Source code for unit_tests

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'''At present,
only modules :mod:`GSASIIspc` and :mod:`GSASIIlattice` have self-tests
and these have not been tested or updated in many, many years. 

import GSASIIspc
import GSASIIlattice
[docs] def test_GSASIIspc(): '''Test registered self-tests in ``GSASIIspc``. Takes no input and returns nothing. Throws an Exception if a test fails. ''' #GSASIIspc.selftestquiet = False for test in GSASIIspc.selftestlist: test()
[docs] def test_GSASIIlattice(): '''Test registered self-tests in ``GSASIIlattice``. Takes no input and returns nothing. Throws an Exception if a test fails. ''' #GSASIIlattice.selftestquiet = False for test in GSASIIlattice.selftestlist: test()
if __name__ == '__main__': test_GSASIIspc() test_GSASIIlattice() print("OK")