Source code for G2phase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# $Date: 2023-11-02 11:44:46 -0500 (Thu, 02 Nov 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5696 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5696 2023-11-02 16:44:46Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################

from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
import os.path
import math
import random as ran
import numpy as np
    import wx
except ImportError:
    wx = None
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIspc as G2spc
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5696 $")
try:  # fails on doc build
    R2pisq = 1./(2.*np.pi**2)
except TypeError:

[docs] class PDB_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportPhase): 'Routine to import Phase information from a PDB file' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say ImportPhase.__init__ extensionlist=('.pdb','.ent','.PDB','.ENT'), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'PDB', longFormatName = 'Original Protein Data Bank (.pdb file) import' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''Taking a stab a validating a PDB file (look for cell & at least one atom) ''' fp = open(filename,'r') # for i,l in enumerate(fp): # if l.startswith('CRYST1'): # break # else: # self.errors = 'no CRYST1 record found' # fp.close() # return False for i,l in enumerate(fp): if l.startswith('ATOM') or l.startswith('HETATM'): fp.close() return True self.errors = 'no ATOM records found after CRYST1 record' fp.close() return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read a PDF file using :meth:`ReadPDBPhase`' self.Phase = self.ReadPDBPhase(filename, ParentFrame) return True
[docs] def ReadPDBPhase(self,filename,parent=None): '''Read a phase from a PDB file. ''' EightPiSq = 8.*math.pi**2 self.errors = 'Error opening file' file = open(filename, 'r') Phase = {} Title = os.path.basename(filename) RES = Title[:3] Compnd = '' Atoms = [] A = np.zeros(shape=(3,3)) S = file.readline() line = 1 SGData = None cell = None Dummy = True Anum = 0 while S: self.errors = 'Error reading at line '+str(line) Atom = [] if 'TITLE' in S[:5]: Title = S[10:72].strip() elif 'COMPND ' in S[:10]: Compnd = S[10:72].strip() elif 'CRYST' in S[:5]: Dummy = False abc = S[7:34].split() angles = S[34:55].split() cell=[float(abc[0]),float(abc[1]),float(abc[2]), float(angles[0]),float(angles[1]),float(angles[2])] Volume = G2lat.calc_V(G2lat.cell2A(cell)) AA,AB = G2lat.cell2AB(cell) SpGrp = S[55:65] E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp) # space group processing failed, try to look up name in table if E: SpGrpNorm = G2spc.StandardizeSpcName(SpGrp) if SpGrpNorm: E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrpNorm) while E: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(parent, SpGrp[:-1]+' is invalid \nN.B.: make sure spaces separate axial fields in symbol', 'ERROR in space group symbol','',style=wx.OK) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: SpGrp = dlg.GetValue() E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp) else: SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 self.warnings += '\nThe space group was not interpreted and has been set to "P 1".' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." dlg.Destroy() # SGlines = G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) # for l in SGlines: print (l) elif 'SCALE' in S[:5]: V = S[10:41].split() A[int(S[5])-1] = [float(V[0]),float(V[1]),float(V[2])] elif 'ATOM' in S[:4] or 'HETATM' in S[:6]: if not SGData: self.warnings += '\nThe space group was not read before atoms and has been set to "P 1". ' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 cell = [20.0,20.0,20.0,90.,90.,90.] Volume = G2lat.calc_V(G2lat.cell2A(cell)) AA,AB = G2lat.cell2AB(cell) Anum = 1 XYZ = [float(S[31:39]),float(S[39:47]),float(S[47:55])] XYZ = np.inner(AB,XYZ) XYZ = np.where(abs(XYZ)<0.00001,0,XYZ) SytSym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(XYZ,SGData)[:2] Uiso = float(S[61:67])/EightPiSq Type = S[76:78].lower() if Dummy and S[12:17].strip() == 'CA': Type = 'C' Aname = S[12:17].strip() if Anum: Aname += '%d'%Anum if S[17:20].upper() != 'UNL': RES = S[17:20].upper() Atom = [S[22:27].strip(),RES,S[20:22], Aname,Type.strip().capitalize(),'',XYZ[0],XYZ[1],XYZ[2], float(S[55:61]),SytSym,Mult,'I',Uiso,0,0,0,0,0,0] if S[16] in [' ','A','B']: Atom[3] = Atom[3][:3] Atom.append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) Atoms.append(Atom) if Anum: Anum += 1 elif 'ANISOU' in S[:6]: Uij = S[30:72].split() Uij = [float(Uij[0])/10000.,float(Uij[1])/10000.,float(Uij[2])/10000., float(Uij[3])/10000.,float(Uij[4])/10000.,float(Uij[5])/10000.] Atoms[-1] = Atoms[-1][:14]+Uij Atoms[-1][12] = 'A' Atoms[-1].append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) S = file.readline() line += 1 file.close() self.errors = 'Error after read complete' if Title: PhaseName = Title elif Compnd: PhaseName = Compnd else: PhaseName = 'None' if not SGData: raise self.ImportException("No space group (CRYST entry) found") if not cell: raise self.ImportException("No cell (CRYST entry) found") Phase = G2obj.SetNewPhase(Name=PhaseName,SGData=SGData,cell=cell+[Volume,]) Phase['General']['Type'] = 'macromolecular' Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [6,4,10,12] Phase['Atoms'] = Atoms return Phase
[docs] class EXP_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportPhase): 'Routine to import Phase information from GSAS .EXP files' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say ImportPhase.__init__ extensionlist=('.EXP','.exp'), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'GSAS .EXP', longFormatName = 'GSAS Experiment (.EXP file) import' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Look for a VERSION tag in 1st line' fp = open(filename,'r') if == ' VERSION ': fp.close() return True self.errors = 'File does not begin with VERSION tag' fp.close() return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename,ParentFrame=None,usedRanIdList=[],**unused): 'Read a phase from a GSAS .EXP file using :meth:`ReadEXPPhase`' self.Phase = G2obj.SetNewPhase(Name='new phase') # create a new empty phase dict while self.Phase['ranId'] in usedRanIdList: self.Phase['ranId'] = ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize) # make sure the ranId is really unique! self.MPhase = G2obj.SetNewPhase(Name='new phase') # create a new empty phase dict while self.MPhase['ranId'] in usedRanIdList: self.MPhase['ranId'] = ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize) fp = open(filename,'r') self.ReadEXPPhase(ParentFrame, fp) fp.close() return True
[docs] def ReadEXPPhase(self, G2frame,filepointer): '''Read a phase from a GSAS .EXP file. ''' shModels = ['cylindrical','none','shear - 2/m','rolling - mmm'] textureData = {'Order':0,'Model':'cylindrical','Sample omega':[False,0.0], 'Sample chi':[False,0.0],'Sample phi':[False,0.0],'SH Coeff':[False,{}], 'SHShow':False,'PFhkl':[0,0,1],'PFxyz':[0,0,1],'PlotType':'Pole figure'} shNcof = 0 S = 1 NPhas = [] Expr = [{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}] # GSAS can have at most 9 phases for line,S in enumerate(filepointer): self.errors = 'Error reading at line '+str(line+1) if 'EXPR NPHAS' in S[:12]: NPhas = S[12:-1].split() if 'CRS' in S[:3]: N = int(S[3:4])-1 Expr[N][S[:12]] = S[12:-1] PNames = [] if not NPhas: raise self.ImportException("No EXPR NPHAS record found") self.errors = 'Error interpreting file' for n,N in enumerate(NPhas): if N != '0': result = n key = 'CRS'+str(n+1)+' PNAM' PNames.append(Expr[n][key]) if len(PNames) == 0: raise self.ImportException("No phases found") elif len(PNames) > 1: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Which phase to read?', 'Read phase data', PNames, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: result = dlg.GetSelection() # I think this breaks is there are skipped phases. Cant this happen? finally: dlg.Destroy() EXPphase = Expr[result] keyList = list(EXPphase.keys()) keyList.sort() SGData = {} MPtype = '' if NPhas[result] == '1': Ptype = 'nuclear' elif NPhas[result] =='2': Ptype = 'nuclear' MPtype = 'magnetic' MagDmin = 1.0 elif NPhas[result] =='3': Ptype = 'magnetic' MagDmin = 1.0 elif NPhas[result] == '4': Ptype = 'macromolecular' elif NPhas[result] == '10': Ptype = 'Pawley' else: raise self.ImportException("Phase type not recognized") for key in keyList: if 'PNAM' in key: PhaseName = EXPphase[key].strip() elif 'ABC ' in key: abc = [float(EXPphase[key][:10]),float(EXPphase[key][10:20]),float(EXPphase[key][20:30])] elif 'ANGLES' in key: angles = [float(EXPphase[key][:10]),float(EXPphase[key][10:20]),float(EXPphase[key][20:30])] elif 'SG SYM' in key: SpGrp = EXPphase[key][:15].strip() E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp) if E: SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 -- unlikely to need this! self.warnings += '\nThe GSAS space group was not interpreted(!) and has been set to "P 1".' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." elif 'SPNFLP' in key: SpnFlp = np.array([int(float(s)) for s in EXPphase[key].split()]) SpnFlp = np.where(SpnFlp==0,1,SpnFlp) SpnFlp = [1,]+list(SpnFlp) if SGData['SpGrp'][0] in ['A','B','C','I','R','F']: SpnFlp = list(SpnFlp)+[1,1,1,1] elif 'MXDSTR' in key: MagDmin = float(EXPphase[key][:10]) elif 'OD ' in key: SHdata = EXPphase[key].split() # may not have all 9 values SHvals = 9*[0] for i in range(9): try: float(SHdata[i]) SHvals[i] = SHdata[i] except: pass textureData['Order'] = int(SHvals[0]) textureData['Model'] = shModels[int(SHvals[2])] textureData['Sample omega'] = [False,float(SHvals[6])] textureData['Sample chi'] = [False,float(SHvals[7])] textureData['Sample phi'] = [False,float(SHvals[8])] shNcof = int(SHvals[1]) Volume = G2lat.calc_V(G2lat.cell2A(abc+angles)) Atoms = [] MAtoms = [] Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(abc+angles)[1] if Ptype == 'macromolecular': for key in keyList: if 'AT' in key[6:8]: S = EXPphase[key] Atom = [S[56:60].strip(),S[50:54].strip().upper(),S[54:56], S[46:51].strip(),S[:8].strip().capitalize(),'', float(S[16:24]),float(S[24:32]),float(S[32:40]), float(S[8:16]),'1',1,'I',float(S[40:46]),0,0,0,0,0,0] XYZ = Atom[6:9] Atom[10],Atom[11] = G2spc.SytSym(XYZ,SGData)[:2] Atom.append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) Atoms.append(Atom) else: for key in keyList: if 'AT' in key: if key[11:] == 'A': S = EXPphase[key] elif key[11:] == 'B': S1 = EXPphase[key] Atom = [S[50:58].strip(),S[:10].strip().capitalize(),'', float(S[10:20]),float(S[20:30]),float(S[30:40]), float(S[40:50]),'',int(S[60:62]),S1[62:63]] #float(S[40:50]),'',int(S[60:62]),S1[130:131]] if Atom[9] == 'I': Atom += [float(S1[0:10]),0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] elif Atom[9] == 'A': Atom += [0.0, float(S1[ 0:10]),float(S1[10:20]), float(S1[20:30]),float(S1[30:40]), float(S1[40:50]),float(S1[50:60])] else: print('Error in line with key: '+key) Atom += [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] XYZ = Atom[3:6] Atom[7],Atom[8] = G2spc.SytSym(XYZ,SGData)[:2] Atom.append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) Atoms.append(Atom) elif key[11:] == 'M' and key[6:8] == 'AT': S = EXPphase[key] mom = np.array([float(S[:10]),float(S[10:20]),float(S[20:30])]) mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(mom**2)) mom = np.inner(Bmat,mom)*mag MAtoms.append(Atom) MAtoms[-1] = Atom[:7]+list(mom)+Atom[7:] if shNcof: shCoef = {} nRec = [i+1 for i in range((shNcof-1)//6+1)] for irec in nRec: ODkey = keyList[0][:6]+'OD'+'%3dA'%(irec) indx = EXPphase[ODkey].split() ODkey = ODkey[:-1]+'B' vals = EXPphase[ODkey].split() for i,val in enumerate(vals): key = 'C(%s,%s,%s)'%(indx[3*i],indx[3*i+1],indx[3*i+2]) shCoef[key] = float(val) textureData['SH Coeff'] = [False,shCoef] if not SGData: raise self.ImportException("No space group found in phase") if not abc: raise self.ImportException("No cell lengths found in phase") if not angles: raise self.ImportException("No cell angles found in phase") if not Atoms: raise self.ImportException("No atoms found in phase") self.Phase['General'].update({'Type':Ptype,'Name':PhaseName,'Cell':[False,]+abc+angles+[Volume,],'SGData':SGData}) if MPtype == 'magnetic': self.MPhase['General'].update({'Type':'magnetic','Name':PhaseName+' mag','Cell':[False,]+abc+angles+[Volume,],'SGData':SGData}) else: self.MPhase = None if Ptype =='macromolecular': self.Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [6,4,10,12] self.Phase['Atoms'] = Atoms elif Ptype == 'magnetic': self.Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [3,1,10,12] self.Phase['General']['SGData']['SGSpin'] = SpnFlp self.Phase['General']['MagDmin'] = MagDmin self.Phase['Atoms'] = MAtoms else: #nuclear self.Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [3,1,7,9] self.Phase['General']['SH Texture'] = textureData self.Phase['Atoms'] = Atoms if MPtype =='magnetic': self.MPhase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [3,1,10,12] self.MPhase['General']['SGData']['SGSpin'] = SpnFlp self.MPhase['General']['MagDmin'] = MagDmin self.MPhase['Atoms'] = MAtoms
[docs] class JANA_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportPhase): 'Routine to import Phase information from a JANA2006 file' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say ImportPhase.__init__ extensionlist=('.m50','.M50'), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'JANA m50', longFormatName = 'JANA2006 phase import' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): '''Taking a stab a validating a .m50 file (look for cell & at least one atom) ''' fp = open(filename,'r') for i,l in enumerate(fp): if l.startswith('cell'): break else: self.errors = 'no cell record found' fp.close() return False for i,l in enumerate(fp): if l.startswith('spgroup'): fp.close() return True self.errors = 'no spgroup record found after cell record' fp.close() return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read a m50 file using :meth:`ReadJANAPhase`' self.Phase = self.ReadJANAPhase(filename, ParentFrame) return True
[docs] def ReadJANAPhase(self,filename,parent=None): '''Read a phase from a JANA2006 m50 & m40 files. ''' self.errors = 'Error opening file' fp = open(filename, 'r') #contains only cell & spcgroup Phase = {} Title = os.path.basename(filename) Type = 'nuclear' Atoms = [] Atypes = [] SuperVec = [[0,0,.1],False,4] S = fp.readline() line = 1 SGData = None SuperSg = '' cell = None nqi = 0 version = '2000' while S: self.errors = 'Error reading at line '+str(line) if 'title' in S and S != 'title\n': Title = S.split()[1] elif 'Jana2006' in S: self.warnings += '\nJana2006 file detected' version = '2006' elif 'cell' in S[:4]: cell = S[5:].split() cell=[float(cell[0]),float(cell[1]),float(cell[2]), float(cell[3]),float(cell[4]),float(cell[5])] Volume = G2lat.calc_V(G2lat.cell2A(cell)) G,g = G2lat.cell2Gmat(cell) ast = np.sqrt(np.diag(G)) Mast = np.multiply.outer(ast,ast) elif 'spgroup' in S: if 'X' in S: raise self.ImportException("Ad hoc Supersymmetry centering "+S+" not allowed in GSAS-II") SpGrp = S.split()[1] SuperSg = '' if '(' in SpGrp: #supercell symmetry - split in 2 SuperStr = SpGrp.split('(') SpGrp = SuperStr[0] SuperSg = '('+SuperStr[1] SpGrpNorm = G2spc.StandardizeSpcName(SpGrp) E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrpNorm) # space group processing failed, try to look up name in table while E: print (G2spc.SGErrors(E)) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(parent, SpGrp[:-1]+' is invalid \nN.B.: make sure spaces separate axial fields in symbol', 'ERROR in space group symbol','',style=wx.OK) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: SpGrp = dlg.GetValue() E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp) else: SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 self.warnings += '\nThe space group was not interpreted and has been set to "P 1".' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." dlg.Destroy() G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) #silent check of space group symbol elif 'qi' in S[:2]: if nqi: raise self.ImportException("Supersymmetry too high; GSAS-II limited to (3+1) supersymmetry") vec = S.split()[1:] SuperVec = [[float(vec[i]) for i in range(3)],False,4] nqi += 1 elif 'atom' in S[:4]: Atypes.append(S.split()[1]) S = fp.readline() line += 1 fp.close() #read atoms from m40 file if not SGData: self.warnings += '\nThe space group was not read before atoms and has been set to "P 1". ' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 waveTypes = ['Fourier','Sawtooth','ZigZag',] filename2 = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+'.m40' file2 = open(filename2,'r') S = file2.readline() line = 1 self.errors = 'Error reading at line '+str(line) nAtoms = int(S.split()[0]) for i in range(4): S = file2.readline() for i in range(nAtoms): S1N = [0,0,0] Spos = [] Sadp = [] Sfrac = [] Smag = [] S1 = file2.readline().strip() if len(S1) > 55: S1N = S1.split()[-3:] # no. occ, no. pos waves, no. ADP waves S1N = [int(i) for i in S1N] S1T = list(S1[60:63]) waveType = waveTypes[int(S1T[1])] XYZ = [float(S1[27:36]),float(S1[36:45]),float(S1[45:54])] SytSym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(XYZ,SGData)[:2] aType = Atypes[int(S1[9:11])-1] Name = S1[:8].strip() if S1[11:15].strip() == '1': S2 = file2.readline() Uiso = float(S2[:9]) if version == '2000': Uiso = R2pisq*float(Uiso)/4. #Biso -> Uiso Uij = [0,0,0,0,0,0] IA = 'I' elif S1[11:15].strip() == '2': S2 = file2.readline() IA = 'A' Uiso = 0. Uij = [float(S2[:9]),float(S2[9:18]),float(S2[18:27]), float(S2[27:36]),float(S2[36:45]),float(S2[45:54])] #Uij in Jana2006! if version == '2000': Uij = R2pisq*G2lat.UijtoU6(G2lat.U6toUij(Uij)/Mast) #these things are betaij in Jana2000! need to convert to Uij for i in range(S1N[0]): if not i: FS = file2.readline() Sfrac.append(FS[:9]) #'O' or 'delta' = 'length' for crenel if int(S1T[0]): #"", "Legendre" or "Xharm" in 18:27 for "crenel"! waveType = 'Crenel/Fourier' #all waves 'Fourier' no other choice Sfrac.append(file2.readline()[:18]) #if not crenel = Osin & Ocos # else Osin & Ocos except last one is X40 = 'Center' for i in range(S1N[1]): Spos.append(file2.readline()[:54]) for i in range(S1N[2]): Sadp.append(file2.readline()[:54]+file2.readline()) if sum(S1N): #if any waves: skip mystery line? file2.readline() for i,it in enumerate(Sfrac): if not i: if 'Crenel' in waveType: vals = [float(it),float(Sfrac[-1][:9])] else: vals = [float(it),] else: vals = [float(it[:9]),float(it[9:18])] if 'Crenel' in waveType and i == len(Sfrac)-1: del Sfrac[-1] break Sfrac[i] = [vals,False] for i,it in enumerate(Spos): if waveType in ['Sawtooth',] and not i: vals = [float(it[:9]),float(it[9:18]),float(it[18:27]),float(it[27:36])] else: vals = [float(it[:9]),float(it[9:18]),float(it[18:27]),float(it[27:36]),float(it[36:45]),float(it[45:54])] Spos[i] = [vals,False] for i,it in enumerate(Sadp): vals = [float(it[:9]),float(it[9:18]),float(it[18:27]),float(it[27:36]),float(it[36:45]),float(it[45:54]), float(it[54:63]),float(it[63:72]),float(it[72:81]),float(it[81:90]),float(it[90:99]),float(it[99:108])] #these are betaij modulations in Jana2000! need to convert to Uij modulations if version == '2000': vals[:6] = R2pisq*G2lat.UijtoU6(G2lat.U6toUij(vals[:6])/Mast) #convert sin bij to Uij vals[6:] = R2pisq*G2lat.UijtoU6(G2lat.U6toUij(vals[6:])/Mast) #convert cos bij to Uij Sadp[i] = [vals,False] Atom = [Name,aType,'',XYZ[0],XYZ[1],XYZ[2],1.0,SytSym,Mult,IA,Uiso] Atom += Uij Atom.append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) if len(S1) > 55: Atom.append({'SS1':{'Sfrac':[waveType,]+Sfrac,'Spos':[waveType,]+Spos,'Sadp':['Fourier',]+Sadp,'Smag':['Fourier',]+Smag}}) #SS2 is for (3+2), etc. Atoms.append(Atom) file2.close() self.errors = 'Error after read complete' if not SGData: raise self.ImportException("No space group (spcgroup entry) found") if not cell: raise self.ImportException("No cell found") Phase = G2obj.SetNewPhase(Name=Title,SGData=SGData,cell=cell+[Volume,]) Phase['General']['Type'] = Type Phase['General']['Modulated'] = False Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [3,1,7,9] if len(S1) > 55: Phase['General']['Modulated'] = True Phase['General']['Super'] = nqi Phase['General']['SuperVec'] = SuperVec Phase['General']['SuperSg'] = SuperSg if SuperSg: Phase['General']['SSGData'] = G2spc.SSpcGroup(SGData,SuperSg)[1] Phase['Atoms'] = Atoms return Phase
[docs] class PDF_ReaderClass(G2obj.ImportPhase): 'Routine to import Phase information from ICDD PDF Card files' def __init__(self): super(self.__class__,self).__init__( # fancy way to say ImportPhase.__init__ extensionlist=('.str',), strictExtension=True, formatName = 'ICDD .str', longFormatName = 'ICDD PDF Card (.str file) import' )
[docs] def ContentsValidator(self, filename): 'Look for a str tag in 1st line' fp = open(filename,'r') if == 'str': fp.close() return True self.errors = 'File does not begin with str tag' fp.close() return False
[docs] def Reader(self,filename, ParentFrame=None, **unused): 'Read phase from a ICDD .str file using :meth:`ReadPDFPhase`' fp = open(filename,'r') self.Phase = self.ReadPDFPhase(ParentFrame, fp) fp.close() return True
[docs] def ReadPDFPhase(self, G2frame,fp): '''Read a phase from a ICDD .str file. ''' EightPiSq = 8.*math.pi**2 self.errors = 'Error opening file' Phase = {} Atoms = [] S = fp.readline() line = 1 SGData = None cell = [] cellkey = [] while S: if 'space_group' in S: break S = fp.readline() while S: self.errors = 'Error reading at line '+str(line) if 'phase_name' in S: Title = S.split('"')[1] elif 'Space group (HMS)' in S: SpGrp = S.split()[-1] SpGrpNorm = G2spc.StandardizeSpcName(SpGrp) E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrpNorm) # space group processing failed, try to look up name in table while E: print (G2spc.SGErrors(E)) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(G2frame, SpGrp[:-1]+' is invalid \nN.B.: make sure spaces separate axial fields in symbol', 'ERROR in space group symbol','',style=wx.OK) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: SpGrp = dlg.GetValue() E,SGData = G2spc.SpcGroup(SpGrp) else: SGData = G2obj.P1SGData # P 1 self.warnings += '\nThe space group was not interpreted and has been set to "P 1".' self.warnings += "Change this in phase's General tab." dlg.Destroy() G2spc.SGPrint(SGData) #silent check of space group symbol elif 'a a_' in S[:7]: data = S.split() cell.append(float(data[2])) cellkey.append(data[1]) elif 'b b_' in S[:7]: data = S.split() cell.append(float(data[2])) cellkey.append(data[1]) elif 'b =' in S[:6]: data = S.split('=') indx = cellkey.index(data[1].split(';')[0]) cell.append(cell[indx]) elif 'c c_' in S[:7]: data = S.split() cell.append(float(data[2])) elif 'c =' in S[:6]: data = S.split('=') indx = cellkey.index(data[1].split(';')[0]) cell.append(cell[indx]) elif 'al' in S[:5]: cell.append(float(S.split()[1])) elif 'be' in S[:5]: cell.append(float(S.split()[1])) elif 'ga' in S[:5]: cell.append(float(S.split()[1])) Volume = G2lat.calc_V(G2lat.cell2A(cell)) break S = fp.readline() S = fp.readline() while S: if '/*' in S[:5]: break if 'site' in S[:7]: atom = [] xyzkey = [] data = S.split() atom.append(data[1]) #name pos = data.index('occ')+1 atom.append(data[pos]) #type atom.append('') #refine for xid in ['x =','y =','z =']: if xid in S: xpos = S.index(xid)+3 xend = xpos+S[xpos:].index(';') if S[xpos:xend] in xyzkey: atom.append(atom[3+xyzkey.index(S[xpos:xend])]) else: atom.append(eval(S[xpos:xend]+'.')) else: xpos = data.index(xid[0])+2 xyzkey.append(data[xpos-1][1:]) atom.append(float(data[xpos])) atom.append(float(data[pos+2])) SytSym,Mult = G2spc.SytSym(np.array(atom[3:6]),SGData)[:2] atom.append(SytSym) atom.append(Mult) if 'beq' in S: atom.append('I') upos = data.index('beq') atom.append(float(data[upos+2])/EightPiSq) atom += [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,] elif 'ADPs' in S: upos = data.index('ADPs') atom.append('A') atom.append(0.0) for uid in ['Bani11','Bani22','Bani33','Bani12','Bani13','Bani23']: upos = data.index(uid)+1 atom.append(float(data[upos])/EightPiSq) else: atom.append('I') atom += [0.02,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,] atom.append(ran.randint(0,sys.maxsize)) Atoms.append(atom) S = fp.readline() fp.close() self.errors = 'Error after read complete' if not SGData: raise self.ImportException("No space group (spcgroup entry) found") if not cell: raise self.ImportException("No cell found") Phase = G2obj.SetNewPhase(Name=Title,SGData=SGData,cell=cell+[Volume,]) Phase['General']['Type'] = 'nuclear' Phase['General']['AtomPtrs'] = [3,1,7,9] Phase['Atoms'] = Atoms return Phase