hist>:<name>:<atom>).
It is prepared in two ways. When loaded from the tree
(in GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.MakeLSParmDict()
the values are lists with two elements: [value, refine flag]
When loaded from the GPX file (in
and GSASIIstrMain.SeqRefine()
), the value in the
dict is the actual parameter value (usually a float, but sometimes a
letter or string flag value (such as I or A for iso/anisotropic).
2.5. Texture implementation
There are two different places where texture can be treated in GSAS-II. One is for mitigating the effects of texture in a structural refinement. The other is for texture characterization.
For reducing the effect of texture in a structural refinement there are entries labeled preferred orientation in each phase’s data tab. Two different approaches can be used for this, the March-Dollase model and spherical harmonics.
For the March-Dollase model, one axis in reciprocal space is designated as unique (defaulting to the 001 axis) and reflections are corrected according to the angle they make with this axis depending on the March-Dollase ratio. (If unity, no correction is made). The ratio can be greater than one or less than one depending on if crystallites oriented along the designated axis are overrepresented or underrepresented. For most crystal systems there is an obvious choice for the direction of the unique axis and then only a single term needs to be refined. If the number is close to 1, then the correction is not needed.
The second method for reducing the effect of texture in a structural refinement is to create a crystallite orientation probability surface as an expansion in terms spherical harmonic functions. Only functions consistent with cylindrical diffraction suymmetry and having texture symmetry consistent with the Laue class of phase are used and are allowed, so the higher the symmetry the fewer terms that are available for a given spherical harmonics order. To use this correction, select the lowest order that provides refinable terms and perform a refinement. If the texture index remains close to one, then the correction is not needed. If a significant improvement is noted in the profile Rwp, one may wish to see if a higher order expansion gives an even larger improvement.
To characterize texture in a material, generally one needs data collected with the sample at multiple orientations or, for TOF, with detectors at multiple locations around the sample. In this case the detector orientation is given in each histogram’s Sample Parameters and the sample’s orientation is described with the Euler angles specifed on the phase’s Texture tab, which is also where the texture type (cylindrical, rolling,…) and the spherical harmonic order is selected. This should not be used with a single dataset and should not be used if the preferred orientations corrections are used.
The coordinate system used for texture characterization is defined where the sample coordinates (Psi, gamma) are defined with an instrument coordinate system (I, J, K) such that K is normal to the diffraction plane and J is coincident with the direction of the incident radiation beam toward the source. We further define a standard set of right-handed goniometer eulerian angles (Omega, Chi, Phi) so that Omega and Phi are rotations about K and Chi is a rotation about J when Omega = 0. Finally, as the sample may be mounted so that the sample coordinate system (Is, Js, Ks) does not coincide with the instrument coordinate system (I, J, K), we define three eulerian sample rotation angles (Omega-s, Chi-s, Phi-s) that describe the rotation from (Is, Js, Ks) to (I, J, K). The sample rotation angles are defined so that with the goniometer angles at zero Omega-s and Phi-s are rotations about K and Chi-s is a rotation about J.
Three typical examples:
Bragg-Brentano laboratory diffractometer: Chi=0
Debye-Scherrer counter detector; sample capillary axis perpendicular to diffraction plane: Chi=90
Debye-Scherrer 2D area detector positioned directly behind sample; sample capillary axis horizontal; Chi=0
NB: The area detector azimuthal angle will equal 0 in horizontal plane to right as viewed from x-ray source and will equal 90 at vertical “up” direction.
2.6. ISODISTORT implementation
CIFs prepared with the ISODISTORT web site
[B. J. Campbell, H. T. Stokes, D. E. Tanner, and D. M. Hatch, “ISODISPLACE: An Internet Tool for Exploring Structural Distortions.”
J. Appl. Cryst. 39, 607-614 (2006).] can be read into GSAS-II using import CIF. This will cause constraints to be established for
structural distortion modes read from the CIF. At present, of the five types of modes only displacive(_iso_displacivemode
and occupancy (_iso_occupancymode
…) are processed. Not yet processed: _iso_magneticmode
… & _iso_strainmode
The CIF importer G2phase_CIF
implements class G2phase_CIF.CIFPhaseReader
which offers two methods associated
with ISODISTORT (ID) input. Method G2phase_CIF.CIFPhaseReader.ISODISTORT_test()
checks to see if a CIF block contains
the loops with _iso_displacivemode_label
or _iso_occupancymode_label
items. If so, method
is called to read and interpret them. The results are placed into the
reader object’s .Phase
class variable as a dict item with key 'ISODISTORT'
Note that each mode ID has a long label with a name such as Pm-3m[1/2,1/2,1/2]R5+(a,a,0)[La:b:dsp]T1u(a). Function
is used to create a short name for this, such as R5_T1u(a) which is made unique
by addition of _n if the short name is duplicated. As each mode is processed, a constraint corresponding to that mode is
created and is added to list in the reader object’s .Constraints
class variable. Items placed into that list can either
be a list, which corresponds to a function (new var) type constraint definition entry, or an item
can be a dict, which provides help information for each constraint.
2.6.1. Displacive modes
The coordinate variables, as named by ISODISTORT, are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['IsoVarList']
and the
corresponding GSASIIobj.G2VarObj
objects for each are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['G2VarList']
The mode variables, as named by ISODISTORT, are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['IsoModeList']
and the
corresponding GSASIIobj.G2VarObj
objects for each are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['G2ModeList']
[Use str(G2VarObj)
to get the variable name from the G2VarObj object, but note that the phase number, n, for the prefix
“n::” cannot be determined as the phase number is not yet assigned.]
Displacive modes are a bit complex in that they relate to delta displacements, relative to an offset value for each coordinate,
and because the modes are normalized. While GSAS-II also uses displacements, these are added to the coordinates after
each refinement cycle and then the delta values are set to zero.
ISODISTORT uses fixed offsets (subtracted from the actual position
to obtain the delta values) that are taken from the parent structure coordinate and the initial offset value
(in _iso_deltacoordinate_value
) and these are placed in
in the same order as .Phase['ISODISTORT']['G2ModeList']
and ‘’.Phase[ISODISTORT’][‘G2parentCoords’]’’.’
The normalization factors (which the delta values are divided by)
are taken from _iso_displacivemodenorm_value
and are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['NormList']
in the same
order as as ...['IsoModeList']
and ...['G2ModeList']
The CIF contains a sparse matrix, from the loop_
containing _iso_displacivemodematrix_value
which provides the equations
for determining the mode values from the coordinates, that matrix is placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['Mode2VarMatrix']
The matrix is inverted to produce .Phase['ISODISTORT']['Var2ModeMatrix']
, which determines how to compute the
mode values from the delta coordinate values. These values are used for the in GSASIIconstrGUI.ShowIsoDistortCalc()
which shows coordinate and mode values, the latter with s.u. values.
2.6.2. Occupancy modes
The delta occupancy variables, as named by ISODISTORT, are placed in
and the corresponding GSASIIobj.G2VarObj
objects for each are placed
in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['G2OccVarList']
. The mode variables, as named by ISODISTORT, are placed in
and the corresponding GSASIIobj.G2VarObj
objects for each are placed
in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['G2OccModeList']
Occupancy modes, like Displacive modes, are also refined as delta values. However, GSAS-II directly refines the fractional
occupancies. Offset values for each atom, are taken from _iso_occupancy_formula
and are placed in
. (Offset values are subtracted from the actual position to obtain the delta values.)
Modes are normalized (where the mode values are divided by the normalization factor) are taken from _iso_occupancymodenorm_value
and are placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['OccNormList']
in the same order as as ...['OccModeList']
The CIF contains a sparse matrix, from the loop_
containing _iso_occupancymodematrix_value
, which provides the
equations for determining the mode values from the coordinates. That matrix is placed in .Phase['ISODISTORT']['Occ2VarMatrix']
The matrix is inverted to produce .Phase['ISODISTORT']['Var2OccMatrix']
, which determines how to compute the
mode values from the delta coordinate values.
2.6.3. Mode Computations
Constraints are processed after the CIF has been read in GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.OnImportPhase()
by moving them from the reader object’s .Constraints
class variable to the Constraints tree entry’s [‘Phase’] list (for list items defining constraints) or
the Constraints tree entry’s [‘_Explain’] dict (for dict items defining constraint help information)
The information in .Phase['ISODISTORT']
is used in GSASIIconstrGUI.ShowIsoDistortCalc()
which shows coordinate and mode
values, the latter with s.u. values. This can be called from the Constraints and Phase/Atoms tree items.
Before each refinement, constraints are processed as described elsewhere. After a refinement
is complete, GSASIIstrIO.PrintIndependentVars()
shows the shifts and s.u.’s on the refined modes,
using GSAS-II values, but GSASIIstrIO.PrintISOmodes()
prints the ISODISTORT modes as computed in the web site.
2.7. Parameter Limits
One of the most often requested “enhancements” for GSAS-II would be the inclusion of constraints to force parameters such as occupancies or Uiso values to stay within expected ranges. While it is possible for users to supply their own restraints that would perform this by supplying an appropriate expression with the “General” restraints, the GSAS-II authors do not feel that use of restraints or constraints are a good solution for this common problem where parameters refine to non-physical values. This is because when this occurs, most likely one of the following cases is occurring:
there is a significant problem with the model, for example for an x-ray fit if an O atom is placed where a S is actually present, the Uiso will refine artificially small or the occupancy much larger than unity to try to compensate for the missing electrons; or
the data are simply insensitive to the parameter or combination of parameters, for example unless very high-Q data are included, the effects of a occupancy and Uiso value can have compensating effects, so an assumption must be made; likewise, with neutron data natural-abundance V atoms are nearly invisible due to weak coherent scattering. No parameters can be fit for a V atom with neutrons.
the parameter is non-physical (such as a negative Uiso value) but within two sigma (sigma = standard uncertainty, aka e.s.d.) of a reasonable value, in which case the value is not problematic as it is experimentally indistinguishable from an expected value.
there is a systematic problem with the data (experimental error)
In all these cases, this situation needs to be reviewed by a crystallographer to decide how to best determine a structural model for these data. An implementation with a constraint or restraint is likely to simply hide the problem from the user, making it more probable that a poor model choice is obtained.
What GSAS-II does implement is to allow users to specify ranges for parameters
that works by disabling
refinement of parameters that refine beyond either a lower limit or an upper limit, where
either or both may be optionally specified. Parameters limits are specified in the Controls
tree entry in dicts named as Controls['parmMaxDict']
and Controls['parmMinDict']
, where
the keys are G2VarObj
objects corresponding to standard GSAS-II variable
(see getVarDescr()
and CompileVarDesc()
) names, where a
wildcard (‘*’) may optionally be used for histogram number or atom number
(phase number is intentionally not allowed as a wildcard as it makes little sense
to group the same parameter together different phases). Note
that prmLookup()
is used to see if a name matches a wildcard. The upper or lower limit
is placed into these dicts as a float value. These values can be edited using the window
created by the Calculate/”View LS parms” menu command or in scripting with the
In the GUI, a checkbox labeled “match all histograms/atoms” is used to insert a wildcard
into the appropriate part of the variable name.
When a refinement is conducted, routine GSASIIstrMain.dropOOBvars()
is used to
find parameters that have refined to values outside their limits. If this occurs, the parameter
is set to the limiting value and the variable name is added to a list of frozen variables
(as a G2VarObj
objects) kept in a list in the
dict. In a sequential refinement, this is kept separate for
each histogram as a list in
(where the key is the histogram name) or as a list in
for a non-sequential fit.
This allows different variables
to be frozen in each section of a sequential fit.
Frozen parameters are not included in refinements through removal from the
list of parameters to be refined (varyList
) in GSASIIstrMain.Refine()
The data window for the Controls tree item shows the number of Frozen variables and
the individual variables can be viewed with the Calculate/”View LS parms” menu window or
obtained with GSASIIscriptable.G2Project.get_Frozen()
Once a variable is frozen, it will not be refined in any
future refinements unless the the variable is removed (manually) from the list. This can also
be done with the Calculate/”View LS parms” menu window or
See also