Source code for GSASIIseqGUI

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#GSASIIseqGUI - Sequential Results Display routines
########### SVN repository information ###################
# $Date: 2023-11-13 14:28:09 -0600 (Mon, 13 Nov 2023) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 5700 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 5700 2023-11-13 20:28:09Z vondreele $
########### SVN repository information ###################
Routines for Sequential Results & Cluster Analysis dataframes follow. 
from __future__ import division, print_function
import platform
import copy
import re
import numpy as np
import as ma
import numpy.linalg as nl
import scipy.optimize as so
    import wx
    import wx.grid as wg
except ImportError:
import GSASIIpath
GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 5700 $")
import GSASIImath as G2mth
import GSASIIIO as G2IO
import GSASIIdataGUI as G2gd
import GSASIIstrIO as G2stIO
import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
import GSASIIplot as G2plt
import GSASIImapvars as G2mv
import GSASIIobj as G2obj
import GSASIIexprGUI as G2exG
import GSASIIctrlGUI as G2G

#####  Display of Sequential Results ##########################################
[docs] def UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,prevSize=None): """ Called when any data tree entry is selected that has 'Sequential' in the name to show results from any sequential analysis. :param wx.Frame G2frame: main GSAS-II data tree windows :param dict data: a dictionary containing the following items: * 'histNames' - list of histogram names in order as processed by Sequential Refinement * 'varyList' - list of variables - identical over all refinements in sequence note that this is the original list of variables, prior to processing constraints. * 'variableLabels' -- a dict of labels to be applied to each parameter (this is created as an empty dict if not present in data). * keyed by histName - dictionaries for all data sets processed, which contains: * 'variables'- result[0] from leastsq call * 'varyList' - list of variables passed to leastsq call (not same as above) * 'sig' - esds for variables * 'covMatrix' - covariance matrix from individual refinement * 'title' - histogram name; same as dict item name * 'newAtomDict' - new atom parameters after shifts applied * 'newCellDict' - refined cell parameters after shifts to A0-A5 from Dij terms applied' """ def GetSampleParms(): '''Make a dictionary of the sample parameters that are not the same over the refinement series. Controls here is local ''' if 'IMG' in histNames[0]: sampleParmDict = {'Sample load':[],} elif 'PDF' in histNames[0]: sampleParmDict = {'Temperature':[]} else: sampleParmDict = {'Temperature':[],'Pressure':[],'Time':[], 'FreePrm1':[],'FreePrm2':[],'FreePrm3':[],'Omega':[], 'Chi':[],'Phi':[],'Azimuth':[],} Controls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData( G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root, 'Controls')) sampleParm = {} for name in histNames: if 'IMG' in name or 'PDF' in name: if name not in data: continue for item in sampleParmDict: sampleParmDict[item].append(data[name]['parmDict'].get(item,0)) else: if 'PDF' in name: name = 'PWDR' + name[4:] Id = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) if Id: sampleData = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,Id,'Sample Parameters')) else: # item missing from tree! stick in NaN's! sampleData = {} for item in sampleParmDict: sampleParmDict[item].append(sampleData.get(item,np.NaN)) for item in sampleParmDict: if sampleParmDict[item]: frstValue = sampleParmDict[item][0] if np.any(np.array(sampleParmDict[item])-frstValue): if item.startswith('FreePrm'): sampleParm[Controls[item]] = sampleParmDict[item] else: sampleParm[item] = sampleParmDict[item] return sampleParm def GetColumnInfo(col): '''returns column label, lists of values and errors (or None) for each column in the table for plotting. The column label is reformatted from Unicode to MatPlotLib encoding ''' colName = G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(col) plotName = variableLabels.get(colName,colName) plotName = plotSpCharFix(plotName) return plotName,G2frame.colList[col],G2frame.colSigs[col] def PlotSelectedColRow(calltyp='',event=None): '''Called to plot a selected column or row by clicking on a row or column label. N.B. This is called for LB click after the event is processed so that the column or row has been selected. For RB clicks, the event is processed here :param str calltyp: ='left'/'right', specifies if this was a left- or right-click, where a left click on row plots histogram; Right click on row plots V-C matrix; Left or right click on column: plots values in column :param obj event: from wx.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK ''' rows = [] cols = [] if calltyp == 'left': cols = G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedCols() rows = G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedRows() elif calltyp == 'right': r,c = event.GetRow(),event.GetCol() if r > -1: rows = [r,] elif c > -1: cols = [c,] if cols and calltyp == 'left': G2plt.PlotSelectedSequence(G2frame,cols,GetColumnInfo,SelectXaxis) elif cols and calltyp == 'right': SetLabelString(cols[0]) #only the 1st one selected! elif rows and calltyp == 'left': name = histNames[rows[0]] #only does 1st one selected if name.startswith('PWDR'): pickId = G2frame.PickId G2frame.PickId = G2frame.PatternId = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, G2frame.root, name) G2plt.PlotPatterns(G2frame,newPlot=False,plotType='PWDR') G2frame.PickId = pickId elif name.startswith('PDF'): pickId = G2frame.PickId G2frame.PickId = G2frame.PatternId = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, G2frame.root, name) PFdata = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.PickId,'PDF Controls')) G2plt.PlotISFG(G2frame,PFdata,plotType='G(R)') G2frame.PickId = pickId else: return elif rows and calltyp == 'right': name = histNames[rows[0]] #only does 1st one selected if name.startswith('PWDR'): if len(data[name].get('covMatrix',[])): G2plt.PlotCovariance(G2frame,data[name]) elif name.startswith('PDF'): print('make structure plot') else: G2frame.ErrorDialog( 'Select row or columns', 'Nothing selected in table. Click on column or row label(s) to plot. N.B. Grid selection can be a bit funky.' ) def SetLabelString(col): '''Define or edit the label for a column in the table, to be used as a tooltip and for plotting ''' if col < 0 or col > len(colLabels): return var = colLabels[col] lbl = variableLabels.get(var,G2obj.fmtVarDescr(var)) head = u'Set a new name for variable {} (column {})'.format(var,col) dlg = G2G.SingleStringDialog(G2frame,'Set variable label', head,lbl,size=(400,-1)) if dlg.Show(): variableLabels[var] = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() wx.CallAfter(UpdateSeqResults,G2frame,data) # redisplay variables else: dlg.Destroy() def PlotLeftSelect(event): 'Called by a left MB click on a row or column label. ' event.Skip() wx.CallAfter(PlotSelectedColRow,'left') def PlotRightSelect(event): 'Called by a right MB click on a row or column label' PlotSelectedColRow('right',event) def OnPlotSelSeq(event): 'plot the selected columns or row from menu command' cols = sorted(G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedCols()) # ignore selection order rows = G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedRows() if cols: G2plt.PlotSelectedSequence(G2frame,cols,GetColumnInfo,SelectXaxis) elif rows: name = histNames[rows[0]] #only does 1st one selected G2plt.PlotCovariance(G2frame,data[name]) else: G2frame.ErrorDialog('Select columns', 'No columns or rows selected in table. Click on row or column labels to select fields for plotting.') def OnAveSelSeq(event): 'average the selected columns from menu command' cols = sorted(G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedCols()) # ignore selection order useCol = ~np.array(G2frame.SeqTable.GetColValues(1),dtype=bool) if cols: for col in cols: items = GetColumnInfo(col)[1] noneMask = np.array([item is None for item in items]) info = ma.array(items,mask=useCol+noneMask) ave = ma.mean(ma.compressed(info)) sig = ma.std(ma.compressed(info)) print (u' Average for '+G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(col)+u': '+'%.6g'%(ave)+u' +/- '+u'%.6g'%(sig)) else: G2frame.ErrorDialog('Select columns', 'No columns selected in table. Click on column labels to select fields for averaging.') def OnSelectUse(event): dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select rows to use','Select rows',histNames) sellist = [i for i,item in enumerate(G2frame.colList[1]) if item] dlg.SetSelections(sellist) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sellist = dlg.GetSelections() for row in range(G2frame.SeqTable.GetNumberRows()): G2frame.SeqTable.SetValue(row,1,False) G2frame.colList[1][row] = False for row in sellist: G2frame.SeqTable.SetValue(row,1,True) G2frame.colList[1][row] = True G2frame.dataDisplay.ForceRefresh() dlg.Destroy() def OnRenameSelSeq(event): cols = sorted(G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedCols()) # ignore selection order colNames = [G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(c) for c in cols] newNames = colNames[:] for i,name in enumerate(colNames): if name in variableLabels: newNames[i] = variableLabels[name] if not cols: G2frame.ErrorDialog('Select columns', 'No columns selected in table. Click on column labels to select fields for rename.') return dlg = G2G.MultiStringDialog(G2frame.dataDisplay,'Set column names',colNames,newNames) if dlg.Show(): newNames = dlg.GetValues() variableLabels.update(dict(zip(colNames,newNames))) data['variableLabels'] = variableLabels dlg.Destroy() UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables G2plt.PlotSelectedSequence(G2frame,cols,GetColumnInfo,SelectXaxis) def OnSaveSelSeqCSV(event): 'export the selected columns to a .csv file from menu command' OnSaveSelSeq(event,csv=True) def OnSaveSeqCSV(event): 'export all columns to a .csv file from menu command' OnSaveSelSeq(event,csv=True,allcols=True) def OnSaveSelSeq(event,csv=False,allcols=False): 'export the selected columns to a .txt or .csv file from menu command' def WriteLine(line): if '2' in platform.python_version_tuple()[0]: SeqFile.write(G2obj.StripUnicode(line)) else: SeqFile.write(line) def WriteCSV(): def WriteList(headerItems): line = '' for lbl in headerItems: if line: line += ',' line += '"'+lbl+'"' return line head = ['name'] for col in cols: # Excel does not like unicode item = G2obj.StripUnicode(G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(col)) if col in havesig: head += [item,'esd-'+item] else: head += [item] WriteLine(WriteList(head)+'\n') for row,name in enumerate(saveNames): line = '"'+saveNames[row]+'"' for col in cols: if saveData[col][row] is None: if col in havesig: # line += ',0.0,0.0' line += ',,' else: # line += ',0.0' line += ',' else: if col in havesig: line += ','+str(saveData[col][row])+','+str(saveSigs[col][row]) else: line += ','+str(saveData[col][row]) WriteLine(line+'\n') def WriteSeq(): lenName = len(saveNames[0]) line = ' %s '%('name'.center(lenName)) for col in cols: item = G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(col) if col in havesig: line += ' %12s %12s '%(,'esd'.center(12)) else: line += ' %12s '%( WriteLine(line+'\n') for row,name in enumerate(saveNames): line = " '%s' "%(saveNames[row]) for col in cols: if col in havesig: try: line += ' %12.6f %12.6f '%(saveData[col][row],saveSigs[col][row]) except TypeError: line += ' ' else: try: line += ' %12.6f '%saveData[col][row] except TypeError: line += ' ' WriteLine(line+'\n') # start of OnSaveSelSeq code if allcols: cols = range(G2frame.SeqTable.GetNumberCols()) else: cols = sorted(G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedCols()) # ignore selection order nrows = G2frame.SeqTable.GetNumberRows() if not cols: choices = [G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(r) for r in range(G2frame.SeqTable.GetNumberCols())] dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select columns to write', 'select columns',choices) #dlg.SetSelections() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: cols = dlg.GetSelections() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return #G2frame.ErrorDialog('Select columns', # 'No columns selected in table. Click on column labels to select fields for output.') #return saveNames = [G2frame.SeqTable.GetRowLabelValue(r) for r in range(nrows)] saveData = {} saveSigs = {} havesig = [] for col in cols: name,vals,sigs = GetColumnInfo(col) saveData[col] = vals if sigs: havesig.append(col) saveSigs[col] = sigs if csv: wild = 'CSV output file (*.csv)|*.csv' else: wild = 'Text output file (*.txt)|*.txt' pth = G2G.GetExportPath(G2frame) dlg = wx.FileDialog( G2frame, 'Choose text output file for your selection', pth, '', wild,wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: SeqTextFile = dlg.GetPath() SeqTextFile = G2IO.FileDlgFixExt(dlg,SeqTextFile) SeqFile = open(SeqTextFile,'w') if csv: WriteCSV() else: WriteSeq() SeqFile.close() finally: dlg.Destroy() def striphist(var,insChar=''): 'strip a histogram number from a var name' sv = var.split(':') if len(sv) <= 1: return var if sv[1]: sv[1] = insChar return ':'.join(sv) def plotSpCharFix(lbl): 'Change selected unicode characters to their matplotlib equivalent' for u,p in [ (u'\u03B1',r'$\alpha$'), (u'\u03B2',r'$\beta$'), (u'\u03B3',r'$\gamma$'), (u'\u0394\u03C7',r'$\Delta\chi$'), ]: lbl = lbl.replace(u,p) return lbl def SelectXaxis(): 'returns a selected column number (or None) as the X-axis selection' ncols = G2frame.SeqTable.GetNumberCols() colNames = [G2frame.SeqTable.GetColLabelValue(r) for r in range(ncols)] dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog( G2frame.dataDisplay, 'Select x-axis parameter for\nplot (Cancel=sequence #)', 'Select X-axis', colNames) try: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: col = dlg.GetSelection() else: col = None finally: dlg.Destroy() return col def EnablePseudoVarMenus(): 'Enables or disables the PseudoVar menu items that require existing defs' if data['SeqPseudoVars']: val = True else: val = False G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialPvars.Enable(G2G.wxID_DELSEQVAR,val) G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialPvars.Enable(G2G.wxID_EDITSEQVAR,val) def DelPseudoVar(event): 'Ask the user to select a pseudo var expression to delete' choices = list(data['SeqPseudoVars'].keys()) selected = G2G.ItemSelector( choices,G2frame, multiple=True, title='Select expressions to remove', header='Delete expression') if selected is None: return for item in selected: del data['SeqPseudoVars'][choices[item]] if selected: UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables def EditPseudoVar(event): 'Edit an existing pseudo var expression' choices = list(data['SeqPseudoVars'].keys()) if len(choices) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = G2G.ItemSelector( choices,G2frame, multiple=False, title='Select an expression to edit', header='Edit expression') if selected is not None: dlg = G2exG.ExpressionDialog( G2frame.dataDisplay,PSvarDict, data['SeqPseudoVars'][choices[selected]], header="Edit the PseudoVar expression", VarLabel="PseudoVar #"+str(selected+1), fit=False) newobj = dlg.Show(True) if newobj: calcobj = G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj(newobj) del data['SeqPseudoVars'][choices[selected]] data['SeqPseudoVars'][calcobj.eObj.expression] = newobj UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables def AddNewPseudoVar(event): 'Create a new pseudo var expression' dlg = G2exG.ExpressionDialog(G2frame.dataDisplay,PSvarDict, header='Enter an expression for a PseudoVar here', VarLabel = "New PseudoVar",fit=False) obj = dlg.Show(True) dlg.Destroy() if obj: calcobj = G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj(obj) data['SeqPseudoVars'][calcobj.eObj.expression] = obj UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables def AddNewDistPseudoVar(event): obj = None dlg = G2exG.BondDialog( G2frame.dataDisplay,Phases,PSvarDict, VarLabel = "New Bond") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: pName,Oatom,Tatom = dlg.GetSelection() if Tatom: Phase = Phases[pName] General = Phase['General'] cx,ct = General['AtomPtrs'][:2] pId = Phase['pId'] SGData = General['SGData'] sB = Tatom.find('(')+1 symNo = 0 if sB: sF = Tatom.find(')') symNo = int(Tatom[sB:sF]) cellNo = [0,0,0] cB = Tatom.find('[') if cB>0: cF = Tatom.find(']')+1 cellNo = eval(Tatom[cB:cF]) Atoms = Phase['Atoms'] aNames = [atom[ct-1] for atom in Atoms] oId = aNames.index(Oatom) tId = aNames.index(Tatom.split(' +')[0]) # create an expression object obj = G2obj.ExpressionObj() obj.expression = 'Dist(%s,\n%s)'%(Oatom,Tatom.split(' d=')[0].replace(' ','')) obj.distance_dict = {'pId':pId,'SGData':SGData,'symNo':symNo,'cellNo':cellNo} obj.distance_atoms = [oId,tId] else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() if obj: data['SeqPseudoVars'][obj.expression] = obj UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables def AddNewAnglePseudoVar(event): obj = None dlg = G2exG.AngleDialog( G2frame.dataDisplay,Phases,PSvarDict, header='Enter an Angle here', VarLabel = "New Angle") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: pName,Oatom,Tatoms = dlg.GetSelection() if Tatoms: obj = G2obj.makeAngleObj(Phases[pName],Oatom,Tatoms) else: dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() if obj: data['SeqPseudoVars'][obj.expression] = obj UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables def UpdateParmDict(parmDict): '''generate the atom positions and the direct & reciprocal cell values, because they might be needed to evaluate the pseudovar #TODO - effect of ISO modes? ''' Ddict = dict(zip(['D11','D22','D33','D12','D13','D23'], ['A'+str(i) for i in range(6)]) ) delList = [] phaselist = [] for item in parmDict: if ':' not in item: continue key = item.split(':') if len(key) < 3: continue # remove the dA[xyz] terms, they would only bring confusion if key[0] and key[0] not in phaselist: phaselist.append(key[0]) if key[2].startswith('dA'): delList.append(item) # compute and update the corrected reciprocal cell terms using the Dij values elif key[2] in Ddict: akey = key[0]+'::'+Ddict[key[2]] parmDict[akey] += parmDict[item] delList.append(item) for item in delList: del parmDict[item] for i in phaselist: pId = int(i) # apply cell symmetry try: A,zeros = G2stIO.cellFill(str(pId)+'::',SGdata[pId],parmDict,zeroDict[pId]) # convert to direct cell & add the unique terms to the dictionary try: dcell = G2lat.A2cell(A) except: print('phase',pId,'Invalid cell tensor',A) raise ValueError('Invalid cell tensor in phase '+str(pId)) for i,val in enumerate(dcell): if i in uniqCellIndx[pId]: lbl = str(pId)+'::'+G2lat.cellUlbl[i] parmDict[lbl] = val lbl = str(pId)+'::'+'Vol' parmDict[lbl] = G2lat.calc_V(A) except KeyError: pass return parmDict def EvalPSvarDeriv(calcobj,parmDict,sampleDict,var,ESD): '''Evaluate an expression derivative with respect to a GSAS-II variable name. Note this likely could be faster if the loop over calcobjs were done inside after the Dict was created. ''' if not ESD: return 0. step = ESD/10 Ddict = dict(zip(['D11','D22','D33','D12','D13','D23'], ['A'+str(i) for i in range(6)]) ) results = [] phaselist = [] VparmDict = sampleDict.copy() for incr in step,-step: VparmDict.update(parmDict.copy()) # as saved, the parmDict has updated 'A[xyz]' values, but 'dA[xyz]' # values are not zeroed: fix that! VparmDict.update({item:0.0 for item in parmDict if 'dA' in item}) VparmDict[var] += incr G2mv.Dict2Map(VparmDict) # apply constraints # generate the atom positions and the direct & reciprocal cell values now, because they might # needed to evaluate the pseudovar for item in VparmDict: if item in sampleDict: continue if ':' not in item: continue key = item.split(':') if len(key) < 3: continue # apply any new shifts to atom positions if key[2].startswith('dA'): VparmDict[''.join(item.split('d'))] += VparmDict[item] VparmDict[item] = 0.0 # compute and update the corrected reciprocal cell terms using the Dij values if key[2] in Ddict: if key[0] not in phaselist: phaselist.append(key[0]) akey = key[0]+'::'+Ddict[key[2]] VparmDict[akey] += VparmDict[item] for i in phaselist: pId = int(i) # apply cell symmetry try: A,zeros = G2stIO.cellFill(str(pId)+'::',SGdata[pId],VparmDict,zeroDict[pId]) # convert to direct cell & add the unique terms to the dictionary for i,val in enumerate(G2lat.A2cell(A)): if i in uniqCellIndx[pId]: lbl = str(pId)+'::'+G2lat.cellUlbl[i] VparmDict[lbl] = val lbl = str(pId)+'::'+'Vol' VparmDict[lbl] = G2lat.calc_V(A) except KeyError: pass # dict should be fully updated, use it & calculate calcobj.SetupCalc(VparmDict) results.append(calcobj.EvalExpression()) if None in results: return None return (results[0] - results[1]) / (2.*step) def EnableParFitEqMenus(): 'Enables or disables the Parametric Fit menu items that require existing defs' if data['SeqParFitEqList']: val = True else: val = False G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialPfit.Enable(G2G.wxID_DELPARFIT,val) G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialPfit.Enable(G2G.wxID_EDITPARFIT,val) G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialPfit.Enable(G2G.wxID_DOPARFIT,val) def ParEqEval(Values,calcObjList,varyList): '''Evaluate the parametric expression(s) :param list Values: a list of values for each variable parameter :param list calcObjList: a list of :class:`GSASIIobj.ExpressionCalcObj` expression objects to evaluate :param list varyList: a list of variable names for each value in Values ''' result = [] for calcobj in calcObjList: calcobj.UpdateVars(varyList,Values) if calcobj.depSig: result.append((calcobj.depVal-calcobj.EvalExpression())/calcobj.depSig) else: result.append(calcobj.depVal-calcobj.EvalExpression()) return result def DoParEqFit(event,eqObj=None): 'Parametric fit minimizer' varyValueDict = {} # dict of variables and their initial values calcObjList = [] # expression objects, ready to go for each data point if eqObj is not None: eqObjList = [eqObj,] else: eqObjList = data['SeqParFitEqList'] UseFlags = G2frame.SeqTable.GetColValues(1) for obj in eqObjList: # assemble refined vars for this equation varyValueDict.update({var:val for var,val in obj.GetVariedVarVal()}) # lookup dependent var position depVar = obj.GetDepVar() if depVar in colLabels: indx = colLabels.index(depVar) else: raise Exception('Dependent variable '+depVar+' not found') # assemble a list of the independent variables indepVars = obj.GetIndependentVars() # loop over each datapoint for j,row in enumerate(zip(*G2frame.colList)): if not UseFlags[j]: continue # assemble equations to fit calcobj = G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj(obj) # prepare a dict of needed independent vars for this expression indepVarDict = {var:row[i] for i,var in enumerate(colLabels) if var in indepVars} calcobj.SetupCalc(indepVarDict) # values and sigs for current value of dependent var if row[indx] is None: continue calcobj.depVal = row[indx] if G2frame.colSigs[indx]: calcobj.depSig = G2frame.colSigs[indx][j] else: calcobj.depSig = 1. calcObjList.append(calcobj) # varied parameters varyList = varyValueDict.keys() values = varyValues = [varyValueDict[key] for key in varyList] if not varyList: print ('no variables to refine!') return try: result = so.leastsq(ParEqEval,varyValues,full_output=True, #ftol=Ftol, args=(calcObjList,varyList)) values = result[0] covar = result[1] if covar is None: raise Exception chisq = np.sum(result[2]['fvec']**2) GOF = np.sqrt(chisq/(len(calcObjList)-len(varyList))) esdDict = {} for i,avar in enumerate(varyList): esdDict[avar] = np.sqrt(covar[i,i]) except: print('====> Fit failed') return print('==== Fit Results ====') print (' chisq = %.2f, GOF = %.2f'%(chisq,GOF)) for obj in eqObjList: obj.UpdateVariedVars(varyList,values) ind = ' ' print(u' '+obj.GetDepVar()+u' = '+obj.expression) for var in obj.assgnVars: print(ind+var+u' = '+obj.assgnVars[var]) for var in obj.freeVars: avar = "::"+obj.freeVars[var][0] val = obj.freeVars[var][1] if obj.freeVars[var][2]: print(ind+var+u' = '+avar + " = " + G2mth.ValEsd(val,esdDict[avar])) else: print(ind+var+u' = '+avar + u" =" + G2mth.ValEsd(val,0)) # create a plot for each parametric variable for fitnum,obj in enumerate(eqObjList): calcobj = G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj(obj) # lookup dependent var position indx = colLabels.index(obj.GetDepVar()) # assemble a list of the independent variables indepVars = obj.GetIndependentVars() # loop over each datapoint fitvals = [] for j,row in enumerate(zip(*G2frame.colList)): calcobj.SetupCalc({var:row[i] for i,var in enumerate(colLabels) if var in indepVars}) fitvals.append(calcobj.EvalExpression()) G2plt.PlotSelectedSequence(G2frame,[indx],GetColumnInfo,SelectXaxis,fitnum,fitvals) def SingleParEqFit(eqObj): DoParEqFit(None,eqObj) def DelParFitEq(event): 'Ask the user to select function to delete' txtlst = [obj.GetDepVar()+' = '+obj.expression for obj in data['SeqParFitEqList']] selected = G2G.ItemSelector( txtlst,G2frame, multiple=True, title='Select a parametric equation(s) to remove', header='Delete equation') if selected is None: return data['SeqParFitEqList'] = [obj for i,obj in enumerate(data['SeqParFitEqList']) if i not in selected] EnableParFitEqMenus() if data['SeqParFitEqList']: DoParEqFit(event) def EditParFitEq(event): 'Edit an existing parametric equation' txtlst = [obj.GetDepVar()+' = '+obj.expression for obj in data['SeqParFitEqList']] if len(txtlst) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = G2G.ItemSelector( txtlst,G2frame, multiple=False, title='Select a parametric equation to edit', header='Edit equation') if selected is not None: dlg = G2exG.ExpressionDialog(G2frame.dataDisplay,VarDict, data['SeqParFitEqList'][selected],depVarDict=VarDict, header="Edit the formula for this minimization function", ExtraButton=['Fit',SingleParEqFit],wildCard=False) newobj = dlg.Show(True) if newobj: data['SeqParFitEqList'][selected] = newobj EnableParFitEqMenus() if data['SeqParFitEqList']: DoParEqFit(event) def AddNewParFitEq(event): 'Create a new parametric equation to be fit to sequential results' # compile the variable names used in previous freevars to avoid accidental name collisions usedvarlist = [] for obj in data['SeqParFitEqList']: for var in obj.freeVars: if obj.freeVars[var][0] not in usedvarlist: usedvarlist.append(obj.freeVars[var][0]) dlg = G2exG.ExpressionDialog(G2frame.dataDisplay,VarDict,depVarDict=VarDict, header='Define an equation to minimize in the parametric fit', ExtraButton=['Fit',SingleParEqFit],usedVars=usedvarlist,wildCard=False) obj = dlg.Show(True) dlg.Destroy() if obj: data['SeqParFitEqList'].append(obj) EnableParFitEqMenus() if data['SeqParFitEqList']: DoParEqFit(event) def CopyParFitEq(event): 'Copy an existing parametric equation to be fit to sequential results' # compile the variable names used in previous freevars to avoid accidental name collisions usedvarlist = [] for obj in data['SeqParFitEqList']: for var in obj.freeVars: if obj.freeVars[var][0] not in usedvarlist: usedvarlist.append(obj.freeVars[var][0]) txtlst = [obj.GetDepVar()+' = '+obj.expression for obj in data['SeqParFitEqList']] if len(txtlst) == 1: selected = 0 else: selected = G2G.ItemSelector( txtlst,G2frame, multiple=False, title='Select a parametric equation to copy', header='Copy equation') if selected is not None: newEqn = copy.deepcopy(data['SeqParFitEqList'][selected]) for var in newEqn.freeVars: newEqn.freeVars[var][0] = G2obj.MakeUniqueLabel(newEqn.freeVars[var][0],usedvarlist) dlg = G2exG.ExpressionDialog( G2frame.dataDisplay,VarDict,newEqn,depVarDict=VarDict, header="Edit the formula for this minimization function", ExtraButton=['Fit',SingleParEqFit],wildCard=False) newobj = dlg.Show(True) if newobj: data['SeqParFitEqList'].append(newobj) EnableParFitEqMenus() if data['SeqParFitEqList']: DoParEqFit(event) def GridSetToolTip(row,col): '''Routine to show standard uncertainties for each element in table as a tooltip ''' if G2frame.colSigs[col]: if G2frame.colSigs[col][row] == -0.1: return 'frozen' return u'\u03c3 = '+str(G2frame.colSigs[col][row]) return '' def GridColLblToolTip(col): '''Define a tooltip for a column. This will be the user-entered value (from data['variableLabels']) or the default name ''' if col < 0 or col > len(colLabels): print ('Illegal column #%d'%col) return var = colLabels[col] return variableLabels.get(var,G2obj.fmtVarDescr(var)) def DoSequentialExport(event): '''Event handler for all Sequential Export menu items ''' if event.GetId() == G2G.wxID_XPORTSEQFCIF: G2IO.ExportSequentialFullCIF(G2frame,data,Controls) return vals = G2frame.dataWindow.SeqExportLookup.get(event.GetId()) if vals is None: print('Error: Id not found. This should not happen!') return G2IO.ExportSequential(G2frame,data,*vals) def onSelectSeqVars(event): '''Select which variables will be shown in table''' hides = [saveColLabels[2:].index(item) for item in G2frame.SeqTblHideList if item in saveColLabels[2:]] dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select columns to hide', 'Hide columns',saveColLabels[2:]) dlg.SetSelections(hides) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: G2frame.SeqTblHideList = [saveColLabels[2:][sel] for sel in dlg.GetSelections()] dlg.Destroy() UpdateSeqResults(G2frame,data,G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSize()) # redisplay variables else: dlg.Destroy() def OnCellChange(event): c = event.GetCol() if c != 1: return r = event.GetRow() val = G2frame.SeqTable.GetValue(r,c) data['Use'][r] = val G2frame.SeqTable.SetValue(r,c, val) def OnSelectUpdate(event): '''Update all phase parameters from a selected column in the Sequential Table. If no histogram is selected (or more than one), ask the user to make a selection. Loosely based on :func:`GSASIIstrIO.SetPhaseData` #TODO effect of ISO modes? ''' rows = G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedRows() if len(rows) == 1: sel = rows[0] else: dlg = G2G.G2SingleChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select a histogram to\nupdate phase from', 'Select row',histNames) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sel = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return parmDict = data[histNames[sel]]['parmDict'] Histograms,Phases = G2frame.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree() for phase in Phases: print('Updating {} from Seq. Ref. row {}'.format(phase,histNames[sel])) Phase = Phases[phase] General = Phase['General'] SGData = General['SGData'] Atoms = Phase['Atoms'] cell = General['Cell'] pId = Phase['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+'::' # there should not be any changes to the cell because those terms are not refined A,sigA = G2stIO.cellFill(pfx,SGData,parmDict,{}) cell[1:7] = G2lat.A2cell(A) cell[7] = G2lat.calc_V(A) textureData = General['SH Texture'] if textureData['Order']: for name in ['omega','chi','phi']: aname = pfx+'SH '+name textureData['Sample '+name][1] = parmDict[aname] for name in textureData['SH Coeff'][1]: aname = pfx+name textureData['SH Coeff'][1][name] = parmDict[aname] ik = 6 #for Pawley stuff below if General.get('Modulated',False): ik = 7 # how are these updated? #General['SuperVec'] #RBModels = Phase['RBModels'] if Phase['General'].get('doPawley'): pawleyRef = Phase['Pawley ref'] for i,refl in enumerate(pawleyRef): key = pfx+'PWLref:'+str(i) refl[ik] = parmDict[key] # if key in sigDict: #TODO: error here sigDict not defined. What was intended? # refl[ik+1] = sigDict[key] # else: # refl[ik+1] = 0 continue cx,ct,cs,cia = General['AtomPtrs'] for i,at in enumerate(Atoms): names = {cx:pfx+'Ax:'+str(i),cx+1:pfx+'Ay:'+str(i),cx+2:pfx+'Az:'+str(i),cx+3:pfx+'Afrac:'+str(i), cia+1:pfx+'AUiso:'+str(i),cia+2:pfx+'AU11:'+str(i),cia+3:pfx+'AU22:'+str(i),cia+4:pfx+'AU33:'+str(i), cia+5:pfx+'AU12:'+str(i),cia+6:pfx+'AU13:'+str(i),cia+7:pfx+'AU23:'+str(i), cx+4:pfx+'AMx:'+str(i),cx+5:pfx+'AMy:'+str(i),cx+6:pfx+'AMz:'+str(i)} for ind in range(cx,cx+4): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] if at[cia] == 'I': at[cia+1] = parmDict[names[cia+1]] else: for ind in range(cia+2,cia+8): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] if General['Type'] == 'magnetic': for ind in range(cx+4,cx+7): at[ind] = parmDict[names[ind]] ind = General['AtomTypes'].index(at[ct]) if General.get('Modulated',False): AtomSS = at[-1]['SS1'] waveType = AtomSS['waveType'] for Stype in ['Sfrac','Spos','Sadp','Smag']: Waves = AtomSS[Stype] for iw,wave in enumerate(Waves): stiw = str(i)+':'+str(iw) if Stype == 'Spos': if waveType in ['ZigZag','Block',] and not iw: names = ['Tmin:'+stiw,'Tmax:'+stiw,'Xmax:'+stiw,'Ymax:'+stiw,'Zmax:'+stiw] else: names = ['Xsin:'+stiw,'Ysin:'+stiw,'Zsin:'+stiw, 'Xcos:'+stiw,'Ycos:'+stiw,'Zcos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Sadp': names = ['U11sin:'+stiw,'U22sin:'+stiw,'U33sin:'+stiw, 'U12sin:'+stiw,'U13sin:'+stiw,'U23sin:'+stiw, 'U11cos:'+stiw,'U22cos:'+stiw,'U33cos:'+stiw, 'U12cos:'+stiw,'U13cos:'+stiw,'U23cos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Sfrac': if 'Crenel' in waveType and not iw: names = ['Fzero:'+stiw,'Fwid:'+stiw] else: names = ['Fsin:'+stiw,'Fcos:'+stiw] elif Stype == 'Smag': names = ['MXsin:'+stiw,'MYsin:'+stiw,'MZsin:'+stiw, 'MXcos:'+stiw,'MYcos:'+stiw,'MZcos:'+stiw] for iname,name in enumerate(names): AtomSS[Stype][iw][0][iname] = parmDict[pfx+name] def OnEditSelectPhaseVars(event): '''Select phase parameters in a selected histogram in a sequential fit. This allows the user to set their value(s) ''' rows = G2frame.dataDisplay.GetSelectedRows() if len(rows) >= 1: selRows = rows else: dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select histogram(s) to update\nphase parameters', 'Select row',histNames) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selRows = dlg.GetSelections() else: selRows = [] dlg.Destroy() if len(selRows) == 0: return parmDict = data[histNames[selRows[0]]]['parmDict'] # narrow down to items w/o a histogram & having float values phaseKeys = [i for i in parmDict if ':' in i and i.split(':')[1] == ''] phaseKeys = [i for i in phaseKeys if type(parmDict[i]) not in (int,str,bool)] if len(selRows) == 1: lbl = "\nin {} ".format(histNames[selRows[0]]) else: lbl = "\nin {} histograms".format(len(selRows)) dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Choose phase parmDict item(s) to set'+lbl, 'Choose items to edit', phaseKeys) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: select = dlg.GetSelections() dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return if len(select) == 0: return l = [phaseKeys[i] for i in select] d = {i:parmDict[i] for i in l} val = G2G.CallScrolledMultiEditor(G2frame,len(l)*[d],l,l,CopyButton=True) if val: for sel in selRows: parmDict = data[histNames[sel]]['parmDict'] for key in d: # update values shown in table if parmDict[key] == d[key]: continue if key in data[histNames[sel]]['varyList']: i = data[histNames[sel]]['varyList'].index(key) data[histNames[sel]]['variables'][i] = d[key] data[histNames[sel]]['sig'][i] = 0 if key in data[histNames[sel]].get('depParmDict',{}): data[histNames[sel]]['depParmDict'][key] = (d[key],0) parmDict.update(d) # update values used in next fit wx.CallAfter(UpdateSeqResults,G2frame,data) # redisplay variables return #---- UpdateSeqResults: start processing sequential results here ########## # lookup table for unique cell parameters by symmetry if not data: print ('No sequential refinement results') return variableLabels = data.get('variableLabels',{}) data['variableLabels'] = variableLabels Histograms,Phases = G2frame.GetUsedHistogramsAndPhasesfromTree() ifPWDR = True if not len(Histograms) and not len(Phases): #SASD, REFD, PDF or IMG histogrms not PWDR or HKLF histNames = [name for name in data['histNames']] Controls = {} ifPWDR = False else: Controls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,'Controls')) # create a place to store Pseudo Vars & Parametric Fit functions, if not present if 'SeqPseudoVars' not in data: data['SeqPseudoVars'] = {} if 'SeqParFitEqList' not in data: data['SeqParFitEqList'] = [] histNames = [name for name in data['histNames'] if name in data] if G2frame.dataDisplay: G2frame.dataDisplay.Destroy() G2frame.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText("Select column to export; LMB/RMB column to plot data/change label; LMB/RMB on row for PWDR/Covariance plot",1) sampleParms = GetSampleParms() # get unit cell & symmetry for all phases & initial stuff for later use RecpCellTerms = {} SGdata = {} uniqCellIndx = {} initialCell = {} RcellLbls = {} zeroDict = {} for phase in Phases: phasedict = Phases[phase] pId = phasedict['pId'] pfx = str(pId)+'::' # prefix for A values from phase RcellLbls[pId] = [pfx+'A'+str(i) for i in range(6)] RecpCellTerms[pId] = G2lat.cell2A(phasedict['General']['Cell'][1:7]) zeroDict[pId] = dict(zip(RcellLbls[pId],6*[0.,])) SGdata[pId] = phasedict['General']['SGData'] laue = SGdata[pId]['SGLaue'] if laue == '2/m': laue += SGdata[pId]['SGUniq'] for symlist,celllist in G2lat.UniqueCellByLaue: if laue in symlist: uniqCellIndx[pId] = celllist break else: # should not happen uniqCellIndx[pId] = list(range(6)) for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]: initialCell[str(pId)+'::A'+str(i)] = RecpCellTerms[pId][i] G2gd.SetDataMenuBar(G2frame,G2frame.dataWindow.SequentialMenu) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSelectUse, id=G2G.wxID_SELECTUSE) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnRenameSelSeq, id=G2G.wxID_RENAMESEQSEL) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSaveSelSeq, id=G2G.wxID_SAVESEQSEL) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSaveSelSeqCSV, id=G2G.wxID_SAVESEQSELCSV) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSaveSeqCSV, id=G2G.wxID_SAVESEQCSV) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnPlotSelSeq, id=G2G.wxID_PLOTSEQSEL) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnAveSelSeq, id=G2G.wxID_AVESEQSEL) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSelectUpdate, id=G2G.wxID_UPDATESEQSEL) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnEditSelectPhaseVars, id=G2G.wxID_EDITSEQSELPHASE) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, onSelectSeqVars, id=G2G.wxID_ORGSEQINC) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, AddNewPseudoVar, id=G2G.wxID_ADDSEQVAR) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, AddNewDistPseudoVar, id=G2G.wxID_ADDSEQDIST) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, AddNewAnglePseudoVar, id=G2G.wxID_ADDSEQANGLE) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, DelPseudoVar, id=G2G.wxID_DELSEQVAR) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, EditPseudoVar, id=G2G.wxID_EDITSEQVAR) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, AddNewParFitEq, id=G2G.wxID_ADDPARFIT) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, CopyParFitEq, id=G2G.wxID_COPYPARFIT) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, DelParFitEq, id=G2G.wxID_DELPARFIT) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, EditParFitEq, id=G2G.wxID_EDITPARFIT) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, DoParEqFit, id=G2G.wxID_DOPARFIT) for id in G2frame.dataWindow.SeqExportLookup: G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, DoSequentialExport, id=id) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, OnSaveSeqCSV, id=G2G.wxID_XPORTSEQCSV) G2frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, DoSequentialExport, id=G2G.wxID_XPORTSEQFCIF) EnablePseudoVarMenus() EnableParFitEqMenus() combinedVaryList = [] # list of all varied parameters ; used for column headings atomsVaryList = {} # dict of atom coords varied in any histogram, includes dependent params # key is atom param name, value is esd parm name firstValueDict = {} # first value for each parameter; used to create VarDict for parametric fit pseudo vars GUI foundHistNames = [] # histograms to be used in sequential table maxPWL = 5 # number of Pawley vars to show missing = 0 newCellDict = {} PSvarDict = {} # contains 1st value for each parameter in parmDict # needed for creating & editing pseudovars PSvarDict.update(sampleParms) # scan through histograms to see what are available and to make a # list of all varied parameters; also create a dict that has the for i,name in enumerate(histNames): if name not in data: if missing < 5: print(" Warning: "+name+" not found") elif missing == 5: print (' Warning: more are missing') missing += 1 continue foundHistNames.append(name) for var,val,sig in zip(data[name]['varyList'],data[name]['variables'],data[name]['sig']): svar = striphist(var,'*') # wild-carded if 'PWL' in svar: if int(svar.split(':')[-1]) > maxPWL: continue if svar not in combinedVaryList: # add variables to list as they appear combinedVaryList.append(svar) firstValueDict[svar] = (val,sig) if '::dA' in var: atomsVaryList[var.replace('::dA','::A')] = var atomsVaryList.update({i.replace('::dA','::A'):i for i in data[name]['depParmDict'] if '::dA' in i}) # get all refined cell terms newCellDict.update(data[name].get('newCellDict',{})) # N.B. These Dij vars are missing a histogram # # make sure 1st reference to each parm is in PseudoVar dict tmp = copy.deepcopy(data[name].get('parmDict',{})) tmp = {striphist(var,'*'):tmp[var] for var in tmp} # replace histogram #s with "*" tmp.update(PSvarDict) PSvarDict = tmp if missing: print (' Warning: Total of %d data sets missing from sequential results'%(missing)) # make dict of varied cell parameters equivalents ESDlookup = {} # provides the Dij term for each Ak term (where terms are refined) Dlookup = {} # provides the Ak term for each Dij term (where terms are refined) cellAlist = [] for item in newCellDict: cellAlist.append(newCellDict[item][0]) if item in data.get('varyList',[]): ESDlookup[newCellDict[item][0]] = item Dlookup[item] = newCellDict[item][0] # add coordinate equivalents to lookup table for parm in atomsVaryList: Dlookup[atomsVaryList[parm]] = parm ESDlookup[parm] = atomsVaryList[parm] combinedVaryList.sort() histNames = foundHistNames # prevVaryList = [] posdict = {} # defines position for each entry in table; for inner # dict key is column number & value is parameter name histNumList = [] for i,name in enumerate(histNames): if name in Histograms: histNumList.append(list(Histograms.keys()).index(name)) # if prevVaryList != data[name]['varyList']: # this refinement has a different refinement list from previous # prevVaryList = data[name]['varyList'] posdict[name] = {} for var in data[name]['varyList']: svar = striphist(var,'*') if 'PWL' in svar: if int(svar.split(':')[-1]) > maxPWL: continue posdict[name][combinedVaryList.index(svar)] = svar ####-- build up the data table by columns ----------------------------------------------- nRows = len(histNames) if len(histNumList) != nRows: G2frame.colList = [list(range(nRows))] else: G2frame.colList = [histNumList] if len(data.get('Use',[])) != nRows: data['Use'] = nRows*[True] G2frame.colList += [data['Use']] G2frame.colSigs = [None,None,] colLabels = ['No.','Use',] Types = [wg.GRID_VALUE_LONG,wg.GRID_VALUE_BOOL,] # start with Rwp values if 'IMG ' not in histNames[0][:4]: G2frame.colList += [[data[name]['Rvals']['Rwp'] for name in histNames]] G2frame.colSigs += [None] colLabels += ['Rwp'] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,3',] if histNames[0][:4] not in ['SASD','IMG ','REFD','PDF ']: G2frame.colList += [[data[name]['Rvals']['GOF'] for name in histNames]] G2frame.colSigs += [None] colLabels += ['GOF'] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,3',] # add % change in Chi^2 in last cycle if histNames[0][:4] not in ['SASD','IMG ','REFD'] and Controls.get('ShowCell'): G2frame.colList += [[100.*data[name]['Rvals'].get('DelChi2',-1) for name in histNames]] G2frame.colSigs += [None] colLabels += [u'\u0394\u03C7\u00B2 (%)'] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5',] deltaChiCol = len(colLabels)-1 # frozen variables? if 'parmFrozen' in Controls: f = [len(Controls['parmFrozen'].get(h,[])) for h in histNames] if any(f): G2frame.colList += [f] G2frame.colSigs += [None] colLabels += ['frozen'] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_LONG] # add changing sample parameters to table for key in sampleParms: G2frame.colList += [sampleParms[key]] G2frame.colSigs += [None] colLabels += [key] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT,] sampleDict = {} for i,name in enumerate(histNames): sampleDict[name] = dict(zip(sampleParms.keys(),[sampleParms[key][i] for key in sampleParms.keys()])) # add unique cell parameters if Controls.get('ShowCell',False) and len(newCellDict): phaseLookup = {Phases[phase]['pId']:phase for phase in Phases} for pId in sorted(RecpCellTerms): pfx = str(pId)+'::' # prefix for A values from phase cells = [] cellESDs = [] colLabels += [pfx+G2lat.cellUlbl[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]] colLabels += [pfx+'Vol'] Types += (len(uniqCellIndx[pId]))*[wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5',] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,3',] Albls = [pfx+'A'+str(i) for i in range(6)] for name in histNames: if name not in Histograms: continue hId = Histograms[name]['hId'] phfx = '%d:%d:'%(pId,hId) esdLookUp = {} dLookup = {} for item in data[name]['newCellDict']: if phfx+item.split('::')[1] in data[name]['varyList']: esdLookUp[newCellDict[item][0]] = item dLookup[item] = newCellDict[item][0] covData = {'varyList': [dLookup.get(striphist(v),v) for v in data[name]['varyList']], 'covMatrix': data[name]['covMatrix']} A = RecpCellTerms[pId][:] # make copy of starting A values # update with refined values for i,j in enumerate(('D11','D22','D33','D12','D13','D23')): var = str(pId)+'::A'+str(i) Dvar = str(pId)+':'+str(hId)+':'+j # apply Dij value if non-zero if Dvar in data[name]['parmDict']: if data[name]['parmDict'][Dvar] != 0.0: A[i] += data[name]['parmDict'][Dvar] # override with fit result if is Dij varied if var in cellAlist: try: A[i] = data[name]['newCellDict'][esdLookUp[var]][1] # get refined value except KeyError: pass # apply symmetry cellDict = dict(zip(Albls,A)) try: # convert to direct cell A,zeros = G2stIO.cellFill(pfx,SGdata[pId],cellDict,zeroDict[pId]) c = G2lat.A2cell(A) vol = G2lat.calc_V(A) cE = G2stIO.getCellEsd(pfx,SGdata[pId],A,covData) except: c = 6*[None] cE = 6*[None] vol = None # add only unique values to table if name in Phases[phaseLookup[pId]]['Histograms']: cells += [[c[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[vol]] cellESDs += [[cE[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[cE[-1]]] # add in direct cell terms to PseudoVar dict tmp = dict(zip([pfx+G2lat.cellUlbl[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[pfx+'Vol'], [c[i] for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[vol])) tmp.update(PSvarDict) PSvarDict = tmp else: cells += [[None for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[None]] cellESDs += [[None for i in uniqCellIndx[pId]]+[None]] G2frame.colList += zip(*cells) G2frame.colSigs += zip(*cellESDs) # get ISODISTORT labels ISOlist = [] for phase in Phases: ISOlist += [i.varname() for i in Phases[phase].get('ISODISTORT',{}).get('G2ModeList',[]) if i.varname() not in ISOlist] # set labels for columns of data table ISOcols = {} # ISODISTORT modes for i,lbl in enumerate(combinedVaryList): if 'nv-' in lbl: nlbl = lbl.replace('::nv-','::') if nlbl in ISOlist: lbl = nlbl ISOcols[lbl] = i colLabels.append(lbl) Types += len(combinedVaryList)*[wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT,] vals = [] esds = [] varsellist = None # will be a list of variable names in the order they are selected to appear # tabulate values for each hist, leaving None for blank columns for ih,name in enumerate(histNames): varsellist = [posdict[name].get(i) for i in range(len(combinedVaryList))] # translate variable names to how they will be used in the headings vs = [striphist(v,'*') for v in data[name]['varyList']] # determine the index for each column (or None) in the data[]['variables'] and ['sig'] lists sellist = [vs.index(v) if v is not None else None for v in varsellist] #sellist = [i if striphist(v,'*') in varsellist else None for i,v in enumerate(data[name]['varyList'])] if not varsellist: raise Exception() vals.append([data[name]['variables'][s] if s is not None else None for s in sellist]) #replace mode displacement shift with value; esd applies to both for pname in ISOcols: if pname in data[name]['parmDict']: vals[ih][ISOcols[pname]] = data[name]['parmDict'][pname] esds.append([data[name]['sig'][s] if s is not None else None for s in sellist]) G2frame.colList += zip(*vals) G2frame.colSigs += zip(*esds) # add refined atom parameters to table for parm in sorted(atomsVaryList): vals = [] sigs = [] aprm = atomsVaryList[parm] for name in histNames: if aprm in data[name]['varyList']: i = data[name]['parmDict'][parm] j = data[name]['sig'][data[name]['varyList'].index(aprm)] elif aprm in data[name]['depParmDict']: i = data[name]['parmDict'][parm] j = data[name]['depParmDict'][aprm][1] else: i = j = None vals.append(i) sigs.append(j) colLabels.append(parm) Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5',] G2frame.colSigs += [sigs] G2frame.colList += [vals] # tabulate dependent parameters from constraints, removing histogram numbers from # parm label, if needed. Add the dependent variables to the table depValDict = {} for name in histNames: for var in data[name].get('depParmDict',{}): if '::dA' in var: continue val,sig = data[name]['depParmDict'][var] svar = striphist(var,'*') if svar not in depValDict: depValDict[svar] = {} depValDict[svar][name] = (val,sig) for svar in sorted(depValDict): vals = [] sigs = [] for name in histNames: if name in depValDict[svar]: i,j = depValDict[svar][name] else: i = j = None vals.append(i) sigs.append(j) colLabels.append(svar) Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5',] G2frame.colSigs += [sigs] G2frame.colList += [vals] # evaluate Pseudovars, their ESDs and add them to grid # this should be reworked so that the eval dict is created once and as noted below for expr in data['SeqPseudoVars']: obj = data['SeqPseudoVars'][expr] calcobj = G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj(obj) valList = [] esdList = [] for seqnum,name in enumerate(histNames): sigs = data[name]['sig'] G2mv.InitVars() # parmDict = data[name].get('parmDict') parmDict = data[name]['parmDict'] constraintInfo = data[name].get('constraintInfo',[[],[],{},[],seqnum]) groups,parmlist,constrDict,fixedList,ihst = constraintInfo varyList = data[name]['varyList'] msg = G2mv.EvaluateMultipliers(constrDict,parmDict) if msg: print('Unable to interpret multiplier(s) for',name,':',msg) continue G2mv.GenerateConstraints(varyList,constrDict,fixedList,parmDict, seqHistNum=ihst,raiseException=False) if 'Dist' in expr: derivs = G2mth.CalcDistDeriv(obj.distance_dict,obj.distance_atoms, parmDict) pId = obj.distance_dict['pId'] aId,bId = obj.distance_atoms varyNames = ['%d::dA%s:%d'%(pId,ip,aId) for ip in ['x','y','z']] varyNames += ['%d::dA%s:%d'%(pId,ip,bId) for ip in ['x','y','z']] VCoV = G2mth.getVCov(varyNames,varyList,data[name]['covMatrix']) esdList.append(np.sqrt(np.inner(derivs,np.inner(VCoV,derivs.T)) )) elif 'Angle' in expr: derivs = G2mth.CalcAngleDeriv(obj.angle_dict,obj.angle_atoms, parmDict) pId = obj.angle_dict['pId'] aId,bId = obj.angle_atoms varyNames = ['%d::dA%s:%d'%(pId,ip,aId) for ip in ['x','y','z']] varyNames += ['%d::dA%s:%d'%(pId,ip,bId[0]) for ip in ['x','y','z']] varyNames += ['%d::dA%s:%d'%(pId,ip,bId[1]) for ip in ['x','y','z']] VCoV = G2mth.getVCov(varyNames,varyList,data[name]['covMatrix']) esdList.append(np.sqrt(np.inner(derivs,np.inner(VCoV,derivs.T)) )) else: derivs = np.array( # TODO: this needs to be reworked [EvalPSvarDeriv(calcobj,parmDict.copy(),sampleDict[name],var,ESD) for var,ESD in zip(varyList,sigs)]) # needs work: calls calcobj.SetupCalc each call time # integrate into G2obj.ExpressionCalcObj if None in list(derivs): esdList.append(None) else: esdList.append(np.sqrt( np.inner(derivs,np.inner(data[name]['covMatrix'],derivs.T)) )) psDict = parmDict.copy() psDict.update(sampleDict[name]) try: UpdateParmDict(psDict) except: print('UpdateParmDict error on histogram',name) calcobj.UpdateDict(psDict) valList.append(calcobj.EvalExpression()) # if is not None: esdList[-1] = if not esdList: esdList = None G2frame.colList += [valList] G2frame.colSigs += [esdList] colLabels += [expr] Types += [wg.GRID_VALUE_FLOAT+':10,5'] #---- table build done ------------------------------------------------------------- # clean up the PseudoVars dict by reomving dA[xyz] & Dij remDij = re.compile('[0-9]+:[0-9]*:D[123][123]') remdAxyz = re.compile('[0-9]+::dA[xyz]:[0-9]+') PSvarDict = {i:PSvarDict[i] for i in PSvarDict if not (remDij.match(i) or remdAxyz.match(i))} # remove selected columns from table saveColLabels = colLabels[:] if G2frame.SeqTblHideList is None: #set default hides G2frame.SeqTblHideList = [item for item in saveColLabels if 'Back' in item and ifPWDR] G2frame.SeqTblHideList += [item for item in saveColLabels if 'dA' in item] G2frame.SeqTblHideList += [item for item in saveColLabels if ':*:D' in item] #****************************************************************************** # create a set of values for example evaluation of parametric equation fitting VarDict = {} for i,var in enumerate(colLabels): if var in ['Use','Rwp',u'\u0394\u03C7\u00B2 (%)']: continue if G2frame.colList[i][0] is None: val,sig = firstValueDict.get(var,[None,None]) elif G2frame.colSigs[i]: val,sig = G2frame.colList[i][0],G2frame.colSigs[i][0] else: val,sig = G2frame.colList[i][0],None if striphist(var) not in Dlookup: VarDict[var] = val # add recip cell coeff. values VarDict.update({var:val for var,val in newCellDict.values()}) # remove items to be hidden from table for l in reversed(range(len(colLabels))): if colLabels[l] in G2frame.SeqTblHideList: del colLabels[l] del Types[l] del G2frame.colList[l] del G2frame.colSigs[l] if deltaChiCol == l: deltaChiCol = None # make a copy of the column labels substituting alternate labels when defined displayLabels = colLabels[:] for i,l in enumerate(colLabels): if l in variableLabels: displayLabels[i] = variableLabels[l] G2frame.dataWindow.ClearData() G2frame.dataWindow.currentGrids = [] G2frame.dataDisplay = G2G.GSGrid(parent=G2frame.dataWindow) G2frame.dataDisplay.SetScrollRate(10,10) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) topSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) topSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Sequential results:'),0,WACV) topSizer.Add((100,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) topSizer.Add(G2G.HelpButton(G2frame.dataWindow,helpIndex=G2frame.dataWindow.helpKey)) mainSizer.Add(topSizer) mainSizer.Add(G2frame.dataDisplay) G2frame.dataWindow.GetSizer().Add(mainSizer) if histNames[0].startswith('PWDR'): #rowLabels = [str(i)+': '+l[5:30] for i,l in enumerate(histNames)] rowLabels = [l[5:] for i,l in enumerate(histNames)] else: rowLabels = histNames G2frame.SeqTable = G2G.Table([list(cl) for cl in zip(*G2frame.colList)], # convert from columns to rows colLabels=displayLabels,rowLabels=rowLabels,types=Types) G2frame.dataDisplay.SetTable(G2frame.SeqTable, True) # make all Use editable all others ReadOnly for c in range(len(colLabels)): for r in range(nRows): if c == 1: G2frame.dataDisplay.SetReadOnly(r,c,isReadOnly=False) else: G2frame.dataDisplay.SetReadOnly(r,c,isReadOnly=True) if 'phoenix' in wx.version(): G2frame.dataDisplay.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED, OnCellChange) else: G2frame.dataDisplay.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, OnCellChange) G2frame.dataDisplay.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK, PlotLeftSelect) G2frame.dataDisplay.Bind(wg.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK, PlotRightSelect) G2frame.dataDisplay.SetRowLabelSize(8*len(histNames[0])) #pretty arbitrary 8 G2frame.dataDisplay.SetMargins(0,0) G2frame.dataDisplay.AutoSizeColumns(False) # highlight unconverged shifts if histNames[0][:4] not in ['SASD','IMG ','REFD',] and deltaChiCol is not None: for row,name in enumerate(histNames): if name not in Controls.get('Seq Data',{}): G2frame.dataDisplay.SetCellTextColour(row,0,wx.Colour(255,0,0)) deltaChi = G2frame.SeqTable.GetValue(row,deltaChiCol) try: if deltaChi > 10.: G2frame.dataDisplay.SetCellStyle(row,deltaChiCol,color=wx.Colour(255,0,0)) elif deltaChi > 1.0: G2frame.dataDisplay.SetCellStyle(row,deltaChiCol,color=wx.Colour(255,255,0)) except: pass G2frame.dataDisplay.InstallGridToolTip(GridSetToolTip,GridColLblToolTip) #G2frame.dataDisplay.SendSizeEvent() # resize needed on mac #G2frame.dataDisplay.Refresh() # shows colored text on mac G2frame.dataWindow.SetDataSize()
############################################################################################################### #UpdateClusterAnalysis: results ############################################################################################################### def UpdateClusterAnalysis(G2frame,ClusData,shoNum=-1): import scipy.spatial.distance as SSD import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as SCH import scipy.cluster.vq as SCV try: import sklearn.cluster as SKC import sklearn.ensemble as SKE import sklearn.neighbors as SKN import sklearn.svm as SKVM import sklearn.metrics as SKM ClusData['SKLearn'] = True except: ClusData['SKLearn'] = False SKLearnCite = '''If you use Scikit-Learn Cluster Analysis, please cite: 'Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python', Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G., Gramfort, A., Michel, V., Thirion, B., Grisel, O., Blondel, M., Prettenhofer, P., Weiss, R., Dubourg, V., Vanderplas, J., Passos, A., Cournapeau, D., Brucher, M., Perrot, M. and Duchesnay, E., Journal of Machine Learning Research (2011) 12, 2825-2830. ''' def FileSizer(): def OnSelectData(event): def GetCaLimits(names): ''' scan through data selected for cluster analysis to find highest lower & lowest upper limits param: data dict: Cluster analysis info ''' limits = [0.,1.e6] for name in names: item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) if 'PWDR' in name: x = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(item)[1][0] else: PDFControls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, item,'PDF Controls')) x = PDFControls['G(R)'][1][0] limits = [max(np.min(x),limits[0]),min(np.max(x),limits[1])] return limits choices = G2gd.GetGPXtreeDataNames(G2frame,['PWDR','PDF ']) if len(choices) == 0: G2G.G2MessageBox(G2frame,'No PWDR or PDF histograms found for cluster analysis.','No Histograms') return sel = [] try: if 'Cluster Data' in ClusData: sel = [choices.index(item) for item in ClusData['Cluster Data']['Files']] except ValueError: #data changed somehow - start fresh sel = [] dlg = G2G.G2MultiChoiceDialog(G2frame, 'Select datasets to include.\n PWDR or PDF', 'Cluster analysis data selection',choices) dlg.SetSelections(sel) names = [] Type = '' if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: for sel in dlg.GetSelections(): if not Type: Type = choices[sel].split()[0] if Type != choices[sel].split()[0]: G2G.G2MessageBox(G2frame,'Histogram types not all the same; revise selection','Histogram type mismatch') return names.append(choices[sel]) ClusData['Files'] = names limits = GetCaLimits(names) ClusData['Limits'] = [copy.copy(limits),limits] ClusData['DataMatrix'] = [] ClusData['ConDistMat'] = [] ClusData['CLuZ'] = None ClusData['codes'] = None ClusData['plots'] = 'All' dlg.Destroy() G2frame.SetTitleByGPX() wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) fileSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) Type = 'PWDR' if len(ClusData['Files']): if 'PDF' in ClusData['Files'][0]: Type = 'PDF' lbl = 'Cluster Analysis with %d %s datasets: '%(len(ClusData['Files']),Type) ClusData['Type'] = Type else: lbl = 'No data selected for Cluster Analysis' fileSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label=lbl),0,WACV) selSeqData = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label=' Select datasets') selSeqData.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnSelectData) fileSizer.Add(selSeqData,0,WACV) return fileSizer def LimitSizer(): def CheckLimits(invalid,value,tc): #TODO this needs a check on ultimate size of data array; loop over names & count points? if ClusData['Limits'][1][1] < ClusData['Limits'][1][0]: ClusData['Limits'][1] = [ClusData['Limits'][1][1],ClusData['Limits'][1][0]] ClusData['DataMatrix'] = [] ClusData['ConDistMat'] = [] ClusData['CLuZ'] = None wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) limitSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) limitSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Enter cluster analysis data limits: '),0,WACV) limitSizer.Add(G2G.ValidatedTxtCtrl(G2frame.dataWindow,ClusData['Limits'][1],0,nDig=(10,3), xmin=ClusData['Limits'][0][0],xmax=ClusData['Limits'][0][1],OnLeave=CheckLimits),0,WACV) limitSizer.Add(G2G.ValidatedTxtCtrl(G2frame.dataWindow,ClusData['Limits'][1],1,nDig=(10,3), xmin=ClusData['Limits'][0][0],xmax=ClusData['Limits'][0][1],OnLeave=CheckLimits),0,WACV) return limitSizer def GetYMatSize(): nData = 0 for name in ClusData['Files']: item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) if 'PWDR' in name: x = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(item)[1][0] else: PDFControls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, item,'PDF Controls')) x = PDFControls['G(R)'][1][0] iBeg = np.searchsorted(x,ClusData['Limits'][1][0]) iFin = np.searchsorted(x,ClusData['Limits'][1][1])+1 nData += (iFin-iBeg) return nData def OnMakeArray(event): Limits = ClusData['Limits'][1] Start = True nFiles = len(ClusData['Files']) CAmatrix = [] try: for iname,name in enumerate(ClusData['Files']): item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) if 'PWDR' in name: x = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(item)[1][0] y = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(item)[1][1] else: PDFControls = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, item,'PDF Controls')) x = PDFControls['G(R)'][1][0] y = PDFControls['G(R)'][1][1] iBeg = np.searchsorted(x,Limits[0]) iFin = np.searchsorted(x,Limits[1]) if Start: CAmatrix = np.empty((nFiles,iFin-iBeg+1)) CAmatrix[iname] = y[iBeg:iFin+1] Start = False else: CAmatrix[iname] = y[iBeg:iFin+1] except ValueError: G2G.G2MessageBox(G2frame, 'Data for %s is mismatched in length to those already processed or has different step size'%name, 'No Cluster Analysis possible') return ClusData['DataMatrix'] = CAmatrix ClusData['ConDistMat'] = [] ClusData['CLuZ'] = None wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) def MethodSizer(): def OnClusterMethod(event): ClusData['Method'] = method.GetValue() ClusData['ConDistMat'] = [] ClusData['CLuZ'] = None OnCompute(event) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) def OnCompute(event): if 'minkowski' in ClusData['Method']: ClusData['ConDistMat'] = SSD.pdist(ClusData['DataMatrix'],ClusData['Method'],p=int(ClusData['MinkP'])) else: ClusData['ConDistMat'] = SSD.pdist(ClusData['DataMatrix'],ClusData['Method']) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) def OnExponent(event): ClusData['MinkP'] = minp.GetValue() ClusData['ConDistMat'] = [] ClusData['CLuZ'] = None OnCompute(event) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) choice = ['braycurtis', 'canberra', 'chebyshev', 'cityblock', 'correlation', 'cosine', \ 'euclidean', 'jensenshannon', 'minkowski', 'seuclidean', 'sqeuclidean'] methsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) methsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Select cluster analysis distance method: '),0,WACV) method = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) method.SetValue(ClusData['Method']) method.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnClusterMethod) methsizer.Add(method,0,WACV) if 'minkowski' in ClusData['Method']: methsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label=' exponent: '),0,WACV) choicep = ['1','2','3','4','10'] minp = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choicep,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) minp.SetValue(ClusData['MinkP']) minp.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnExponent) methsizer.Add(minp,0,WACV) compute = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Compute distance matrix') compute.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnCompute) methsizer.Add(compute,0,WACV) return methsizer def HierSizer(): def OnLinkMethod(event): ClusData['LinkMethod'] = method.GetValue() OnCompute(event) def OnOptOrd(event): ClusData['Opt Order'] = not ClusData['Opt Order'] OnCompute(event) def OnCompute(event): ClusData['CLuZ'] = SCH.linkage(ClusData['ConDistMat'],method=ClusData['LinkMethod'],optimal_ordering=ClusData['Opt Order']) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) hierSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hierSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Hierarchical clustering: Select linkage method: '),0,WACV) choice = ['single','complete','average','weighted','centroid','median','ward',] method = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) method.SetValue(ClusData['LinkMethod']) method.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, OnLinkMethod) hierSizer.Add(method,0,WACV) optOrd = wx.CheckBox(G2frame.dataWindow,label=' Optimal order? ') optOrd.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX,OnOptOrd) optOrd.SetValue(ClusData['Opt Order']) hierSizer.Add(optOrd,0,WACV) compute = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Compute') compute.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnCompute) hierSizer.Add(compute,0,WACV) return hierSizer def kmeanSizer(): def OnClusNum(event): ClusData['NumClust'] = int(numclust.GetValue()) OnCompute(event) def OnCompute(event): whitMat = SCV.whiten(ClusData['DataMatrix']) codebook,dist = SCV.kmeans2(whitMat,ClusData['NumClust']) #use K-means++ ClusData['codes'],ClusData['dists'] = SCV.vq(whitMat,codebook) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) kmeanssizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) choice = [str(i) for i in range(2,16)] kmeanssizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='K-means clustering: select number of clusters (2-15): '),0,WACV) numclust = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) numclust.SetValue(str(ClusData['NumClust'])) numclust.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnClusNum) kmeanssizer.Add(numclust,0,WACV) compute = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Compute') compute.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnCompute) kmeanssizer.Add(compute) return kmeanssizer def OnPlotSel(event): ClusData['plots'] = plotsel.GetValue() if ClusData['plots'] == 'Suprise': G2plt.PlotClusterXYZ(G2frame,None,None,ClusData,PlotName='Suprise') else: G2plt.PlotClusterXYZ(G2frame,YM,XYZ,ClusData,PlotName=ClusData['Method'],Title=ClusData['Method']) def ScikitSizer(): def OnClusMethod(event): ClusData['Scikit'] = clusMethod.GetValue() OnCompute(event) def OnClusNum(event): ClusData['NumClust'] = int(numclust.GetValue()) OnCompute(event) def OnCompute(event): whitMat = SCV.whiten(ClusData['DataMatrix']) if ClusData['Scikit'] == 'K-Means': result = SKC.KMeans(n_clusters=ClusData['NumClust'],algorithm='elkan',init='k-means++').fit(whitMat) print('K-Means sum squared dist. to means %.2f'%result.inertia_) elif ClusData['Scikit'] == 'Spectral clustering': result = SKC.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=ClusData['NumClust']).fit(whitMat) elif ClusData['Scikit'] == 'Mean-shift': result = SKC.MeanShift().fit(whitMat) print('Number of Mean-shift clusters found: %d'%(np.max(result.labels_)+1)) elif ClusData['Scikit'] == 'Affinity propagation': result = SKC.AffinityPropagation(affinity='precomputed',damping=0.5).fit(SSD.squareform(ClusData['ConDistMat'])) print('Number of Affinity propagation clusters found: %d'%(np.max(result.labels_)+1)) elif ClusData['Scikit'] == 'Agglomerative clustering': result = SKC.AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=ClusData['NumClust'], affinity='precomputed',linkage='average').fit(SSD.squareform(ClusData['ConDistMat'])) ClusData['codes'] = result.labels_ ClusData['Metrics'] = Metrics(whitMat,result) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData) def Metrics(whitMat,result): if np.max(result.labels_) >= 1: Scoeff = SKM.silhouette_score(whitMat,result.labels_,metric='euclidean') print('Silhouette Coefficient: %.3f'%Scoeff) CHcoeff = SKM.calinski_harabasz_score(whitMat,result.labels_) print('Calinski-Harabasz index (Variance ratio): %.3f'%CHcoeff) DBcoeff = SKM.davies_bouldin_score(whitMat,result.labels_) print('Davies-Bouldin Index: %.3f'%DBcoeff) return Scoeff,CHcoeff,DBcoeff else: print('number of clusters found must be > 1 for metrics to be determined') return None scikitSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) scikitSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label=SKLearnCite)) choice = ['K-Means','Affinity propagation','Mean-shift','Spectral clustering','Agglomerative clustering'] clusSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) clusSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Select clustering method: '),0,WACV) clusMethod = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) clusMethod.SetValue(ClusData['Scikit']) clusMethod.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnClusMethod) clusSizer.Add(clusMethod,0,WACV) if ClusData['Scikit'] in ['K-Means','Spectral clustering','Agglomerative clustering']: nchoice = [str(i) for i in range(2,16)] clusSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label=' Select number of clusters (2-15): '),0,WACV) numclust = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=nchoice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) numclust.SetValue(str(ClusData['NumClust'])) numclust.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnClusNum) clusSizer.Add(numclust,0,WACV) compute = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Compute') compute.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnCompute) clusSizer.Add(compute,0,WACV) scikitSizer.Add(clusSizer) useTxt = '%s used the whitened data matrix'%ClusData['Scikit'] if ClusData['Scikit'] in ['Agglomerative clustering','Affinity propagation']: useTxt = '%s used %s for distance method'%(ClusData['Scikit'],ClusData['Method']) scikitSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label=useTxt)) if ClusData.get('Metrics',None) is not None: metrics = ClusData['Metrics'] scikitSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow, label='Metrics: Silhoutte: %.3f, Variance: %.3f, Davies-Bouldin: %.3f'%(metrics[0],metrics[1],metrics[2]))) return scikitSizer def memberSizer(): def OnClusNum(event): shoNum = int(numclust.GetValue()) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData,shoNum) def OnSelection(event): name = cluslist.GetStringSelection() item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) G2frame.PatternId = item if 'PWDR' in name: G2plt.PlotPatterns(G2frame,newPlot=False,plotType='PWDR') else: #PDF data = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, item,'PDF Controls')) G2plt.PlotISFG(G2frame,data,plotType='G(R)') #need 15 colors; values adjusted to match xkcs/PCA plot colors. NB: RGB reverse order from xkcd values. Colors = [['xkcd:blue',0xff0000],['xkcd:red',0x0000ff],['xkcd:green',0x00a000],['xkcd:cyan',0xd0d000], ['xkcd:magenta',0xa000a0],['xkcd:black',0x000000],['xkcd:pink',0xb469ff],['xkcd:brown',0x13458b], ['xkcd:teal',0x808000],['xkcd:orange',0x008cff],['xkcd:grey',0x808080],['xkcd:violet',0xe22b8a], ['xkcd:aqua',0xaaaa00],['xkcd:blueberry',0xcd5a6a],['xkcd:bordeaux',0x00008b]] NClust = np.max(ClusData['codes']) memSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) memSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Cluster populations (colors refer to cluster colors in PCA plot):')) for i in range(NClust+1): nPop= len(ClusData['codes'])-np.count_nonzero(ClusData['codes']-i) txt = wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Cluster #%d has %d members'%(i,nPop)) txt.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(Colors[i][1])) if wx.Colour(Colors[i][1]).GetLuminance() > 0.5: txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(50,50,50)) else: txt.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(200,200,200)) memSizer.Add(txt) headSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) headSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Select cluster to list members: '),0,WACV) choice = [str(i) for i in range(NClust+1)] numclust = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,value=str(shoNum),style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) numclust.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnClusNum) headSizer.Add(numclust,0,WACV) memSizer.Add(headSizer) if shoNum >= 0: memSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Members of cluster %d (select to show data plot):'%shoNum)) ClusList = [] for i,item in enumerate(ClusData['Files']): if ClusData['codes'][i] == shoNum: ClusList.append(item) cluslist = wx.ListBox(G2frame.dataWindow, choices=ClusList) cluslist.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(Colors[shoNum][1])) if wx.Colour(Colors[shoNum][1]).GetLuminance() > 0.5: cluslist.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(50,50,50)) else: cluslist.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(200,200,200)) cluslist.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX,OnSelection) memSizer.Add(cluslist) return memSizer def outlierSizer(): def OnOutSel(event): ClusData['OutMethod'] = outsel.GetValue() OnCompute(event) def OnCompute(event): if ClusData['OutMethod'] == 'One-Class SVM': ClusData['codes'] = SKVM.OneClassSVM().fit_predict(ClusData['DataMatrix']) #codes = 1 or -1 elif ClusData['OutMethod'] == 'Isolation Forest': ClusData['codes'] = SKE.IsolationForest().fit_predict(ClusData['DataMatrix']) elif ClusData['OutMethod'] == 'Local Outlier Factor': ClusData['codes'] = SKN.LocalOutlierFactor().fit_predict(ClusData['DataMatrix']) wx.CallAfter(UpdateClusterAnalysis,G2frame,ClusData,shoNum) outSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) outSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Outlier (bad data) analysis with Scikit-learn:')) choice = ['One-Class SVM','Isolation Forest','Local Outlier Factor'] outline = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) outline.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Select method: '),0,WACV) outsel = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) outsel.SetValue(ClusData['OutMethod']) outsel.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnOutSel) outline.Add(outsel,0,WACV) compute = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Compute') compute.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnCompute) outline.Add(compute,0,WACV) outSizer.Add(outline) return outSizer def OnSelection(event): name = outlist.GetStringSelection() item = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) G2frame.PatternId = item if 'PWDR' in name: G2frame.PatternId = G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame,G2frame.root,name) G2plt.PlotPatterns(G2frame,newPlot=False,plotType='PWDR') else: data = G2frame.GPXtree.GetItemPyData(G2gd.GetGPXtreeItemId(G2frame, item,'PDF Controls')) G2plt.PlotISFG(G2frame,data,plotType='G(R)') #patch ClusData['SKLearn'] = ClusData.get('SKLearn',False) ClusData['plots'] = ClusData.get('plots','All') ClusData['Scikit'] = ClusData.get('Scikit','K-Means') ClusData['OutMethod'] = ClusData.get('OutMethod','Isolation Forest') ClusData['MinkP'] = ClusData.get('MinkP','2') #end patch G2frame.dataWindow.ClearData() bigSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) mainSizer.Add((5,5),0) subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Scipy Cluster Analysis: '),0,WACV) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add((5,5),0) mainSizer.Add(FileSizer()) if len(ClusData['Files']): mainSizer.Add(LimitSizer()) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Cluster Analysis input data size: %d'%(GetYMatSize()))) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label= '(Examine any %s plot for reasonable limits; any change will clear Cluster data matrix) '%ClusData['Type'])) makeArray = wx.Button(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Make Cluster Analysis data array') makeArray.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,OnMakeArray) mainSizer.Add(makeArray) if len(ClusData['DataMatrix']): G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Distance Cluster Analysis:')) mainSizer.Add(MethodSizer()) YM = None if len(ClusData['ConDistMat']): YM = SSD.squareform(ClusData['ConDistMat']) U,s,VT = nl.svd(YM) #s are the Eigenvalues ClusData['PCA'] = s s[3:] = 0. S = np.diag(s) XYZ =,VT) G2plt.PlotClusterXYZ(G2frame,YM,XYZ[:3,:],ClusData,PlotName=ClusData['Method'],Title=ClusData['Method']) G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Hierarchical Cluster Analysis:')) mainSizer.Add(HierSizer()) G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='K-means Cluster Analysis:')) mainSizer.Add(kmeanSizer()) if 'dists' in ClusData: kmeansres = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) kmeansres.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='K-means ave. dist = %.2f'%np.mean(ClusData['dists']))) mainSizer.Add(kmeansres) if ClusData['codes'] is not None: G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) mainSizer.Add(memberSizer()) G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) plotSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) plotSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Plot selection: '),0,WACV) if ClusData['CLuZ'] is None: choice = ['All','Distances','3D PCA','2D PCA','Diffs','Suprise'] else: choice = ['All','Distances','Dendrogram','2D PCA','3D PCA','Diffs','Suprise'] plotsel = wx.ComboBox(G2frame.dataWindow,choices=choice,style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_DROPDOWN) plotsel.SetValue(str(ClusData['plots'])) plotsel.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,OnPlotSel) plotSizer.Add(plotsel,0,WACV) mainSizer.Add(plotSizer) if ClusData['SKLearn'] and len(ClusData['ConDistMat']): G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) subSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) subSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='Scikit-Learn Cluster Analysis: '),0,WACV) subSizer.Add((-1,-1),1,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(subSizer,0,wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(ScikitSizer()) if ClusData['SKLearn'] and len(ClusData['DataMatrix']) > 15: G2G.HorizontalLine(mainSizer,G2frame.dataWindow) mainSizer.Add(outlierSizer()) Nout = 0 if ClusData['codes'] is not None: Nout = len(ClusData['codes'])-np.count_nonzero(ClusData['codes']+1) if Nout > 0: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow, label='%d Probable outlier data found by %s (select to show data plot):'%(Nout,ClusData['OutMethod']))) OutList = [] for i,item in enumerate(ClusData['Files']): if ClusData['codes'][i] < 0: OutList.append(item) outlist = wx.ListBox(G2frame.dataWindow, choices=OutList) outlist.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX,OnSelection) mainSizer.Add(outlist) else: mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(G2frame.dataWindow,label='No outlier data found')) bigSizer.Add(mainSizer) bigSizer.Add(G2G.HelpButton(G2frame.dataWindow,helpIndex=G2frame.dataWindow.helpKey)) bigSizer.Layout() bigSizer.FitInside(G2frame.dataWindow) G2frame.dataWindow.SetSizer(bigSizer) G2frame.dataWindow.SetDataSize() G2frame.SendSizeEvent()