9. GSAS-II Structure Submodules
These modules are used to perform structure-related (mostly intensity) computations that are needed for refinement and related computations.
9.1. GSASIIstrMain: main structure routine
9.1.1. GSASIIstrMain Classes & Routines
routines, used for refinement, or refinement-related
computations (e.g. distance & angle computations), are found below.
These routines are most commonly called when working from a .gpx file, but may sometimes be called from the GUI. These routines expect that all needed input will have been read from the file/tree and are passed to thes routines here as arguments. The data tree is never accessed directly in this module and no GUI modules should be imported here.
- GSASIIstrMain.AllPrmDerivs(Controls, Histograms, Phases, restraintDict, rigidbodyDict, parmDict, varyList, calcControls, pawleyLookup, symHold, dlg=None)[source]
Computes the derivative of the fitting function (total Chi**2) with respect to every parameter in the parameter dictionary (parmDict) by applying shift below the parameter value as well as above.
- Returns:
a dict with the derivatives keyed by variable number. Derivatives are a list with three values: evaluated over v-d to v; v-d to v+d; v to v+d where v is the current value for the variable and d is a small delta value chosen for that variable type.
- GSASIIstrMain.CheckLeBail(Phases)[source]
Check if there is a LeBail extraction in any histogram
- Returns:
True if there is at least one LeBail flag turned on, False otherwise
- GSASIIstrMain.DoLeBail(GPXfile, dlg=None, cycles=10, refPlotUpdate=None, seqList=None)[source]
Fit LeBail intensities without changes to any other refined parameters. This is a stripped-down version of
that does not perform any refinement cycles- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – G2 .gpx file name
dlg (wx.ProgressDialog) – optional progress window to update. Default is None, which means no calls are made to this.
cycles (int) – Number of LeBail cycles to perform
refPlotUpdate (function) – Optional routine used to plot results. Default is None, which means no calls are made to this.
seqList (list) – List of histograms to be processed. Default is None which means that all used histograms in .gpx file are processed.
- GSASIIstrMain.DoNoFit(GPXfile, key)[source]
Compute the diffraction pattern with no refinement of parameters.
TODO: At present, this will compute intensities all diffraction patterns in the project, but this likely can be made faster by dropping all the histograms except key from Histograms.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – G2 .gpx file name
key (str) – name of histogram to be computed
- Returns:
the computed diffraction pattern for the selected histogram
- GSASIIstrMain.PrintDistAngle(DisAglCtls, DisAglData, out=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]
Print distances and angles
- Parameters:
DisAglCtls (dict) – contains distance/angle radii usually defined using
DisAglData (dict) – contains phase data: Items ‘OrigAtoms’ and ‘TargAtoms’ contain the atoms to be used for distance/angle origins and atoms to be used as targets. Item ‘SGData’ has the space group information (see Space Group object)
out (file) – file object for output. Defaults to sys.stdout.
- GSASIIstrMain.Refine(GPXfile, dlg=None, makeBack=True, refPlotUpdate=None, allDerivs=False)[source]
Global refinement – refines to minimize against all histograms. This can be called in one of three ways, from
in an interactive refinement, where dlg will be a wx.ProgressDialog, or non-interactively fromGSASIIscriptable.G2Project.refine()
or fromdo_refine()
, where dlg will be None.
- GSASIIstrMain.RefineCore(Controls, Histograms, Phases, restraintDict, rigidbodyDict, parmDict, varyList, calcControls, pawleyLookup, ifSeq, printFile, dlg, refPlotUpdate=None)[source]
Core optimization routines, shared between SeqRefine and Refine
- Returns:
5-tuple of ifOk (bool), Rvals (dict), result, covMatrix, sig
- GSASIIstrMain.ReportProblems(result, Rvals, varyList)[source]
Create a message based results from the refinement
- GSASIIstrMain.RetDistAngle(DisAglCtls, DisAglData, dlg=None)[source]
Compute and return distances and angles
- Parameters:
DisAglCtls (dict) –
contains distance/angle radii usually defined using
. Example:{'Name': 'Example', 'Factors': [0.85, 0.85], 'AtomTypes': ['Co', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'H'], 'BondRadii': [2.2, 1.12, 1.08, 1.09, 0.5], 'AngleRadii': [1.25, 0.92, 0.88, 0.89, 0.98]}
DisAglData (dict) –
contains phase & refinement data:
’OrigAtoms’ and ‘TargAtoms’ contain the atoms to be used for distance/angle origins and atoms to be used as targets.
’OrigIndx’ contains the index numbers for the Origin atoms.
’SGData’ has the space group information (see Space Group object)
’pId’ has the phase id
’Cell’ has the unit cell parameters and cell volume
’covData’ has the contents of Covariance data tree item
Added for use with rigid bodies:
’RBlist’ has the index numbers for atoms in a rigid body
’rigidbodyDict’ the contents of the main Rigid Body data tree item
’Phases’ has the phase information for all used phases in the data tree. Only the current phase is needed, but this is easy.
’parmDict’ is the GSAS-II parameter dict
- Returns:
AtomLabels, DistArray, AngArray where:
AtomLabels is a dict of atom labels, keys are the atom number
DistArray is a dict keyed by the origin atom number where the value is a list of distance entries. The value for each distance is a list containing:
the target atom number (int);
the unit cell offsets added to x,y & z (tuple of int values);
the symmetry transformation, which includes the symmetry operator number, any centering, if a center of symmetry was applied;
an interatomic distance in A (float);
an uncertainty on the distance in A or 0.0 (float).
AngArray is a dict keyed by the origin (central) atom number where the value is a list of angle entries. The value for each angle entry consists of three values:
a distance item reference for one neighbor atom (int);
a distance item reference for the second neighbor atom (int);
a angle, uncertainty pair; the s.u. may be zero (degrees, tuple of two floats).
The AngArray distance reference items refer directly to the index of the items in the DistArray item which gives the distance from the central atom and the applied symmetry transformation for the two target atoms.
- GSASIIstrMain.SeqRefine(GPXfile, dlg, refPlotUpdate=None)[source]
Perform a sequential refinement – cycles through all selected histgrams, one at a time
- GSASIIstrMain.dropOOBvars(varyList, parmDict, sigDict, Controls, parmFrozenList)[source]
Find variables in the parameters dict that are outside the ranges (in parmMinDict and parmMaxDict) and set them to the limits values. Add any such variables into the list of frozen variable (parmFrozenList). Returns a list of newly frozen variables, if any.
9.2. GSASIIstrMath - structure math routines
9.2.1. GSASIIstrMath Classes & Routines
routines, found below, used to support
refinement-related computations. These routines are used primarily in
, but also in a few other routines
in other locations:
The GSASIIfiles.ExportBaseclass.loadParmDict()
routine accesses routine
, GSASIIdataGUI.GSASII.OnExpressionCalc()
accesses ApplyRBModels()
and in module testDeriv
and dervRefine()
are accessed a several places.
The routines here are most commonly called when working from a .gpx file, but may sometimes be called from the GUI. These routines expect that all needed input will have been read from the file/tree and are passed to the routines as arguments. The data tree is never accessed directly here.
- GSASIIstrMath.ApplyRBModelDervs(dFdvDict, parmDict, rigidbodyDict, Phase)[source]
Computes rigid body derivatives w/r to RB params; N.B.: there are none for Spin RBs
- GSASIIstrMath.ApplyRBModels(parmDict, Phases, rigidbodyDict, Update=False)[source]
Takes RB info from RBModels in Phase and RB data in rigidbodyDict along with current RB values in parmDict & modifies atom contents (fxyz & Uij) of parmDict Takes RB parameters from parmDict and rigid body desriptions from rigidbodyDict and atomic information from Phases to compute parmDict values.
- Parameters:
parmDict (dict) – parameter dict. This is updated by this routine.
Phases (dict) – nested dict with information on all phases (from data tree)
rigidbodyDict (dict) – dict with information on all rigid bodies (from data tree)
Update (bool) – if True, the rigidbodyDict is updated with parameters in parmDict. (Default: False.)
- Returns:
a list of parameters that are set by this routine
- GSASIIstrMath.ApplyXYZshifts(parmDict, varyList)[source]
takes atom x,y,z shift and applies it to corresponding atom x,y,z value
- Parameters:
parmDict (dict) – parameter dictionary
varyList (list) – list of variables (not used!)
- Returns:
newAtomDict - dictionary of new atomic coordinate names & values; key is parameter shift name
- GSASIIstrMath.Dict2Values(parmdict, varylist)[source]
Use before call to leastsq to setup list of values for the parameters in parmdict, as selected by key in varylist
- GSASIIstrMath.GetFobsSq(Histograms, Phases, parmDict, calcControls)[source]
Compute the observed structure factors for Powder histograms and store in reflection array Multiprocessing support added
- GSASIIstrMath.GetHStrainShift(refl, im, SGData, phfx, hfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Computes the shifts in peak position due to the Hydrostatic strain (HStrain, Dij terms). This routine is not used anywhere
- GSASIIstrMath.GetHStrainShiftDerv(refl, im, SGData, phfx, hfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Computes the derivatives due to the shifts in peak position from Hydrostatic strain (HStrain, Dij terms).
- GSASIIstrMath.GetIntensityCorr(refl, im, uniq, G, g, pfx, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetIntensityDerv(refl, im, wave, uniq, G, g, pfx, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetNewCellParms(parmDict, varyList)[source]
Compute unit cell tensor terms from varied Aij and Dij values. Terms are included in the dict only if Aij or Dij is varied.
- GSASIIstrMath.GetPrefOri(uniq, G, g, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
March-Dollase preferred orientation correction
- GSASIIstrMath.GetPrefOriDerv(refl, im, uniq, G, g, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetPwdrExt(refl, im, pfx, phfx, hfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetPwdrExtDerv(refl, im, pfx, phfx, hfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetReflPos(refl, im, wave, A, pfx, hfx, phfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetReflPosDerv(refl, im, wave, A, pfx, hfx, phfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.GetSampleSigGam(refl, im, wave, G, GB, SGData, hfx, phfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Computes the sample-dependent Lorentzian & Gaussian peak width contributions from size & microstrain parameters :param float wave: wavelength for CW data, 2-theta for EDX data
- GSASIIstrMath.GetSampleSigGamDerv(refl, im, wave, G, GB, SGData, hfx, phfx, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Computes the derivatives on sample-dependent Lorentzian & Gaussian peak widths contributions from size & microstrain parameters :param float wave: wavelength for CW data, 2-theta for EDX data
- GSASIIstrMath.HessRefine(values, HistoPhases, parmDict, varylist, calcControls, pawleyLookup, dlg)[source]
Loop over histograms and compute derivatives of the fitting model (M) with respect to all parameters. For each histogram, the Jacobian matrix, dMdv, with dimensions (n by m) where n is the number of parameters and m is the number of data points in the histogram. The (n by n) Hessian is computed from each Jacobian and it is returned. This routine is used when refinement derivatives are selected as “analtytic Hessian” in Controls.
- Returns:
Vec,Hess where Vec is the least-squares vector and Hess is the Hessian
- GSASIIstrMath.MagStructureFactor2(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute neutron magnetic structure factors for all h,k,l for phase puts the result, F^2, in each ref[8] in refList operates on blocks of 100 reflections for speed input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filed in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- Returns:
copy of new refList - used in calculating numerical derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.MagStructureFactorDerv(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute nonmagnetic structure factor derivatives on blocks of reflections in magnetic structures - for powders/nontwins only input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
parmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.MagStructureFactorDerv2(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute magnetic structure factor derivatives numerically - for powders/nontwins only input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
parmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of magnetic derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.MakeSpHarmFF(HKL, Bmat, SHCdict, Tdata, hType, FFtables, ORBtables, BLtables, FF, SQ, ifDeriv=False)[source]
Computes hkl dependent form factors & derivatives from spinning rigid bodies :param array HKL: reflection hkl set to be considered :param array Bmat: inv crystal to Cartesian transfomation matrix :param dict SHCdict: RB spin/deformation data :param array Tdata: atom type info :param str hType: histogram type :param dict FFtables: x-ray form factor tables :param dict ORBtables: x-ray orbital form factor tables :param dict BLtables: neutron scattering lenghts :param array FF: form factors - will be modified by adding the spin/deformation RB spherical harmonics terms :param array SQ: 1/4d^2 for the HKL set :param bool ifDeriv: True if dFF/dcoff to be returned
- Returns:
dict dFFdS of derivatives if ifDeriv = True
- GSASIIstrMath.SCExtinction(ref, im, phfx, hfx, pfx, calcControls, parmDict, varyList)[source]
Single crystal extinction function; returns extinction & derivative
- GSASIIstrMath.SHPOcal(refl, im, g, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
spherical harmonics preferred orientation (cylindrical symmetry only)
- GSASIIstrMath.SHPOcalDerv(refl, im, g, phfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
spherical harmonics preferred orientation derivatives (cylindrical symmetry only)
- GSASIIstrMath.SHTXcal(refl, im, g, pfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Spherical harmonics texture
- GSASIIstrMath.SHTXcalDerv(refl, im, g, pfx, hfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Spherical harmonics texture derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.SStructureFactor(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, SSGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute super structure factors for all h,k,l,m for phase - no twins puts the result, F^2, in each ref[9] in refList works on blocks of 32 reflections for speed input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,m,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filed in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- GSASIIstrMath.SStructureFactorDerv(refDict, im, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, SSGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute super structure factor derivatives for all h,k,l,m for phase - no twins Only Fourier component are done analytically here input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,m,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
im (int) – = 1 (could be eliminated)
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
SSGData (dict) – super space group info.
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.SStructureFactorDerv2(refDict, im, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, SSGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute super structure factor derivatives for all h,k,l,m for phase - no twins input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,m,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
im (int) – = 1 (could be eliminated)
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
SSGData (dict) – super space group info.
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.SStructureFactorDervTw(refDict, im, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, SSGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrMath.SStructureFactorTw(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, SSGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute super structure factors for all h,k,l,m for phase - twins only puts the result, F^2, in each ref[8+im] in refList works on blocks of 32 reflections for speed input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,m,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filed in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- GSASIIstrMath.StructureFactor2(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute structure factors for all h,k,l for phase puts the result, F^2, in each ref[8] in refList operates on blocks of 100 reflections for speed input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filed in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
ParmDict (dict)
- GSASIIstrMath.StructureFactorDerv2(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute structure factor derivatives on blocks of reflections - for powders/nontwins only faster than StructureFactorDerv - correct for powders/nontwins!! input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
parmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.StructureFactorDervTw2(refDict, G, hfx, pfx, SGData, calcControls, parmDict)[source]
Compute structure factor derivatives on blocks of reflections - for twins only faster than StructureFactorDervTw input:
- Parameters:
refDict (dict) – where ‘RefList’ list where each ref = h,k,l,it,d,… ‘FF’ dict of form factors - filled in below
G (np.array) – reciprocal metric tensor
hfx (str) – histogram id string
pfx (str) – phase id string
SGData (dict) – space group info. dictionary output from SpcGroup
calcControls (dict)
parmDict (dict)
- Returns:
dict dFdvDict: dictionary of derivatives
- GSASIIstrMath.Values2Dict(parmdict, varylist, values)[source]
Use after call to leastsq to update the parameter dictionary with values corresponding to keys in varylist
- GSASIIstrMath.calcMassFracs(varyList, covMatrix, Phases, hist, hId)[source]
Compute mass fractions and their uncertainties for all phases in a histogram. Computed using the covariance matrix, along with the derivatives for the mass fraction equations.
- Parameters:
varyList (list) – list of varied parameters
covMatrix (np.array) – covariance matrix, order of rows and columns must match varyList
Phases (dict) – data structure (from tree or .gpx) with all phase information
hist (str) – name of selected histogram
hId (int) – number of current histogram
- Returns:
valDict,sigDict which contain the mass fraction values and sigmas, keyed by “ph:h:WgtFrac”
- GSASIIstrMath.computeRBsu(parmDict, Phases, rigidbodyDict, covMatrix, CvaryList, Csig)[source]
Computes s.u. values for atoms in rigid bodies
- Parameters:
parmDict (dict) – parameter dict. This is not changed by this routine.
Phases (dict) – nested dict with information on all phases (from data tree)
rigidbodyDict (dict) – dict with information on all rigid bodies (from data tree)
covMatrix (np.array) – covariance matrix (length NxN)
CvaryList (np.array) – list of refined parameters (length N)
Csig (np.array) – s.u. values for items in CvaryList (length N)
- Returns:
a dict with s.u. values for parameters that are generated by Rigid Bodies. Will be an empty dict if there are no RBs in use.
- GSASIIstrMath.dervHKLF(Histogram, Phase, calcControls, varylist, parmDict, rigidbodyDict)[source]
Loop over reflections in a HKLF histogram and compute derivatives of the fitting model (M) with respect to all parameters. Independent and dependant dM/dp arrays are returned to either dervRefine or HessRefine.
- Returns:
- GSASIIstrMath.dervRefine(values, HistoPhases, parmDict, varylist, calcControls, pawleyLookup, dlg)[source]
Loop over histograms and compute derivatives of the fitting model (M) with respect to all parameters. Results are returned in a Jacobian matrix (aka design matrix) of dimensions (n by m) where n is the number of parameters and m is the number of data points. This can exceed memory when m gets large. This routine is used when refinement derivatives are selected as “analtytic Jacobian” in Controls.
- Returns:
Jacobian numpy.array dMdv for all histograms concatinated
- GSASIIstrMath.errRefine(values, HistoPhases, parmDict, varylist, calcControls, pawleyLookup, dlg=None)[source]
Computes the point-by-point discrepancies between every data point in every histogram and the observed value. Used in the Jacobian, Hessian & numeric least-squares to compute function
- Returns:
an np array of differences between observed and computed diffraction values.
- GSASIIstrMath.getPowderProfile(parmDict, x, varylist, Histogram, Phases, calcControls, pawleyLookup, histogram=None)[source]
Computes the powder pattern for a histogram based on contributions from all used phases
- GSASIIstrMath.getPowderProfileDerv(args)[source]
Computes the derivatives of the computed powder pattern with respect to all refined parameters. Used for single processor & Multiprocessor versions
- GSASIIstrMath.penaltyDeriv(pNames, pVal, HistoPhases, calcControls, parmDict, varyList)[source]
Compute derivatives on user-supplied and built-in restraint (penalty) functions
where pNames is list of restraint labels
- Returns:
array pDerv: partial derivatives by variable# in varList and restraint# in pNames (pDerv[variable#][restraint#])
9.3. GSASIIstrIO: structure I/O routines
9.3.1. GSASIIstrIO Classes & Routines
routines, used for refinement to
read from GPX files and print to the .LST file.
Used for refinements and in G2scriptable.
This file should not contain any wxpython references as this must be used in non-GUI settings.
- GSASIIstrIO.GPXBackup(GPXfile, makeBack=True)[source]
makes a backup of the specified .gpx file
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
makeBack (bool) – if True (default), the backup is written to a new file; if False, the last backup is overwritten
- Returns:
the name of the backup file that was written
- GSASIIstrIO.GetAllPhaseData(GPXfile, PhaseName)[source]
Returns the entire dictionary for PhaseName from GSASII gpx file
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
PhaseName (str) – phase name
- Returns:
phase dictionary or None if PhaseName is not present
- GSASIIstrIO.GetControls(GPXfile)[source]
Returns dictionary of control items found in GSASII gpx file
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
dictionary of control items
- GSASIIstrIO.GetFullGPX(GPXfile)[source]
Returns complete contents of GSASII gpx file. Used in
.- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
Project,nameList, where
Project (dict) is a representation of gpx file following the GSAS-II tree structure for each item: key = tree name (e.g. ‘Controls’, ‘Restraints’, etc.), data is dict
nameList (list) has names of main tree entries & subentries used to reconstruct project file
- GSASIIstrIO.GetHistogramNames(GPXfile, hTypes)[source]
Returns a list of histogram names found in a GSAS-II .gpx file that match specifed histogram types. Names are returned in the order they appear in the file.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
hTypes (str) – list of histogram types
- Returns:
list of histogram names (types = PWDR & HKLF)
- GSASIIstrIO.GetHistogramPhaseData(Phases, Histograms, Controls={}, Print=True, pFile=None, resetRefList=True)[source]
Loads the HAP histogram/phase information into dicts
- Parameters:
Phases (dict) – phase information
Histograms (dict) – Histogram information
Print (bool) – prints information as it is read
pFile (file) – file object to print to (the default, None causes printing to the console)
resetRefList (bool) – Should the contents of the Reflection List be initialized on loading. The default, True, initializes the Reflection List as it is loaded.
- Returns:
(hapVary,hapDict,controlDict) * hapVary: list of refined variables * hapDict: dict with refined variables and their values * controlDict: dict with fixed parameters
- GSASIIstrIO.GetHistograms(GPXfile, hNames)[source]
Returns a dictionary of histograms found in GSASII gpx file
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
hNames (str) – list of histogram names
- Returns:
dictionary of histograms (types = PWDR & HKLF)
- GSASIIstrIO.GetPhaseData(PhaseData, RestraintDict={}, rbIds={}, Print=True, pFile=None, seqHistName=None, symHold=None)[source]
Setup the phase information for a structural refinement, used for regular and sequential refinements, optionally printing information to the .lst file (if Print is True). Used as part of refinements but also to generate information on refinement settings. Can be used with dicts from data tree or read from the GPX file. Note that this routine shares a name with routine G2frame.GetPhaseData() (
) that instead returns the phase dict(s) from the tree.- Parameters:
PhaseData (dict) – the contents of the Phase tree item (may be read from .gpx file) with information on all phases
RestraintDict (dict) – an optional dict with restraint information
rbIds (dict) – an optional dict with rigid body information
Print (bool) – a flag that determines if information will be formatted and printed to the .lst file
pFile (file) – a file object (created by open) where print information is sent when Print is True
seqHistName (str) – will be None, except for sequential fits. For sequential fits, this can be the name of the current histogram or ‘All’. If a histogram name is supplied, only the phases used in the current histogram are loaded. If ‘All’ is specified, all phases are loaded (used for error checking).
symHold (list) – if not None (None is the default) the names of parameters held due to symmetry are placed in this list even if not varied. (Used in G2constrGUI and for parameter impact estimates in AllPrmDerivs).
- Returns:
lots of stuff: Natoms,atomIndx,phaseVary,phaseDict,pawleyLookup, FFtables,EFtables,ORBtables,BLtables,MFtables,maxSSwave (see code for details).
- GSASIIstrIO.GetPhaseNames(GPXfile)[source]
Returns a list of phase names found under ‘Phases’ in GSASII gpx file
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
list of phase names
- GSASIIstrIO.GetRestraints(GPXfile)[source]
Read the restraints from the GPX file. Throws an exception if not found in the .GPX file
- GSASIIstrIO.GetRigidBodyModels(rigidbodyDict, Print=True, pFile=None)[source]
Get Rigid body info from tree entry and print it to .LST file Adds variables and dict items for vector RBs, but for Residue bodies this is done in
- GSASIIstrIO.GetSeqResult(GPXfile)[source]
Returns the sequential results table information from a GPX file. Called at the beginning of
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
a dict containing the sequential results table
- GSASIIstrIO.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile)[source]
Returns all histograms that are found in any phase and any phase that uses a histogram. This also assigns numbers to used phases and histograms by the order they appear in the file.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
Histograms = dictionary of histograms as {name:data,…}
Phases = dictionary of phases that use histograms
- GSASIIstrIO.IndexGPX(GPXfile, read=False)[source]
Create an index to a GPX file, optionally the file into memory. The byte size of the GPX file is saved. If this routine is called again, and if this size does not change, indexing is not repeated since it is assumed the file has not changed (this can be overriden by setting read=True).
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- Returns:
Project,nameList if read=, where
Project (dict) is a representation of gpx file following the GSAS-II tree structure for each item: key = tree name (e.g. ‘Controls’, ‘Restraints’, etc.), data is dict
nameList (list) has names of main tree entries & subentries used to reconstruct project file
- GSASIIstrIO.PrintISOmodes(pFile, Phases, parmDict, sigDict)[source]
Prints the values for the ISODISTORT modes into the project’s .lst file after a refinement.
- GSASIIstrIO.PrintIndependentVars(parmDict, varyList, sigDict, PrintAll=False, pFile=None)[source]
Print the values and uncertainties on the independent parameters
- GSASIIstrIO.PrintRestraints(cell, SGData, AtPtrs, Atoms, AtLookup, textureData, phaseRest, pFile)[source]
Documents Restraint settings in .lst file
TODO: pass in parmDict to evaluate general restraints
- GSASIIstrIO.ReadCheckConstraints(GPXfile, seqHist=None, Histograms=None, Phases=None)[source]
Load constraints and related info and return any error or warning messages This is done from the GPX file rather than the tree.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – specifies the path to a .gpx file.
seqHist (str) – specifies a histogram to be loaded for a sequential refinement. If None (default) all are loaded.
Histograms (dict) – output from
, can optionally be supplied to save time for sequential refinementsPhases (dict) – output from
, can optionally be supplied to save time for sequential refinements
- GSASIIstrIO.ReadConstraints(GPXfile, seqHist=None)[source]
Read the constraints from the GPX file and interpret them
called in
- GSASIIstrIO.SaveUpdatedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile, Histograms, Phases, RigidBodies, CovData, parmFrozen)[source]
Save phase and histogram information into “pseudo-gpx” files. The phase information is overwritten each time this is called, but histogram information is appended after each sequential step.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
Histograms (dict) – dictionary of histograms as {name:data,…}
Phases (dict) – dictionary of phases that use histograms
RigidBodies (dict) – dictionary of rigid bodies
CovData (dict) – dictionary of refined variables, varyList, & covariance matrix
parmFrozen (dict) – dict with frozen parameters for all phases and histograms (specified as str values)
- GSASIIstrIO.SetHistogramData(parmDict, sigDict, Histograms, calcControls, Print=True, pFile=None, seq=False)[source]
Shows histogram data after a refinement
- GSASIIstrIO.SetHistogramPhaseData(parmDict, sigDict, Phases, Histograms, calcControls, Print=True, pFile=None, covMatrix=[], varyList=[])[source]
Updates parmDict with HAP results from refinement and prints a summary if Print is True
- GSASIIstrIO.SetISOmodes(parmDict, sigDict, Phases, pFile=None)[source]
After a refinement, sets the values for the ISODISTORT modes into the parameter and s.u. dicts. Also, in the case of a non-sequential refinement, prints them into the project’s .lst file.
- Parameters:
parmDict (dict) – parameter dict
sigDict (dict) – s.u. (uncertainty) dict
Phases (dict) – Phase info from tree/.gpx
pFile (file) – file for .lst info or None (None for sequential fits)
- GSASIIstrIO.SetPhaseData(parmDict, sigDict, Phases, RBIds, covData, RestraintDict=None, pFile=None)[source]
Called after a refinement to transfer parameters from the parameter dict to the phase(s) information read from a GPX file. Also prints values to the .lst file
- GSASIIstrIO.SetRigidBodyModels(parmDict, sigDict, rigidbodyDict, pFile=None)[source]
needs a doc string
- GSASIIstrIO.SetSeqResult(GPXfile, Histograms, SeqResult)[source]
Places the sequential results information into a GPX file after a refinement has been completed. Called at the end of
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
- GSASIIstrIO.SetUsedHistogramsAndPhases(GPXfile, Histograms, Phases, RigidBodies, CovData, parmFrozenList, makeBack=True)[source]
Updates gpxfile from all histograms that are found in any phase and any phase that used a histogram. Also updates rigid body definitions. This is used for non-sequential fits, but not for sequential fitting.
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
Histograms (dict) – dictionary of histograms as {name:data,…}
Phases (dict) – dictionary of phases that use histograms
RigidBodies (dict) – dictionary of rigid bodies
CovData (dict) – dictionary of refined variables, varyList, & covariance matrix
parmFrozenList (list) – list of parameters (as str) that are frozen due to limits; converted to
objects.makeBack (bool) – True if new backup of .gpx file is to be made; else use the last one made
- GSASIIstrIO.SetupSeqSavePhases(GPXfile)[source]
Initialize the files used to save intermediate results from sequential fits.
- GSASIIstrIO.ShowControls(Controls, pFile=None, SeqRef=False, preFrozenCount=0)[source]
Print controls information
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteRBObjPOAndSig(pfx, rbfx, rbsx, parmDict, sigDict)[source]
Cribbed version of PrintRBObjPOAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteRBObjSHCAndSig(pfx, rbfx, rbsx, parmDict, sigDict, SHC)[source]
Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTorAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteRBObjTLSAndSig(pfx, rbfx, rbsx, TLS, parmDict, sigDict)[source]
Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTLSAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteRBObjTorAndSig(pfx, rbsx, parmDict, sigDict, nTors)[source]
Cribbed version of PrintRBObjTorAndSig but returns lists of strings. Moved so it can be used in ExportCIF
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteResRBModel(RBModel)[source]
Write description of a residue rigid body. Code shifted from PrintResRBModel to make usable from G2export_CIF
- GSASIIstrIO.WriteVecRBModel(RBModel, sigDict={}, irb=None)[source]
Write description of a vector rigid body. Code shifted from PrintVecRBModel to make usable from G2export_CIF
- GSASIIstrIO.cellFill(pfx, SGData, parmDict, sigDict)[source]
Returns the filled-out reciprocal cell (A) terms and their uncertainties from the parameter and sig dictionaries.
- Parameters:
pfx (str) – parameter prefix (“n::”, where n is a phase number)
SGdata (dict) – a symmetry object
parmDict (dict) – a dictionary of parameters
sigDict (dict) – a dictionary of uncertainties on parameters
- Returns:
A,sigA where each is a list of six terms with the A terms
- GSASIIstrIO.cellVary(pfx, SGData)[source]
Creates equivalences for a phase based on the Laue class. Returns a list of A tensor terms that are non-zero.
- GSASIIstrIO.fmtESD(varname, SigDict, fmtcode, ndig=None, ndec=None)[source]
Format an uncertainty value as requested, but surround the number by () if the parameter is set by an equivalence or by [] if the parameter is set by an constraint
- Parameters:
fmtcode (str) – can be a single letter such as ‘g’ or ‘f’, or a format string, such as ‘%10.5f’. For the latter, leave ndig and ndec as None.
- GSASIIstrIO.getBackupName(GPXfile, makeBack)[source]
Get the name for the backup .gpx file name
- Parameters:
GPXfile (str) – full .gpx file name
makeBack (bool) – if True the name of a new file is returned, if False the name of the last file that exists is returned
- Returns:
the name of a backup file
- GSASIIstrIO.getCellEsd(pfx, SGData, A, covData, unique=False)[source]
Compute the standard uncertainty on cell parameters
- Parameters:
pfx (str) – prefix of form p::
SGdata – space group information
A (list) – Reciprocal cell Ai terms
covData (dict) – covariance tree item
unique (bool) – when True, only directly refined parameters (a in cubic, a & alpha in rhombohedral cells) are assigned positive s.u. values. Used for CIF generation.
- GSASIIstrIO.getCellSU(pId, hId, SGData, parmDict, covData)[source]
Compute the unit cell parameters and standard uncertainties where lattice parameters and Hstrain (Dij) may be refined. This is called only for generation of CIFs.
- Parameters:
pId – phase index
hId – histogram index
SGdata – space group information
parmDict (dict) – parameter dict, must have all non-zero Dij and Ai terms
covData (dict) – covariance tree item
- GSASIIstrIO.gpxSize = -1
Global variables used in
to see if file has changed (gpxSize) and to index where to find each 1st-level tree item in the file.